
It's ridiculous! Zhu Lilun wants to fight for the party chairman again? One election three times will only hold the KMT back


Text—Zhang Youhua

First-line chairman, second-rate politician, three rounds of elections, this protagonist is Zhu Lilun. In 2023, Zhu Lilun rarely stands on the front line, and he is on the front line when he is "Ke Hou matched", but he is both an astringent orange and a defeated orange. Ke Wenzhe let the blue and white cooperation break the game because he didn't trust him, and Guo Taiming also broke the game because he didn't trust him, Hou Guo or Guo Hou cooperated to break the game, so Zhu Lilun standing on the front line often symbolizes the beginning of a defeat.

It's ridiculous! Zhu Lilun wants to fight for the party chairman again? One election three times will only hold the KMT back

The second is a second-rate politician, what did Zhu Lilun do to the "five bills" in the various chambers? Zhu Lilun only jumped out after the bill was passed. Then the DPP launched the "Blue Bird Operation", and at first he did not dare to reflect on it, but in the end, it was because the outside world scolded him too fiercely that he reluctantly came up with a "Blue Eagle Operation". He took to the streets in Operation Blue Eagle, and after the Five Bills, he thought he had found confidence in the streets. Looking at his recall case in Keelung City and the DPP's proposal to launch the recall of the KMT's legislature representatives, he has no way to deal with it so far. What is the goal of advancing and what is the purpose of retreating, and he often confuses the goal with the goal, so Zhu Lilun's political judgment is problematic. Not only is there a problem, but often the end result is that he is going down the wrong path.

Zhu Lilun is the chairman of the Kuomintang Party and he wants to serve three times, once to change the pillar, and the other is to nominate in 2023. Now he has not only resigned after losing the "general election", but has also continued to serve as party chairman. As of now, no one knows about his "general election" review report, and he believes that through this period of time, he can run for party chairman in 2025. Zhu Lilun's three-round election is almost rare in the history of the Kuomintang, with first-line chairman and second-rate politician in three rounds of election.

Zhu Lilun's road to party chairmanship can be said to be getting narrower and narrower, and if you go to the countryside to see the local piles, everyone will shake their heads and sigh. Some even put it bluntly, saying that only by withdrawing from the party chairman election can the Kuomintang have a chance to win the election, otherwise if a party chairman who has been defeated again and again hands over the Kuomintang to him, he does not know what will happen, and it is clear that the situation is very good can lead to infighting.

It's ridiculous! Zhu Lilun wants to fight for the party chairman again? One election three times will only hold the KMT back

So from this point of view, the first-line chairman, the second-rate politician, and the third round of elections, Zhu Lilun's road to the party chairman is getting narrower and narrower. Moreover, his last election with Zhang Yazhong was thrilling. Of course, he is now saying that he wants to carry out party affairs reform, but to this day, many senior party members and even party members of Zhu Lilun are very dissatisfied with the reform of party affairs. It's just that Zhu Lilun seems to have made his political judgment that I am willing to take responsibility for the party when I run again, but this responsibility is a disastrous result. Some of the things that Zhu Lilun did were unbelievable to everyone, and this kind of unbelievable things that should not have happened all happened in the Kuomintang. A game of chess will be played by him like this, obviously he can be a two-rook general, but in the end, he will not be able to govern or be cured, what should I do?

Under such circumstances, Zhu Lilun may be elected if he is re-elected as party chairman, unless Lu Xiuyan and others are all unwilling to serve as party chairman, and he is reluctantly promoted. However, it is difficult to be promoted to 2026, let alone 2028. Even if he wins, it is impossible to have 2028, depending on what his way of dealing with the DPP is, and after the counterattack, he has no way to fight to the death against the DPP with self-discipline, which is reflected in the end. By the time you finally reflect, the time has passed, and this can explain Zhu Lilun's current problem.

It's ridiculous! Zhu Lilun wants to fight for the party chairman again? One election three times will only hold the KMT back

Judging from many things, in fact, there are not many people in the party who really believe in Zhu Lilun. Although Zhu Lilun is now going to the countryside to carry out the so-called "Blue Eagle Operation", this "Blue Eagle Operation" was launched by his subordinates, and there are no local factions to help him launch it. Second, the bigwigs in the Kuomintang went to ask how many people believed in Zhu Lilun. The third is to ask relevant people in Chinese mainland what their evaluation of Zhu Lilun is. Now Zhu Lilun is the DPP looking down on him, Chinese mainland does not trust him, and party insiders do not believe him, but he still wants to be elected. If he still wants to be elected, it will be a disaster for the Kuomintang, and if Zhu Lilun does not step down, it will be impossible for the Kuomintang to win.

First-tier chairman, second-rate politician, three rounds of elections. It's only three things, and he has to run for the fourth time, and everyone has nothing to say. From this point of view, Zhu Lilun's road will become narrower and narrower, and it is entirely his personal factor. If these personal factors are not ruled out, even if Zhu Lilun is elected chairman of the Kuomintang, everyone will no longer take it seriously.

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