
The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

author:Red Dream Shi said
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

She is known as an impeccable goddess detective, and has led more than 350 major cases in her career, with an accuracy rate of 100% at one point, and even CCTV has produced documentaries for her, touting her as a model in the police industry.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

However, behind the glamour lies an untold secret.

Faced with a case that was difficult to solve, she chose a shortcut - wronged innocent and created an unjust case.

Among them, the uncle and nephew of the Zhang family in Hangzhou are the biggest victims, and the second half of their lives were ruined by her misjudgment.

This public case is not only a personal tragedy, but also a profound imprint of a society governed by the rule of law.

What are the unknown case-solving stories of this "Goddess Detective"? Zhang's uncle and nephew suffered deeply, and what was their end?

The detective made a move and solved the case quickly

In April 2006, CCTV's "First Line" program launched a special section to record the real work experience of Zhejiang detectives and criminal suspects.

Among them, a female police officer named Nie Haifen has attracted a lot of attention.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

She has a resolute personality, jealousy and hatred, and works conscientiously and responsibly, sometimes appearing a little stubborn, but the spirit of stubbornness can often bring ideal work results.

Her case-solving accuracy is as high as 100% and she is impeccable. In any major or difficult case, as long as she participates, the criminal suspect will honestly confess and confess.

In the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, Nie Haifen is a legend and a role model in the hearts of many colleagues and small policemen. Her deeds, admirers are even more backwards, like a number of treasures.

The documentary focuses on a case she participated in in May 2003, the rape and death of Zhang's uncle and nephew in Hangzhou.

On the morning of May 19, 2003, the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau received information that the body of a woman had been found in the city.

The process of identifying the suspect was very quick, and it was not long before a truck driver named Zhang Gaoping and his nephew Zhang Hui were arrested.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

The uncle and nephew and the deceased Wang were fellow villagers in She County, Anhui Province, and the last two people Wang saw before he died should be them.

On May 18, the uncle and nephew drove a truck to Hangzhou to deliver goods, and were entrusted by fellow villagers and friends to bring 17-year-old Wang to Hangzhou by the way.

Zhang Gaoping did not admit to killing at first, he said that when the train arrived in Hangzhou, Wang got off the train safely, and then they never met again.

He was very sure that Wang was safe and sound when he said goodbye to them. As for why Wang was killed later and why he was naked, he didn't know either.

The police did not find any effective evidence in Zhang Gaoping's truck or at the scene of the dumping of the body, and Zhang's uncle and nephew had just been arrested and were in a state of shock, and their words were intermittent and incomprehensible.

The investigation of the case was at a bottleneck, and the police could not move forward. At this moment, the goddess detective Nie Haifen came out.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

She used psychological tactics to surprise suspects when their emotions fluctuated violently, and through various interrogation techniques, she guided them to tell the process of the crime, starting from the details, and obtained relatively complete evidence.

In an interview with CCTV, Nie Haifen also gave a general introduction to the process of the 518 case.

That night, while still in the big truck, Zhang Gaoping and Zhang Hui's uncle and nephew had ill intentions towards Wang. They cooperated to rape Wang, and the crime took place in the cab of the truck.

However, regarding the specific modus operandi, the confessions of the two people are contradictory. Zhang Gaoping's statement is that during the rape, all three of them were in the front seat of the car, and only took off the victim's pants, not their shirts.

But Zhang Hui's statement is that he controlled the victim's body in the front row, and Zhang Gaoping helped in the back row. The victim's clothes were all taken off, and there was no case of keeping the shirt.

In view of the differences between the two on the details, Nie Haifen specially organized an on-site identification meeting of the people's congress deputies, so that the two criminal suspects could re-identify the crime scene and confirm the details of the crime under the fair witness of the people's congress deputies, so as to convict them.

Regarding his own special case-handling methods, Nie Haifen's explanation is: "If he hadn't committed the crime, he wouldn't have been able to say it so carefully, and every point could be matched." ”

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

Even when the medical examiner found a DNA sample belonging to a third person during the examination of the victim's body, Nie did not transfer the charges against Zhang's uncle and nephew.

She firmly believes that after eliminating all obstacles, the rape and murder of Wang by Zhang's uncle and nephew is the truth of the case.

The Hangzhou Public Security Bureau also praised her perseverance, believing that without her, the public security organs might really let the murderer go unpunished.

The indictment of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate re-sorted out the case, holding that Zhang Gaoping was a person who assisted the perpetrators, and the direct cause of Wang's death was that Zhang Hui choked her neck and caused her to have mechanical suffocation.

After two trials, Zhang Hui was sentenced to a suspended death sentence and Zhang Gaoping was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 2005, Zhang Gaoping was transferred to Shihezi Prison in Xinjiang to serve his sentence.

However, what is puzzling is that even though the investigation and trial of the case are a foregone conclusion, Zhang Gaoping still keeps shouting for himself, as if his previous confession did not come from his mouth.

Behind this, I am afraid there is a hidden secret.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

Years of traveling, tormented waiting

After the verdict in the rape death case of Zhang's uncle and nephew, the two suspects are no longer living people, but the golden signboard on Nie Haifen's resume.

No matter how Zhang Gaoping and Zhang Hui shouted injustices and made contradictory confessions again and again, she chose to ignore them. In her world, the word "wrong" never appears in her dictionary.

Nie Haifen doesn't care about the suspiciousness of the case, it doesn't mean that others don't care.

Zhang Biao, a prosecutor from the Shihezi City Procuratorate, learned that Zhang Gaoping in Shihezi Prison was very stubborn, constantly emphasizing to everyone he could see that he had never raped or murdered.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

It stands to reason that since the case has been decided, it is useless for the criminal to quibble. Zhang Gaoping was unusual, and he still refused to admit his guilt after being sentenced, which aroused Zhang Biao's suspicions.

He came to the prison on purpose, found Zhang Gaoping, and had an in-depth conversation with the other party.

Zhang Gaoping said to him:

"I was on the highway, and after the girl got out of the car, I looked at the condition of the car and continued driving. Passing through two toll booths along the way, it took about 30 minutes, and raping, killing and throwing corpses in 30 minutes was simply not true, and I didn't have time to do it. ”

This poor man was full of vicissitudes, helplessly telling his grievances and asking Zhang Biao for help. Many doubts cannot be explained, and Zhang Biao, as a prosecutor with a full sense of justice, will certainly not stand idly by.

Especially in 2008, after the murderer of a murder case was acquitted and the case was also found to be unjust, Zhang Gaoping and Zhang Biao strengthened their determination to overturn the case.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

In this tragic case, the suspect Ma Tingxin was charged at the beginning and became the suspect of key surveillance. In the detention center, a man named Yuan Lianfang forced him to make a confession, which directly caused Ma Tingxin to bear more than five years of injustice.

Yuan Lianfang, this name, Zhang Gaoping is very familiar.

He was very sure that when he was being investigated, he was also put on a table by a man named Yuan Lianfang. Yuan Lianfang, whom he knew, confessed that Zhang Gaoping told people about rape and murder in the detention center.

Yuan Lianfang's confession became the key evidence for the conviction of Zhang Hui and Zhang Gaoping, and it is clear that from Zhang Gaoping's point of view, Yuan Lianfang is committing perjury.

The key now is how to determine whether the two Yuan Lianfang are the same person.

He told Zhang Biao about his confusion, and with Zhang Biao's unremitting efforts, they verified and learned that Yuan Lianfang was that Yuan Lianfang. framing Ma Tingxin is not the only false testimony he has ever made, and Zhang Gaoping is also a victim.

The truth of the case became clear little by little, and the balance in Zhang Biao's heart was always biased towards justice and Zhang Gaoping.

Yuan Lianfang's matter was exposed, and his confession should of course be overturned. Zhang Biao and his lawyer have never given up for many years, insisted on appealing, and worked hard to be self-consistent in the suffering, and finally waited until 2013.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

This year, the re-examination of this old matter was finally put on the agenda.

The DNA extracted from the victim Wang was also found with a corresponding human sample. In other words, the suspicions of Zhang Hui and Zhang Gaoping were slowly and completely cleared.

In the blink of an eye for 10 years, two innocent men finally got justice. On March 26, 2013, the Zhejiang Provincial High People's Court publicly pronounced a verdict in the case, revoked the original trial result, and acquitted Zhang Gaoping and Zhang Hui.

The 10-year grievance has finally been cleared, and while congratulating Zhang's uncle and nephew, everyone has not forgotten to push Nie Haifen, a woman known as the goddess detective, to the forefront of public opinion.

Facts have proved that her series of methods to solve the case, whether it is a strong surprise trial or a resolute conviction, are completely wrong. When she was talked about and blamed by everyone, her reaction was completely unexpected.

Don't dare to show up, can't get in touch

Zhang Gaoping and Zhang Hui regained their freedom, and when they were interviewed, they coincidentally worried about the rest of their lives.

They have survived such a long time in prison, and the whole society has already changed dramatically, and they have become completely disconnected from the environment, and I am afraid that they will not be able to integrate into the existing rhythm of life.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

Even if they can get state compensation, their losses cannot be compensated.

Especially Zhang Hui, in 2003, he was still a young man, but in 2013, he was already discouraged, and he no longer had the spirit of a young man.

Zhang's uncle and nephew have always longed for fairness and justice in prison, and they also believe that the law will not wronged any good person. Now that they have been wronged, the two of them can let go of many problems, but they can't forgive Nie Haifen.

Zhang Gaoping said: "I want to sue them, especially the goddess detective. She convicted us of our guilt without any evidence, and I will never forgive her. ”

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

As a result, Nie Haifen's name was pushed onto the hot lists of various social platforms, and accusations from righteous passers-by followed.

Some people believe that Nie Haifen should bear the main responsibility for this unjust case. If it weren't for her arbitrariness based on her grades and qualifications, the investigation of the case that year might have taken a turn for the better.

But others say that Nie Haifen is just a typical example of a judicial loophole. She should indeed be responsible for Zhang's uncle and nephew, but she is by no means the only one who should be responsible.

Things are constantly fermenting, but Nie Haifen, a high-profile goddess detective, has never appeared. And those media with magical powers who have been following the case for many years have no way to contact her.

According to insiders, she has long since left the public security system and is not qualified to enforce the law. The name of the goddess detective has long been wiped out on the rivers and lakes, and Zhang's uncle and nephew have also become a past that Nie Haifen is reluctant to mention.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

A group of law enforcement officers, including her, caused a tragedy in the lives of two people because of their lack of rigor, unscience, and lack of objectivity. They should spend their lives in self-condemnation and introspection.


Nie Haifen's goddess detective glorious deeds are partly based on personal ability, and partly on the grievances borne by innocent people.

Just like Zhang's uncle and nephew, it is hard to imagine what state they would have spent the rest of their lives in if there was no Yuan Lianfang as the fuse.

Judicial fairness and due process should become the eternal pursuit of legal workers.

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!


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The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

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The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!

The hardest detective in the background, what should I do if I encounter a case that can't be solved? Directly wronged the death penalty of a good person!