
He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

author:Gu Sheng explained

Foreword: In the past two years, the phenomenon of "collapsed houses" of celebrities has been common, and everyone thinks that this group of "208" is not worthy of morality. However, not all actors are "208", and some actors in the entertainment industry have been working hard to film, but there is no splash. Zhu Yongteng is such an actor, he has been focusing on works for many years since his debut, and he has always been clean in his private life.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

Zhu Yongteng is a native of Shanghai. As the only child in the family, he has suffered from his parents' endless preference since he was a child. It is often said that "sticks produce filial piety", but this favor not only failed to make him pampered, but instead cultivated his gratitude and filial piety. Zhu Yongteng has known how to respect his elders and listen to his parents' teachings since he was a child, and he is the most sensible and obedient child in the eyes of others.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

In his childhood memories, there was nothing that fascinated him more than watching the twists and turns of the storyline in front of the TV every day. Whenever he sees a character in a TV series, he can't help but want to imitate it. As a child who grew up in a Kochi family, Zhu Yongteng's parents have placed high hopes on him since he was a child, hoping that he will be able to succeed in his studies in the future. However, they know that their children's path is their own choice, and since their son loves acting so much, they can only fully support it.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

In 1995, he was admitted to the drama and became classmates with Lu Yi, Xue Jianing and others. After entering the play, Zhu Yongteng discovered his talent for acting, his line skills are very powerful, whether it is memorizing words before rehearsals or accumulating strength in performances, he can always make a splash. Zhu Yongteng's handsome face made him even more powerful. During his time at school, his talent and hard work won him many performance opportunities, and he was also well-known among many classmates.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

Zhu Yongteng has always had a label on his debut since his debut, that is, "classmate Lu Yi". In fact, their relationship is far closer than that of their classmates, they are roommates in college for four years, and they are good brothers who married Jin Lan. One morning, Zhu Yongteng got up in a hurry, and because he stayed up late to review the night before, he didn't hear the alarm clock ring in the morning. He rushed into the bathroom as fast as he could, brushing his teeth and racing against the clock to calculate the time it would take to get to the classroom.

However, when he finished washing up and was about to leave, he found that the door to the dormitory had been locked from the outside. It turned out that the roommates had finished cleaning up, but they didn't notice that Zhu Yongteng was still in the toilet, so Lu Yi locked the door. This scene happened to be seen by other students passing by, and this incident also spread in the school, becoming an extremely interesting and interesting story.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

After graduating, everyone went their separate ways, and they encouraged each other, and they thought that they would definitely shine in the entertainment industry in the future. With his solid professional skills, he quickly found his place in the entertainment industry. Every step Zhu Yongteng takes counts, and every work has accumulated valuable experience for him.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

He played the role of Emperor Shunzhi in "Gege Wants to Marry". Zhu Yongteng has his own understanding of Emperor Shunzhi, he believes that this emperor has his own majesty and decisiveness, and does not lose the gentleness and fragility of human nature. In the end, he won the unanimous praise of the audience with his excellent performance. Later, he challenged the elder brother ruthless in "The Four Famous Catches", a character with strong martial arts skills, superhuman wisdom and calmness. Through the delicate understanding and portrayal of the character, Zhu Yongteng vividly interprets the ruthless arrogance and loneliness.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

However, in the entertainment industry, "Xiaohong relies on support, and big red relies on life". Although Zhu Yongteng has been studying every role of himself, he seems to be one step away from becoming popular. His former classmates are already hot stars who are popular all over the world, but his name is still not remembered by everyone.

But Zhu Yongteng is not discouraged at all, he thinks that he is an actor rather than a star, and the actor relies on his works, as long as his role is remembered, isn't it? Therefore, no matter whether he can become popular or not, the roles he takes on are out of the most careful considerations, and he will never take on bad dramas in order to become popular.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

His private life and his attitude towards his profession are the same, there have been no scandals in the past few years since his debut, and his only love affair is his first girlfriend. The love story of Zhu Yongteng and Lan Yulin is not as twisty and bizarre as in the novel, but a calm story. At that time, Zhu Yongteng was in the rising period of his career, he devoted all his energy to filming, and he just wanted to push it back for love and marriage.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

However, his parents are very traditional people, they think that men should marry women when they are married, and Zhu Yongteng has reached the age when it is time to get married. Since he has been a very filial and obedient child since he was a child, in order not to worry his parents, he still decided to participate in the blind date arranged by his parents.

That day, Zhu Yongteng wore a pure white T-shirt to go to the appointment, compared to other people who went on a blind date after dressing up, Zhu Yongteng's choice was too simple. Because he is a very real person, he thinks that he should show respect to the other person as he is.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

The blind date process was not as embarrassing as he originally thought, on the contrary, the two talked very happily, and there was a feeling of hating each other. Lan Yulin is a very cheerful and sunny girl, and her love for life and positive and cheerful qualities attracted Zhu Yongteng. From hobbies to life ideals, from daily trivial matters to future planning, they always seem to have endless topics to talk about. At that moment, Zhu Yongteng realized that he had met the person he was destined for. After knowing each other for two months, Zhu Yongteng confessed to her, and the two naturally came together.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

In the years in the entertainment industry, Zhu Yongteng has not been carried away by money and desire, but he has always adhered to his original intention. In terms of feelings, he is also unswervingly committed to Lan Yulin, no matter how great the temptation from the outside world is, he still only loves Lan Yulin in his heart. Later, the two finally achieved positive results, and they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

It was at that time that Zhu Yongteng discovered that his wife's family background was not ordinary, and it turned out that she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Shanghai. The reason why she didn't tell Zhu Yongteng after being in love for so many years was because she was afraid that Zhu Yongteng was just for money like her ex-boyfriend. But after getting along all these years, she understands that Zhu Yongteng is the person who really loves her.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

Their married life is very sweet, the two also have a lovely son, and the family of three is happy.

He is Lu Yi's classmate, and he has been married to his first love rich woman for 16 years without scandals, and his 15-year-old son is not like him

Conclusion: Zhu Yongteng is single-minded in his career and relationship, so he is a winner in life in both career and relationship.

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