
Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

author:Beautiful girl said entertainment


No wonder Sister Lan likes Xiaomei, it's really different from her former daughter-in-law? The big curve looks high, no one peels the shrimp for me, I don't eat it, the female star shelf is really not small.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Ma Xiaomei doesn't have a little shelf, this is the difference between celebrities and ordinary people! encountered this kind of thing, she handled it very well, she was really a gentle and virtuous little daughter-in-law, and took the initiative to peel shrimp for her elders, which made her mother-in-law praise her, breaking Big S's "shrimp peeling theory" and winning the love of Zhang Lan and netizens.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Sister Lan's life is not easy, she has suffered a lot, she can be considered happy when she is old, in the past few years, her son's divorce has hit her very hard, and she has vitiligo on her neck.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Zhang Lan, as a woman who has dedicated her life of love to the company and employees, publicly stated that she has no feelings for men and disdains rumors about her from the outside world.

She emphasizes that she will not become someone else's third party, and although it is not illegal to have a boyfriend, she does not have the time and energy because she believes that being in love will make a woman's IQ zero, and she needs to devote herself to her career.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Wang Xiaofei's birthday celebration has become the focus of everyone's attention, with blue as the main color of decoration and a warm atmosphere, making this celebration the grandest birthday party after his marriage.

During the banquet, Ma Xiaomei thoughtfully peeled shrimp shells and fed cakes for Zhang Lan, showing her filial piety and virtuous virtue. Her behavior not only broke Big S's "shrimp peeling theory", but also won the envy of everyone present.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Ma Xiaomei's appearance seems to have become a new starting point for Wang Xiaofei's happy life, her high emotional intelligence and virtuousness have been recognized by everyone, and it has also made Zhang Lan, the mother-in-law, smile.

In contrast, his ex-wife Da S was laughed off by netizens for insisting on the concept of "men peeling shrimp shells for women", why is she so exquisite?

There are no boys on the table, and no shrimp is eaten! There is no reason for the elders to pick shrimp for the juniors, and Ma Xiaomei's down-to-earth and inner cultivation make her dazzling in front of everyone.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

In such a warm family gathering, the happy life of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei has become a hot topic of discussion.

Seeing their interaction, Zhang Lan and the guests present were very happy for them. So, how did Ma Xiaomei win everyone's love through her actions and let Wang Xiaofei find new happiness?

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Compared with his ex-wife Da S, Ma Xiaomei's down-to-earth and virtuous virtue are particularly prominent. Da S once said in the variety show "Happiness Trio" that he was shelled by his father from snack shrimp, and after marrying Wang Xiaofei, this task was passed on to her husband.

Although this concept has its rationality, it seems a bit out of place in modern society, and has even aroused criticism from many netizens.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

The appearance of Ma Xiaomei broke all this. She is not only young and beautiful, with a good figure, but more importantly, she is reasonable and very loving to her elders and children, which touched Wang Xiaofei's heart and made him want to marry her without reservation, so that people can see a truly virtuous and considerate wife, and Wang Xiaofei also found new happiness in this marriage, and the tiredness on her face was gradually replaced by a happy smile.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

At the scene of the birthday celebration, Zhang Lan even painted a cake on her daughter-in-law's face, and Wang Xiaofei immediately wiped off the cake on her face for her wife, and the whole scene was full of warmth and love.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

Sublimation at the end

Ma Xiaomei's high emotional intelligence and virtuous virtue not only won the love of her mother-in-law Zhang Lan, but also made Wang Xiaofei feel the long-lost warmth and love.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

As the old saying goes, "family and everything is prosperous", Ma Xiaomei told us with her actions that every member of the family needs to care for and understand each other, Wang Xiaofei has said that she has never had such a decent birthday, Ma Xiaomei has brought him a lot of differences, making him feel that there are many different pictures of life, and it is also a direct communication and exchange of the family.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

In this fast-paced society, we should perhaps take more time to understand and care for our families.

Whether it is peeling shrimp shells for parents or wiping off the cake on the face of a lover, these seemingly ordinary little things actually contain endless warmth and love, and it is these little bits of care that constitute the most beautiful part of our lives.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

In the end, happiness is not an unattainable dream, but a gathering of warm moments. Ma Xiaomei's story tells us that as long as we manage and cherish it with our hearts, happiness is all around us.

Zhang Lan said that the shrimp shell was hard and difficult to peel, Ma Xiaomei hurriedly got up to peel the shrimp, breaking the "shrimp peeling theory" of Big S

May we all find our own happiness in our own lives, like Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei, enjoy every warm moment and welcome every beautiful tomorrow.


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