
The 31-year-old woman was bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and has been vaccinated overnight

author:Gale News

31-year-old Ms. Liu hiked in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area of Meishan, Sichuan, and encountered more than a dozen monkeys splashing, and her legs were scratched and bitten in many places. There is nothing else in my hand but my phone. ”

On June 29, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted the scenic spot, and the staff said that they would compensate for the medical expenses, "The scenic spot will not shirk its responsibility." ”

>>> group of monkeys besieged

"Monkeys snatched clothes, and I was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen monkeys alone"

On June 29, Ms. Liu, from Zigong, Sichuan, recalled the incident to a reporter from Huashang Daily.

"I bought their tickets, but it didn't cost anything, and the actual payment was 0." On June 28, Ms. Liu went to the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Meishan to participate in the hiking check-in competition held by the scenic spot, and at more than 9 o'clock in the morning, at the third check-in point, Ms. Liu, who was walking alone with a bag, was besieged by more than a dozen monkeys.

The 31-year-old woman was bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and has been vaccinated overnight

The monkey that Ms. Liu encountered in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Ms. Liu said: "I went a little bit up at the check-in point on the Hengtong Plank Road, and I went there alone. I didn't tease the monkeys, I didn't bring anything to eat, just a bottle of water and a hat in my bag. I don't have anything else in my hand except my phone, and the phone is still held in two hands (for fear of being robbed). ”

"It was very hot, I took off my sunscreen suit, but I wore long pants, and the monkey didn't grab my backpack and grab my clothes. I have long sleeves and long pants, and the quality of the pants is quite good, and I haven't been caught. ”

The monkey attack lasted for three or four minutes, and Ms. Liu could not reach the monkey's claws alone, "I was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen monkeys alone, and the monkeys rushed towards me, and I had no (protective tools) at that time, and I had no power to resist." I didn't have any injuries to my face. ”

The photos show that Ms. Liu has multiple scratching wounds on her legs, "some of which are inconvenient to see." ”

The 31-year-old woman was bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and has been vaccinated overnight

Ms. Liu has multiple scratch and bite wounds on her legs, courtesy of the interviewee

Ms. Liu told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News, "At that time, I was scratched and bitten by a monkey, and I didn't notice that there was no surveillance nearby, only that there was no one there." There was no scenic staff at the scene of the incident. ”

>>> overnight injections

"I didn't cry when I was bitten by more than a dozen monkeys, and I cried when I came back for vaccination"

After the incident, Ms. Liu was rescued by people who rushed from behind and went to the scenic spot infirmary to treat her wounds. Ms. Liu said that she negotiated the medical expenses with the scenic spot for more than two hours, and the scenic spot was only responsible for 80% at first, and then she called the police and made a complaint phone before the staff of the scenic spot agreed to reimburse the real money.

On the same day, she returned to Zigong from the scenic spot, "I went to the hospital for a doctor's examination, the medicine prescribed by the doctor, the injection I went to, and I had a diagnosis certificate from the hospital." ”

The emergency department medical records provided by Ms. Lau showed that she had been vaccinated against rabies, rabies immunoglobulin and tetanus. Because she was scratched and bitten by wild monkeys, she was afraid of the virus, and there was an incubation period, so she needed to be vaccinated, "I was injected overnight, and I didn't cry when I was bitten by more than a dozen monkeys, but I cried when I came back for the injection." ”

On the day of the incident, Ms. Liu had already reported to the Sichuan Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the local police station in Hongya County, but because it was the weekend, she had not received a reply on the handling results.

31-year-old Ms. Liu admitted that she went all the way to check in and came back injured, and the experience was very bad.

"After I went home, I reported the medical expenses, but the other party only admitted the cost of the injection, and I would not accept the cost of my travel to the hospital, saying that it was not within the scope of reimbursement, and so far, there has been no follow-up."

Ms. Liu provided a certificate stamped with the special seal of Wawushan Investment Co., Ltd. for complaint handling, which showed that she was scratched by a wild monkey in the scenic area and needed to go home for treatment, and the scenic spot will bear the cost of vaccination (according to the facts). The expenses for lost work and mental damage claimed by the tourist shall be borne by the scenic spot in accordance with laws and regulations according to the actual materials provided by the tourist. If there are other problems due to monkey scratches, you need to provide proof of legal compliance.

The 31-year-old woman was bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and has been vaccinated overnight

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Before the reporter went to press, Ms. Liu reported that as of the afternoon of the 29th, the scenic spot had reimbursed 1,382 yuan for medical expenses.

>>> scenic spot responds

Timely arrangements for patrols to deal with the monkey group, the place where the incident occurred is a surveillance blind spot

The Huashang Daily Gale News reporter contacted the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Hongya County, and the staff of the scenic spot introduced that the scenic spot is a 4A-level scenic spot, and there is indeed a hiking check-in competition.

"Admission is free for both days until June 30. Tourists have an accident insurance of 5 yuan, which is voluntarily purchased, and being scratched by a monkey is an accident insurance. ”

Another staff member of the scenic spot told reporters, "You saw this thing on Douyin, Ms. Liu is a unilateral statement, we are a state-owned enterprise, and the management of the scenic spot is very formal, and you can't listen to her unilaterally." ”

The staff said that there was monitoring installed in the scenic spot, and they did not know whether there was monitoring on the road section where the incident occurred. "If you need to know more, you can contact and consult the Hongya County Propaganda Department."

The reporter contacted a staff member in charge of handling the matter in the scenic spot, and he confirmed that he was currently in communication with Ms. Liu.

The staff member said: "The monkeys are mobile, the whole scenic area is their activity area, may appear at a certain scenic spot at any time, we will also arrange scenic patrols in time, the scenic spot is so big, it is not realistic to arrange a person every 1 meter." The scenic spot has also been seen, (the place of the incident) is a monitoring blind spot, and it is impossible for the scenic spot to be monitored anywhere anytime and anywhere. ”

>>> drive away the monkeys

It is not excluded that monkeys are artificially teased and can take emergency shelter or seek help

The staff said that Ms. Liu did not buy accident insurance, and the scenic spot has public liability insurance. "We want to divide insurance liability according to liability. She is an adult, if you meet a monkey, you can take emergency shelter, or call the scenic spot for help, we will drive the monkey away. ”

The staff said that there are many monkeys in Meishan, and it is not excluded that monkeys are artificially teased, "no one can say for sure, and when you meet a monkey in the scenic spot, you may be attacked and injured, because the monkey does not tease it and feed it, it sometimes does not say that it will take the initiative to attack people, and the monkey is also afraid that people will hurt it." When we found a monkey in the scenic area, we couldn't hurt it, we could only help drive it away. ”

The staff denied that the scenic spot did not admit the account, "Yesterday, the police from the police station also came to the scene, we didn't say that it didn't matter, we never said that we didn't care about her." We will organize patrols in the scenic spot, and we are all saying that the compensation for medical expenses has not shirked the responsibility, and what happens in the scenic spot will be borne by the scenic spot in accordance with laws and regulations, and the scenic spot will not shirk its responsibility. ”

The staff member said that the matter is still being processed, and it is inconvenient to explain too much for the time being. "After she was bitten by a monkey, we got her vaccinated. There is only an infirmary in the scenic spot, and we suggest that she go home to get vaccinated, which is convenient, and it is recommended that she get 5 shots, and the general rabies vaccine is 5 shots. The doctor will advise her on how to fight, and the hospital will definitely register her injuries. ”

"She was given an injection first, and when the final treatment fee comes out, we will deal with it reasonably, and we will negotiate with her on a specific basis. At the beginning, she told us to pay in advance, and we told her that there was a normal process, and we made the situation clear to her. Some of the fees for her current injections are inconsistent, and the fees will be settled in one lump sum at the end. ”

>>> reminder of scenic spots

The Tibetan chief monkey is a national second-class protected animal, so do not feed it and tease it

"There are a lot of monkeys." The staff of the above-mentioned scenic spot told the Gale News reporter of Huashang Daily that the Tibetan chief monkey that attacked Ms. Liu belongs to the national second-class protected animal.

"If we are bitten by a monkey, we will carry out follow-up treatment in accordance with national laws and regulations, and we have a radio broadcast in the scenic spot to remind tourists not to provoke monkeys, and generally monkeys will not take the initiative to attack tourists."

The staff of the scenic spot specially reminded: "Don't tease, don't feed, it may be aggressive." The Tibetan chief monkey is a group of wild monkeys, and we can't fight it. Don't feed the monkeys, don't tease, and avoid them if you see them. ”

Some professionals remind that when traveling to places where there are monkeys, you must bring protective equipment such as trekking poles, and it is best to travel in a group.

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Li Hua Editor Li Zhi

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