
The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

author:Fenfa Citrus 6s9

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

The evolution of excellent Chinese genes

Since ancient times, the difference in human skin color has been a topic of widespread concern. From the initial "geographical environment theory" to the later "sexual selection theory", this issue has gone through a long and tortuous process of exploration. What are the factors that give birth to the unique yellow skin characteristics of Chinese people in different regions? What is driving the continued inheritance and development of this characteristic? This is undoubtedly a scientific proposition that deserves in-depth study.

In the long years of human evolution, the genome of the Chinese nation has been continuously optimized, and finally its unique physical characteristics have been formed. This evolutionary process has not been smooth sailing, but has progressed slowly under the guidance of the natural environment and the consciousness of human beings. Analyzing this evolutionary process from the perspectives of genetics, physiology and anthropology not only helps us fully understand the skin color characteristics of Chinese, but also allows us to have a deeper understanding of the mystery of human evolution.

Geographical environment: the fertile soil that shapes the unique physique of Chinese

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

In previous studies, "geographical environment theory" once dominated. However, with the in-depth exploration of human origins and evolution, the limitations of this simple and straightforward view have gradually been revealed.

As we all know, China has a vast territory and a complex geographical environment, but whether it is a desert plateau or a plain hill, you can find yellow-skinned Chinese almost all over the country. What's even more interesting is that even if they live in the same region, the difference in skin color between Chinese people is not imperceptible. Obviously, geographical factors alone are difficult to fully explain the formation of Chinese skin color characteristics.

However, this does not mean that geography has no effect on the evolution of the human body. Rather, it plays a vital role in the process. It is not difficult to find that China has a vast territory and significant differences in climate, and this diversity provides a rich raw material pool for the genome of the Chinese nation. In the long process of evolution, Chinese people in different regions have shown unique physiological adaptability in cold resistance, heat resistance, radiation resistance, etc., and these characteristics have finally been retained and strengthened from generation to generation through the role of natural selection and sexual selection, thus forming a unique constitution of Chinese.

For example, Chinese living in the south, due to the long-term influence of high temperature and rainy climate, their skin is often darker and sweat glands are developed, which is very adaptable to resist ultraviolet radiation and regulate body temperature. In contrast, northern Chinese generally have fairer skin, which is closely related to their adaptive needs to live in a dry and cold environment for a long time. It can be seen that the differences in geographical environment, to a certain extent, shape the physical characteristics of different regions of Chinese.

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

However, the influence of geographical environment alone cannot fully explain why Chinese people develop unique yellow skin characteristics. Behind this, there are deeper evolutionary mechanisms at play.

Sexual selection: an important shaping factor for Chinese skin color characteristics

In fact, a growing body of scientific research has shown that sexual selection plays a key role in the evolution of the human constitution. This theory is that over a long evolutionary process, sexual preferences between different individuals have led to the continued retention and reinforcement of specific physical traits within the group.

For the Chinese, this evolutionary mechanism also applies. In antiquity, when human society was just established and tribes and families became important social structures, it was crucial to maintain stable gender relations. In order to be able to better care for and nurture offspring, primitive people began to favor those opposite-sex couples with mature individual characteristics. And this mature characteristic is often closely related to the physiological characteristic of light skin tone.

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

Therefore, those light-skinned primitive people at that time were easily favored and sought after by the opposite sex. Through this sexual selection, these light-skinned individuals gradually become the dominant type in the group and pass on this trait from generation to generation. In contrast, darker-skinned hominids, lacking this sexual attraction, had relatively few offspring and were eventually phased out.

In this way, in the long process of evolution, the yellow skin characteristics of Chinese have gradually become prominent and solidified. At the same time, Chinese people in different regions show some subtle differences in skin color due to the influence of the unique natural environment of the local area. This dual role of genetic inheritance and environmental adaptation has made the physical characteristics of Chinese more and more diverse.

Modern Humans: The Evolution of Skin Colors in Diverse Fusion

After entering the modern society, human sexual selection behavior has undergone profound changes. The preferences of the past, which were confined to one's own people, are gradually being replaced by a more open and inclusive attitude. With the acceleration of globalization, interracial marriages have become more common, and the human gene pool has become richer and more diverse.

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

For Chinese, this change also has a profound impact on their skin color characteristics. Nowadays, more and more Chinese are choosing to marry with other colors of different races. In this case, the child's skin color will no longer be limited to a single yellow skin, but will show a more diverse character. Some children may be whiter, others darker, and even some new midtones will appear.

This trend towards diversity of skin colours is not only manifested at the individual level, but also within the entire ethnic group. With the continuous opening up of Chinese society, more and more migrants enter China, and their intermarriage with local residents will inevitably accelerate the mixing and integration of Chinese skin color characteristics. The genetic exchange brought about by this multicultural exchange will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the physical characteristics of the Chinese and make them present a more colorful appearance.

At the same time, the progress of modern medicine and lifestyle has also changed the physical characteristics of Chinese to a certain extent. For example, more and more Chinese people are changing their skin color through cosmetics or surgery, and this kind of human intervention will inevitably have a certain impact on the overall skin color pattern of Chinese.

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

In general, the evolution of Chinese skin color is based on both natural genetic basis and cultural factors of human selection. In the process, the geographical ring

It is this trend of pluralistic integration that makes the skin color characteristics of Chinese people more and more colorful. It is not difficult to find that today's China is far from being a single yellow skin in the past, but a collection of various racial characteristics, including white and black. This interweaving of genes is not only reflected at the individual level, but also within the entire ethnic group.

The emergence of this diversity of skin colors is undoubtedly due to the openness and inclusiveness of modern society. In the past, people were more inclined to choose partners of their own kind in order to maintain the purity of their ethnic origin. But nowadays, this perception has changed dramatically, and interracial marriage has become the norm. People are beginning to focus more on the inner qualities of an individual rather than on physical characteristics such as skin color. In this way, genetic exchanges between different races have become more frequent, resulting in a richer and more diverse pattern of skin color characteristics of Chinese.

The reason why Chinese are yellow is not only because of the geographical environment, but also because of the evolution of sexual selection

It should be pointed out that this evolution of skin color did not happen overnight, but gradually formed over a long historical process. In this process, there is not only the role of natural selection, but also the guidance of human subjective consciousness. For example, the sexual selection mechanism we mentioned earlier greatly influences and shapes the unique skin color characteristics of Chinese. With the evolution of the times, this sexual preference has also changed accordingly, which has led to the transformation of the skin color pattern of Chinese.

In addition, the progress of modern medicine and lifestyle has also changed the skin color characteristics of Chinese to a certain extent. More and more people are changing their skin tone through cosmetics, plastic surgery, etc., and this kind of human intervention will inevitably have a certain impact on the overall skin color pattern. Although this change may temporarily break the traditional skin color characteristics of the Chinese, in the long run, it also injects new vitality into the physical characteristics of the Chinese and lays the foundation for future development.

In general, the evolution of Chinese skin color is based on both natural genetic basis and cultural factors of human selection. In this process, multiple factors such as geographical environment, sexual selection, and cultural integration interact to shape the unique physical characteristics of Chinese. The continuous enrichment and change of this characteristic will certainly inject new vitality into the future development of the Chinese nation.

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