
H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

author:Yue life, Guangdong technology

From June 26th to 28th, the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2024 (MWC Shanghai) was grandly opened at the New International Expo Center. With the theme of "Future First", this year's conference focused on cutting-edge topics such as "Beyond 5G", "Artificial Intelligence Economy" and "Digital Intelligent Manufacturing". With the theme of "Computing Power× Connecting AI × the Future", New H3C Group, a subsidiary of Tsinghua Unigroup, comprehensively displayed innovative products and solutions in the fields of "cloud-network-security-computing-storage-device", as well as the application and practical achievements of AI technology in various industries.

H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

During the exhibition, the H3C exhibition area not only attracted the close attention of domestic operators and industry customers, but also welcomed overseas customers and partners from Spain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries to gain an in-depth understanding of H3C's full-stack technical strength, as well as successful cases and practical experience in the global market.

H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

Computing power × connection: Unleash the unlimited potential of AIGC

Under the trend of explosive growth in computing power demand, New H3C Group has achieved the deep integration of diversified computing power and standardized connection through technological innovation, breaking the "invisible barriers" in the AIGC infrastructure, allowing computing power to be more flexibly scheduled and released, and bringing more efficient and stable support for model training and inference.

H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

Lingxi Intelligent Computing Solution: H3C comprehensively demonstrated the full-stack leading Lingxi Intelligent Computing Solution, giving full play to the multiplier effect of "computing power x connection", anchoring the "1+N" large model strategy (100 industries Lingxi private domain large model + N preferred ecological large model), and injecting surging impetus into the acceleration of the formation of new quality productivity in all industries.

Multi-heterogeneous computing power: In the face of the growing demand for computing resources for generative AI, H3C launched the new multi-heterogeneous computing power platforms H3C UniServer R5330 G7 and H3C UniServer R5500 G7, which provide strong computing power support for different AI workloads and provide solid backing for the high-quality development of the digital economy with multiple advantages such as multiple heterogeneous computing power, strong computing power, flexible architecture, and super expansion.

Alpha Computing Platform 3.0: With "computing power as a service" as the core, the platform realizes the efficient utilization of computing resources through unified intelligent scheduling of heterogeneous computing power, AI full-process development services, and large-scale intelligent computing center operation and maintenance management. It supports the computing power scheduling of 10,000-scale clusters and is compatible with a variety of architecture acceleration cards, which significantly improves the utilization rate of resources. At the same time, it provides full-process services from data processing to application deployment for AI development, accelerating the application of AI technology.

Intelligent computing center network: For AI large model training scenarios, the Xinhua three-terminal network collaborative intelligent computing network solution has ultra-large-scale networking capabilities, ultra-efficient computing power communication, and ultra-optimal O&M capabilities. With the advanced DDC (Distributed Data Center) architecture, it provides innovative zero-congestion lossless solutions to improve the efficiency of computing power communication. At the same time, H3C and China Mobile jointly launched the industry's most advanced fully dispatched Ethernet prototype (GSE) to jointly build a new intelligent computing network. H3C showcased the world's first single-chip 51.2T 800G CPO silicon photonics switch, which can support a single AIGC cluster with a scale of more than 32,000 nodes, and the GPU computing efficiency is increased by 25%, ensuring the computing performance of the AIGC cluster to the greatest extent.

Wide-area computing power network: In the face of the computing power needs of customers of different sizes and industries, H3C has built a high-speed, low-cost, and adaptable "computing power highway" by upgrading 400G ports and incorporating routing algorithms that incorporate computing power factors. At the same time, it has launched a service-oriented computing power dedicated line to provide flexible and differentiated computing power transmission services for sudden large-traffic computing power demand, so as to realize on-the-go construction, greatly improving the cost-effectiveness and service flexibility of government and enterprise customers, and promoting the inclusive supply of computing resources.

Converged edge cloud-network: H3C provides key technical support for the transformation of To C/To H/To B services, and builds an ecological platform through computing power sinking to attract multiple services to settle at the edge. On the cloud side, edge application servers adopt a modular design, enhance GPU inference capabilities, adapt to various environments, and ensure green and efficient delivery. On the network side, the edge cloud gateway's port-control separation design and large-capacity and high-density features support the offloading of multiple services and optimize the experience of cloud-edge collaboration.

AI × the Future: Building a New Era of Intelligence

During the exhibition, New H3C Group comprehensively demonstrated its innovative technologies and applications in the field of AIGC. Based on the "AI for All" industry empowerment strategy, H3C actively helps artificial intelligence technology to be implemented in scenarios in hundreds of industries to create a smarter world.

H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

Based on the needs of the AIGC era, New H3C Group has worked with ecological partners to build the AIGC Intelligent Computing Center in Hangzhou Turing Town, and promoted the pilot application of the Baiye Lingxi private domain model in the digital government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou and other places, as well as a number of large enterprises. As the smallest unit to realize the landing application of large models, the AIGC Lingxi all-in-one machine displayed on site helps users in various industries quickly realize the privatization and delivery of models.

In terms of deepening government-enterprise cooperation, H3C relies on the layout of cutting-edge technologies such as computing power network and deterministic network to help operators realize computing-network integration and cloud-network integration, and jointly create competitive scenario-based solutions. By integrating resources across the entire chain, we work with operators to provide solutions in key areas such as government affairs, healthcare, education, and enterprises, and promote the digital transformation of industrial development and social governance.

Digital intelligence life is within reach

H3C brought the latest products and solutions of commercial terminals and smart terminals to provide users with a seamless digital life experience in key areas such as smart home, smart education, and smart healthcare through innovative technologies and leading product experiences.

In addition, H3C also showcased a digital workspace that is deeply integrated, experience-first, secure and trustworthy, and intelligently empowered. Through mobile cloud computers and innovative "cloud + software + terminal" solutions, H3C intuitively delivers them to users in the form of desktops, and can enjoy ready-to-use high-speed cloud computer services anytime, anywhere, with just one terminal, to meet the needs of diverse scenarios.

H3C comprehensively demonstrated the new achievements of intelligent computing and accelerated the construction of a new era of intelligence

As a trusted core strategic partner of operators, New H3C Group is deeply involved in the construction of cloud infrastructure and networks of the three major operators, and has worked with operators to make comprehensive efforts in the fields of smart city, smart manufacturing, smart education, and smart healthcare, creating a series of industry benchmark projects to contribute to the construction of "Digital China". Looking forward to the future, H3C will uphold the concept of "intensive cultivation and pragmatism to empower wisdom for the times", deeply cultivate AIGC technology innovation and application expansion, and work with partners to continuously create value for customers and build a more intelligent, efficient and better future in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation.

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