
A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

author:Da Mingzi reads

The purpose of this article is to keep growing and becoming strong when I can concentrate on doing my job well

This is my 751st/1000th day of continuous writing

Hello, I'm Da Mingzi.

I remember one day when I went to work to edit data, I was talking to my colleagues and doing things at the same time.

There was a data entry error, but it wasn't discovered at the time.

After all the data has been edited, the direct signature is uploaded.

And when I wanted to find some data, I accidentally found this error.

I thought I could delete it, re-modify it, and upload it again.

The colleague said that he couldn't delete it, so he could only edit it again, explain the situation, and upload it again.

But there will be hidden dangers, and if no one investigates them carefully, there will be no big problems.

This made me very uncomfortable, and I also regretted why I couldn't be more careful at that time.

As a result, they are left with a lot of trouble.

A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

Why did I do this wrong?

Because this thing is the mistake caused by your own distraction, that is, you are not keeping your mindfulness on the things in front of you.

That is, not paying attention to the things of the moment.

I was doing this in my hands, but I was thinking about something else in my head.

And this phenomenon also appears more often in life, such as,

  • I was thinking about something else while cooking, and I accidentally put too much salt
  • I was on the phone while driving and accidentally ran a red light
  • Watching TV while eating, it's easy to eat too much
  • When I read a book, I always have cranky thoughts in my head, which leads to not reading a single page of the book
  • When I was writing, I was thinking about tomorrow and couldn't calm down, and I didn't write a few words in an article


A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

If you stretch the timeline, then I always do things like this, and that's a big impact.

Even fatal.

And if I can't always pay attention to the present moment, then I may never be able to feel happy and joyful.

Because at any given moment, what we are doing at the moment is to devote our whole body and mind to this thing.

Then we can do this well, and we will feel happy and joyful.

And only when the current things are done can we do other things efficiently.

So, I need to be focused on the present moment and do everything in my hands well.

If I do what I do at the moment, my knowledge, ability, and confidence will continue to improve.

The future self will become stronger and stronger.

A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

If I'm in a situation of crankiness, worry, anxiety all day long.

If I can't do what I need to do at the moment, then my knowledge, ability, and confidence will improve very slowly.

Today's self has not changed much from yesterday's self, and there has been no growth.

If you want to become stronger in the future, it will be even more difficult.

There is a high probability that many problems will not be solved.

A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

Finally, I would like to share a story with you -

An apprentice asked the enlightened master:

Master, what do you do every day after you become enlightened?

The master said: Chop wood, eat, sleep.

The apprentice said, "I also chop wood, eat, and sleep every day, so why haven't I realized the Tao?"

The master said:

When I chop wood, all I think about is chopping wood.

When eating, the only thing in my mind is to eat.

When I go to sleep, I only think about sleeping.

And you are:

When chopping wood, I thought about eating.

When eating, I thought about sleeping.

When I slept, I thought about chopping wood.

So, I have to remember too

  • When we read and study, we have to read and study
  • When we write, we just write
  • When we cook, we have to cook
  • When we sleep, we just go to sleep
  • ······
A small story, but it taught me a great wisdom

When I can feel the moment with all my heart, I will do everything well in the moment.

In thinking, emotion, and mentality, constantly change and improve.

Let yourself grow and progress, and get closer to a stronger self.

After the full text, it is another day of growth, and I hope this article can also bring you some food for thought and help.