
54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

Basketball small vegetables

2024-06-30 08:49

Year after year, this NBA draft has officially come to an end, and we are all complaining that these NBA rookie stars are not of enough level, not like a draft year like 2018. Edwards was complained about by everyone, and was even said to be unable to even enter the lottery in 18 years, but he is now a first-class superstar in the league. In this NBA league, nothing is absolute, Jokic, a second-round pick, can become the first person in the league, and Brunson is also a top 10 player in the NBA, why can't these rookies this year? Speaking of which, I'm reminded of a Lakers player whose name is Austin Reaves.

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

Reaves is a smart kid, he has been a big fan of the Lakers since he was a child, and he is a Kobe fan. He likes the development of Los Angeles, he also likes the exposure of the Lakers, coupled with the teaching of Old Zhan and Davis, it can indeed benefit him a lot and improve his strength. He is still not for sale for the Lakers, when the Lakers used Russell + two first-round picks to offer Irving, the Nets named Reaves by name, but the Lakers resolutely refused to give it, and the Lakers had no interest in trading Reaves for Murray. Judging from this one thing after another, Reaves has a high status with the Lakers, second only to Zhan Mei and the others.

He took a salary cut to renew his contract with the Lakers that year, rejected the Spurs' offer with an average salary of $21 million, and only got $54 million for four years, which is really selfless

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

What exactly is the magic of Reeves? In my opinion, he has never collapsed in the playoffs, and he has also been selected for the US men's basketball team, this is his capital! In the playoffs, he averaged 16.8 points + 3.8 rebounds + 3.6 assists + 1.4 steals + 0.6 blocks per game, shooting 47.6% from the field. Kori's ability to make fouls is out of Harden, and he knows the essence of it, and he can always cheat free throws. And not only does he have free throws, Reeves is also very accurate in his mid-range jumper, and he can always use his feet to score two points, and the European step is very good, and it does have the style of Ginobili back then. The main thing is that Reeves is a defender who has both a desire and a no-ball ball, he can play alone when he has the ball, he can open up space when he is off the ball, he can cut in the air, and he is extremely versatile. Overall, Reaves' offensive ability is very good, and he is the third scoring point of the Lakers, a three-in-command, and there are no obvious flaws.

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

Defensively, Kosato's defense has improved a lot in the playoffs this season, limiting him to around 35 percent shooting from the field when he defends Murray alone. The disadvantage is that the body is relatively thin, the speed is not fast, and the bounce and bounce speed are not so outstanding, which is easy to be eaten by some top post-hygiene. The advantage is that the defensive willingness is very strong, the enthusiasm is high, the defensive awareness is also very good, and the pace is also very flexible, although he can't become a top defender, but this year's playoffs really didn't give the team a leg behind. Including his off-ball running acumen is better than last season, which is commendable! We need to see his shortcomings and support his strengths, and he's a lot better than Russell.

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

Actually, I think Reaves can be traded, but not Murray, and not any other player of average quality. Mitchell and Irving are both OK, Mitchell is a super cut-and-break breakup, a combination of sudden shots, which is very suitable for the style of play in today's small-ball era, and can also coexist with James and Davis. The same is true for Irving, he cooperated with James to win the championship that year, he is a big heart player, and Irving is quite a threat with a big core with the ball! In my opinion, Reeves is worth less than three first-round picks now, you say exchange him for other stars, but I'm afraid that other stars are not as good as him, you say don't sell him, he is indeed not particularly good.

It's better to stay and replace Russell with a more functional center who can run, jump and defend. Lao Zhan came to play the organization, Brother Thick Mei returned to the No. 4 position, and then traded for a defender who could defend, such as Smart, so that the Lakers would have championship competitiveness!

54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

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  • 54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team
  • 54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team
  • 54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team
  • 54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team
  • 54 million in 4 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! Take a pay cut to renew your contract, reject Spurs' offers, and you're the third big man on the team

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