
Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

In the past two years, global economic uncertainties have intensified, and the currencies of developing economies have also shown a continued trend of weakening.

For example, two years ago, the exchange ratio between the US dollar and the renminbi was 1:6, and now it has dropped to 1:7.3. It is equivalent to the fact that in the past, you only bought 6 yuan for one dollar, but now you have to spend 7.3 yuan if you want to buy one dollar.

In other words, a weakening of the RMB exchange rate means that the money in your hands is "gross".

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

Not only that, but over the years, prices in the mainland have always maintained an average increase of 2%, which is equivalent to the same commodity, ten years ago you could buy it for only 100 yuan, but ten years later, it costs 122 yuan to buy.

Nothing has been done, and the 100 yuan in your pocket will only be worth 82 yuan in ten years.

It is precisely because of this that for many years, even if housing prices have soared, some people have borrowed highly leveraged loans to buy houses with only one purpose: to feel that the increase in housing prices can beat inflation.

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

Of course, in addition to currency, academic qualifications have become less and less valuable in recent years.

A netizen told about his experience: In 1977, my grandfather was admitted to the secondary school, which caused a sensation in the county; In 1992, my father was admitted to a junior college, and the head teacher personally sent the admission notice; In 2017, I was admitted to the undergraduate program, which is still a 985 key university, but the whole family ate a meal of grilled fish;

After graduating, Grandpa brought the family into the city! After graduating, my father bought a house for his family in a first-tier city! After I graduated, I was unemployed at home for more than half a year.

There is only one reason behind this: college students are no longer scarce!

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

According to some data, in the past, most of the delivery riders and couriers were technical secondary school diplomas or below, but now, the proportion of undergraduate food delivery in some areas is even as high as 30%.

With the increasing scale of college students, this also indicates that in the future workplace, academic qualifications are just stepping stones, and work ability is the stepping stone.

In addition, with the further adjustment of policies and the resumption of economic activities, these two things will "appreciate against the trend" in the next step.

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"


The price growth target is clear

Regarding the target of price increase this year, the state has made it clear that "consumer prices will increase by about 3% in 2024", which means that prices may show a clear upward trend in the future.

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"


Housing prices may usher in a new round of skyrocketing

In this global wave of money printing, in 24 months, we have over-issued more than 50 trillion yuan, even exceeding the total amount of money printed by the three major economies.

But because most of this money is stored in the banking system, it does not really flow into the real economy. Therefore, in the past year, the mainland property market has not seen a significant rise like the United States and Japan.

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"

However, with the gradual relaxation of regulatory policies, coupled with the gradual release of huge currency reserves into the market, and the beginning of various places to close the house, this means that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market will undergo fundamental changes.

It indicates that under the reasonable effect of several factors, it is very likely to trigger a new round of housing price increases.

Of course, from the policy level, the key is not the skyrocketing housing prices, but more about the stability of market prices and long-term healthy development.

Therefore, even if this market will usher in new vitality, it will also strengthen market supervision, prevent excessive speculation, and ensure the realization of the stable and healthy development of this market.

Change the sky! Deposits and academic qualifications are still depreciating, and in the next step, these two things will "appreciate against the trend"


In fact, for us ordinary people, the "appreciation against the trend" of these two things is both a challenge and an opportunity.

On the one hand, policy support may trigger an increase in people's living costs;

On the other hand, the economic recovery driven by demand will also bring new development opportunities to enterprises, and at the same time bring new employment and income growth opportunities to the majority of migrant workers.

Wan Ziwen said: Every word of the article was typed out by me, and I clicked "watching" to let me know that you are also "doing your best" for life.

*Image source network*

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