
The Chinese women's basketball team lost 82-93 to Serbia Player Comments: 3 people are excellent, 4 people are passing, and 4 people are pulling their hips

author:Fairy Gu chats about style

In the warm-up match between the Chinese women's basketball team and Serbia that just ended in the early hours of this morning, the Chinese team lost to Serbia 82-93 and swallowed three consecutive defeats in European training.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost 82-93 to Serbia Player Comments: 3 people are excellent, 4 people are passing, and 4 people are pulling their hips

Excellent for 2 people

Han Xu, Sun Mengran and Yang Shuyu's performance is excellent, among them, Han Xu played 27 minutes and 36 seconds, 12 of 15 shots, and efficiently cut 24 points, 6 rebounds and 1 assist, which is still the most stable point for the Chinese team to score, and Sun Mengran, who played 19 minutes and 39 seconds, shot 6 of 9 in the game, and got 15 points, 1 rebound and 1 assist.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost 82-93 to Serbia Player Comments: 3 people are excellent, 4 people are passing, and 4 people are pulling their hips

Yang Shuyu played 12 minutes and 47 seconds, made 2 of 5 shots, scored 8 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 steal, and ranked first in the team in terms of plus/minus, which was the best performance in the last three warm-up games.

4 people passed

Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing, Zhang Ru and Luo Xinqi's performance was passable, among them, Wang Siyu played 18 minutes and 15 seconds, 3 of 4 in the game, got 7 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, and Huang Sijing, played 14 minutes and 19 seconds, 2 of 3 in the game, cut 5 points, 2 rebounds and 3 steals, this is Huang Sijing's second game after returning from injury, and I feel that my state is gradually picking up, which is a good thing. Luo Xinqi played for 10 minutes and 24 seconds, made 2 of 3 in the game, scored 5 points and 1 assist, and felt that her performance was better than Pan Zhenqi in the same position.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost 82-93 to Serbia Player Comments: 3 people are excellent, 4 people are passing, and 4 people are pulling their hips

6 people pull their hips

Li Yuan, Wu Tongtong, Jin Weina, Yang Liwei The performance of the four veterans was not up to par, among them, Wu Tongtong, played 20 minutes and 23 seconds, shot 0 in the whole game, and only relied on free throws to get 4 points, 6 assists and 1 steal, while Li Yuan played 16 minutes and 33 seconds, and also relied on free throws to get 4 points, 2 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost 82-93 to Serbia Player Comments: 3 people are excellent, 4 people are passing, and 4 people are pulling their hips

There is also Yang Liwei's side, today's performance has declined to a certain extent compared with the previous three games, playing 13 minutes and 21 seconds, only 1 of 4 shots, 2 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist and 1 steal, and the plus/minus value ranks second to last in the team.

From the above, this European training played 4 games, the Chinese women's basketball team record is 1 win and 3 losses, very unsatisfactory, aside from the absence of Li Meng and others, the problem reflected by the Chinese women's basketball team is that the veterans have degraded too seriously, especially Wu Tongtong and Li Yuan, Yao Ming, Wang Fang and Zheng Wei If they want to achieve good results in the Olympic Games, they must readjust their personnel and enrich them with fresh blood, otherwise they will rest on their laurels and eat their old ways.

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