
Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

author:Brother Zheng looks at life

I believe that for many ordinary people, whether it is a wedding, a funeral, or a New Year's holiday, walking and going to each other is nothing more than relatives who are related to each other in blood relations, and the rest are best friends, and it is enough to deal with them.

However, in the event of a big scene such as a wedding and funeral, some villages still retain the habit of the whole village people to follow the ceremony, and most of them are also courtesy.

But if you say that a person is dead, and you actually arrange for the whole school staff and all the staff of the health center to help each other keep the spirit, this kind of operation is really unprecedented. People are curious about the 21st century, how do you feel that you are still living in the Qing Dynasty?

I am "Brother Zheng's view of life", tracking social hotspots with you, feeling the lives of the people, and interpreting the world.

Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

According to the Internet news, on June 29, someone died in Dejiang County, Tongren, Guizhou, and the local government organized a group wake-up for all the employees of the middle school and the health center, and on June 29, all the employees did not fall behind, acting as the filial son and grandson of the deceased.

From the exposed wake-up schedule, it can be seen that the time of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School is from the language group on June 22, the English group on the 23rd, the mathematics group on the 24th, the Japanese comprehensive group on the 25th, the science comprehensive group on the 26th, the administrative group on the 27th, and the music and physical arts group on the 28th, all the staff on the 29th.

I have to say that this deceased is really fortunate in three lives, and even when he dies, he has to take a middle school course, in addition to the number of languages, there are also sounds and physical beauty, etc., which can be described as all-round life and death training, so that the soul of the deceased can get the dream of going to Tsinghua University and Peking University in another world.

Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

From another wake-up schedule, we can also see that from June 22nd to June 29th, the schedule of all the staff of the Yantang Township Health Center, I have to say that it is a good thing that the deceased is great, but after the death, Yu Wei is still there, so that all the staff of the health center have less wake.

Among them, the wake-up table is arranged for all the members of the Public Health Section on June 22, all the members of the medical team on the 23rd, all the members of the Public Health Section on the 24th, and all the members of the medical group on the 25th.

The date of this operation is so long, the number of people is so large, I believe that even the family of the deceased will be moved to weep blood and bow down, I really don't know how the deceased can have such a great power after death, so many public officials give up their working hours to give each other a wake for the soul?

Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

After the wake watch was photographed by netizens and posted on the Internet, it immediately set off an uproar, when the reporter interviewed the staff of the local education bureau to see if the matter was true, the staff said: "I have called the principal of the school, and they are dealing with the matter." ”

So, everyone is very curious why none of these teachers resisted, why the principal has so much power to influence the teacher's wake, and why the local education bureau did not know about this wake, and had to call the principal?

What kind of big man can alarm so many faculty members and staff of the health center to keep vigil for eight days after his death? In addition to seeing the head of state and the martyrdom, it was only a day before this scene was found at the memorial service.

Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

Judging from another media revelation, the deceased is the father of a teacher, but this identity makes people feel that it should not be, unless the son of the deceased is the principal, he has the right to mobilize so many teachers and staff to wake for him, but what is the reason for the staff of the health center who can't beat the eight poles?

Some netizens questioned that Dejiang County is 1024 years, isn't the Qing Dynasty dead? How could there be such a feudal bad habit openly posted to show off the market? Could it be that these faculty members and staff of the health center are all too weak on their knees and don't want to stand up after kneeling for a long time?

In the face of the death of one person and the incident of all the faculty and staff holding the spirit, it is believed that the true identity of the deceased will be reported, whether the identity of the deceased's son is such a great ability as a teacher, or whether the deceased was highly respected and revered during his lifetime, this needs to be explained and announced.

Someone died in Dejiang County, and all the staff of the local middle school and health center held a vigil, and the identity of the suspected deceased was exposed

Many netizens saw this scene and left messages on the post, expressing their different opinions. A netizen in Shandong left a message on the post: "The principal doesn't have such great energy, and he can't do it below the municipal leaders." A netizen in Sichuan left a message: "It's the teacher whose whole family has finished playing, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged the task like this." ”

A netizen in Shandong left a message on the post: "It is normal for colleagues, friends, and neighbors to help keep the wake at night!" It's just that many people who go to funeral homes now have full-time guardians, so there's no fuss about it! Fujian netizens left a message: "There are still a lot of licking dogs." ”

If the teacher's father dies and can mobilize the public and arrange so many teachers and staff to hold a wake, do you mean that the teacher has great energy, or is he popular? To be able to work so hard to move the public, how virtuous and respected should the teacher's father be during his lifetime?

What do you want to say about this kind of behavior of arranging the wakes of the staff and staff of the health center, do you think it is ordinary folk customs or power is at fault? Welcome to leave a message.