
There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

author:Gu Sheng explained


If you can't finish eating, you must finish eating, you can't eat it, the boss won't let you go! I never imagined that in a civilized society, there would be people who would be so arrogant, and they had to meet their own standards.

If the other party can't reach it, then they would rather break the law than let the other party leave.

It makes people wonder, what kind of confidence does this boss have to dare to do this?

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

On June 26, 2024, in a cafeteria in Liaoning, the man had a big quarrel with the boss, and the boss did not let the man leave and insisted that he stay in the store.

What's going on here?

After the man entered the buffet restaurant, he paid the prescribed 15 yuan for the meal, and after eating a few bites, he felt that the taste was unsatisfactory, and the taste was far from what he imagined.

Although it was a cost, the man didn't want to eat, so he didn't let it be packed and walked out of the restaurant directly. Who knows, just after walking a few steps, the boss saw that he was going out and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

The man didn't understand what the boss meant, but the boss said that he had taken so much that he couldn't leave. According to the rules, a person can only have a maximum of 3 taels left, and if there is more than this amount, they must be eaten before leaving.

If you can't finish eating, you can't leave, or you can pay extra money to buy excess food. The man couldn't cry or laugh, did he enter the black shop?

The cost of 15 yuan must not have been eaten, and the boss forced himself to finish it like this, just because he saw that he couldn't eat it and wanted to charge extra money.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

The taste was unsatisfactory, and even the behavior of the boss made him feel disgusted. The man was naturally reluctant to pay extra money to buy such an unpalatable dish, he didn't want to entangle with the boss, and wanted to leave again.

But the boss didn't let him go at all, and kept forcibly keeping him in the store, either finishing the meal or taking the money to buy vegetables. The man was so angry that he directly called the police to deal with it, so that the police could see whose fault it was?

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

Judging from the man's remaining dishes, it is indeed a bit much, but it is not to the point where the boss must finish it for the other party.

Those dishes are fresh, and if the boss takes them back, they will definitely be disliked by other customers, which will affect word of mouth. If he didn't take it back, the boss felt that it was too wasteful, so he asked the man to finish eating before leaving.

But the man thought differently, thinking that he had paid for it, and since he had only eaten a few bites, why should he pay for such an unpalatable thing to go home?

The boss asked him to continue eating, and he couldn't accept it either.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

How should the police deal with this matter? After the police arrived at the scene, they quickly launched an investigation and finally determined that the boss's behavior had been coerced.

Although the boss's behavior is not illegal or criminal, he has already caused a certain impact on customers. Therefore, in terms of customer experience, the man has been very disappointed in this store, and it is estimated that he will never come to consume in the future.

The police also asked the restaurant owner to apologize to the customer and not allow him to repeat the similar situation, although the store had certain rules that only 3 taels of food could be left.

But when encountering things, it is also because of the euphemism, instead of forcing the customer to either eat or buy all the dishes that have been obtained, which has violated the rights and interests of customers.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

Wasting ingredients is indeed wrong, but there is no guarantee that everyone will be satisfied with the taste of the buffet, and there are also some people who can't eat too much and leave.

In this case, what the restaurant owner has to do is not to ask the other party to pay or force the other party to finish eating, but to ask the customer if he is not satisfied with the taste and what kind of taste the other party likes.

Only when the taste is good, there are more customers, and the other party can finish a delicious meal.

Isn't it disgusting to be disgusted by others to do things like this restaurant owner?

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

How do cafeterias delight customers?

In fact, as long as you do a good job of humanized management, you can do it.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

Through this incident, it is also to tell everyone that whether you are eating a buffet or eating a meal, you must eliminate waste and don't let others interfere.

It is not easy to grow grain, so we can save a little and not be extravagant and wasteful, so as to be worthy of those grain planting workers who have worked hard.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat

Isn't it embarrassing for a man like a man who only pays 15 yuan but takes so many dishes, and then can't finish them? The behavior of the restaurant owner is certainly inappropriate, but he is still worthy of recognition from netizens in terms of saving. It can only be said that different positions and different ideas led to the occurrence of this contradiction.

Fortunately, after this experience, the restaurant owner can also have a deeper understanding of the current shortcomings, so that they can be corrected.

There were 3 taels left in the buffet, and I was forced to finish by the boss! Police mediation: The boss should apologize and the customer will not eat


Freedom is at the heart of the buffet. However, how to control no waste and ensure that customers can eat with peace of mind is the point that the restaurant needs to balance.

Customers are responsible for their actions, but restaurateurs shouldn't be so strict, and it's better to be reasonable than to take a strong approach.

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