
Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

author:Look at the chivalrous song

There are many masters in the Yang family, such as Yang Qilang, Yang Liulang, Wang Lanying, Mu Guiying, Yang Zongbao, Han Chang, etc., everyone is very impressed. In "The Complete Biography of Yue Yue", there are also many powerful masters, among which Gao Pet is often compared with Yang Qilang.

Unlike the relatively few masters of the enemy country in the Yang family, in "The Complete Biography of Yue Yue", there are many masters of the Jin country. And masters like Mountain Lion Camel, Sticky Force, Lian'er Xinshan, Jin Danzi, Wanyan Shou and Jin Wushu are all very "difficult". Especially the mountain lion camel and sticky force, there are often people who argue about "who is the first fierce general of the Jin country". Some people say that the mountain lion camel is as powerful as a lion, with infinite strength, and can turn the tide of battle with its own strength; Some people also praise the sticky strength and courage like a tiger, and no one can win on the battlefield. Which of them is more powerful?

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

It should be the "Generalissimo Shenwu" mountain lion camel is the most powerful. How so? Because Guan Ling, whose strength is not much different from Yue Yun, was overwhelmed by his ten-dozen boring blows. And Sticky and Guan Ling have fought for twenty or thirty rounds before they obviously have the upper hand. So, when compared, it is obvious which of them is more powerful.

There is also Wang Ying, the son of Wang Gui, nicknamed "God of Fire", compared with his father's martial arts, it is really "blue out of blue is better than blue", but it is too far away from the mountain lion camel. After only a few rounds, he was beaten by Lao Shan and couldn't find the north, and finally had to flee in the wilderness. The mountain lion camel chased after the horse, but met Niu Gao on the way.

Niu Gao came back from escorting grain and grass from outside, how did he know how powerful the mountain lion camel was? He struck at the mountain lion camel, thinking that he could knock the mountain lion camel off his horse. Unexpectedly, he was knocked into the air by a mountain lion camel.

Seeing this, everyone should know that the mountain lion camel is not known as the "No. 1 fierce general of the Jin country", right? Because of the stickiness, he has also fought with Niu Gao, and he is not as clean as the mountain lion camel.

Since the mountain lion camel is so powerful, how many masters in "The Legend of Yue Quan" can fight him for 50 rounds?

Throughout the book, there are about the following 8, of which the first 2 have the ability to win against him, 1 has similar skills to him, and the other 5 have a slightly reluctant force value compared to him. Who are they? How do they rank?

First place: high pet

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

"No blame, no blame, if you are really willing to defect to the Yue family's army, even if I call you Brother Gao, it's no problem!" Niu Gao heard that Gao Zhong wanted to defect to the Yue family's army, but he was very happy. Why?

It turns out that this Gao pet is the descendant of the Gao general, and he is good at using a tiger head chisel golden gun with a thick bowl, which is not only more powerful than others, but also has particularly exquisite marksmanship. Because of its great strength and heavy gun, it is also known as "one high gun", because many people are difficult to beat him with a shot. Therefore, some people feel that he is definitely not inferior to Lu Bu in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Li Yuanba in "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" and Li Cunxiao in "Romance of the Remnant Tang Dynasty".

It is said that Gao Zhong learned that General Niu was going to escort grain and grass to pass under his Red Peach Mountain, so he deliberately came to "rob grain", just to show his good martial arts, so that he could defect to the Yuejia army and serve the country.

Zheng Huai didn't know what to do, so he came out in a rage, and was sweating profusely after being shot by Gao Chong several times. Zhang Kui joined, and Zheng Huai joined forces to attack Gao Pet, and Gao Pet was still at ease. Later, Niu Gao also joined the battle, and the three of them worked together to fight against Gao Pet, but they were still not Gao Pet's opponents. The power of high pets can be seen!

Later, Gao Chong saw that they were about to be defeated by themselves, so he showed his intention, saying that the purpose of his coming this time was actually to show his martial arts, and he also said that he was willing to defect to the Yue family's army, hoping that the three of them would not be surprised.

Besides, they are not surprised when they see Niu Gao, and they also admire their belly. Several people are heroes and heroes, so they learned from Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan in the past, and the four of them also formed brothers with different surnames.

Gao Pet later set off with Niu Gao and them in the direction of Niutou Mountain. There was nothing to say all the way, and this day I came to the foot of Niutou Mountain, and it was time for the performance of Gao Pet. He shot one at a time, and even picked four "bone capital" generalissimos, which frightened the soldiers of the Jin army to give way. But one of them is not conspicuous, his name is Golden Tooth, he wields a mace to stop Gao Chong, and Gao Zhong stabs him in the heart with a shot. Since then, no one dares to take the initiative to stop Gao Pet.

Gao Zhong took the opportunity to raise the tiger's head chisel golden gun upwards and shouted: "Brothers, rush!" As he spoke, he took the lead and rushed out of the camp.

With the help of Gao Chong, Niu Gao and they successfully transported grain and grass to Niutou Mountain. The Yuejia army had supplies, everyone was full of food and drink, and they had the strength to fight the enemy again, so the battle of Niutoushan finally came.

In this battle, Gao Zhong once again showed his extraordinary ability to the fullest, and he stabbed the golden vulture with one shot. Seeing that Gao Zhong was so powerful, Jin Wushu hurriedly "thirty-six plans" and went as the best plan - pulled out the horse and fled.

Gao Pet chased Jin Wushu to the Jin Camp, and ran rampant inside, killing the soldiers of the Jin Army crying and shouting, and they dodged one after another! Finally, when he came out of the western camp, he found the grain depot on the western hill of the Jin army. So, his performance of picking up iron cars is about to start.

In the end, Gao Pet picked eleven Tiehua cars. Originally, he still had the strength to pick the twelfth, but his horse had no strength. When the twelfth sliding car was about to rush in front of the horse, the horse "pounced" and fell. Even Gao Pet was run over by a sliding iron car and was crushed into a "flat man".

From the fact that Gao Pet was pressed "thin" by the Tiehua car, it can be seen how heavy this Tiehua car is. And the high pet ability to pick eleven of them, and not tired, if it weren't for the bad horses, maybe the Tiehua car "another dozen", he would also be able to pick out the fly. Therefore, although he has appeared for a very short time, his position as the ceiling of force in "The Complete Biography of Yue" is the most uncontroversial. Therefore, among the 8 masters who can fight with the mountain lion camel for 50 or more, he is the first to rank. At the same time, for him to defeat the mountain lion camel, he also knew with his toes that it was certain and must be possible!

Second place: Yang Jizhou

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

Yang Jizhou, the son of Yang Zaixing, said that the first master of Yue's later biography, and the mountain lion camel that appeared in the same biography can be described as a moment of brightness. The two of them have a direct record of fighting each other in the book, and the first time the two fought hundreds of rounds, regardless of victory or defeat. The second time, Yang Jizhou was in the hand, and suddenly used the stunt of returning the horse halberd, and a halberd was thrown, and the mountain lion camel fell in response. Therefore, Yang Jizhou is also one of the two people who have the ability to defeat the mountain lion camel.

Third place: Stickiness

Sticky, good at using a pair of purple gold hammers, is one of the best masters in the gold country. Niu Gao's son Niu Tong, who is "blue out of blue is better than blue", couldn't catch his two hammers, and Yu Lei, Zong Liang, Ouyang Congshan and Zheng Shibao teamed up to fight him, and they were not his opponents.

Yue Lei saw that the stickiness was so powerful, and without Yang Jizhou coming, he knew that the stickiness was not something that could be won by one person, so he simply sent a total of ten generals such as Ji Chengliang, Shi Feng, Tang Ying, Han Qilong, and Han Qifeng to fight Ali together. Ali didn't care, he also shouted: "How many generals do you still have, just get all of them, and I will send you back to the west." Later, the Jin State saw that the difference in the number of people fighting on both sides was too great, so four ordinary generals came out, and this time, the ten generals under Yue Lei were even more unable to parry, so they had to be defeated back to their own formation.

There is also a battle between him and Guan Ling, the two fought for more than 30 rounds without a winner. And the mountain lion camel is a dozen boring to defeat Guan Ling.

The strength of the stickiness is mainly because he can fight with many people at the same time, and he does not fall behind, which can be seen from his fast shot. In the end, when he was fighting with Guan Ling and Di Lei at the same time, Lu Wenlong, Fan Cheng, and Yan Chengfang rushed out together, and Lu Wenlong stabbed the sticky mount with a shot, and the sticky force fell off the horse and was stabbed to death by Fan Cheng with a gun. The reason why he was defeated and killed this time was that masters like Lu Wenlong, Guan Ling, and Fan Cheng all joined forces to attack, who can withstand this? Maybe in addition to Gao Pet, Yang Jizhou can top it. Therefore, the stickiness seems to be average, but in fact, it can be ranked third. Judging from his record against people, although he is slightly inferior to the mountain lion camel, he is actually not much worse. Therefore, even if you can't fight the mountain lion camel for 100 rounds and 50 rounds, it is still very easy to do.

Fourth place: Lian'er is kind-hearted

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

Lian Er is kind-hearted, and the chief soldier of Hanguan. Among the masters of the Jin Kingdom, the martial arts are second only to the fierce generals of the sticky force and the mountain lion camel, and the strength is incomparable, and he is good at using a hinged door knife, and he has the courage of ten thousand people.

His record was also impressive, and Yan Chengfang was defeated by him in thirty or forty rounds. Dong Yaozong only fought more than 20 rounds against him, but he was obviously at a disadvantage. Later, Wang Biao also rushed out, and like fighting Yang Jizhou at the foot of Jiulong Mountain, their two tigers (Wang Biao and Dong Yaozong are both tiger generals, one is called "Shaking Mountain Tiger", and the other is called "Rolling Tiger") joined forces to fight Lian'er Xinshan. Lian'er is kind to one enemy and two, and does not show weakness, but becomes more and more brave the more he fights. Later, when Yan Chengfang saw it, he killed it again, and the three of them fought Lian'er together. Lian'er is not sticky, he is very powerful one by one, but he feels very difficult to fight three people at the same time. In the end, he made a false move, and the horse was defeated.

Some people say that Lian Er Xinshan didn't die under Lu Wenlong's gun in the battle of Jieshan in the end? Why is he ranked higher than Lu Wenlong?

Yes, Lian'er Xinshan was killed by Lu Wenlong in the end, but it was not that his martial arts were inferior to Lu Wenlong, but that he witnessed the "Generalissimo Shenwu" mountain lion camel who was even more powerful than himself being killed by Yang Jizhou, he panicked in his heart, and Lu Wenlong took the opportunity to pick him off the horse with one shot. Therefore, his battle is not of much significance. Judging from his other records, he has the ability to rank above Lu Wenlong and Cao Ning.

Judging from Lian'er's record of fighting with others, his martial arts and stickiness are not very different, of course, due to the middle of the stickiness, there is still a relatively obvious gap between him and the mountain lion camel. But he definitely still has the ability to fight the mountain lion camel for 50 rounds.

Fifth place: Cao Ning

Cao Ning, the son of Cao Rong. He fought with Yan Chengfang and Zhang Xian for 40 rounds each, regardless of victory or defeat. This performance is similar to the performance of Lu Wenlong, Yan Chengfang, Yue Yun and others. There are two reasons why he is ranked before Lu Wenlong, one is that he and Yan Chengfang's performance in killing Xu Qing and Jin Biao is the same as Gao Chong's performance when he killed the four "bone capitals", they are all one shot! And when Lu Wenlong fought with Hu Tianbao and Hu Tianqing, although he killed Hu Tianbao with one shot, it took a lot of time to pick and kill Hu Tianqing. The second is that his gun also has a bowl mouth, which shows his great strength. Moreover, it is clearly said in the book that he is more ruthless than Lu Wenlong. Some people interpret this to mean that his personality is more ruthless than Lu Wenlong. Is Lu Wenlong ruthless? Not ruthless at all! Therefore, from these aspects, any one of them gives people a feeling that Cao Ning is more powerful.

Cao Ning has good marksmanship, great strength, and martial arts are not under Lu Wenlong. The ability to fight the mountain lion camel for 50 rounds is definitely there.

Sixth place: Lu Wenlong

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

Lu Wenlong, as a golden general, fought with Yan Chengfang, Yue Yun, He Yuanqing and others for 30 rounds each, regardless of victory or defeat. In the end, the same as Cao Ning's "treatment", the two fought Yue Fei out of the war-free faction. Lu Wenlong and Cao Ning, martial arts are indistinguishable, and whoever is in front of the row can say that it is reasonable. Since Cao Ning can fight the mountain lion camel for 50 rounds or more, of course, he has no problem at all.

Seventh place: Wanyan Golden Bullet

Of the 8 masters who can fight 50 with mountain lions and camels, 2 can win, 1 is about the same, and 5 are a little reluctant

After finishing the golden marble, he made a pair of drums and urns and golden hammers, and he had the courage of ten thousand people. He is one of the best generals in the Jin Kingdom, and it only took a few rounds to defeat the "Iron Mask King" Dong Xian, and it only took more than 20 rounds to defeat He Yuanqing. In front of his horse, Zhang Xian, who had shot away the Golden Vulture with one shot, also held out for more than forty rounds and was defeated back in his own position.

He also fought Yue Yun for eighty rounds, and then it was Yue Yun who fell behind instead of him. Therefore, his ranking is naturally higher than Yue Yun.

Wanyan Jin Danzi's martial arts are among the few in the Jin Kingdom, and judging from his record, he also has the ability to fight the mountain lion camel for 50 rounds.

Eighth place: Yue Yun

Yue Yun, Yue Fei's eldest son, made a pair of sledgehammers, one of the "Four Fierce and Eight Sledgehammers" in "The Complete Biography of Yue". He had fought Guan Ling, and the two fought to a draw. However, the martial arts behind Guan Ling give people a feeling of "if you don't advance, you will retreat", while Yue Yun gives people the feeling that the moves are becoming more and more sophisticated, and the martial arts are becoming more and more powerful. #长文创作激励计划#

Yue Yun, like Gao Chong and Zhang Xian, also had the experience of beating the Golden Vulture in one group. In addition, he has fought hundreds of rounds with the Black Savage Dragon, regardless of whether he is up or down; fought with Yan Chengfang for more than 80 rounds, regardless of victory or defeat, but after using the hammer stunt, he knocked down Yan Chengfang's sledgehammer, which greatly impressed him. Even the golden bullet whose martial arts were obviously above him was also affected by Niu Gao, and Yue Yun seized the opportunity to knock him off his horse with a hammer.

Yue Yun is actually very similar to his father Yue Fei, and has the trait of being strong when he is strong. The reason why he was able to kill the golden bullet is a demonstration of this trait. He fought against people, how could he ever lose? Therefore, he naturally has the ability to fight with mountain lion camels for 50 rounds or more!