
A critique of the erroneous ideas of Mr. Tao Huakun's article "Great Thoughts Have "Fertility"".

author:Ushi Yaoko

#长文创作激励计划#牛八夫子对陶华坤先生 critique of the article "Great Minds Have "Fertility".

In this article, Mr. Tao Huakun raised the question of the generation, growth and development of philosophical thoughts, and the title of the article uses "great ideas have the ability to be fertile" to compare the development of great ideas about human beings as if they were having children. Skimming the full text, we found that there are three major flaws and errors in the idea of this article:

First, it erroneously raises the so-called "three major questions" of philosophy;

Second, there is a lack of understanding of what a "great thought" is;

Third, great ideas cannot be born, but can only be inherited and developed critically.

Now a brief analysis and criticism is as follows:

The first big mistake:

In this article, Mr. Tao Huakun put forward the "Three Ideas of Philosophy", which said:

"There are three philosophical questions: Who am I? Where did it come from? Where are you going? These three questions include important propositions such as the essence of human beings, the value of life, and the goals of life. SOCRATES: The real task of philosophy is to enlighten the people's minds and change their conscience! ...”

Mr. Tao Huakun's so-called "three questions" here are very ordinary people's outlook on life, world view, and values, and the author himself said that the "three questions" include the essence of people, the value of life and the goal of life, which is a life problem that ordinary people have to think about. It's not a philosophical proposition at all, it's not a question of philosophical thought.

Regarding the basic ideological issues of philosophy, some put forward three core questions of philosophy:

Philosophy, as a discipline that studies human thinking and existence, always revolves around a few core issues. These questions relate to the relationship between thinking and being, between subject and object, and between practice and cognition.

Another idea proposes four basic ideas of philosophy:

The first question is who comes first, matter or consciousness.

The second is the contradiction and unity of things.

The third is the problem of quantitative change to qualitative change.

The fourth is the problem of the law of development of the movement of things: advancing in waves and rising in a spiral.

There are three major schools of philosophical thought, idealistic thought, dialectical materialist thought, and mechanical materialist thought, and each has completely different answers to these three philosophical questions. The philosophical thinking of mankind is still succumbing to critical inheritance, and the answers of idealism (there is a distinction between "subjective idealism and objective idealism") and mechanical materialism are completely wrong. Only the Marxist ideas of dialectical materialism and historical materialism can be answered more comprehensively and systematically. Although the philosophical thought of classical Marxism is inherited and developed critically from the classical German philosophy and summarizes the essence of all the ideas of human philosophy, it is still limited by the limitations of the historical era and still has many defects and mistakes.

The second major misconception:

There is a lack of clarity about what a "great mind" is. There are hundreds of millions of people in all countries in the world, and there are tens of millions of minds, and in a general sense, everyone has ideas, in fact, except for philosophical thought, there are three major factions, and people are in a class society, and they are all determined by their class status (class origin and production status). Moreover, in a class society, the law of human thought is: the ideology of the dominant class in society is the dominant ideology of society (this is the research result of the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism, according to Engels, it is: the ideology of the ruling class is the ideology of domination. Its defect is that it does not pay attention to the fact that the ruling class is mostly led by the revolution, leading the masses to carry out violent revolution, overthrowing the rule of the old ruling class, and after seizing power, the revolutionary leader class develops into the ruling class. Therefore, the ideas of ordinary people are mostly subordinate to the dominant (dominant) class of society, and do not have their own independent and autonomous ideas, except for those who have advanced revolutionary ideas in society.

It can be seen from this that at least advanced revolutionary class ideas can be called independent ideas

But to be called a "great mind", two things need to be done:

First, these so-called advanced revolutionary ideas can only be called advanced revolutionary ideas if they conform to the basic laws of the development of nature and human society.

Second, this kind of thinking must be in line with the basic laws of the development of nature and human society, and it is not one or two theoretical ideological systems, but it should be a number of theoretical and ideological systems that conform to the basic laws of nature and social development, and can form a complete and advanced revolutionary theoretical and ideological system, and only then can such thinking be called great thinking.

Using this criterion to judge, examine, and measure, almost all the so-called philosophers, political scientists, economists, historians, writers, and scientists in human society throughout the ages are not qualified to be called thinkers, because none of them have systematic thinking that conforms to the basic laws of the development of nature and human society, let alone several major theoretical thought systems that constitute a theoretical ideological system. Therefore, human society has basically not produced great minds! Only when the founders of Marxism, Mark and Engels, founded a number of advanced revolutionary theoretical and ideological systems (seven theoretical ideological systems) and constituted the Marxist theoretical ideological system, can their ideas be called great ideas, and they are great thinkers. Although they are limited by the historical era, their theoretical and ideological system has major flaws and mistakes, and they must be critically inherited by future generations in order to develop, so that their theoretical and ideological system will last forever!

The third major misconception:

The title of the author's article asserts that great ideas have "fertility", although "fertility" is a metaphor that means that great ideas can produce new ideas. This is a false analogy! Any ideology can only be inherited and developed, and it must be inherited on the premise of criticizing its defects and mistakes, and combined with the practice of social development, so that it can be developed into a great ideology of systematic theory! Even great ideas have a complete theoretical and ideological system that conforms to the basic laws of the development of nature and human society, but they are bound to be limited by the limitations of the historical era and have defects and errors, so even great ideas that conform to the laws must criticize their flaws and mistakes in order to inherit and develop. To call the inheritance and development of this theoretical and ideological system "thinking has the ability to be fertile" is a completely wrong ideological analogy!

That is to say, as the research results of the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism have proved that Marxism, a great idea of human class society, cannot be as fertile as human beings and can produce new ideas. Rather, it must be inherited and developed in a comprehensive, systematic and critical manner. That is to say, for example, the theory of the labor system of the first major theoretical and ideological system of the seven major theoretical and ideological systems of classical Marxism, the founder of classical Marxism inherited the political economy theory of the advanced bourgeois advanced elements during the bourgeois revolution in the western capitalist countries, and put forward the theory of the labor productivity of human beings and the means of production and the relations of production, but only found and only recognized that human beings have only one form of labor and carried out the production of material civilization and wealth, so classical Marxism inherited the theory of the bourgeoisie of the western capitalist countries. Only recognize and discover that human beings use one kind of labor (manual labor) to produce a kind of material civilization wealth. The research results of the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism have found that human beings have seven major forms of labor, and use them to carry out the laws of the production and creation of wealth in seven civilizations. This is the inheritance and development of the great idea of Marxism (and the bourgeois ideological academic circles in Western capitalist countries always only recognize the law of manual labor producing material and civilized wealth, and the "three industries" theory that is popular in Western capitalist countries to study economics is proof of this). My criticism of the "three industries" of the bourgeoisie in Western capitalist countries is one-sided economics. Due to space limitations, I will not repeat it for the time being). It can be seen from this that the classical Marxist theoretical system produces new ideas, and it is absolutely not that the classical Marxist ideology is "protile," but that the classic great ideas must be inherited and developed in a comprehensive, systematic and critical manner in order to develop Marxism and produce new ideas in Marxism (there are still many defects and mistakes in classical Marxism, see the author's humble book "A Study on the Comprehensive and Systematic Development of Marxism, 2 million words, to be published").