
Microfiction: After discovering the secret of the concubine

author:Flowers are separated
Microfiction: After discovering the secret of the concubine


Jiang Anning has been restless recently, there is something she has been holding in her heart for a long time, she doesn't know who to talk to, she has thought about it for a long time, only her mother's family is the most reliable, and she made up a reason to go home.

"What? There is someone outside your sister-in-law, Ning Ning, no, you have to let your mother-in-law know about this matter, but she said it at the beginning, for the sake of the two children, she promised not to marry again, and now she is secretly looking for a man, what does it mean, she gets money on the surface, and secretly looks for a wild man, and she takes advantage of the physical and material benefits, how can there be such a good thing in the world. ”

"Mom, be quiet, and let others hear it in a while."

"I'm going to shout, I'm going to shout, let the people in their village hear it, don't want to bully my daughter, they all think she is a chaste martyr, stealing men behind her back, hum!"

Jiang Ningning regretted it a little, she had long known that her mother was the captain of the gossip intelligence station in their factory, and now she told her, let alone her own village, I am afraid that ten miles and eight villages will know, my mother may be yelling, if she really runs to the village to spread wild...... When the time comes, how will my sister-in-law behave in person, in fact, my sister-in-law is also good to her, is it a bit too much for her to do this.



Jiang Ningning entered the door two years later than her sister-in-law Gu Ying, her in-law's family is harmonious, her sister-in-law is capable, and her cooking is delicious.

The mother-in-law is also refreshing, and soon after Jiang Ningning entered the door, she divided their homes, each of which was three shiny big tiled houses, and 100,000 yuan.

Usually live their own small days, every Sunday, the mother-in-law beckons the two families to eat together, the mother-in-law and sister-in-law are the chefs, the eldest brother and the husband give a hand, Jiang Ningning is responsible for eating, because the mother-in-law said that Jiang Ningning is a city lady, willing to marry to the countryside, it is the blessing of her family, she can't let her suffer, and every time she cooks, if she gives a hand, it will add to the chaos.

The mother-in-law said it with a smile, and she didn't mean to be sarcastic, so Jiang Ningning didn't mind, she liked the atmosphere at home.

My sister-in-law made stewed meat on weekdays, and when she bought seafood and other things, she would pass them over to her through the wall for her to try.

Jiang Ningning felt that her sister-in-law was like her sister, so she no longer called her sister-in-law, but changed her name to Sister Ying to show her intimacy.

Everyone in the village envied their family, and the village also gave them a certificate of merit for the five good families.

Microfiction: After discovering the secret of the concubine


It's a pity that good flowers don't bloom often, good times don't always exist, the eldest brother once went out drinking with friends, and when he came back, he had a sudden cerebral infarction, and he was not rescued, and died, leaving behind two sons and elderly parents.

After the funeral of the eldest brother, sister-in-law Gu Ying knelt in front of her in-laws and kowtowed three times: "Parents, Qin Biao is gone, I have two sons, and I don't want to marry again, my only wish is to raise the two of them, and you will be my parents in the future." ”

The in-laws had just lost their son, and now their daughter-in-law's statement surprised them very much, because Jiang Ningning gave birth to a daughter, and they were afraid that the two roots of the Qin family would also follow, so they immediately said to Gu Ying that the compensation of 500,000 yuan would be given to Gu Ying.

At that time, there were five people who drank with Qin Biao, each of whom took 20,000 yuan, and Qin Biao's insurance paid another 400,000 yuan.

At that time, Jiang Ningning didn't feel anything wrong, and felt that Sister Ying was affectionate and righteous, and she had done her best to her eldest brother, children, and in-laws, and she deserved the money.

When I returned home, I was told by my mother and sister-in-law that Gu Ying was a white lotus, and now she was coaxing her in-laws to give her all the money, that was because she had no suitable candidate, and when there was someone in the future, she would take the money and leave, and when the time came, the work of taking care of the elderly would be Jiang Ningning's, and the money was gone, so let Jiang Ningning go back and make trouble, saying that the money was half of hers.

Jiang Ningning didn't make trouble, she felt that her sister-in-law was pitiful, and she still had two children, since she didn't leave, she should take the money, not to mention that her sister-in-law was so good to her.

The old mother poked her head and said that she was an elm head, and asked her to look at her sister-in-law, if there is a wild man, tell her in-laws in time, while her in-laws are still young, let them go and ask for the money back.


If you want to say that Jiang Ningning doesn't care, she really doesn't care, she works in the town every month, has a salary of 2,000 yuan, and her husband also has a craft, he can earn 5,000 yuan a month, and he only has a daughter, which is more than enough in life.

But after returning home, my mother's words have always been recalled in her mind: girl, I blame my mother for raising you in a greenhouse since you were a child, and she has done everything for you, but you must listen to your mother in this matter, what is going on with your sister-in-law, you must keep an eye on it, 500,000, not a small amount, these years, who can not get along with money.

Jiang Ningning didn't want to worry about her sister-in-law's affairs, but she would always involuntarily go to her sister-in-law's yard every day to walk around twice, and when she heard someone chatting at the entrance of the village, she would come up and listen to a few sentences.

The sister-in-law felt that she cared about herself, and often let her take away the eggs laid by the chickens at home, as well as the cucumbers and tomatoes in the field.

The people at the head of the village also said that Jiang Ningning has been married for a few years, and now she is more and more integrated into the village, and there is no longer the shelf of the city lady.

After speaking, the fat sister-in-law who took the lead still laughed.

Jiang Ningning smiled bitterly, I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain.

It's a pity that after two years of observation, my sister-in-law didn't move, except for working in a restaurant in the town every day, she went home to do farm work.

Microfiction: After discovering the secret of the concubine


Just when she was a little uneasy, she accidentally discovered something.

The night before, it was hot, she ate a few more ice creams and ran to the toilet several times during the night.

At three o'clock in the evening, her stomach rumbled again, and she ran to the toilet in a hurry.

She entered the toilet and was just about to untie her pants when she heard a man talking outside the toilet: "Shadow, shadow, it's me, open the door." ”

Immediately after that, the door of my sister-in-law's house creaked open, and Jiang Ningning heard the man's heavy breathing: "Shadow, you miss me to death, let me kiss me." ”

Jiang Ningning forgot to take off his pants, his stomach didn't hurt anymore, he held his breath, and heard that the two seemed to be hugging and entering the yard, and after the gate was closed, Jiang Ningning came out, sweating all over his body, and was bitten by mosquitoes for many bags.

She did not return home immediately and hid outside the gate of her sister-in-law's house.

Two hours later, at around five o'clock, the man came out again, and before going out, he kissed Gu Ying on the head.

Jiang Ningning wanted to see who that man was, but he was still wearing a hat in the summer, and it was dark, so he couldn't see who it was at all?

The next day, Jiang Ningning went to her sister-in-law's yard to see what clues there were, Gu Ying saw her and exclaimed: "Ningning, why are your dark circles so heavy, haven't you slept well, come, sister-in-law will give you a dressing." ”

Looking at her fake appearance, Jiang Ningning wanted to vomit, and she didn't know if the man she was looking for had a family or didn't have a family, why did she sneak around.


Jiang Ningning asked her tentatively: "Sister-in-law, my brother has been dead for two years, and it is not easy for you to take care of the child by yourself, so you never thought about finding another one?" ”

Gu Ying was sewing clothes, his hand paused, and then said: "Ning Ning, what are you kidding, I didn't say it, I will never marry again for the rest of my life, and accompany my parents." ”

Jiang Ningning pouted: Pretend, you pretend again, your little face was still dark last year, but this year it is ruddy and moist, and it is not moisturized by men, Gu Ying, if you tell me the truth, I can still spare you, but if you calculate me so much, don't blame me for being unkind. “

Jiang Ningning returned home, thought about it, and thought that she was squatting outside Gu Ying's door every day, so she didn't believe that she couldn't squat at that man.

One rainy night, Jiang Ningning held an umbrella and squatted until two o'clock in the middle of the night, and finally waited for a man again.

She ran to her in-laws' yard: "Mom and Dad, my stomach hurts, you can call my sister-in-law to take me to the hospital together." “

After a period of chaos, the in-laws got up and went to Gu Ying's yard.

Gu Ying got up and opened the door, looking flustered, and asked what was wrong?

Her in-laws asked her to drive Jiang Ningning to the hospital, but found that Jiang Ningning jumped into Gu Ying's bedroom like a rabbit.

"Ning Ning, don't your stomach hurt?" The mother-in-law shouted in the back.

They all followed Jiang Ningning into the back room.

At this moment, something was moving in the quilt on my sister-in-law's kang.

The in-laws' faces sank.

Jiang Ningning lifted the quilt.

"Ah, it's you!"


A man in the quilt blushed, covered the quilt over his body, and waved it again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." “

This man Jiang Ningning knows, is a man named Wei Qiang in the west of the village, his wife is a sick seedling, sick in bed all the year round, it is said that he can't do the things of husband and wife, but he never leaves his wife, usually relies on odd jobs to support his wife, and has no children.

If the people in the village come to him for help with something, he won't collect wages, so he has a good reputation in the village.

"Gu Ying, what's going on with you and him?"

The father-in-law dragged Gu Ying to another room and asked her with a gloomy face.

Gu Ying looked flustered: "Parents, I'm sorry, when the boss died, I was determined not to look for it, I felt that I could do the work in the field with your help, but there was too much work, occasionally Wei Qiang came to help, and we ...... if we came and went."

After saying that, she lowered her head in shame.

"He still has a wife, Gu Ying, you are confused, how can you do such a thing?"

"Mom and Dad, he said that his wife's situation is getting worse and worse this year, and he has relied on liquid food, and he also said that if his wife dies, he will marry me."

When my father-in-law and mother-in-law heard this, they almost didn't come up in one breath, and they coughed for a long time holding their chests, they couldn't imagine that Gu Ying would be such a shameless woman.

The father-in-law pointed at her and said: "Gu Ying, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, you want to find a partner, we have never stopped you, but the indiscreet relationship between you and Wei Qiang is a shame for our family, if you let the Wei family's daughter-in-law and mother's family know, don't poke our backbone, so let's do it, you take 300,000 for 500,000, leave 200,000, and you go back to your mother's house in the future, and we will be clear." “

Gu Ying's face was gloomy: "Parents, the money is for the boss, the two children are in school, you let me go now, what kind of life do I have, and besides, I spent all the money, and I lost all the investment, no money!" “

After speaking, he walked into the back room and said to Wei Qiang, who was dressed: "You go, come to me when your wife dies." “

Jiang Ningning pointed at her and said: "Sister-in-law, it turns out that you are really good at pretending, in the past two years, you have asked your parents to watch the child for you, they feel sorry for you, all the expenses of the child are spent by them, and the money you earn is kept by yourself, you are only responsible for blowing their rainbow fart, let them give you money and efforts, and now that the matter is revealed, you can't bear to leave a penny for them." “

Gu Ying snorted and said, "I'm an orphan and widow, I don't calculate for myself, I don't want you to die for anything, I am also for the roots of their old Qin family." “

Jiang Ningning couldn't understand why her sister-in-law, who was so good to her at the beginning, became so indifferent and ruthless at this time, and was so shameless.

Alas, she was wrong, when her mother said that she should keep an eye on her, she should fight for reason and give the 500,000 yuan to her in-laws to get it back, so that the current situation will not occur.

She swore that she would never trust anyone's sincerity in the future, only to hold the money in her own hands first, and then to be a good person.


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