
Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the twelfth volume of "Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials" (December 1997), by Sai Shili, the original title "I do the beginning and end of the work of "rebellion"



In January 1938, after I joined the revolutionary work, I was instructed by the "Wendeng People's Resistance Movement Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Democratic Movement") to set up a "self-defense regiment" in the village.

In July 1938, the three armies and three roads (2) fighting on the Weihai front line (original note: three armies and three roads, referring to the Jiaodong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army's Third Army conquered Muping City, most of the troops of the three armies went west to Penglai, Huangxian, and Ye counties, leaving only a brigade led by the three roads to fight on the Weihai front line in the Donghai District. The so-called three roads are the command organs dispatched by the three armed services. (Original note: Since April 1938, the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army has established an anti-Japanese base in Penghuangye, so going west from the East China Sea District is to go to the Penghuangye base area. Later, the Kuomintang Wendeng County Government ordered the abolition of the "self-defense regiments" run by the three armed forces in the villages and replaced them with the "defense regiments" run by them. At that time, the "People's Movement" instructed the leaders of the self-defense regiments in each village to adopt a struggle strategy of changing the soup but not the medicine. The head of the self-defense regiment in each village is the head of the defense regiment in the open, and the head of the self-defense regiment in secret. Its task is to mobilize young people to go west to join the three armies (original note: the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army is the predecessor of the Eighth Route Army in Jiaodong) to expand the troops, wait for the opportunity, and prepare to meet our army to the east to resist Japan......

From then on, the "People's Movement" also ordered me to be responsible for mobilizing the youth of the whole township to go west to participate in the work of the Eighth Route Army (in 1938, on the day of the 7th anniversary of the "September 18" incident, the Third Army in Jiaodong was changed to the Eighth Route Army).

On August 3, 1939, Yu Yongquan, head of the underground liaison station of the county party committee, told me: "The county party committee instructed to immediately stop the work of mobilizing and joining the army. ”

I eagerly asked, "Why?" ”

"On July 28, more than 20 young people from Wendeng Nanxiang went west to join the Eighth Route Army, walked to Guocheng Town, Haiyang County, and were detained by the recalcitrant army and forced to be incorporated into the recalcitrant army. At that time, the CCP Donghai Special Envoy stationed in Qixia Haogezhuang sent people to negotiate with the recalcitrant army stationed in Guocheng, and they allowed the detained recruits to return to Wendeng by the same route, and they were not allowed to join the Eighth Route Army! Yu Yongquan said angrily: "On the night of 1 August, the plainclothes squad of the recalcitrant army killed Li Weichuan, director of the joint office of the Fifth Detachment of the Eighth Route Army stationed in Wendeng Gejia, and five working comrades, creating the 'Gejia Massacre' and fully exposing the criminal features of the Kuomintang reactionaries against communism and against the people. Therefore, the underground county party committee decided: Order you to join the troops of the Kuomintang recalcitrant army Cong Jingyue in the name of being a soldier and make a rebellion (5) (original note: to do the work of "rebellion" is to break into the recalcitrant army and contact the soldiers to surrender to the Eighth Route Army). If you have any opinions on this work, I will report it to the county party committee. "At that time, I expressed my resolute obedience to the decision of the county party committee.

Two months later, the Minister of Enemy Workers and I discussed the matters that should be paid attention to in the work of "instigating rebellion" and the issue of strictly observing discipline as enemy workers. Then, I went to the recruit station of the Congbu to sign up, and was assigned to the Congbu (6) (original note: the so-called Congbu is the abbreviation of the Cong Jingyue Security Force. The first company of the 7th Brigade became a recruit.

After recruits join the army, they first have to undergo individual training. I have been trained for four months, so my solo drills are all in line with the requirements of the drill code.

One morning (Saturday), when the brigade was gathering for exercise, Wang Defu, the deputy of the brigade, called me out of the queue after watching my steps, stared at me with two eyes and asked, "What's your name?" ”

I stood up and said, "It's called Yu Linting." ”

Wang Defu asked again: "Have you ever been a soldier in the past?" ”

"I wasn't a soldier." I puffed up my chest and said, "Last August, I was trained as a strong man for four months. ”

At this time, Commissioner Yang Huaisheng of the brigade walked up to me, looked at me and asked:

"Who is your instructor for the Zhuangding training?"

"I heard that it was sent by the political training department of the county government, and I remember that his name was Zou Wenju."

At that time, I thought to myself: Yang Huaisheng's interrogation of me confirmed what the underground party had told me that the commissioners of the major units of the Congbu were all military commanders of the Kuomintang

I had only been in the army for two months, and I was promoted to be the deputy of the squad. Because I often sing a few words of Peking Opera, I don't know who told Company Commander Han Zongxin. One Sunday, the herald called me to the company headquarters, and Company Commander Han insisted on playing the huqin and asking me to sing a few Peking operas. I kept refusing, but he had to tell me to sing. So, he played the huqin, and I sang a piece of "The Empty City Plan", and I played the strings and he sang a piece of "He Hou scolded the palace". He praised me for playing the huqin in good tones and being able to wrap my tone. At that time, I also touted him for singing well, better than "Cheng Yanqiu" on foreign dramas. He smiled wryly. Since then, almost every Sunday, Company Commander Han has asked me to pull the strings and sing a few pieces of Cheng Pai and Mei Pai operas. In this way, not only did he and I deepen their relationship, but also created conditions for me to carry out the work of "instigating rebellion."

I had only been a squad deputy for a month, and I had a visit to the soldiers with whom I got along best, so that I could control half of the shift. Soon, the squad leader fell ill and went to the hospital to recuperate, and I was promoted to be the squad leader, which made me worthy of the name of the power of the class.

One Sunday, Liu Baoshan, the captain's liaison adjutant, invited me to a tavern for a drink to congratulate me on my promotion to squad leader.

Adjutant Liu often came to the squad, in the name of seeing the recruits, and I had some homely things, telling me how to be a good soldier to resist Japan and save the country, and between the squad leader and the soldiers, we should get along with each other, as the saying goes: "Harmony breeds friendship." Although he was the captain's lieutenant, the friendship between the two of us grew deeper.

This time, while the two of us were drinking, he said something touching and heartfelt. He told me: "Yang Huaisheng is a smiling tiger, hidden treacherous, you have to keep your eyes open, speak slowly, and remember that 'words are too much to lose'." Don't look at the squad leader, at a critical moment, a squad can play the role of 'ants digging holes, destroying dams and breaking embankments'. Brother Bai should prevent the bad guys from listening to the situation and being deceived. ”

These words of Liu Baoshan are the same as those instructed by the Minister of Enemy Industry when I was trained. Who the hell is he? Does he try my truth by saying what I like to hear? I thought, "The human heart is unpredictable, so it's better to be careful." ”


One day in early November, I was ordered to take the whole class to the "Guandi Temple" to replace the sentry of the 3rd platoon and 9th shift. This "Guandi shop" is 4 miles east of Wang Tuanji, at the crossroads of Weihai, Rongcheng, Wendeng and Wang Tuanji. Whether the devil comes from the north or from the east, it is a checkpoint that must be passed, and it is also an outpost to defend Wang Tuan.

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

I learned from the old man who watched the temple: In the past, this big temple had a temple fair on March 6 every year. Since the "July 7" incident, there has been no temple fair. It turned out that there were more than 5 0 acres of good land on the temple, which was also confiscated by the government! The five Taoist priests who were watching the temple also ran away from hunger because they had no income. Through the secretary of the district office, the old man rented 5 broken grass houses where Taoist priests lived in the past for 5 yuan a month, and opened a small shop, but he just mixed bowls of rice to eat.

At noon that day, I finished checking the sentry post, and just walked to the door of Xiaodian Street, I saw the old man waving to me at the door of the house. I said happily, "When did you come to No. 2 (Yu Yongquan's code name)?" ”

"It's better to come early than to come by chance," Ding Yongquan said with a smile, "I found it according to the location you said."

Yu Yongquan and I happily shook hands with each other, and after taking a seat, he called the old man and the old man's son into the house, and introduced me to the old man and the identity of his son.

The old man's name is Zhou Jisheng (codenamed "No. 3"), who is the head of the underground party's liaison station, and now in the name of Kanmiao, he is actually the head of the underground liaison team in Wendeng District 2, responsible for leading our army's "rebellion" work in Congbu. That young man is not the son of Comrade Jisheng, his name is Jiang Liang, and he is working as a liaison under the leadership of Jisheng. At the end, Yu Yongquan said in an accentuated tone: "From now on, your work will be under the leadership of Zhou Jisheng; Jiang Liang is codenamed 'No. 5', and the enemy's Ministry of Engineering wants you to step up the work of 'instigating rebellion' and think of making some bullets and grenades to prepare for the armed uprising in the New Year. ”

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, on the second day after I took over the sentry, due to heavy snowfall, more than 200 Japanese devils shot and fired on the north of Wang Tong to the high ground north of Wang Tuan. Company Commander Han ordered me to resist for a while on the mountain north of the temple on the phone, and then retreat to Erlong Mountain.

I snapped the phone and thought, "I'm going to make up my mind to win a small battle today." This can deepen the trust of Captain Kuang Yuzhou and Company Commander Han in me, and it can also improve my prestige. This is helpful for me in my work of 'rebellion'. ”

So I led my soldiers back to the left rear of the enemy, and beat the devils who were looting in the village, throwing away the looting and fleeing in a hurry......

After the battle, we picked up more than 200 rounds of ammunition from the snow; I also heard from the villagers that a total of one devil was killed and three devils were injured. I returned to the temple and handed over the more than 200 rounds of ammunition I had picked up to "No. 3" and asked him to send the idea to the enemy engineering department; He also ordered Chi Wen to make a register of the consumed bullets.

In the afternoon of the same day, Brigade Commander Kuang Yuzhou and Company Commander Han Zongxin both called to congratulate the first class on their victory. Then Han told me to go to the company headquarters immediately to complete an important task.

On the morning of the third day after the war, I was walking on the road in front of the temple when Wu Ziqun, the squad leader of the special service squad of the brigade headquarters, rode a bicycle and told me: "At 9 o'clock in the morning, Wang Defu, Yang Huaisheng, and Liu Baoshan, deputy members of the brigade, went to the first squad to check the number of bullets consumed in the battle. ”

I looked at the back of squad leader Wu riding away, and pondered in my heart the meaning of "good flowers have to be matched with green leaves". Is it that Adjutant Liu compares me to a flower and himself to a green leaf, secretly supporting me, helping me, and turning me from danger to safety. In the past, I was able to become a class leader, and I'm afraid he also played a role in the shadows. From his past words and deeds to me, it can be inferred that he is one of our people nine times out of ten, but party discipline stipulates that as a worker in the enemy army, he is not allowed to have a relationship with anyone. Judging from the current situation, the two of us are just "heart-to-heart".

Wang Defu and Yang Huaisheng suddenly came to check the number of bullets consumed, and the purpose was to take advantage of the fact that Captain Kuang was out for a meeting to open a gap in me on trumped-up charges and dig out the Eighth Route Army hidden in the congregation, so as to match the anti-communist and anti-people upsurge set off by the Kuomintang reactionaries.

At this time, Zhang Xiqin, the gate guard, shouted: "They are here." ”

I welcomed Wang, Yang, and Baoshan into the main hall and seated them on either side of the offering table. The four GIs began to check the bullets for the class. As a result of the examination, according to the number of statistical tables, a total of five persons had an extra round of ammunition.

Wang Defu stared at me with two eyes: "Yu Linting, why did those five people have an extra bullet?" ”

I said frankly: "Because Shangfeng has a clear rule, if a soldier loses a bullet, he must be compensated at one yuan per grain." So I told them to keep an extra bullet in case they dropped it. This is my mistake, and it should not be the business of the brothers. ”

Wang Defu asked again: "In the battle two days ago, what order did Company Commander Han give you?" ”

I said confidently: "Order me to shoot a few shots on the north mountain of the temple, and then withdraw to Erlong Mountain flexibly and stand by." ”

"Why didn't you carry out Company Commander Han's orders, but instead take advantage of it and show your talents? You saw that it was snowing heavily that day, even if you shot at the sky, the devil had to escape, but you were greedy for the merit of heaven and said nonsense that you beat the enemy away, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open! Wang Defu gritted his teeth and patted the table and said, "In this battle, you have committed the crime of disobeying orders and falsely reporting your military achievements. It is necessary to follow the military law and severely punish it! ”

I saw Liu Baoshan close his diary and say that he wanted to speak. So, I took a step back and said: "Since Deputy Wang doesn't believe that the first squad won the battle, I don't know it, and I am willing to be punished when the investigation is clear." ”

At this time, Adjutant Liu Baoshan stood up, bowed to Wang Defu, and said calmly: "Deputy Wang, can I speak geometrically?" ”

Wang Defu said: "I have called you here to listen to your opinion. ”

"In that battle, only one squad fought the enemy, wounded three, and killed one devil. Although it was snowing, the captain could see clearly with his binoculars. Because you only came back yesterday, I'm afraid Company Commander Han hasn't had time to report to you yet! With that, he bowed to Wang Defu to show his respect.

"Adjutant Liu is right," Wang Defu said, "I'll talk about it when the captain comes back." ”

Yang Huaisheng also said unnaturally: "I agree with the opinion of Deputy Wang Brigade, for the sake of prudence, I will investigate it clearly in the future." ”

Wang Defu had an impatient temperament, and when he couldn't figure out a clue, he roared angrily: "Yu Linting, you collaborated with others yesterday to steal a large number of bullets and sell them to other troops. You have to recruit from the truth, if you play tricks again, Lao Tzu will beat you with a 'flesh and skin flower', so that you will not be able to get up for the rest of your life. ”

Yang Huaisheng said with a gloomy face: "Don't be afraid of offending you to the peak, since ancient times, 'the prince violates the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people'." Say it! lest flesh and skin suffer! ”

I surmised from the tone of Wang Defu and Yang Huaisheng that I had partnered with others to steal and sell bullets, and they did not know that we had picked up some bullets from the snow and sent them to the enemy's engineering department, and it may be that Han Zongxin had asked me to send the bullets to Battalion Commander Li of the Zheng Department yesterday afternoon, and they thought that I had overreported the amount of bullets consumed after yesterday's battle, and secretly sold the bullets to the Zheng Department. Therefore, they used the means of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.

Without fear, I said, "I didn't partner with anyone else to steal and sell bullets, so what should I say?" ”

Wang Defu took out a pistol from his waist and threw it on the table, shouting viciously: "You still dare to be hard-mouthed." Come on, give me a hard fight! ”

As soon as the word "hit" came out, four soldiers rushed up, two twisted my arms backwards, pressed them to the ground and knelt, and the other two put the leather whip in a copper basin containing water and dipped it, and just raised the leather whip to beat, I shouted loudly: "Deputy brigade, I am wronged!" I really didn't steal bullets. ”

At this time, Adjutant Liu walked up to Wang Defu and whispered for a while, and finally said: "This is 20 days ago, and the captain asked Company Commander Han to find a relationship to buy some 79 bullets. He also asked his classmates, who are now battalion commanders in Zhengbu, to buy 200 rounds of ammunition from the Weihai puppet army. Later, it was discovered that the bullets were not original, so the team leader asked Company Commander Han to return the bullets. Yesterday afternoon, Yu Linting returned the bullet to Battalion Commander Zheng Bu Li and took back the original payment. This is the truth of Yu Linting's bullets. ”

Wang Defu said complainingly: "Adjutant Liu, why didn't you tell me about such an important matter earlier?" ”

Liu Baoshan explained: "Deputy of the brigade, you are not at home when you go out to do errands. This matter was ordered by Captain Kuang to be done by Company Commander Han, and when the captain comes back, you will understand as soon as you ask. ”

At this time, the phone rang, and Liu Baoshan picked up the microphone: "Hey...... Oh...... Oh......" He clasped the phone and said, "Captain Kuang has come back from a meeting, please go to the meeting immediately." ”

This "theft and sale of bullets in Lin Ting" carefully planned by Wang Defu and Yang Huaisheng ended in failure.


Sending Wang, Yang and Liu Baoshan away, the stone hanging in my heart fell to the ground for the time being. When I was standing on the steps in front of the temple, and I was moving my tired waist and legs, Jiang Liang, an underground traffic officer, stood at the door of the small shop and said to me: "Squad leader Yu, I bought a good fish just now, please come and drink." ”

As soon as I entered the store, he told me good news: more than 3,000 people from the 13th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army and the Independent Brigade of the Donghai District, under the leadership of the head of the Deshui Regiment and the secretary of the Yu Kegong Special Committee, went east to resist the Japanese. At dawn tomorrow, we will be able to reach the northwest of Wang Tong - the village of the courtyard and the courtyard. He continued: "If Zheng Weiping, Wang Xingren and Cong Jingyue unite and besiege our army, your superiors want you to lead the whole class to 'cooperate inside and outside', and instigate the soldiers to surrender to the Eighth Route Army......"

I am happy to say that I will resolutely complete the task according to the instructions of my superiors.

In the afternoon, at a meeting of cadres above the squad level held by the company headquarters, Company Commander Han Zongxin read out the briefing issued by the Cong Headquarters: "Yu Deshui threatened to go east to resist Japan, but in fact, the Eighth Route was beaten by Commander Zhao Baoyuan in the west and became untenable, and he came to the East China Sea to take refuge, which can also be said to be to grab territory. Yesterday, Zheng, Wang, and Cong formed the 'Anti-Eighth Coalition Army', with a total of more than 4,000 troops as backing. Negotiate with Yu Deshui first and let them return the way they came. If the negotiations fail, the coalition forces will be deployed in the mountainous area northwest of Wang Tuan, and the vanguard of the Eighth Route Army will be surrounded and annihilated. Han Zongxin waved his fist and said: "This time to fight the Eighth Road, the captain ordered a company to form a death squad of 20 people, and the company must work together to do it." ”

At this time, a plainclothes scout ran in and reported: "The vanguard of the Eighth Route Army has arrived at the courtyard and the village, and I heard from the people who came out of the village that the Eighth Route Army is setting up a stage in the village and singing 'civilized opera' at night." ”

When the people attending the meeting heard the news, they were stunned. Company Commander Han sneered and said, "Sima Yi's soldiers are coming so fast!" However, I'm not an empty city here, so I can't call him back and forth. "He made me the captain of the death squad.

I expressed my gratitude to him for his reuse of me, but I secretly thought in my heart: This is a good opportunity for me to engage in "internal and external cooperation" and instigate rebels to surrender to the Eighth Route Army!

At this time, another scout ran into the company headquarters and reported breathlessly: "There are many slogans on Wang Tong Street welcoming the Eighth Route Army to the east to resist Japan, and some letters to the officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang are also posted. ”

Hearing the news, everyone was terrified! Han Zongxin pretended to be calm and waved his hand and said, "This is the Eighth Route Army buying people's hearts, regardless of it, ready to fight." ”

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

On the third day of the Eighth Route Army's entry into Yuanshang and Yuanxia Village, more than 200 puppet troops dispatched from Weihai burned and looted in East and West Shiling Village, and were beaten and fled by a battalion of the Eighth Route Army! A total of more than 40 Japanese puppet soldiers were killed and wounded, and one light machine gun and more than 30 long and short guns were captured.

The news of the Eighth Route Army's victory aroused the enthusiasm of the broad masses in the Wen, Rong, and Wei border areas to support the army. People carried fat pigs, chickens, ducks and fish to the village of Yuanshang to comfort the Eighth Route Army, and wrote a letter to save the Eighth Route Army to fight in the East China Sea District.

At the same time, the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" of more than 4,000 people composed of Zheng Weiping, Wang Xingren, and Cong Jingyue only gathered more than 1,500 people due to passing the buck to each other. They opened a battle line in Jiazhuang, Yingwu Village and Huanglan Village, and threatened to fight to the death with the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army printed the news of the victory in fighting devils into tabloids and posted it overnight in the villages where Wang Tuanji and the recalcitrant army were stationed, frightening the recalcitrant officers and men into panic.

Besides, the death squads of the first company were concentrated in the "Guandi Temple" and conducted close combat and night combat training day and night. On the day when the Eighth Route Army fought devils, the captains Kuang Yuzhou, Wang Defu, and Han Zongxin all came to the temple to see the training of me commanding night battles and close combat. Counting nine cold days, the daredevils are tired and sweating, and their training is not inferior to actual combat!

Ju, Wang, and Han watched the drill and praised me and the daredevils. I said that I would never let down the commander's expectations of the death squad, and this time I would resolutely beat him to "blossom in the belly".

On the night of the eighth day of the Eighth Route Army's training in Yuanshang and Yuanxia villages, the Eighth Route Army in the east returned the same way and prepared for a counter-"sweep."

In the second half of the night, when the Eighth Route Army left, the so-called "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" drove to the villages where the Eighth Route Army was stationed, fired guns, threw grenades, and searched for underground personnel of the Eighth Route Army from door to door. It was not until the sun rose that the 1st and 2nd Companies of the 7th Brigade sang the victory song and "triumphantly" returned to the Wangtuan defense area.


At the end of January 1940, the situation suddenly changed, and news came from the west that the devils wanted to sweep away the recalcitrant Kuomintang troops stationed in the East China Sea. In Wang Tuan, you can hear the sound of cannons, and then Qin Yu's hall stationed in Haiyang was swept away by devils; and the recalcitrant troops stationed in Muping were also defeated by the devils. From the stragglers, it was learned that some of the stragglers had inserted guns and changed into civilian clothes, some carried large guns, and some fled empty-handed...... For a while, the villages around Wang Tuan were either sent food by the stragglers, or the stragglers exchanged guns and bullets for the clothes of the masses, and they were in chaos at night.

At this time, the troops of Zheng Weiping and Wang Xingren, who were stationed in Kunyu Mountain and Wendeng, scattered with a bang before they saw the shadow of the devil; The Seventh Brigade stationed in Wang Tuanji was also a frightened bird, and Kuang, Wang, and Han all packed their bags and were ready to flee at any time.

On February 15, 1940, Jiang Liang, an underground liaison officer, informed me that I would take advantage of the enemy's sweep to pull the rebellious troops to Qingshiling Village in Wendeng to form the Eighth Route Army. If the Seventh Brigade can't collapse, I need to see the opportunity to act.

On February 16, the congregations all gathered on Mashan. The sweeping enemy fired artillery on the mountain, and the smoke of the shell explosion filled the top of the mountain, and two planes circled over the mountain. More than 1,000 people in the cong department were in a mess without firing a shot, and fled to the eastern slope of the mountain in a crowd.

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

The Seventh Brigade ran to Wendeng Ying Village in the northeast of the city, and when the number of people was counted, there were only more than 120 people left in the two companies, and more than 80 people with guns and those who threw guns and fled, and only one of the first and third classes did not run. At this time, the squad leaders and platoon commanders had a lot of discussions, some advocated pulling the troops to Rongcheng to insert guns to conceal themselves, and some advocated inserting guns and disbanding, and then picking up guns to do it after the sweeping devils passed.

The source of the brigade is complicated, most of the officers and men are from the army, and there are many people from Xifu, half of the soldiers are unemployed dock workers and ruffians in Yantai, and only a few are Wendeng, Rongcheng and Muping. Among them, they were either relatives or friends of the officials, so Kuang, Wang, and Han were afraid that if the army collapsed, they would be in danger of being killed by the local people.

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

At this time, I saw the opportunity to act and suggested to Han Zongxin that the troops be pulled to the northwest of the city, Twenty Lipu Village, where the original brigade was stationed, to hide it, and after the sweeping devils went east, they would move to Kunyu Mountain to find a small village to station, shelter the stragglers who had escaped from Muping, and replenish the troops. In this way, the vitality of the troops can be restored, and the spirits of the officers and men can be lifted to continue to occupy the territory of Wendeng.

On the way to the march, Adjutant Liu whispered to me: "Kuang, Wang, and Han all agreed to what you said. You really know how to watch the wind steer the ship! ”

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

On February 18, the Japanese invaded the city of Wendeng. That night, the Seventh Brigade moved from Twenty Lipu to Yicheng Village, the southwest foot of Kunyu Mountain, and was stationed for half a month, during which time it had already contained more than 150 stragglers. Kuang Yuzhou said proudly: "Commander Cong approved the expansion of the Seventh Brigade into a regiment, and the original officers were all promoted to one level. Today is the auspicious day of the second day of the second month of the ancient calendar, and I will reward the officers and soldiers with 10 yuan each, drink a few glasses in the evening, eat dumplings, and celebrate the victory of this anti-sweep! ”

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

At noon that day, Jiang Liang, an underground liaison officer, informed me that he wanted me to take the whole class to Wangjia Village in Wenshan Mountain within a day or two to participate in the second armed uprising in the Donghai District.

In the afternoon, a pig was killed in a row, and all classes were busy making dumplings and stir-frying. I colluded with my best friend to study the time and route of the exodus......

In the evening, I drank wine with the whole class of soldiers, ate dumplings, and all made a noise about playing pai gow with me and having a happy second day of February.

When I was pushing Pai Gow, Liu Baoshan broke into the house and said with a smile: "Squad leader Yu, I wish you good luck every day in the future!" ”

"To borrow this auspicious phrase from you", I quipped: "If I make a fortune, I will have to change my court!" ”

Seeing off Adjutant Liu, Chi Wenzheng and Zhang Xiqin and I separately conveyed the plan of action to the reliable brothers.

When everything was ready, Chi Wenzheng and I arrived at the company headquarters, only to see Han Zongxin, the company deputy and the herald all lying on the kang and sleeping with their clothes together. I pointed my gun at them just in case, Chi Wenzheng took off the pistol they hung on the wall and tucked it around his waist. He took off the herald's pistol and put it on his back. I put a note on the table of the Eight Immortals, and tiptoed out of the company. I waved to Liu Chuanli, who was standing guard at the gate, and then returned to the squad together and called up the sleeping soldiers. I said, "The company commander ordered a squad to go to the east hill to put up a sentry. At this time, Zhang Xiqin led the four people from the third class to come. So I trotted all the way to the top of the East Mountain, and Chi and Zhang unloaded the guns of the three Yantai soldiers. I said solemnly, "I will lead my brothers to the Eighth Route Army, and if anyone is unwilling to go with me, I will let you go home." ”

Chi Wenzheng, Zhang Xiqin, the brothers in the class, and the brothers from the third class all expressed their willingness to work with me, and the three Yantai soldiers also expressed their willingness to be in the Eighth Route Army. In this way, I took 14 brothers and walked more than 70 miles in six hours, and arrived at the station of the Wendeng County Party Committee, Shanhou Wangjia Village, at dawn, to participate in the second armed uprising in Donghai District.

After the uprising, the comrades I led were assigned to the 5th Battalion of the Eastern Naval Division, and I was ordered to be the commander of a company and a platoon, and the rest of the comrades were promoted to squad leaders. From then on, we all fought valiantly for the revolutionary cause in the Eighth Route Army.


It has only been more than nine months since I returned to the Eighth Route Army with the rebel troops from Congbu, and our army has solved the strategic point in the East China Sea -- Kunyu Mountain.

It was January 13, 1941, when our army returned from chasing and destroying the remnants of Zheng, Wang, and Congbu, and stationed at the southwest foot of Kunyu Mountain: Huanglongxian, Dongxiyutuan and Yicheng villages.

Sai Shili: I have been doing the work of "rebellion" from beginning to end

At that time, I was a platoon commander in the first company of the second battalion of the second regiment. As soon as the troops were stationed, I heard that my close friend Liu Baoshan was now at home, so I went to pay a visit.

When I went to the village and asked the villagers, I learned that he was suffering from "tuberculosis" and was now recuperating at home. I walked to the gate of his street according to the location pointed out by the fellow, and when he walked out of the door, I said happily: "Brother Baoshan, hello!" ”

He hurriedly stepped forward and shook my hand and said affectionately, "Comrade Sai Shili, I have you here!" ”

I was stunned and asked:

"How do you know my name is Sai Shili?

"The ironic note you left for Han Zongxin when you left read:

'Mr. Han Zongxin:

I don't have to stay here, so I have to change the door.

Original name: Race Time Ceremony

2 o'clock on the night of February 2 in the ancient calendar. ’”

Liu Baoshan said: "A name is a person's mark, and if the revolution needs it, it will change its name and place, and if it is not needed, it will be changed back." This is the same as the actor Ming opera, Yao Ming changes with the drama. ”

When I came into the house, I asked, "Isn't my aunt at home?" ”

"I guess you might come today, she's going to the street to buy groceries, and she'll be back after a while!" He let me into the room, and we sat on either side of the small kang table, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes, and chatted easily about the past and the current situation.

Liu Baoshan lost his father at the age of 8, his mother got up early to bring yarn and weave cloth in the evening, and he hired Cong Jingyue, a large landowner and captain of the Wendeng County Security Brigade, to herd cattle to earn some money to survive. He has never read a book, and the second leader (7) (original note: "The second leader" is the second in command among the hired workers, so it is called the second leader. Use the free time in the evenings and when it rains and snows to teach him literacy and tell him the story of the "Water Margin"; Sometimes I would take a few newspapers from the bookkeeper and read them to him. He was smart and clever, and with hard work and self-study, he became a small hired man who could read thousands and 800 words. He was 18 years old, and the second leader introduced him to join the Chinese Communist Party. From then on, he desperately studied revolutionary knowledge.

After the "77" incident in 1937, Cong Jingyue became the magistrate of Wendeng County and the commander of Wendeng security. One day, Cong Jingyue took the guard Ma Ben home to visit his mother, and when she saw that Baoshan was shrewd and capable, she kept him by her side as a guard. In the spring of 1939, the Seventh Brigade of the Cong Department was established in Muping, because the captain Kuang Yuzhou was a native of Muping County, and he was not familiar with the eight directors and captains of the Cong Department and the officials of the county government. Therefore, Cong Jingyue ordered Liu Baoshan to contact the adjutant of Lieutenant Kuang Yuzhou to assist in the operation of liaison matters.

After listening to Comrade Baoshan's summary of his own experience, I said with great emotion: "Comrade Baoshan, you are an old party member, not for fame or profit, and you have stepped forward regardless of your personal safety, so that I can save the day. Today, as a member of the Communist Party, I thank you for saving my life! ”

"I am clearly a liaison adjutant for Kuang, but my secret responsibility is to protect the comrades who are doing the work." Baoshan said.

I asked again: "After I left, didn't Kuang Yuzhou suspect that you and I had a connection?" ”

"I have Cong Jingyue's umbrella, and he doesn't dare to doubt me easily."

"You have severe tuberculosis and you don't get hospitalized, why do you stay at home and recuperate?" I asked, puzzled.

Liu Baoshan said with a smile: "In the second half of last year, the underground party obtained a leave certificate for me suffering from tuberculosis through the military medical department, and asked me to take a long leave to recuperate at home. This time, I provided information on our army's attack on Kunyu Mountain, Huanglongxian, Yutuan, and Yicheng villages. ”

I understand what Liu Baoshan said. At a meeting of cadres held by the regiment headquarters before the attack on Kunyu Mountain, the regiment commander pointed to the sketches hanging on the wall with a teaching whip and said: "Everyone carefully look at this sketch and the information I just conveyed to the Cong Headquarters, which are all made by the comrades of the underground party, and this will play an immeasurable role in our army's liberation of Kunyu Mountain." ”

At this time, I only heard the eldest lady asking, "Is Comrade Sai here?" ”

I hurriedly jumped off the kang, walked outside, held the eldest mother's hand and said respectfully: "I came early, eldest mother, hello!" The eldest lady smiled happily, and she didn't know what to say! Hoyama and I couldn't help but laugh.

In the midst of laughter, Wu Ziqun, dressed as a peasant, walked into the house, opened his mouth and said, "Comrade Baoshan, I'm back." ”

I stepped forward to hold Wu Ziqun's hand and said with a smile: "Comrade Wu Ziqun, I can hope you back." ”

"Comrade Sai, you came in time, and you have to play this finale in the end."

"What can I do, but I can't sing the finale. Martial arts have to be understood by everyone! I laughed.

The eldest lady went to the stove to cook. Wu Ziqun took off his dogskin hat, took off his shoes and went to the kang, drank two bowls of tea, and told him everything about his escape.

It turned out that when Cong Jingyue and Kuang Yuzhou escaped from Kunyu Mountain with the remnants, there were only more than 100 people left. The general trend of the cluster is gone. Kuang ordered Wang Defu and Yang Huaisheng to take the spy squad to Yantai South Laishan (8) (original note: Laishan was 40 miles south of Yantai, which was the northernmost district of Muping County at that time; Xiangshan was 10 miles south of Laishan and was under the jurisdiction of Laishan District at that time. In 1939, Kuang Yuzhou was in the seventh brigade of Xiangshan District. Therefore, the stragglers of the Congbu Department passed by here and surrendered to the devils of Yantai. In the Xiangshan area, the stragglers who fled to Yantai were intercepted, and temporarily pretended to be the plainclothes team of the Eighth Road, so that they could distribute food, collect grain, and collect money to the villages. Wang Defu and Yang Huaisheng went to Xiangshan District north of Muping for three days and intercepted more than 80 stragglers with guns in Cong. From Wang Defu's protector Fang Youxi, it was learned that Wang Defu wanted to take the more than 80 people he had in charge of surrendering to the devils in Yantai.

Wu Ziqun was anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly suggested to Wang Defu: He lied that Liu Baoshan had also sheltered more than 50 people in Cuijiakou, saying that he was willing to come back to find Liu Baoshan, and pulled the more than 50 people to Xiangshan under the command of Wang and Yang, so Wang Defu ordered him to rush back overnight. Finally, he said anxiously: "We must quickly destroy Wang Defu's army and prevent them from surrendering to the devils." ”

At this time, the eldest lady lifted the curtain with her hand and said with a smile: "Baoshan, the meal is ready, let's finish eating!" ”

"Comrade Sai, how about we make up a way to fight while eating?" Liu Baoshan said in a consultative tone.

Because Wu Ziqun has not eaten for a night and half a day, I agree with Baoshan's opinion.

The eldest lady said happily: "Isn't this true! ”

Wu Ziqun and I jumped off the kang to help my aunt serve the rice, and Baoshan took out "brandy" and wine.

The eldest lady made pork head meat, stewed pig's trotters, and stewed tofu with large intestines. These good pulps are mouth-watering at first glance.

Baoshan set up the wine glasses and chopsticks, and urged: "Drink quickly, Comrade Sai has to go back and report to the chief, and strive to take action this afternoon." ”

At this time, Wu Ziqun brought the dumplings cooked by the eldest mother. So, the three of us started drinking. When the wine was over three rounds, Baoshan asked me to talk about how to eliminate the stragglers.

I repeatedly excused myself to let Hoyama take the idea, but he had to tell me that I had to do it, so I pointed at Raiwahan on the table with my chopsticks, and said the battle plan I thought of destroying the enemy.

Bao Shan and Wu Ziqun listened and said they completely agreed.

Due to the urgency of time, I immediately went to the regiment headquarters and reported the battle plan to the regiment commander. At one o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, the regimental commander approved the battle plan and decided to send a cavalry squad to accompany us on the mission. If the situation changed and troops were needed, the regimental headquarters wrote a letter to the Muping County Brigade, and they sent troops to support.

After carefully studying the battle plan given by the regiment commander, we set off.

The regiment commander was afraid that Baoshan had just recovered from his illness, and Wu Ziqun was tired from going back and forth, so he sent a cavalry squad so that Baoshan and Wu Ziqun had horses to ride on the road; In addition, cavalry is highly mobile and flexible, and is more effective if it pursues fleeing enemies. Along the way, Bao Shan, Wu Ziqun and I also had two squad leaders who knew martial arts, and they took turns riding horses to ensure strong fighting energy. In the evening, I had dinner at the station of the Muping County Brigade, fed the horses, rested a little, and hurried away.

Before dawn the next day, when I arrived on the hill southeast of Xiangshan Shanjia Village, I heard the sound of digging the soil in the cemetery of the mass grave in the east end.

We crept to the edge of the cemetery, and we could faintly see a dozen tied men on the pine tree in front of the cemetery, and some people were digging pits with shovels. A man with a box gun, constantly urging to dig quickly......

Wu Ziqun whispered to me that it was Yang Huaisheng who was carrying the box gun, and it seemed that he was going to bury alive the local cadres he had arrested two days earlier, as well as the three traffic officers who had gone west.

They were dying and so brutally burying our comrades alive.

We suddenly pounced and commanded the cavalry squad to capture Yang Huaisheng and more than 10 soldiers who were digging a pit alive, and rescued the comrades who were chained to the tree.

When Liu Baoshan asked Yang Huaisheng, it turned out that the more than 80 stragglers who had been sheltered were now living in the main house and the east and west wings of the village office, and the spy squad was standing guard at the door. Yang Huaisheng also confessed: "Wang Defu took the escorts, dressed in civilian clothes, and went to the Huangwu stronghold yesterday afternoon to contact the surrender matter. This morning they returned, and in the afternoon the devils in Yantai sent a car to the Huangwu stronghold to pull the surrendered troops. ”

According to the information provided by Yang Huaisheng, Baoshan, Wu Ziqun, and I immediately took the cavalry squad and captured alive the more than 80 stragglers stationed in the village office.

When the sun rose from Xiangshan, the northwest wind was howling due to light snowfall, and the villagers had not yet opened the door. More than 10 of us were ambushed in the village chief's room.

But it wasn't until about nine o'clock that Wu Ziqun came in and reported that he had seen Wang Defu and his guards through the binoculars. In addition, three middle-aged people wearing large robes and fur hats walked along the main road towards the village. He asked Yang Huaisheng to look through a telescope, and he didn't know the three people.

I ordered Wu Ziqun to hide well and act according to the original plan. And they waited a quarter of an hour, and did not see the king blessed them. Baoshan and I were anxious, and the martial arts squad leader was also anxious to learn. "What's going on? Wang Defu found us? No, he was away from home all night and couldn't have found us. Baoshan and I were discussing, and Wu Ziqun ran in and said, "Wang Defu and they went to the big smoke house opened by Xiao Xianzi in the north of the village. It is estimated that they smoked a lot of cigarettes first, and then went to the village chief's house to drink and eat. Shall we still be here and wait for the rabbits, or will we go to the big smoke house to catch them? ”

I said decisively, "Go to the Big Smoke House!" ”

Bao Shan patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Your scene is performing in the big smoke hall today!" ”

I also smiled and said, "I have already said, everyone has to sing the final martial arts!" "With that, we went straight to the Great Smoke House.

At this time, Xiaoxue was blown to his face by the northwest wind, and it hurt like a knife. I put on sunglasses and put down the ears of my dogskin hat, and Wang Defu couldn't recognize me even with his fiery eyes.

When we walked to the entrance of the village, Wu Ziqun saw Wang Defu's protector Fang Youxi walking towards him with his head down, and stepped forward to ask, "Brother Fang, are you and Captain Wang back?" ”

"Yo, I patronized and walked with my head down, but I didn't see squad leader Wu coming. Captain Wang ordered me to go to the village office to see if you have returned? I met you right out of the door, and I shouldn't be freezing. ”

"It just so happens that I'm looking for you." Wu Ziqun walked up to Fang Youxi as he spoke, and pointed a box gun at his chest: "Don't move." ”

A soldier stepped forward and snatched his box gun, and Wu Ziqun asked sharply, "What are those three people led by Wang Defu doing?" ”

"One is the Qin squadron leader of Huang Wu's stronghold, and the other two are his guards." Fang Youxi trembled with fright and said.

"What are Wang Defu and the pseudo-squadron leader doing in the big smoke house?" Wu Ziqun asked.

Xiao Xianzi accompanied Captain Wang to smoke a big cigarette; Her daughter accompanied Squadron Leader Qin in the inner room to smoke white noodles; The two guards stood guard in the courtyard. ”

Liu Baoshan stepped forward and said: "You fired your gun just now because you just came back from the stronghold, and I am afraid that you will surrender to the devil." ”

Fang Youxi shook his hand and said: "Adjutant Liu, I'll be honest with you, I haven't surrendered yet, Captain Wang is back, and when we come back, I will take the more than 100 stragglers we have contained to the Huangwu stronghold at noon, and the Japanese devils will send a car to pull them to Yantai." In the future, Captain Wang will be the captain of the colonel, you and Commissioner Yang will be the lieutenant colonel and deputy captain, and Wu Ziqun and I will be the captains of the squadron, then we will 'fight' with two points. ”

Liu Baoshan said: "We are old friends, and in the future, we will mess around together and get promoted and make a fortune together." ”

Wu Ziqun returned the gun to Fang Youxi and ordered him to lead everyone to see Wang Defu. Fang Youxi led us into the courtyard of the big smoke house, and the two soldiers got off the guns of the two puppet soldiers and tied them with ropes and put them in the gatehouse. Then Fang Youxi was in front of him, and Wu Ziqun, Bao Shan, and I had two martial arts team leaders who walked into the room in a big way.

Fang Youxi said to Wang Defu: "Captain, Wu Ziqun is back, Adjutant Liu has more than 50 people and a cavalry squad to listen to your incorporation." ”

Wang Defu put down the big smoking gun, and said with a smile: "It's good now, after breakfast, I will go to Yantai to get promoted and make a fortune!" ”

Just as Wang Defu had just said the word "wealth", two martial arts squad leaders rushed up, one pressed his two hands, and the other took out a gun from his trouser pocket, and I stepped forward and pulled out the big-bellied box gun between his legs.

At the same time, Wu Ziqun also gave Fang Youxi's gun, and the two soldiers rushed to the inner room and got the pseudo-captain's gun and dragged him out.

At this time, I took off my sunglasses, took off my dogskin hat, pointed a gun at Wang Defu and said, "Wang Defu, open your eyes and see who I am." ”

Wang Defu looked at me and said, "You...... You...... Aren't you the squad leader of Yu Linting? He trembled with fear.

"You, the culprit who killed the Communists, I didn't expect it to be today!" I said angrily: "You and Yang Huaisheng slandered me for stealing and selling bullets, and vainly wanted to add the crime of 'stealing and selling arms' to me and shoot me according to military law." Thanks to Baoshan for saving me. Today I will hand you over to the anti-Japanese democratic government for trial, avenge the martyrs you killed, and get rid of you, the scum of the nation, a traitor and lackey, for the people. ”

Wang Defu knelt on the kang and begged me for mercy. At this time, a comrade came in and reported: "Yang Huaisheng has swallowed half a taels, and now he is no longer panting." A platoon came to the Muping County Brigade to receive prisoners and ammunition for guns. ”

I said: "Yang Huaisheng is a special agent of the Kuomintang military command, and he is innocent of death. The prisoners, guns and ammunition, as well as Fang Youxi and the two puppet army guards, were handed over to the county brigade for disposal. ”

Wang Defu and Captain Qin knew that Yang Huaisheng's fate was their fate. Wang Defu howled and cried, and at the same time took out a large piece of tobacco from the cloth bag and put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it with his eyes closed. At the same time, the puppet squadron leader also swallowed a vial of heroin, and then lay on the kang and stretched his legs to die. These national scum deserve it.

I ordered Wu Ziqun to bury their bodies in the big pit dug by Yang Huaisheng, this is really digging a pit to bury himself, and it has harmed others!

Liu Baoshan said: "None of those who brutally kill the masses of the people and those who brutally kill Communist Party members will come to a good end. ”

After all the post-war work was handled, it was almost noon. Our group of more than 20 comrades returned victoriously with joy.

The above is a record of my work of "instigating rebellion."

Original note: (1) This manuscript was written by Comrade Sai Shili at the request of the Wendeng CPPCC Cultural and Historical Committee, during his hospitalization in Jinan due to illness in March and April 97, with his left hand, word by word, intermittently "poked"; After being discharged from the hospital, he carefully revised it, and finally mailed it to his hometown on May 16. This manuscript is hard-won and is indeed a precious work.

- Editor


Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 12 (December 1997)


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