
Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

author:Entertainment Assault
Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Today's topic: Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back?

Text丨Entertainment Assault

Editor丨Entertainment Assault

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work


This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

We all know that it is difficult to recover the money that has been defrauded, even if the scammer is caught!

The reasons for this are thought-provoking!

After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly became enlightened!


No, netizens have shared their real experiences, and they don't squeak when they see each other!

If you say that, it's really not cost-effective, hey, you can imagine what life has forced everyone to become.

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Oh my God, it's an eye-opener, I have to say, he's really "smart", this trick is really high!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Hey, that's right, anyway, the final result is the same, it's the difference in time, and the most important thing is that you still have to go to jail after the money is returned!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Co-authored for some people, he went inside to enjoy life, and everyone really has it!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Hey, she's really deceived a lot, can't she do anything about it?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

They are really tough, it's really unlucky to meet this kind of person!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

The point is that some family members don't recognize it at all or can't come up with so much money, what should I do?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Maybe most fraudsters have this kind of mentality, to put it mildly, you don't have to worry about safety in it.

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

They even have a whole system? It's really "thoughtful", and it took a lot of effort to carry out fraud...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Makes sense, I'll understand what I say this way...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Hey, it's really hateful to deceive others to live so well, but what can be done about it, and people have been punished for it...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Didn't they think about confessing to the ringleader and then commuting their sentence?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Maybe money is the most important thing in their eyes, so they would rather go to jail for a few more years than pay it back!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Hey, in the end, the punishment is not enough, they don't feel scared at all, so there are many people who don't pay back...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Still a repeat offender? Is this jail addiction?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

But if they transfer the money as soon as they get it, then there is no way, and they can't get their money back...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

What I want to ask is, can't you find out if you check the bank statement or anything?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Is his family's request too much, you are the victim, do you want to send you away for 20,000 yuan?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Hehe, then he is really dedicated, do I still have to praise him?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Isn't he taking advantage of the law, he's really angry and can't do anything about him...

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

That being said, have you ever thought about what you can do if people don't want to pay back the money after they come out?

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

Now these people know how to weigh the pros and cons, and if you don't lie to others, won't there be so much trouble!

Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work

The content of the above pictures is all comments from netizens, and there is a certain inauthenticity and plot fabrication, I hope that the majority of netizens will eat melons rationally.

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Why would fraudsters rather go to jail than pay back? For them, going to jail is paying to work