
Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

The love between princes and nobles and commoners not only exists in fairy tales, but also happens from time to time in history, and even in modern times, there are still good stories of the combination of royals and commoners.

But the natural gap between the royal family and the commoners and some of his own reasons, so that the love is not as perfect as a fairy tale, Thailand's Chulabhorn princess is like this, she can only be forced to be deeply troubled by illness after birth, want to pursue love, marry a commoner, but in exchange for only domestic violence, known as the most miserable princess.

Why did the married life of this Thai princess become such a field? What is the reason for this?

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

The product of consanguineous marriage

The Thai royal family has continued to this day, and the old King Bhumibol and the Queen Mother had four children, the youngest daughter is Princess Chulabhorn, who was born on July 4, 1957. But she was born with a series of health problems, she suffered from hemophilia, facial muscles can not be controlled normally, and there are also various defects in the body and a series of genetic diseases.

The main reason for this is that the old king and the old queen turned out to be cousins, and this kind of "kiss-to-kiss" marriage created Chulabhorn's physical cripple after birth. In the eyes of ordinary people in today's society, this kind of marriage and love of "kissing on kiss, smashing bones, and connecting tendons" is really contrary to human morality.

But for the Thai royal family, this kind of consanguineous marriage is a tradition, because in the past history, most of the members of the Thai royal family were the product of consanguineous marriage, the purpose of which is to ensure the unity of their bloodline, but obviously increase the risk of genetic diseases and the health of the offspring can not be guaranteed at all.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

Although it has attracted the attention and criticism of the society, this is a historical legacy, and the physical illness of the existing royal family members cannot be remedied, resulting in the little princess Chulabhorn not only creating a certain amount of pressure physically, but also psychologically.

Princess Chulabhorn also has two sisters and an elder brother, of course, they are also the products of close marriage, and the brothers and sisters have different degrees of conflicts because of the special circumstances of the young Princess Chulabhorn, which also affects their relationship.

As a member of the Thai royal family, Chulabhorn should enjoy a distinguished social status and treatment, but in reality, she often faces ridicule and discrimination from those around her in society, even if her servants occasionally imitate her facial expressions, which may be unintentional, but it does not feel good.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

The first love

Even so, in the face of her own health problems and social pressures, Princess Chulabhorn showed her strong will and thirst for knowledge, and she found solace in her studies and continued to achieve success in the academic field, graduating from the Department of Chemistry at Kasetsart University in Thailand, and went on to study organic chemistry and received her PhD from Mahidol University in 1985.

In the field of scientific research, she has also been awarded the title of Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society, which also shows that she has a certain reputation and status in the scientific community, and is one of the most highly educated members of the Thai royal family.

But just after she graduated from college, she met the bodyguard in charge of her security work - Verayud, this person was originally an air force officer, tall and handsome, and at the same time personable, this person was responsible for protecting the safety of Princess Chulabhorn in a foreign affairs activity, so the two met, knew each other, and then fell in love, Chulabhorn was also a girl Huaichun at the time, and immediately fell in love at first sight with this former air force soldier and now a bodyguard who has changed careers.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

And Wilayud also quickly grasped this opportunity, began to date Princess Chulabhorn frequently, and quickly confirmed the relationship, but he didn't seem to be simply for his ideal love, he seemed to want to pursue career success with the help of the power of the Thai royal family, and his desire for power seemed to have become an aphrodisiac, so he chased Princess Chulabhorn into his hands.

But soon, members of the Thai royal family found out that Wilayud actually had a family for a long time, which means that he was a married person.

For some reason, the news reached the ears of the media, and the Thai tabloid reporters who learned the news reported the incident one after another, and described Princess Chulabhorn as the "little three" in the royal family, in short, the words were not very friendly.

The pressure of the Thai royal family, the pressure of public opinion in the streets and alleys, and the sound of such a tsunami class stimulated the little princess's body and mind, but she still had a firm will, waiting in the palace for her fiancé's promise, divorcing her original partner, and tying the knot with herself, and finally her "prayer" seemed to come true, and the princess and the commoner really came together.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

domestic violence

In fact, the combination of the Thai royal family and commoners is not uncommon in Thailand, as early as the Bangkok Dynasty, there was a precedent of intermarriage between the royal family and wealthy merchants, but according to tradition, the princess chose to marry a commoner, then she needed to resign the title of princess, but at that time, the old king considered Princess Chulabhorn's contribution to society, so she was allowed to keep the title.

So when Chulabhorn, after marrying a commoner and giving birth to two daughters, the king retained her title of princess when it was customary to resign from the title of princess.

After getting married and having children, Princess Chulabhorn began to start her daily life with Villayud, everyone knows that Chulabhorn has a genetic disease, although she has no worries about food and clothing, but she must be careful everywhere in life, and Princess Chulabhorn will also be in a wheelchair on weekdays.

At first, Wilayud was dutiful, but as his career did not go well, as if his marriage to a member of the royal family had not made his career go well, he gradually began to be cold and violent against Princess Chulabhorn, often not returning home at night, singing outside at night.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

But this is just an appetizer, and then he is even more to Princess Chulabhorn, you must know that after the prince and nobleman marry a commoner, what he is most afraid of is the question of public opinion about his marriage, her love story with the bodyguard has always attracted much attention, and the public, who are not optimistic about this matter, will be more convinced of their "prophecy", which makes Princess Chulabhorn's life stressful.

Fortunately, Princess Chulabhorn resolutely chose to divorce, and she did not compromise because of her royal status or face.

As a member of the royal family, Princess Chulabhorn's experience exposed the possible family problems of the royal family, and the violent phenomenon was like a nuclear bomb in Thailand's public opinion began to ferment wildly, making people begin to think about the living conditions of the royal family members and their family relationships, which did have a certain degree of impact on the royal family members, and also triggered heated discussions and questions about the royal family relationship in the society.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

The royal family, who originally symbolized power and status, lived a glamorous life, but could also suffer from domestic violence, breaking people's illusions and prejudices about royal family members, and Princess Chulabhorn's courage to expose her own shortcomings and bravely divorce also reflected her spirit of resistance, she broke the traditional Thai family concept of keeping silent about family issues, and also made people begin to realize that domestic violence is not only a conflict between individuals, but also a human rights violation.

In short, Princess Chulabhorn bravely faced her first unfortunate love life and returned to the palace with her children.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

Second romance

After this marriage full of tragedy and setbacks, Princess Chulabhorn was silent for a while, and she threw herself into the chemical career she loved. Perhaps it was a deliberate act of God, and she met her next lover at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, Professor Shibagawa of the Department of Chemistry.

Professor Shibagawa and Princess Chulabhorn share common interests and love for chemistry, and the tacit understanding between the two in the experiment makes people feel emotional. According to Thai media reports and Thai people's memories of Princess Chulabhorn, that time period is when Princess Chulabhorn smiles the most.

At that time, Princess Chulabhorn thought that she had really found true love this time, and Professor Shibagawa seemed to be ready to enter the palace of marriage, the two parties had already met their parents, and the wedding procedures were also prepared, but at this time, Professor Shibagawa suddenly disappeared.

There are two versions of rumors: the first version, Professor Shibagawa is worried that Princess Chulabhorn's genetic disease will affect the next generation, and Professor Shibagawa admires science and feels that it should not be passed on to his next generation, so he chooses to leave silently.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

In the second version, the Thai royal family discovered that there were very similarities between Shibagawa and Wilayud, and in order to prevent Princess Chulabhorn from being injured again, they could only secretly drive Professor Shibagawa out of Thailand.

The failure of love again plunged Princess Chulabhorn into deep self-doubt again, and she no longer trusted love, and even once thought that she no longer had the so-called love.

Chulabhorn thinks that her birth was a mistake, and she has experienced ups and downs in her life, followed by a lifelong genetic disease, the ridicule of others in the process of growing up, and a series of unfortunate events such as cold violence against her after marriage, her tragic life is embarrassing.

But even so, Princess Chulabhorn remained kind and strong, and she devoted all her light and heat to charity and medical causes, helping her people and the sick in need.

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard


Princess Chulabhorn married a commoner, this topic involves Thailand's historical traditions, external pressures, but also includes changes in modern society and other aspects, although the Thai royal family's attitude towards multiculturalism is tolerant, but the dregs of consanguineous marriage have been left behind, feudal decay believes that this is to maintain the purity of the bloodline, but it has brought irreversible genetic diseases.

In recent years, with the development of society and the improvement of awareness, the royal family of Thailand has also realized the danger of consanguineous marriage, and has begun to accept commoners, improving and avoiding the pace of the continued spread of genetic diseases.

Princess Chulabhorn, although she had a rough life, because of family background or health problems, which led to the unhappiness of her marriage, her experience and health problems also aroused people's attention to the royal family, marriage, domestic violence and other aspects, and also caused some thinking in society.

Chulabhorn's personal growth has shown strong will and a quest for knowledge despite the many challenges she has faced, and her story of growing up has inspired many and shown her courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. Now Princess Chulabhorn has actively participated in the activities of "China and Thailand as a Family", promoted cultural exchanges between China and Thailand, and she has also become a link between the two peoples.

Author: Tianxia Xing



Royal family; Chronicles of the Nations: Thailand (3rd ed.); Social Sciences Academic Press; : Tian He, Zhou Fangye

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

The willful and merry elephant back king, standing and thinking about it; Look at the World 2022 Issue 3; Guangzhou Kan World Media Co., Ltd.; Look at the world magazine

Thailand's worst princess: her parents are cousins and sisters, she was born defective, and she was abused by a poor bodyguard when she married a poor bodyguard

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