
Gardenia has become a new upstart in the milk tea circle this summer, and doctors suggest that these types of people need to drink reasonably

author:Live Texas

"I just want to be so fragrant, fragrant and happy", this is Wang Zengqi's gardenia, its rich fragrance makes many people like to put a bunch or plant a few pots at home. This year, the fragrance of gardenia is sweeping the milk tea circle, upstream news reporters noticed that major milk tea brands have launched milk tea categories with "gardenia", such as "mountain gardenia", "gardenia green tea", "gardenia melon", "gardenia tangerine peel", etc., and even some coffee shops have launched "white gardenia cold brew", "gardenia latte" and other products. This summer, "Gardenia" occupies the "C position" of the milk tea circle.

In fact, gardenia is also a traditional Chinese medicine, is milk tea or coffee containing gardenia suitable for everyone? The upstream news reporter made a special trip to interview Zhang Yinxin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chongqing Sixth People's Hospital.

Gardenia has become a new upstart in the milk tea circle this summer, and doctors suggest that these types of people need to drink reasonably

In a milk tea shop, an advertising poster of gardenia-flavored milk tea is placed in a conspicuous position

1. "Gardenia" milk tea is full of floral fragrance

What does milk tea with the word "gardenia" taste like? After seeing many people posting photos of "Gardenia Milk Tea" on the Internet, recently, upstream news reporters made a special trip to a brand tea shop to buy and taste. As soon as you take your mouth, you will immediately hear a rich gardenia fragrance, which is richer than the "jasmine tea" type of milk tea in the store.

When buying milk tea, the upstream news reporter also made a special trip to ask the clerk, what is the "gardenia" in the name of this cup of milk tea? The clerk made it clear that it was a "gardenia" that had been made six times, not a "gardenia". The clerk said that this milk tea is a hit this summer, and the sales are good.

Gardenia has become a new upstart in the milk tea circle this summer, and doctors suggest that these types of people need to drink reasonably

The upstream news reporter bought a gardenia milk tea to try

Upstream news reporters also found that a number of media reported that because of the popularity of various types of "gardenia" milk tea this summer, the price of gardenia has skyrocketed, and some reports said that "the price has skyrocketed 10 times" and "3 yuan 5 a catty before, now 35 yuan a catty".

2. Gardenias, these people should be used with caution

Is milk tea or coffee with gardenias suitable for everyone? Zhang Yinxin introduced that gardenia anthers have a bitter taste and cold nature, and the effect is to clear heat and dehumidify, relieve fire and trouble, cool blood and stop bleeding, and is suitable for hot constitution or hot diseases. It is often used to treat surgical skin diseases, but it can also be used to treat hot and severe medical diseases.

Gardenia has become a new upstart in the milk tea circle this summer, and doctors suggest that these types of people need to drink reasonably

A coffee chain brand also launched Gardenia Coffee

"Therefore, it is only suitable for people with fever constitution or heat disease, and not for everyone." Zhang Yinxin said that first, people with weak constitution should be cautious. People with weak and cold constitution are generally prone to cold, cold, mental fatigue, cold pain in the limbs and joints, and diarrhea as soon as they eat something raw and cold. Second, some wasting diseases cause physical weakness and lack of qi and blood, such as tumors and chronic hemorrhagic diseases. This type of people will aggravate their physical weakness after eating gardenias, and should be banned.

Gardenia has become a new upstart in the milk tea circle this summer, and doctors suggest that these types of people need to drink reasonably

Traditional Chinese medicine gardenia, is a plant fruit

Pregnant women should also be cautious about using gardenias or gardenia decoction pieces, gardenia has a greater heat-clearing power and a strong flower fragrance, which may cause fetal restlessness or even bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women. Menstruating and lactating women should also use with caution, as its cold properties may cause dysmenorrhea or poor milk production.

Zhang Yinxin also reminded the public that gardenia tea is a traditional Chinese medicine decoction piece, which has the medicinal properties of cold and heat, and it is recommended not to drink it for a long time, but to drink it in large doses.

3. Gardenia is not equal to the traditional Chinese medicine "gardenia"

Upstream news reporters noticed that there is a traditional Chinese medicine called "gardenia", and some citizens use gardenia to soak in water to drink, or use it as a spice to dye when cooking. What is the difference between a gardenia and a gardenia?

Zhang Yinxin introduced that gardenia and gardenia come from the same plant, and both have the effect of clearing heat and dampness, and removing fire and trouble. The medicinal part of a gardenia is the fruit, whereas the medicinal part of a gardenia is the flower.

Gardenia is a fruit medicine, the medicinal taste is stronger than gardenia, the power of clearing heat, detoxification and dehumidification is much greater than that of gardenia, and gardenia is used in the prescription for the treatment of fever diseases in the classic of Chinese medicine "Treatise on Typhoid Fever".

Compared with gardenias, gardenias can be more aromatic and damp, soothing the liver and relieving depression, and relieving pain. The medicinal properties of cold are relatively peaceful, light, fragrant, and the taste is better, and the side effects of hurting the stomach and yang qi are much less than those of gardenia, which is more suitable for making drinks and dietary therapy.

Recently, in addition to all kinds of "gardenia milk tea", the new Chinese milk tea with all kinds of Chinese medicinal materials has been loved by young people, especially those who advocate "Buddhist health", such as black plum soup, stay up late tea, beauty tea and so on. In this regard, Zhang Yinxin said that the traditional Chinese medicine believes that "it is a medicine with three poisons", and each Chinese herbal medicine has its medicinal properties, and if you blindly drink a large amount of it for a long time, it is very likely to cause invisible harm to your health. In this regard, he suggested that the public can try to improve their literacy in Chinese medicine, understand their own physique, understand the characteristics and indications of common Chinese medicines, and also ask professional Chinese medicine doctors to guide how to use Chinese medicine drinks correctly and reasonably.

Source: Upstream News

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