
The DPRK held a mysterious meeting, and the United States, which was afraid of something, was anxious to ask the Chinese side for a guarantee

author:Professor Zheng Jiyong

A few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an official state visit to North Korea, his first visit to North Korea in nearly 25 years. As part of the visit, Putin and Kim Jong-un signed a defense agreement in the North Korean capital.

The DPRK held a mysterious meeting, and the United States, which was afraid of something, was anxious to ask the Chinese side for a guarantee

[Putin and Kim Jong-un sign military defense agreement]

The military treaty stipulates that "when either side is drawn into a state of war as a result of an armed invasion by one or more States, the other side shall immediately provide military and other assistance to the other by all means at its disposal". Based on this treaty, South Korean media and Kyiv Daily have reported recently that Pyongyang may send engineering troops to support Russian ground forces in the Donetsk region in the near future, and the troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield as soon as next month. In addition, the Korean Central News Agency also reported that shortly after Putin's departure from Pyongyang, North Korea also held a plenary meeting, at which five items of the agenda were approved, but did not disclose the details of the agenda, which could not be ruled out as an agenda related to military aid to Russia.

Is Pyongyang really going to send troops to support Russia? Although it is not yet certain, but in the eyes of the United States and other Western countries, this has obviously become an established fact, after all, the military exchanges between Russia and North Korea have always been very close, since last September, Putin and Kim Jong-un two leaders met in Russia, North Korea has provided Putin's army with nearly 2 million artillery shells, rockets for Russian multiple launch rocket systems, although Russia and North Korea have repeatedly denied it, but the fragments of artillery shells that appeared on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine confirmed this news.

Now that the defense agreement between the two countries has been signed, Russia and North Korea have become a de facto military alliance, and in this case, it seems logical for North Korea to send troops to support Russia.

The DPRK held a mysterious meeting, and the United States, which was afraid of something, was anxious to ask the Chinese side for a guarantee

[The number of weapons aided by North Korea to Russia continues to increase]

Some people may think that with North Korea's current military size and strength, even if it really ends up supporting Russia, it will not have much impact on the situation in the United States and Ukraine, after all, there is a huge NATO and EU organizations standing behind the United States and Ukraine, but this is not the case.

For the United States, the negative impact of North Korea's direct entry into the game is enormous:

First of all, from the perspective of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, Ukraine does not have an advantage on the battlefield at present, and its weak troops and the delay in the arrival of aid funds and weapons from the United States and other Western countries have led to its suppression by the Russian army.

Judging from Biden's recent "downtime" performance in the presidential debate, Trump is likely to become the next president of the United States, and it will be more difficult for Zelensky to take money from the United States; The EU itself is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and its own economic strength has declined sharply, coupled with its insistence on "decoupling" from China, which has led to countermeasures, and it is too busy to take care of Ukraine.

In this case, North Korea, which has sufficient labor and a complete military production system, and has hoarded a large amount of conventional ammunition, will undoubtedly be a great help to Russia if it dies in person, and if Russia wins in the end, the United States will undoubtedly be in vain.

The DPRK held a mysterious meeting, and the United States, which was afraid of something, was anxious to ask the Chinese side for a guarantee

[Biden performed extremely poorly in the Russian debate with Trump]

Second, from the perspective of the United States' global strategy, Russia-DPRK cooperation will bring considerable shocks to the layout of Northeast Asia, which it has painstakingly managed, and will produce a series of chain reactions.

The United States has long tried to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program through economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation. However, with Russia's military support and economic support, the U.S. sanctions against the DPRK are basically equivalent to nothing, and the DPRK has a great chance of "respite"; Moreover, with the "fanaticism" of Russia and North Korea on nuclear weapons, their cooperation will directly challenge the US military presence in Northeast Asia, and the "iron triangle of the United States, Japan, and South Korea" that Biden has managed to form may face the risk of collapse.

More importantly, the United States fears that China may also join the military alliance between Russia and North Korea. Previously, when Russia and North Korea signed a military agreement, the United States and other Western countries continued to say that North Korea "will become an important bridge between Moscow and China."

They believe that Beijing can privately transport military equipment to North Korea and even help it develop it, and then use the cover of the Russian-North Korean agreement to send these weapons to Moscow through Pyongyang, which can not only strengthen relations between China, Russia and North Korea, but also will not violate the sanctions imposed by Russia and South Korea.

The DPRK held a mysterious meeting, and the United States, which was afraid of something, was anxious to ask the Chinese side for a guarantee

[Geng Shuang pointed out that the United States should be responsible for the situation on the peninsula]

Under such groundless and absurd speculations, the United States has recently been communicating with China about the Russia-DPRK issue, first talking to China's vice foreign minister on the phone, and then asking China at the United Nations to intervene to stop Pyongyang.

In this regard, Geng Shuang, deputy permanent representative of the mainland to the United Nations, made a head-scratching speech, saying that China has always adhered to an independent foreign policy and will formulate policies and positions according to its own judgment, without the need for the United States to point fingers at it, and certainly not need to make commitments to any third-party forces.

When talking about the current tense situation on the Korean Peninsula, Geng Shuang was even more straightforward, saying that the current situation on the Korean Peninsula continues to be tense, and the US side should deeply reflect on it, especially on its own actions, and not always habitually blame others and try to shift the blame. He also advised the United States to face up to its own problems, change its old habit of blaming others over others, and habitually blaming others and blaming others is not beneficial to solving problems.

All in all, China's attitude on both the Korean Peninsula issue and the Russia-Ukraine issue has always been prudent and responsible, and China's role and efforts on relevant issues are obvious to the international community. On the other hand, the United States, under the banner of "upholding justice and maintaining peace," has formed alliances everywhere to stir up trouble and pour dirty water, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the United States is the "cancer" that affects world peace.


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