
A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

author:Look at the ups and downs of history
A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years
"Can a person be resurrected from the dead?"

Most people have fantasies about their deceased relatives and friends, hoping that their relatives and friends will be able to stand by their side again.

But fantasy is illusory after all, after all, human life, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, and death is especially irreversible.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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For deceased relatives and friends, somewhere else is the best place for them to return.

But in 1976, in Chenguang Village, Shegang Town, Liuyang City, Hunan Province, there was really a bizarre case of "resurrection from the dead".

What's going on?

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

A letter that spans thousands of miles, a bizarre and shocking news

"It's... Monks? ”

In 1999, Zhou Lizhen, who was going to Guangzhou by boat, secretly looked at the old man sitting next to him, a little curious.

The old man was bald and had nine white spots on his head, apparently having been a former monk.

And no matter how noisy the ship was, the old man sat quietly and undisputed.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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Looking at the old man's demeanor, he is not as decadent and old as an ordinary old man, but his face is ruddy and full of vitality.

Zhou Lizhen has never dealt with monks, but now she suddenly came into close contact with a monk, and she felt a little strange.

In her eyes, the old man is a highly respected monk, and now she happens to meet her, which means that her good days are coming.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lizhen couldn't help but rejoice in her heart.

But Zhou Lizhen didn't dare to disturb the old man in person, so she could only hold back the excitement in her heart and chat with her friends.

Suddenly, when she was talking to her friend about her hometown, the old man's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"You know Morning Light Village"

"But Chenguang Village in Shegang Town?"

Suddenly asked by the old man, Zhou Lizhen was a little stunned.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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After reacting, she quickly nodded in response, because she and her friends had set off from the next village in Chenguang Village.

The old man's expression suddenly became eager, and his voice was loud and powerful, which shocked Zhou Lizhen.

The old man, who claimed to be surnamed Hong, had been to Chenguang Village many years ago and had an adventure there.

"Please pass this letter on to the family for me."

That night, Uncle Hong hurriedly wrote a letter, hoping that Zhou Lizhen could help convey it.

Zhou Lizhen agreed.

But after arriving in Sichuan, Zhou Lizhen and his friends had a good time, and gradually forgot about it.

After returning to Hunan, Zhou Lizhen needed to go to Guangzhou to work because of her own reasons.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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The letter, which was mixed in the middle of the luggage, was taken by her from the steamer to Sichuan, back to Hunan, and to Guangzhou.

In the end, if it is lost, the secret that no one knows will be silenced.

By the time Zhou Lizhen wanted to return to his hometown, a year had passed.

And when she thought of the small village that carried the memories, she also remembered what the old man had told her.

Zhou Lizhen hurriedly rummaged through her luggage, but couldn't find the letter at all.

Zhou Lizhen was very anxious about this, but she was helpless.

Luckily, she remembered what some of the old people had said.

In 2000, after returning to his hometown, Zhou Lizhen hurriedly ran to Xu's house in Chenguang Village next door.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Zhou Lizhen (source network)

After Zhou Lizhen arrived, it was Xu Hangping, the current head of the Xu family, who opened the door, and he didn't have much impression of Zhou Lizhen, and looked at her suspiciously.

"You're Xu Hangping, aren't you?"

"Your sister may still be alive!"

This news was like thunder, and it exploded in Xu Hangping's heart in an instant.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

The dusty past many years ago, is the deceased dead or alive?


After a while, Xu Hangping's expression changed from surprise to calm, but there was a hint of expectation in his eyes when he looked at Zhou Lizhen.

"I saw my sister angry back then, and I also watched my sister be buried."
A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Xu Hangping (source network)

Zhou Lizhen also heard about this incident back then, because the child was only 14 years old when he died, which is really regrettable.

But when she thought of that special old man, she couldn't help but be convinced.

"The old man told me something at the time, saying that he saved a little girl named 'Xu Suping'."

"When the old man met Xu Suping, he was in an old grave, and the soil of the old grave was not deep."

"I want to think about it... Oh yes! The old man also said that one of Xu Suping's legs was a little lame. ”


As Zhou Lizhen recalled more and more details, the joy on Xu Hangping's face also increased.

Zhou Lizhen is not a relative of their family, and it is impossible to know these details, unless his sister is really alive, and the old man is not lying.

Thinking of his sister who died early, Xu Hangping was happy, looking forward to it, and a little apprehensive.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Xu Hangping (source network)

He will never forget that day in 1976.

"Dad, I want to eat fried tofu too."

11-year-old Xu Hangping looked at the slightly rich food in front of Xu Suping, and some of them were hanging down.

Their family is not well-off, and their three meals a day are often clear soup and white water, and delicacies like fried tofu can only be enjoyed occasionally.

"Go, go, that's what your grandma gave to your sister."

Father Xu slapped Xu Hangping on the head, and smiled to make him dispel this calculation.

Their family is indeed very poor, and they can't afford to eat this fried tofu in normal times.

But Xu Suping's health was very bad, and her grandmother felt sorry for her granddaughter's suffering, so she got a fried tofu over.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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Thinking of Xu Suping, who had been lying in bed for the past two years and suffering from illness, Xu Hangping quickly retracted his head.

Although he is only 11 years old, he can also see that his sister's life is not easy.

Xu Hangping is very obedient and sensible, and he knows that his sister Xu Suping needs this fried tofu more than him.

But who would have thought that this fried tofu would actually "harm" Xu Suping's life?

After Xu Suping glanced at Xu Hangping with a smile, he began to pull the food in his bowl.

Suddenly, Xu Suping stood up suddenly, and the crisp sound of the clashing of dishes and chopsticks attracted the attention of the others.

"What's wrong with you!"

With the urgent call of Xu's father and Xu's mother, Xu Suping's hands kept waving, and even touched the bowl on the table.

The expression on her face became extremely painful, and even white foam overflowed from her mouth.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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Seeing this, Xu's father and Xu's mother panicked instantly, and hurriedly calmed Xu Su's breath.

But Xu Suping's symptoms became more and more serious, and her face even became a little bruised.

"Why did you suddenly get sick!"

Mother Xu was so anxious that she burst into tears, obviously Xu Suping was fine just now, no one expected her to become ill at this time.

In the past two years, Xu's father and mother have been taking Xu Suping back and forth between the village and the county seat, just to let Xu Suping get better treatment.

Although the Xu family is not wealthy, Xu's father and Xu's mother still saved money to make up Xu Suping's medical expenses.

After two years of treatment, Xu Suping's health has improved, and he has not had the disease for a long time, which makes Xu's father and mother gradually feel at ease, thinking that this is a good sign.

But I didn't expect the unexpected to come so quickly.

Seeing his sister like this, Xu Hangping was also a little scared, he could feel that his sister must be in great pain.

"Xiao Hang, Xiao Hang! Go and call your neighbor's Uncle Zhang to find your uncle! ”

Listening to his father's order, Xu Hangping ran away.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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Before he knew it, his face was full of tears.

Xu Suping is very good to Xu Hangping, and Xu Hangping doesn't want his sister to have an accident.

"Uncle Zhang! Uncle Zhang"

Xu Hangping knocked on the door of his neighbor's house anxiously and called desperately:

"My sister is sick! Can you help call your uncle?" ”

As soon as Uncle Zhang heard this, he directly dropped the rice bowl in his hand, hurriedly ran to the place where the movie was usually shown in the village, and called Xu Hangping's uncle and doctor to Xu's house with the radio.

Although everyone used the fastest speed to save Xu Suping's life.

But in those days, the medical conditions and transportation were not developed at all, and by the time the doctor arrived at Xu's house, it was already twenty minutes after Xu Suping's illness.

In these twenty minutes, Xu's father and mother have been trying their best to help Xu Suping relieve his pain.

But Xu Suping's breathing became weaker and weaker, which made Xu's father and mother almost collapse.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Xu Hangping (source network)

When the doctor came to test Xu Suping's breathing, he stood up and shook his head at Xu's father and mother.

"I'm sorry, but the kid has... No more breathing. ”

Father Xu was incredulous, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

He luckily put his fingers to Xu Suping's nostrils, but his fingers didn't feel anything.

Father Xu was sad from his heart, and instantly cried bitterly.

He also understands that his daughter is really out of breath and really "dead"!

This incident of the Xu family spread in the village in an instant.

Xu Suping is a good boy in the village on weekdays, and he is liked by the villagers.

Now hearing this bad news, the people in the village are also very sorry.

There are still many people who don't want to believe the facts, and rush to test Xu Suping's breathing, but without exception, the result is:

Xu Suping was no longer breathing.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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"Lao Xu, it's getting late, let's bury the child quickly, and let the child rest in peace as soon as possible."

Someone watched the Xu family cry bitterly around Xu Suping's corpse, and couldn't help but remind.

It was not that he deliberately interrupted the Xu family to grieve over Xu Suping's death, but that their village had rules:

When a minor child dies, it must be buried on the same day.

When Father Xu heard this, he also put away the sadness on his face slightly.

The child is dead, and the only thing he can do for the child now is to bury her early.

Under the arrangement of Xu's father, several villagers nailed a wooden box and carried it, and Xu's father put Xu Suping's body inside.

As the lid of the wooden box closed, the family couldn't help but sobbed when they thought that they would never see Xu Suping again.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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In a hurry, all rituals are kept simple.

Later, the Xu family and several other villagers buried the wooden box on a hill not far from Xu's house.

At 11 o'clock that night, Xu Hangping saw the wooden box covered with soil by several relatives in the family.

As a young man, he couldn't stop crying at the thought of never seeing his sister again.

The next day, however, the bad news came again.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, the Xu family went to the cemetery to offer incense to Xu Suping, but found that the lid of the wooden box had been opened.

Inside, Xu Suping's body was nowhere to be found, leaving only a few scattered clothes.

At that time, there were often wild beasts in the vicinity, and Xu Mu acquiesced that Xu Suping's body was taken away by wild beasts.

Xu Suping died in the mood for love, and even after death, he was not at peace, which made the Xu family sluggish.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Xu Hangping's family (source network)

In the events that followed, Xu Hangping missed his sister and understood the responsibility on his shoulders.

He and his younger brother studied hard, and later started a family and built a small house for the family.

Life is already rich, but the pain in my heart is difficult to heal.

Now that he suddenly heard the news of his sister again, how could Xu Hangping not be happy?

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Parents at home wait for their children to return, and their true feelings will never change

Xu Hangping was almost sure that everything Zhou Lizhen said was true.

Xu Suping didn't die back then, but was in shock.

But how do the people in the village know about it? I only thought that Xu Suping was sick and died on the spot.

After Xu Suping was buried, she also recovered from shock.

She kept calling for help in the wooden box, attracting Uncle Hong, who happened to be passing by Chenguang Village.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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Then Uncle Hong pried open the wooden box and rescued Xu Suping, who was trapped inside.

But Xu Suping didn't know the specific situation after her onset, and only thought that Xu's father and mother couldn't afford her treatment and abandoned her.

Therefore, Xu Suping was reluctant to go home, but chose to leave here with Uncle Hong.

For so many years, she has been raised by Uncle Hong.

Xu Hangping was very shocked when he learned the truth of the matter, he didn't expect that it was actually a small misunderstanding, which indirectly led to the family being separated for many years.

How could Xu's father and mother not love Xu Suping? Their family has been missing Xu Suping for so many years.

But after many years, Zhou Lizhen lost the letter again, and she didn't remember the address in the letter.

How to find my sister who has been separated for many years is another problem.

"We're sure we'll find my sister."

When Xu Hangping brought the good news back to the Xu family, others were also looking forward to it.

Through Zhou Lizhen's information, Xu Hangping only knew that Xu Suping was in a certain county in Sichuan or Chongqing.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

Xu Hangping (source network)

Therefore, in the days that followed, he sent a letter to every county, adding up to more than 500 letters before and after.

But sending the letter was like a slap in the water, and there was no echo at all.

Helpless, Xu Hangping could only find the media, hoping to use the power of the media to let his sister Xu Suping learn the truth of everything, and then the family would be reunited.

It's a pity, despite the fact that the journalist media had the heart to help this poor family.

But Xu Suping is like half of the world has evaporated, and no one knows his trace at all.

But the Xu family did not give up, and they continued to look for other ways to find Xu Suping.

For them, Xu Suping's survival is already the biggest good thing.

This also allows them to rest assured and do their best to achieve the day when the family is reunited.

Finally, the Xu family found a place called Bishan County, and they came here to ask for help from the local person in charge.

After checking the household registration system, the Xu family learned that Xu Suping was not here, and there were few people surnamed Hong here.

A 14-year-old girl died suddenly of illness, disappeared seven hours after her body was buried, and "came back from the dead" after 24 years

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The clue was interrupted again, could it be that the relatives who were connected by blood could really only be annihilated in the sea of people?

In the days that followed, the Xu family always insisted on looking for Xu Suping.

Although they cannot be reunited now, the Xu family believes that with their efforts, they will eventually be reunited one day in the future.

Indeed, at the moment when the Internet is becoming more and more developed, people's information has been exchanged, and although it is difficult to find Xu Suping, it is not impossible.

As long as they persevere, True Love will eventually overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

Nowadays, the mainland still needs to pay attention to the improvement of the primary medical system, so that ordinary people at the bottom can know basic first-aid knowledge.

In this way, there will be no misunderstanding like Xu Suping, and it will not lead to the separation of the family.


The 14-year-old girl was resurrected and disappeared 7 hours after being buried in the ground------ Xiaoxiang Morning News

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