
4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!

author:The 11th floor is young

Kinship is a relationship that is unique to us in this world.

It is not because of the depth of your feelings and the closeness of your contacts that determine your relationship, but because of the family affection that is naturally tied together by blood.

Having many relatives means the prosperity of the family and the prosperity of the people.

Especially when encountering things, relatives can help each other, which not only further deepens the relationship between each other, but also carries forward the concept of relatives.

However, not all relatives can see you as a relative.

Some relatives are friendly to you and support each other, while others make you feel that you are drifting away from each other, or even that there is no need to interact with each other anymore.

Especially these 4 types of relatives, there is really no need to move around anymore, not only delaying time, but also wasting feelings.

4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!

01 Relatives who put interests first

It's normal for people to be selfish. It's not a mistake to think a little more about yourself.

Some, however, put their interests above all else, without any regard for the help you have given them or who you are.

This includes some relatives. They are willing to associate with you, not out of affection and concern, but because they fancy your wealth or status, and they surround you to flatter you when you are proud.

Once you are in trouble, they disappear without a trace, and they won't even answer your phone calls or messages because they are afraid that you will bring their lives to them.

Even if you come to the door, you will shirk it for various reasons, and even put on an embarrassing face.

For such a relative, after seeing through the essence, there is really no need to interact anymore, because he just treats you as a tool that can be used, not a blood relative.

Nothing meaningful can be gained from associating with him, except for making himself feel tired and disappointed.

4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!

02 Compare relatives who show off

I watched a TV series where the daughters of two relatives, A and B, brought their boyfriends home.

A has always liked to show off, because the boyfriend her daughter is looking for is an executive of a certain company, so before she arrives home, she is everywhere promoting her daughter's blessings and vision.

B is relatively low-key, only heard her daughter say that she was going to bring her boyfriend back, did not say the identity of the other party, and did not think too much.

However, A did not let go of the opportunity to ridicule B, and came to the door and said to B's future son-in-law, "I don't know how to work hard when I am young", which means that I can't compare to her son-in-law.

As a result, the two families met for dinner together, and when A's son-in-law saw B's son-in-law, he suddenly called "boss". When A saw this situation, he immediately changed his attitude and asked B's son-in-law to bring his daughter and son-in-law more.

Comparing and showing off is a weakness in human nature, and it doesn't hurt to do it occasionally, but often stepping on others by showing off everything about yourself, and deliberately showing superiority in front of others, such relatives really don't have to come and go.

Because he just sees you as an object to show off, not a loved one to share joy and sorrow. Associating with them will only make you feel oppressed and constrained, and you will not be able to truly feel the warmth and strength of family affection.

4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!

03 Indifferent and ruthless relatives

Not all relatives will care about you from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially some relatives who have a better life than you, even if you come to visit, it is purely a normal exchange between relatives, he will suspect that you are deliberately clinging, and remain wary of you, afraid that you will suddenly make a non-dividing request.

From beginning to end, with a detached and indifferent attitude, he is absent-minded about your words and does not listen to them. In fact, he doesn't like you from the bottom of his heart and doesn't want to have too much to do with you.

If you are having a bad time and want to ask him for help, he will often act like he has nothing to do with him, as if you have nothing to do with him.

Even he is unwilling to say a word to you and keeps his distance from you, for fear that he will get your bad luck.

Although it is out of affection for others to help themselves, and it is their duty not to help, their indifferent attitude makes people feel chilled.

Having such relatives makes you feel more lonely and helpless than not having relatives.

For such a relative, there is no need to associate again, because he just treats you as a dispensable existence, not someone worthy of care and closeness.

4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!

04 Immoral relatives

Among the relatives, some are kind to others, some are indifferent and say little, some are greedy and cheap, and some chew their tongues behind their backs...... But these shortcomings at least do not touch the law, but violate some principles of being a human being.

Some relatives, his behavior has seriously violated the bottom line of morality and ethics, and even involves breaking the law and committing crimes, he uses the identity of relatives, uses your kindness and trust to deceive you, use you and even hurt you.

The presence of such relatives will cause you endless trouble and suffering.

Being too close to him will not only bother you, but it may also endanger your safety and interests.

Therefore, in order to protect himself, avoid being hurt, and in order to maintain the reputation and dignity of the family, he must also cut ties with him and refuse to interact.

4 kinds of relatives who don't need to come and go, delay time and waste feelings!