
Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

author:Feather Sir History
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Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

Text| Xu Ludi

Edit| Zhaoming

In recent years, Serbia has become China's first free trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe thanks to its close cooperation with China. Since 2015, China and Cyprus have been working hand in hand to advance the grand blueprint of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. In the past few years, China and Cyprus have achieved remarkable results in economic and trade cooperation.

In 2021, China has become Serbia's second largest trading partner, an achievement that not only demonstrates the deep friendship between China and Serbia, but also reflects the common pursuit of mutual benefit and win-win results. In 2022, this cooperation has reached a new level, and China has become the largest source of direct investment in Serbia for the first time, injecting strong impetus into Serbia's economic development.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

The achievement of these honors is inseparable from the joint efforts of the governments and business circles of China and Cyprus. The two countries have carried out extensive and in-depth cooperation in infrastructure construction, energy, agriculture, science and technology and other fields. However, in the complex context of global economic integration and trade protectionism, the cooperation between China and Cyprus also faces many challenges.

Especially in the current situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Western world has exerted tremendous pressure on Serbia to side with Ukraine. However, Serbia did not blindly follow the steps of the West, but firmly stood on the position of cooperation with China.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

Vučić in a dilemma

Although Serbia does not always occupy a prominent position on the international stage, it has become a link in international relations that cannot be ignored with its unique geographical location and diplomatic strategy.

Although Serbia is not a member of NATO, it has to face the common values of the West, and Serbia has its own position.

On the one hand, Serbia has a deep friendship with Russia, and on the other hand, as part of Europe, Serbia is well aware of the importance of maintaining good relations with the West, therefore, they are also trying to seek cooperation and development with the West.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

Therefore, in the face of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Serbia wants to maintain a neutral attitude. After all, there is no absolute winner for either side in this conflict, and neutrality can bring the best interests to it.

Serbia, for its part, has also adopted a flexible strategy in its military exports, exporting arms to Europe to ease economic pressures, and avoiding direct involvement in the conflict by emphasizing its status as an exporter.

They have a reason to export arms to Europe to ease economic pressure, making a profit of $850 million, and they also have a reason to say that they are only exporters and have nothing to do with Serbia about the end up of weapons going to Ukraine.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

Although such rhetoric can relieve some of the pressure, for Serbia, how to seek development is the eternal theme.

There are no plans to expand the BRICS

Against this backdrop, the relationship between the EU and Serbia is particularly delicate. The EU seems to have opened the door to Serbia's accession, but behind this door lies extremely harsh entry conditions.

First of all, the EU demands that Serbia adopt sanctions against Russia in line with those of Europe, which is undoubtedly a serious violation of Serbia's sovereignty.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

As an independent country, Serbia's foreign policy should be based on its own national interests and the principles of international law, rather than simply following in the steps of the European Union.

In addition, Serbia and Russia have deep historical ties and close economic ties, and sanctions against Russia will undoubtedly bring huge economic losses to Serbia.

What is even more excessive is that the EU also demanded that Serbia recognize Kosovo's independent status, which undoubtedly touched Serbia's bottom line.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

On the issue of Kosovo, Serbia has always maintained a firm position that Kosovo is an integral part of it. This demand is undoubtedly a grave violation of Serbia's national sovereignty and a great challenge to its national dignity.

Therefore, in the face of the harsh conditions of the European Union, the Serbian government had to seek a new direction of development. In recent years, as an emerging international organization, BRICS has become increasingly influential and has attracted the attention of many countries.

However, just as Serbia was preparing to move closer to the BRICS, the BRICS announced that it would suspend its membership expansion and instead concentrate on integrating its existing members. This undoubtedly poured cold water on Serbia's expectations and put them in a dilemma.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

The iron-clad friendship between China and Cyprus has written a new chapter

As a result, how Serbia can find opportunities for development in the difficult situation has become an important issue for the country. And at this critical juncture, China has reached out.

As Serbia's largest source of direct investment, China has injected strong impetus into Serbia's development with its firm attitude and pragmatic actions.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

Looking back at the friendship and cooperation between China and Cyprus, we can see a process full of mutual trust and win-win results. Just last year, the free trade agreement signed between China and Serbia will finally come into force on July 1 this year after a strict domestic ratification process.

According to the agreement, the two countries will gradually eliminate 90% of their respective tariff lines and liberalize trade. More than 60% of the tariffs will be eliminated immediately on the day the agreement comes into effect.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

This means that many goods will be able to enter each other's markets at lower prices, bringing greater benefits to consumers. Eventually, the proportion of zero-tariff goods between the two countries will be as high as about 95%.

This will greatly promote trade between the two countries and promote the common development of the economies of both countries. In this process of cooperation, Chinese companies can be seen everywhere.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

These Chinese companies have not only brought financial and technical support to Serbia, but also actively participated in Serbia's infrastructure construction. For example, a Chinese company undertook the construction of the Belgrade Bridge, the first bridge across the Danube River in Europe, which not only greatly improved the traffic situation in Serbia, but also became a witness to the friendship between China and Serbia.

In addition, Chinese companies also participated in the construction of Serbia's first expressway, E763, which injected new vitality into Serbia's economic development.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

On April 25 this year, the Nuosu section of the Hungarian-Serbian Railway was completed, and the smooth progress of this project once again demonstrated the deep friendship and close cooperation between China and Serbia.

As an important transportation route connecting Hungary and Serbia, the Hungarian-Serbian railway is of great significance for promoting economic and trade exchanges and personnel exchanges between the two countries.

Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

The closer cooperation between China and Serbia has also eased the pressure on Serbia to seek development. And this time, China still did not disappoint Serbia, and gave this gift to them in a difficult time.


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Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift
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Serbia could not enter the BRICS, and China did not disappoint it and gave it a unique small gift

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