
The general party branch of Sanyou New Village carried out theme party day activities

author:Big and small news

In order to further enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization, on June 26, the general party branch of Sanyou New Village, Dongting Street, Fushan District, organized more than 40 party members to carry out the theme party day activity of "Celebrating July 1st, Celebrating the Party's Grace and Welcoming the Birthday, and Writing a New Chapter".

Under the bright red party flag, Li Yuhai, secretary of the general party branch of Sanyou New Village, led the majority of party members to raise their right fists and review the oath of joining the party. In the sonorous and powerful oath, the party members once again accepted the ideological baptism, reviewed the solemn commitment and firm determination when joining the party, and reminded themselves with the solemn oath to keep in mind the original mission, always maintain the political nature, and play the vanguard and exemplary role of the communist party members with more enthusiasm.

The general party branch of Sanyou New Village carried out theme party day activities

After the oath, Li Yuhai took the opportunity of party discipline study and education, combined with the ideology and actual work of party members and cadres, and aimed at the risk points that rural party members are prone to violating discipline regulations, and gave party members a disciplinary party lesson entitled "Stressing Party Discipline and Not Forgetting the Original Intention, Learning Regulations and Keeping in Mind the Mission". "As a veteran party member, we must resolutely follow the provisions of the party constitution and party discipline, strictly restrain our words and deeds, do not do illegal and criminal things, touch the bottom line, and truly give play to the leading role of veteran party members." After the party class, the representatives of the party members of the party branches expressed their feelings one after another.

The general party branch of Sanyou New Village carried out theme party day activities

During the event, the general party branch of the new village distributed souvenirs to each party member. The small souvenirs further stimulate the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of party members to participate in the construction of the new village, and promote the integration of the village and the harmony of the people.

The general party branch of Sanyou New Village carried out theme party day activities

On the day of the event, the members of the new village team visited the old party members and party members in difficulty, cared about their physical and family life, and instructed them to report to the general party branch in time when they encounter problems in life, and at the same time hope that the old party members will continue to maintain the true character of party members, never forget the original intention, and continue to care about and support the work of the street working committee and office.

The "July 1st" theme party day activity further enhanced the emotional identity of the party members and cadres in the new village, and realized the unity of the village and the cohesion of the village. The general party branch of Sanyou New Village will continue to work hard in serving the masses, resource integration, grassroots governance and other aspects, strive to improve the standardized operation level of the new village, and strive to write a new chapter of "harmony and integrated development".

Editor-in-charge: Zou Chunxia

Edited by Quan Litong

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