
Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

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What is the story of Zhang Wenbin, who has created the wealth of "three old and four strict", served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum twice, and retired to the second line at the age of 63?

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

Fight the invaders with wits and courage with wisdom and courage

In 1919, when China was in an era of change, Zhang Wenbin was born in an ordinary family in Dai County, Shanxi, a small county town on the Loess Plateau, although remote, but Zhang Wenbin's soul was like the vast Loess Plateau, full of thirst for knowledge and longing for the future.

Zhang Wenbin spent most of his childhood and adolescence in the school in his hometown, where there were not many books, but each one seemed to be a door to a new world. From Lu Xun's sharp words to Li Dazhao's profound thinking, these books lit up his inner world like torches and gradually awakened his soul.

As he grew older, Zhang Wenbin's patriotic feelings became stronger and stronger, and he began to pay attention to the fate of the country and the future of the nation, and actively explored the way to save the country and the people. In 1936, this year was destined to leave a strong mark in Zhang Wenbin's life, he resolutely gave up the comfortable life in his hometown, participated in the revolutionary work, and devoted himself to the call of the times to resist Japan and save the country.

In July 1937, the flames of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression were fully ignited, and in August, Zhang Wenbin joined our party. After joining the party, Zhang Wenbin was sent to Taiyue District to fight side by side with the local anti-Japanese forces.

Under extremely difficult circumstances, he always adhered to the united front policy of our party being independent and united in resisting Japan, and together with his comrades, he used wisdom and courage to fight wits and courage against the Japanese aggressors.

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

Late one night, Zhang Wenbin led a small detachment through the dense forests of the Taiyue Mountains, they were carrying out an important reconnaissance mission, and they needed to find out the deployment and movement of the Japanese army.

Suddenly, a slight noise broke the silence of the night, Zhang Wenbin immediately became alert, he quickly waved his hand to signal the team to stop advancing, and then quietly touched the direction from which the sound came. In a thicket, he spotted several Japanese soldiers whispering. Zhang Wenbin held his breath and cautiously approached, trying to hear what was going on.

"Tomorrow we will launch a general offensive, and we must take down the anti-Japanese forces in the Taiyue Mountains in one fell swoop." A Japanese soldier said triumphantly.

"Hmph, those dirt roads are not our opponents at all, they will only hide in the mountains and fight guerrillas." Another Japanese soldier chimed in.

Zhang Wenbin's heart moved, he immediately understood the intentions of the Japanese army, and he quickly returned to the team and told his comrades this important information. Under the command of Zhang Wenbin, the detachment quickly adjusted its plan of action and prepared to give the Japanese army a head-on attack.

Early the next morning, when the Japanese launched a general attack, they were surprised to find that the anti-Japanese forces in the Taiyue Mountains were fully prepared. Under the leadership of Zhang Wenbin, the anti-Japanese armed forces took advantage of the terrain and launched a fierce counterattack, and after a fierce battle, the Japanese army returned defeated, and the anti-Japanese armed forces in the Taiyue Mountains achieved a major victory.

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

After the war, Zhang Wenbin and his comrades sat around the fire and shared the joy of victory. He said affectionately: "The reason why we were able to achieve victory is precisely because we have always adhered to the united front policy of independence and joint resistance against Japan. As long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward. ”

Leave the familiar battlefield and switch to the oil front

During the War of Liberation, Zhang Wenbin continued to stay in Taiyue District to engage in revolutionary struggle. In May 1949, the 19th Army was established on the basis of the Southern Shaanxi Military Region, and Zhang Wenbin entered the 19th Army and served as the political commissar of the 57th Division. He was well aware of his heavy responsibility and shouldered the heavy responsibility of leading his troops to victory.

In the camp of the 19th Army, Zhang Wenbin won the respect and love of the soldiers with his firm belief and outstanding leadership ability. He often went down to the grassroots level to eat, live and train with the soldiers, which greatly boosted the morale of the troops.

When the 19th Army, under the command of the Northwest Military Region, cooperated with the main force of Yiye to liberate the central Shaanxi region, Zhang Wenbin took the lead and charged ahead, leading the 57th Division to bravely kill the enemy on the battlefield and make great contributions to the liberation of the central Shaanxi region. After the war, Zhang Wenbin was not complacent because of his achievements, but more humbly devoted himself to a new round of construction work.

In November 1949, with the change of the war situation, the 19th Army was under the command of Erye, and Zhang Wenbin did not hesitate to follow Erye into the battle to liberate the southwest. The terrain in the southwest region is complicated, and the mountains and rivers are steep, but Zhang Wenbin and his troops are undaunted and move forward bravely. In fierce battles, they managed to liberate the South-West.

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

After the liberation of the southwest, Zhang Wenbin did not stop. He is well aware that although the war is over, new tasks and challenges still lie ahead. He stayed in the Northern Sichuan Administration and led his troops to carry out the task of suppressing bandits and opposing special forces.

In the face of cunning enemies and stubborn bandits, he went deep into the masses, mobilized the masses, and waged a desperate struggle against the enemies and bandits. Under his leadership, the troops successfully exterminated the bandits, eliminated the enemy, stabilized the order of the masses' lives, and consolidated the nascent regime.

After completing this task, Zhang Wenbin left the battlefield he was familiar with and moved to the oil front, where he served as deputy director of the Northwest Petroleum Administration Bureau and director of the Xi'an Petroleum Drilling Bureau, and devoted himself to the petroleum industry of New China.

In this new field, Zhang Wenbin showed the same determination and perseverance. He was well aware of the importance of oil to a country, so he devoted himself to his work and made a great contribution to the mainland's oil self-sufficiency.

Create the spiritual wealth of "three old and four strict".

During the struggle on the oil front, Zhang Wenbin not only paid attention to technological innovation and talent training, but also paid great attention to the construction of corporate culture. He created the spiritual wealth of "three old and four strict", which has become a valuable wealth on the oil front.

"Three old and four strict" refers to "to treat the revolutionary cause as an honest person, tell the truth, and do honest things; To treat work, we must have strict requirements, strict organization, serious attitude, and strict discipline. This spirit not only inspires every employee on the oil front, but also becomes an important support for the development of New China's petroleum industry.

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

Under the leadership of Zhang Wenbin, the employees of the oil front work rigorously and conscientiously with the principle of "three old and four strict". They have overcome one technical problem after another and made brilliant achievements one after another. Zhang Wenbin knows very well that only by adhering to the spirit of "three old and four strict" can we ensure the steady development of the petroleum industry.

Therefore, he not only vigorously promoted this spirit in words, but also led by example in deeds. He was rigorous and serious in his work, sincere and friendly to his colleagues, and unflinching in the face of difficulties, setting an example for the vast number of workers on the oil front.

It is precisely because of the unremitting efforts and firm beliefs of Zhang Wenbin and others that the "three old and four strict" have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people on the oil front and have become a universal value and code of conduct. Under the guidance of this spirit, the vast number of petroleum workers have united and cooperated to overcome difficulties, and have made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention for the mainland's petroleum industry.

In 1965, he assumed the post of Deputy Minister of Petroleum Industry, an appointment that marked the strengthening of his position on the oil front. In the post of vice minister, he continued to carry forward the spirit of "three elders and four stricts" and contributed his wisdom and strength to the further development of the petroleum industry.

In 1978, Zhang Wenbin once again served as vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, which was another peak of his career, and he actively promoted the reform and innovation of the petroleum industry, injecting new vitality into the mainland's petroleum industry.

Twice served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum, created the wealth of "three old and four strict", and retired to the second line at the age of 63

In 1982, 63-year-old Zhang Wenbin retreated to the second line, after retreating to the second line, Zhang Wenbin did not stop moving forward, but poured his enthusiasm and wisdom into the construction of petroleum enterprise culture, he took the lead in founding the China Petroleum Photography Association, because he firmly believes that photography is not only an art form to record history and show style, but also an important carrier to convey corporate culture and unite the strength of employees.

Under his advocacy, the Photography Association has rapidly developed into an important platform for communication and interaction inside and outside the petroleum system, not only recording every wonderful moment of the development of the petroleum industry, but also showing the demeanor and strength of oil workers.

At the same time, Zhang Wenbin also led the compilation of the "Military History of the 57th Division" and "The Petroleum Division," which recorded in detail the development of the mainland's petroleum industry, especially the heroic deeds and touching stories of the 57th Division in the oil battle. In 2013, Zhang Wenbin died of illness in Beijing at the age of 96.

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