
After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

author:Nine Screening Room
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After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

Text| Zhang Haoran

Edit| Zhaoming

When the Saudi defense minister set foot on Chinese soil, the eyes of the world were drawn to it. Is this an ordinary state visit, or is there a deeper strategic intent behind it?

From the high-level reception to the various consensuses reached by both sides, this visit undoubtedly sent an important signal to the world: the relationship between Saudi Arabia and China is undergoing profound changes, and the United States cannot do anything about it.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

1. A new chapter in defense cooperation

Saudi Arabia's Minister of Defense, Khalid bin Salman Al Saud, led a delegation to Beijing to begin his state visit.

In recent years, China and Saudi Arabia have made remarkable progress in military and defense cooperation, whether it is joint military exercises or the procurement of military equipment, the level of cooperation and mutual trust between the two sides has made a qualitative leap.

These developments clearly reveal a trend in which Saudi Arabia is making deliberate adjustments to its international strategic layout, and tilting toward China in the east is a key part of its strategic shift.

The visit was not an isolated diplomatic move. In fact, just a few months ago, Saudi Arabia's financial leaders had in-depth exchanges with leading figures in China's financial circles.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

We have reason to believe that with the advancement of this visit, China and Saudi Arabia will carry out in-depth cooperation in more fields and jointly promote regional and global peace and development.

In addition, Saudi Arabia has shown great interest in the procurement of advanced equipment from China. For example, our Pterodactyl UAV, as well as the J-10 fighter that soars in the sky, are all sweet and sweet in the eyes of the Saudi military.

The cooperation between the two countries in military equipment is like adding wings to Saudi Arabia's defense forces, and at the same time, it also makes our strategic partnership more iron-clad.

This Saudi visit is undoubtedly an important upgrade in the military cooperation between the two countries. In recent years, we have cooperated more and more closely in joint military exercises, personnel training, and equipment trading.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

This momentum shows that China and Saudi Arabia share a common view and a strong desire for cooperation on national defense matters. Saudi Arabia wants to take its national defense to the next level through military cooperation with China, while also reducing its dependence on those old Western military powers.

Second, kick out the dollar's economic decision-making

It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia has shown a clear shift in recent economic decisions. Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, has gradually reduced its dependence on the US dollar and has begun to use the renminbi for some oil transactions.

This is a key step in Saudi Arabia's economic strategy, because it means that Saudi Arabia, an old ally of the United States, is also beginning to challenge the hegemony of the United States in the financial field, and can further consolidate the economic cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia.

China is Saudi Arabia's largest oil importer, and the two sides have long been very close in the energy sector, which has laid a solid foundation for cooperation between the two countries in other fields.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

Saudi Arabia's economic diversification strategy is becoming increasingly apparent. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has actively promoted the "Vision 2030" plan, which is committed to reducing its dependence on oil revenues and achieving a comprehensive transformation of the economy.

To achieve this, Saudi Arabia needs to seek more international partners. China has significant advantages in infrastructure construction and high-tech fields, and can provide Saudi Arabia with the technical and financial support it needs.

This adjustment of economic strategy is not limited to energy cooperation, but also covers a wide range of investment and trade sectors. Saudi Arabia hopes to enhance its international competitiveness and enhance the resilience of the country's economy through diversified economic cooperation.

Cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia in many fields will not only help achieve Saudi Arabia's economic goals, but also help promote the stability and development of the global economy.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

The visit of the Saudi defense minister to China is part of the adjustment of Saudi Arabia's economic strategy. By strengthening cooperation with China, Saudi Arabia seeks a more solid and diversified economic foundation.

The deepening of bilateral relations will not only benefit the long-term development of the two countries, but will also have a positive impact on peace and stability in the Middle East.

3. China's Strengths: Comprehensive Strength and Non-Interference Policy

China's appeal to Saudi Arabia stems not only from its economic prowess, but also because of its policy of non-interference in its internal affairs. This policy stands in stark contrast to the US strategy in the Middle East.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

U.S. interventions and policies in the Middle East often provoke discontent in local countries. In contrast, China's attitude is more neutral and pragmatic.

Saudi Arabia has chosen to strengthen cooperation with China mainly because of China's neutral position in global affairs.

China has always adhered to a diplomatic philosophy of not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and this principle has put countries like Saudi Arabia in a more comfortable state of mind when they work with us.

Our international dealings are like getting along with old friends, emphasizing equality and mutual respect, and this attitude has won the hearts of Saudi friends.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

In terms of hard power, China has a leading edge in infrastructure construction, energy development, and high-tech fields. 、

Through cooperation with China, Saudi Arabia hopes to introduce advanced technologies to transform its economy and achieve the goals of its Vision 2030 plan.

Saudi Arabia's military cooperation with China is also deepening. The two sides have had close interaction in military exercises, personnel training, and equipment procurement.

China's advanced military equipment, such as the Pterodactyl drone and the J-10 fighter jet, is of great concern to the Saudi military. This cooperation not only enhances Saudi Arabia's defense capabilities, but also further strengthens the strategic partnership between the two countries.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

Fourth, sweet temptation

The United States is clearly concerned about Saudi Arabia's growing cooperation with China. In order to win over Saudi Arabia, the United States announced the lifting of arms sales restrictions to Saudi Arabia and also promised to provide advanced F-35 fighter jets.

This is a rare high-level "wooing" move by the United States in recent years, which is intended to prevent Saudi Arabia from purchasing China's military equipment.

The United States has long relied on arms sales and security cooperation to maintain a strong influence in the Middle East. As an important ally of the United States in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has always been an important market for its arms sales.

The United States hopes to strengthen its relationship with Saudi Arabia by providing advanced weaponry and defense cooperation to prevent it from moving closer to China.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

The visit of the Saudi defense minister to China, as well as the interest in Chinese products, suggest that the US strategy has not fully worked. Despite the lure of American F-35 fighter jets, Saudi Arabia has chosen to deepen military cooperation with China.

On the whole, behind the visit of the Saudi defense minister to China is an important choice between China and the United States.

This choice is not only related to Saudi Arabia's national interests, but also has a profound impact on the game between China and the United States. China can provide the support and cooperation that Saudi Arabia needs, while U.S. threats and temptations are ineffective.

After kicking out the dollar, the Saudi defense minister visited China, and China could give it, but the United States did not dare to give it

Faced with such a situation, we can't help but ask: who will take the initiative in the international arena in the future? Will Saudi Arabia's choice serve as a reference for other countries? How will the outcome of this game affect the pattern of the world?

These problems will not be known until the international situation develops further.


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