
In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions


In the second year of junior high school, you must memorize 87 major questions in geography

In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions

Students, the geography exam for the second year of junior high school is approaching, and the following is a list of 87 major questions that must be memorized for you, let us study and master them carefully.

In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions

1. Briefly describe the shape and size of the Earth.

Answer: The Earth is an irregular sphere with slightly flattened poles and a slightly bulging equator. The average radius is about 6,371 kilometers, the equatorial circumference is about 40,000 kilometers, and the surface area is about 510 million square kilometers.

In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions
In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions
In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions

2. Name the direction of the Earth's rotation, its cycle, and the geographical phenomena it produces.

Answer: The direction of rotation of the Earth is from west to east, with a period of about 24 hours. Geographical phenomena such as the change of day and night, time differences, etc., have been generated.

3. Describe the direction and cycle of the earth's revolution and the geographical phenomena that arise.

A: The direction of revolution is also from west to east, with a period of about 365 days. The four seasons change, the length of day and night, and the division of the five zones have been produced.

4. How do I find directions on a map?

Answer: For general maps, the direction is usually determined by "going up north and down south, left west and right east"; Maps with pointers, with the direction determined by pointing arrows pointing north; There is a map with graticules, with the meridians indicating the north-south direction and the latitude lines indicating the east-west direction.

5. Name the characteristics of the distribution of land and sea in the world.

Answer: The surface of the earth is divided into seven oceans and three lands; The land mass is mainly concentrated in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres.

6. Briefly describe the names and distributions of the seven continents and the four oceans.

A: The seven continents are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Oceania in descending order of area. The four oceans are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean in descending order of area.

7. Give examples of the effects of plate movements on the surface morphology.

A: For example, the Himalayas are formed by the collision and extrusion of the Eurasian plate and the Indian Ocean plate; The Red Sea is expanding because the African and Indian Ocean plates are stretching and stretching.

8. Name the distribution of world temperatures.

A: Gradually decreasing from low latitude to high latitude; At the same latitude, the land temperature is higher than that of the ocean in summer, and the ocean temperature is higher than that of the land in winter. In mountainous areas, the temperature decreases with altitude.

9. Briefly describe the distribution of precipitation in the world.

Answer: There is more precipitation near the equator and less precipitation in the polar regions; Near the Tropic of Capricorn, there is more precipitation on the east coast of the continent and less precipitation on the west coast; In the mid-latitudes, there is more precipitation in coastal areas and less precipitation in inland areas.

10. What are the main factors influencing climate?

A: Latitude location, land and sea location, topographic factors, ocean currents, etc.

11. Describe the distribution, characteristics and causes of tropical rainforest climate.

A: It is mainly found in areas near the equator, such as the Amazon Plain, the Congo Basin, and the Malay Archipelago. It is characterized by high temperatures and rain throughout the year. The cause is that it is controlled by the equatorial depression belt all year round.

12. What are the distributions, characteristics and causes of temperate monsoon climate?

Answer: It is found in the eastern part of the temperate region of the Eurasian continent. It is characterized by high temperature and rain in summer and cold and dry in winter. The cause is the difference in thermal properties between land and sea.

13. What are the problems of too fast or too slow population growth?

A: Rapid population growth will bring about food shortages, housing shortages, traffic congestion, employment difficulties, environmental pollution and other problems. Slow population growth will lead to labor shortages, insufficient national defense troops, and increased social pension burdens.

14. Name the main distribution areas of the world's three major human races.

A: Yellow people are mainly found in eastern Asia, Caucasians are mainly found in Europe, North America, and Oceania, and black people are mainly found in central and southern Africa.

15. Give examples of the world's major languages and their distributions.

A: Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, mainly in China; English is the most widely spoken language, mainly found in western Europe, North America, southern Asia, and other regions.

16. What are the three major religions of the world? Briefly describe its origin and main distribution areas.

A: Christianity originated in Palestine, mainly in Europe, America, and Oceania. Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula and is mainly found in western and southeastern Asia, northern and eastern Africa; Buddhism originated in ancient India and is mainly found in the east and southeast of Asia.

17. What are the differences between rural and urban landscapes?

A: Rural houses are generally low, scattered, and have narrow roads; The city is full of high-rise buildings, convenient transportation and perfect facilities.

18. What are the favorable conditions for the formation and development of settlements?

A: The terrain is flat, the soil is fertile, the water source is sufficient, the transportation is convenient, and the natural resources are abundant.

19. What is the geographical location and scope of Asia?

A: Most of Asia is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the south. Asia is the largest continent in the world.

20. What are the characteristics of the topography and rivers in Asia?

Answer: The terrain is dominated by plateaus and mountains, with high terrain in the middle and low in all sides. Most of the rivers originate in the central plateau and mountains, and flow radially to the surrounding oceans.

21. What are the geographical location, territorial composition and topographical characteristics of Japan?

A: Japan is located in eastern Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and consists of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, as well as a number of small islands nearby. The terrain is dominated by mountains and hills.

22. What are the causes of many volcanic earthquakes in Japan?

A: Located at the junction of the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate, the earth's crust is active.

23. What are the characteristics of Japan's economic development, as well as the favorable and unfavorable conditions?

A: It is characterized by the import of raw materials and fuels and the export of manufactured goods. The favorable conditions are many excellent harbors and developed science and technology; The disadvantages are the lack of resources and a small domestic market.

24. What is the geographical location and scope of Southeast Asia?

A: It is located in the southeast of Asia, including the Indochina Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago. It is located at the "crossroads" between Asia and Oceania, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

25. What is the importance of the Strait of Malacca?

A: It is the choke point connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and it is the shortest route for ports in Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and East Asia.

26. What are the main food crops and tropical cash crops in Southeast Asia?

A: The main food crop is rice. Tropical cash crops include natural rubber, oil palm, coconut, abaca, etc.

27. What are the geographical locations, demographic characteristics and major topographical areas of India?

A: Located in the south of Asia, it is the largest country in South Asia. The population is large and growing fast. The main topographic areas are the Himalayas in the north, the Gangetic Plain in the middle, and the Deccan Plateau in the south.

28. What is the type of climate in India and its impact on agricultural production?

Answer: The climate is mainly tropical monsoon, and the instability of the southwest monsoon leads to frequent floods and droughts, which have a great impact on agricultural production.

29. What are the geographical location, area and topographical characteristics of Russia?

A: Straddling two continents, Asia and Europe, it is the largest country in the world. The terrain is dominated by plains and plateaus, and the terrain is high in the east and low in the west.

30. What are the climatic characteristics of Russia and the main rivers?

A: The climate is mainly temperate continental, with cold and long winters and warm and short summers. The main rivers are the Volga, Ob, Yenisei and Lena.

31. What are the characteristics of Russia's natural resources? What is the relationship between its industrial distribution and resources?

A: Natural resources are abundant, complete in variety, and self-sufficient. The industrial distribution is close to the origin of raw materials.

32. What is the importance of the geographical location of the Middle East?

A: Located in the "Land of Three Continents and Five Seas", it is a hub connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and its strategic location is extremely important.

33. What are the reasons why the Middle East has become a hotspot in the world?

A: Important geographical location, abundant oil resources, scarce water resources, religious and cultural differences, etc.

34. What are the geographical, topographical and climatic characteristics of Western Europe?

A: Most of them are located on the west coast of the mid-latitude continent. The terrain is dominated by plains and mountains. The climate is mainly temperate oceanic, with mild and humid year-round.

35. What are the reasons for the development of animal husbandry in western Europe?

A: The climate is mild and humid, the terrain is flat, and the succulent pastures are widely distributed; It is densely populated and has a large market demand.

36. What are the geographical, topographical and climatic characteristics of sub-Saharan Africa?

A: It is located south of the Sahara Desert, bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The terrain is dominated by plateaus. The climate is mainly tropical, with savannah climate, tropical rainforest climate, tropical desert climate, etc.

37. What are the characteristics of economic development in sub-Saharan Africa and the main problems facing it?

Answer: The economy is developing slowly, and the economy is dominated by a single commodity. The main problems faced are population, food and environmental problems.

38. What are Australia's geographical location, territorial composition and topographical features?

A: Located in the Southern Hemisphere, it occupies a continent of its own. The territory includes mainland Australia, Tasmania, and a number of nearby islands. The terrain is divided into three parts: eastern, central and western, with mountains in the east, plains in the middle, and plateaus in the west.

39. Why is Australia known as the "Living Fossil Museum of the World"?

A: Isolated in the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere for a long time, the natural environment is monolithic, and the evolution of organisms is slow.

40. What is the geographical location, territorial composition, and topographical characteristics of the United States?

A: The mainland is located in the middle of North America, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The Territory also includes Alaska in northwestern North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The terrain is divided into three major topographic areas, with tall mountains in the west, vast plains in the middle, and gentle mountains in the east.

41. What are the characteristics of agricultural production in the United States and the distribution of major agricultural belts?

A: Agricultural production has achieved regional specialization and mechanization. The main agricultural belts are dairy belts, corn belts, wheat areas, cotton belts, livestock and irrigated agricultural areas, etc.

42. Where is the development and main distribution of high-tech industries in the United States?

Answer: The high-tech industries represented by information technology, biotechnology, and new material technology are developing rapidly. It is mainly distributed in places such as "Silicon Valley" near San Francisco.

43. What are the geographical, topographical and climatic characteristics of Brazil?

A: It is located in the eastern and central part of South America, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The terrain is dominated by plains and plateaus. The climate is dominated by tropical rainforest and savannah climate.

44. What is the role of the Brazilian rainforest and what are the measures to protect it?

A: It has the role of regulating the global climate, providing fresh air, conserving water, and protecting the soil. Conservation measures include the establishment of protected areas, the control of deforestation, and the strengthening of international cooperation.

45. What are the geographical advantages of the mainland?

Answer: From the perspective of latitude, most of the continent is located in the north temperate zone, some areas in the south are located in the tropics, and no areas are located in the cold zone, with good light and heat conditions; From the perspective of land and sea location, the mainland is located in the east of Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and is a country with both land and sea, which is convenient for the development of maritime undertakings and foreign exchanges.

46. What are the characteristics and reasons for the distribution of population on the mainland?

A: The population is unevenly distributed, bounded by the Heihe-Tengchong line, with a large population in the eastern region and a small population in the western region. The reason is that the eastern region has superior natural conditions, developed economy and convenient transportation.

47. What are the characteristics of the distribution of ethnic groups on the mainland?

Answer: Large diaspora, small settlements, and staggered mixed settlements.

48. What are the characteristics of continental topography and its impact on climate and rivers?

Answer: The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, and it is distributed in a stepped manner. The impact on the climate is that it favors the moist air currents over the ocean to penetrate deep inland, forming precipitation; The impact on the rivers is that many large rivers flow eastward, connecting the east and west traffic, and at the junction of the steps, there are abundant water energy resources.

49. What are the main characteristics of the continental climate?

A: The climate is complex and diverse, with a significant monsoon climate.

50. Name the characteristics of the distribution of winter and summer temperatures on the continent.

Answer: In winter, there is a large temperature difference between the north and the south, and in summer, except for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other places, the whole country is generally hot.

51. What are the spatial and temporal characteristics of continental precipitation?

A: In terms of time, precipitation is concentrated in summer; Spatially, it gradually decreases from the southeast coast to the northwest inland.

52. What is the boundary between the source of the Yellow River, its flow through the provinces and regions, its flow into the ocean, and its upper, middle and lower reaches?

A: It originates in Bayan Kala Mountain, flows through 9 provinces and regions including Qinghai and Sichuan, and flows into the Bohai Sea. The dividing point between the upper and middle reaches is the estuary, and the dividing point between the middle and lower reaches is Taohuayu.

53. What are the main problems of the Yellow River and the measures to control it?

A: Problems include soil erosion, above-ground rivers, flooding, etc. The measures include strengthening the construction of the ecological environment in the upper reaches, carrying out comprehensive management of soil and water conservation in the midstream, and strengthening the embankment of the Yellow River in the lower reaches.

54. What is the boundary between the source of the Yangtze River, its flow through the provinces and regions, its flow into the ocean, and its upstream, middle and lower reaches?

A: It originates in the Tanggula Mountains, flows through 11 provinces and regions, and empties into the East China Sea. The dividing point between the upper and lower reaches is Yichang, and the dividing point between the middle and lower reaches is Hukou.

55. What are the main problems of the Yangtze River and the measures to deal with them?

A: Problems include floods, water pollution, etc. The measures include reinforcing river embankments, returning farmland to lakes, and controlling water pollution.

56. What are the characteristics of the mainland's natural resources?

Answer: The total amount is abundant and the variety is complete, but the per capita is insufficient.

57. What are the types and distribution characteristics of land resources on the mainland?

A: There are types of arable land, woodland, grassland, etc. Cultivated land is mainly distributed in the plains and basins of the eastern monsoon zone; The woodland is mainly distributed in the northeast, southwest and southeast mountainous areas. Grasslands are mainly found in the western interior.

58. What are the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of mainland water resources and how to solve them?

Answer: In terms of time, there are more summers and autumns, and less winters and springs; In terms of space, there is a shortage of abundance in the south and in the north. Solutions include the construction of reservoirs and the transfer of water across river basins.

59. What are the regional characteristics of agriculture on the mainland?

Answer: The eastern region is dominated by crop farming, forestry and fishery, while the western region is dominated by animal husbandry.

60. What are the names, characteristics and development conditions of the four major industrial bases in the mainland?

Answer: The industrial base in central and southern Liaoning is dominated by heavy industry, the Beijing-Tianjin-Tang industrial base is the largest comprehensive industrial base in the north, the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou industrial base is the largest comprehensive industrial base in the country, and the industrial base in the Pearl River Delta is dominated by light industry. Development conditions include factors such as geographical location, resources, transportation, and labor.

61. What are the characteristics of the distribution of high-tech industries in mainland China?

Answer: It is mostly attached to large cities, showing the characteristics of large dispersion and small concentration.

62. What are the characteristics and selection principles of transportation modes in the mainland?

Answer: Railway transportation volume is large and fast; Road transport is flexible and flexible; Large volume and low cost of water transportation; Air transport is fast. The selection principle is based on the needs of transportation, the nature of the goods, the distance of transportation, the price of transportation and other factors.

63. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of the Northern Region?

Answer: It is located in the north of the Qinling-Huai River, east of the Great Xing'an Mountains and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Including the Northeast Plain, North China Plain, Loess Plateau and other topographic areas. The terrain is dominated by plains and plateaus.

64. What are the types of climate and agricultural production characteristics in the northern region?

A: The climate is dominated by a temperate monsoon climate. Agricultural production is mainly dryland agriculture, and the main crops are wheat, corn, soybeans, etc.

65. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of the Southern Region?

A: It is located south of the Qinling-Huai River and east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It includes the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River plain, the southeast hills, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the Sichuan Basin and other topographic areas. The terrain is complex and diverse, with obvious differences between east and west.

66. What are the types of climate and agricultural production characteristics in the southern region?

A: The climate is dominated by a subtropical monsoon climate and a tropical monsoon climate. Agricultural production is mainly paddy field agriculture, and the main crops are rice, rape, sugarcane, etc.

67. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical features of the Northwest Territories?

A: It is located in the west of the Great Khing'an Mountains, north of the Great Wall and the Kunlun Mountain-Altun Mountain. The terrain is dominated by plateaus and basins, mainly including the Inner Mongolia Plateau, the Tarim Basin, and the Junggar Basin.

68. What are the reasons for the changes in climate types and natural landscapes in Northwest China?

A: The climate is mainly temperate continental. From east to west, the distance from the sea is getting farther and farther, the precipitation gradually decreases, and the natural landscape gradually transitions from grassland to desert grassland and desert.

69. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of the Qinghai-Tibet region?

A: It is located in the west of the Hengduan Mountains, south of the Kunlun Mountains-Qilian Mountains, and south to the national border. The terrain is dominated by plateaus, which are known as the "roof of the world".

70. What are the climatic characteristics and agricultural production characteristics of Qinghai-Tibet?

A: The climate is cold. Agricultural production is mainly animal husbandry, and the main livestock species are yak, Tibetan sheep, Tibetan goats, etc.; Valley agriculture has developed in the valley area, and the main crops are barley, wheat, etc.

71. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of Taiwan Province?

A: It is located on the southeast coast of the mainland, including Taiwan Island and many small islands such as the nearby Penghu Islands and Diaoyu Islands. The terrain is mainly mountainous, and the mountain ranges are concentrated in the central and eastern parts of the island of Taiwan.

72. What are the characteristics of economic development and the main industries of Taiwan Province?

A: Export-oriented economy. The main industries are the electronics industry, the textile industry, the food industry, etc.

73. What are the geographical location, topographical characteristics and climate types of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region?

A: It is located in the northwest border of the mainland. The terrain is characterized by "three mountains and two basins". The climate type is temperate continental.

74. What are the characteristics of agricultural production in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the favorable conditions for the development of agriculture?

A: Oasis Agriculture. The favorable conditions are sufficient sunlight and a large temperature difference between day and night.

75. What are the favourable conditions for economic development in the Pearl River Delta region?

A: It is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and faces Southeast Asia across the sea, with a superior geographical location; It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese; national policy support, etc.

76. What are the geographical and economic characteristics of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions?

A: Hong Kong is located on the east side of the Pearl River Estuary, and its economy is dominated by entrepot trade, finance and shipping. Macau is located on the west side of the Pearl River estuary, and its economy is dominated by gaming and tourism.

77. What are Beijing's urban functions?

A: Political center, cultural center, international exchange center, science and technology innovation center.

78. What are the geographical location, scope and economic development characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta region?

A: It is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, bordering the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. It includes Shanghai, southern Jiangsu Province and northern Zhejiang Province. The level of economic development is high, and urban agglomerations and industrial belts have been formed.

79. What are the topographical characteristics and major natural disasters in Guizhou Province?

A: The terrain is dominated by plateaus and mountains, and the surface is rugged. The main natural disasters are landslides and mudslides.

80. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of the Loess Plateau?

A: It is located in the west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Wusheling Mountains, north of the Qinling Mountains, and south of the Great Wall. The terrain is full of ravines and fragments.

81. What are the causes of soil erosion on the Loess Plateau and how to control it?

A: There are natural causes (such as loose soil, concentrated precipitation, etc.) and human causes (such as over-reclamation, overgrazing, etc.). Governance measures include planting trees and grasses, building terraces, damming and silting land, etc.

82. What are the geographical location, scope and topographical characteristics of the Northeast region?

A: It is located in the northeastern part of the mainland and includes Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province and Liaoning Province. The terrain is dominated by mountains and plains, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and fertile fields for thousands of miles.

83. What are the climatic characteristics of the Northeast region and its impact on agricultural production?

A: The climate is cold and humid. Winters are cold and long, summers are warm and short, and precipitation is concentrated in summer. The impact on agricultural production is that it is conducive to the growth of crops for a short time, but it is conducive to the accumulation of soil organic matter.

84. What are the favorable conditions for Northeast China to become an important commodity grain base on the mainland?

Answer: The land is fertile, the terrain is flat, the land is vast and sparsely populated, the degree of mechanization is high, and the level of agricultural science and technology is high

In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions
In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions
In the second year of junior high school, geography must memorize 87 major questions

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