
The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", Agricultural Bank of China: The staff made a mistake

author:Gale News

On April 30, 2018, Ms. Deng, a citizen of Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, died of illness and later discovered that her husband had more than 130,000 yuan in his account with the Agricultural Bank of China. Ms. Deng said that she went to the bank twice in November and December 2020 to confirm the existence of the money, and on December 17, 2021, the bank involved also issued a deposit inquiry information, showing that the deposit of more than 130,000 yuan in the account still exists.

However, in February 2022, Ms. Deng went to the bank to withdraw the money with the relevant procedures, only to be told that the money had been withdrawn before her husband's death and the account had been cancelled. "This inheritance of more than 130,000 yuan, I have done notarization in the notary office, and the bank also has deposit inquiry information, why is there no one?" Ms. Deng told Red Star News.

On June 27, the Red Star News reporter contacted Gao Chang, vice president of the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, by phone, and the other party said that the matter had been handled by the superior Ankang Branch, and it was inconvenient to be interviewed. On June 28, Gao Zonglin, head of the office of the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, told Red Star News that the matter was a mistake by the bank's staff and was being handled.

The deceased husband's bank deposit was more than 130,000 yuan

After notarization, the money was withdrawn several times without success

Ms. Deng told Red Star News that in November 2020, she took her husband's death certificate and found that her husband's account with the tail number 0072 had more than 130,000 yuan in the account of the Agricultural Bank of China. "At that time, at their request, they also issued a receipt for inquiry, and when I went to check again in December, I found that the money was still there, and they relieved me at that time, 'The money can't run, don't worry'." Ms. Deng said.

According to the bank's requirements, Ms. Deng wanted to withdraw her husband's deposit estate, and if the deceased had relevant immediate family members, all heirs needed to notarize it at a notary office, and Ms. Deng had to do so as required by the bank. Subsequently, Ms. Deng, the couple's two sons, and Ms. Deng's husband's parents jointly applied to the Pingli County Notary Office for inheritance notarization.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", Agricultural Bank of China: The staff made a mistake

Notarial deed from the Pingli County Notary Office

The Red Star News reporter consulted the (2020) Shaanxi Anping Zheng Min Zi No. 386 notarial certificate provided by Ms. Deng of the Pingli County Notary Office, Ms. Deng submitted the relevant materials including the receipt of the inquiry letter, and the notary office reviewed and verified the materials, and in the conclusion statement of the relevant facts, the second item is the balance on the Agricultural Bank of China with the tail number 0072: RMB 133,900.00 (¥133900.00). The notarial deed was issued on December 23, 2020.

With the notarial deed in hand, Ms. Deng came to the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China again, but she still failed to get the money out of her wish. "The staff operated at the counter for more than an hour, but they couldn't withdraw the money. At that time, I was still in a hurry to send my baby to school, so I went to school first. Ms. Deng said that after that, she thought that the money would not be much of a problem in the bank, but she tried to withdraw the money many times, but could not withdraw it.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", Agricultural Bank of China: The staff made a mistake

Deposit inquiry information issued by the bank on December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, Ms. Deng's "Simplified Withdrawal of Inquiry Results of the Balance of the Deceased Depositor's Small Deposit Business Account" was inquired that Ms. Deng's husband had a total of 4 accounts, of which the balance on the account with tail number 0072 was 133,900 yuan, and the handler signed it as Wang Chao.

I went to other branches to check and found that the money was withdrawn and the account was cancelled

On February 16, 2022, Ms. Deng, who was helpless, went to the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China again to withdraw money, and after going out, she decided to go to Zhenping County next door. On February 23, at the Zhenping County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, Ms. Deng submitted an application for deposit inquiry again, and received a reply that the account with tail number 0072 had been closed and could not be queried, and the money had been withdrawn.

On June 27, Ms. Deng provided the reporter with the inquiry application, which no longer showed the account with the tail number 0072, and the inquiry letter was stamped with the special seal of "Zhenping County Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd."

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", Agricultural Bank of China: The staff made a mistake

Deposit inquiry information issued by Agricultural Bank of China Zhenping County Branch on February 23, 2022

"I don't understand why there is no money, how can the Agricultural Bank of Pingli County find out and issue a receipt of 133,900 yuan for the inquiry letter?" Ms. Deng said, "In the past few years, people in the bank have been saying that the money is in the account, and the notary public has also done notarization, so where did the money left by my husband go?" ”

From 2020 to the present, the matter still cannot be resolved, Ms. Deng went to the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China many times, and the person in charge said that she should go through legal procedures. "When I ran my business, Wang Chao also told me that she personally gave me 2,000 yuan to see if it would work. I want the truth, and I want justice back. Ms. Deng said to the Red Star News reporter.

Late at night on June 26, Wang Chao and two men went to Ms. Deng's home and knocked on the door several times to negotiate the matter. Surveillance video from Ms. Deng's home showed Wang Dynasty and two men still waiting at the door at 11:20 p.m. and kept knocking on the door to ask to meet.

Ms. Deng told the Red Star News reporter: "At 11 o'clock in the evening, two people came to my house and knocked on the door, and scared me that they died at my door, and my orphans and widows would definitely not dare to open the door." ”

In the video provided by Ms. Deng that night, you can clearly hear Wang Chao's voice outside the door.

"What I'm looking for is a bank, and it has nothing to do with her personally, and she can't solve the problem for me." Ms. Tang said she had temporarily left her home to avoid being disturbed.

On June 27, a Red Star News reporter called Dynasty, and after the phone was connected, he hung up the phone immediately, and no one answered when he called back again. The reporter consulted through text messages, but did not receive a reply as of press time.

On June 27, the Red Star News reporter contacted Gao Chang, vice president of the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, by phone, and the other party said that the matter had been handled by the superior Ankang branch and it was inconvenient to be interviewed.

On June 28, Gao Zonglin, head of the office of the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, told Red Star News that the matter was a mistake by the bank's staff and that the matter was being handled. "She filled in the depositor after reading the wrong amount, and we are communicating with the depositor's family to explain it to the customer. If the client is not satisfied with our communication and explanation, we also inform the client that these issues can be resolved through judicial means. So how much money did Ms. Deng's husband have? Gao Zonglin said that there is not so much money in the account, and the specific amount involves the privacy of customers, and it is inconvenient to disclose. So why was the account closed? Gao Zonglin said that they still need to go through the process to reply to the specific situation, and as of the time of press time of Red Star News, there has been no relevant response.

Source: Red Star News K25


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