
Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

Wei Xiaohua

2024-06-30 09:29Creators in the automotive field

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

News from the North American market, Nissan's new generation of "Patrol" teaser picture has been officially exposed, according to past habits, the official exposure teaser picture also means that this car is not far from the market, and the new car will most likely officially meet us before the end of the year! As a replacement product, the new car is still very much adjusted, not only limited to the performance of the exterior and interior, but also officially abandoned the large V8 engine that has been used for many years in terms of power, this change also announced that the "Patrol" will enter a new era.

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

The picture above is the rendering that has just been exposed, and combined with the road test photos given, there are still many similarities between the two. For example, the front of the car has been replaced with a three-dimensional design, especially the angular elements on both sides are richer. And the split headlights have been hammered, but unlike other series of Nissan, the light source of the new "Patrol" is more refined, with upright running lights at the top, and the opposite "L" headlights at the bottom are the main light sources. In order to ensure its sense of power, on the one hand, the size of the grille is larger, and on the other hand, it also incorporates black elements, along with its LOGO. The fully enclosed front bumper also has a Range Rover feel.

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

So from the position of the front of the car, it has already set the tone for the whole car, and the side performance is only an extension of the front of the car. The front and rear double in-line wheel arches are obviously more refined, and the straight waistline is also throughout the body, and you can feel that the new Patrol is actually far superior to the current version in terms of size, and the upper part of the black also brings a better sense of hierarchy, and the door handles have also been replaced with a semi-hidden design! On the tail, the new car is equipped with a longitudinal layout of the taillight group, and the entire rear surround is more exaggerated, especially the upward uplift shape is full of aura and artistic sense!

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

Regarding the interior, Nissan has not given effective information at present, but it has already given two plans, the first is to continue to use the upper and lower dual screen design of the classic version, and the second is to retain the existing design! But no matter which one, the adaptability to the whole car is actually very high! The configuration can only be revealed after the official announcement, and Xiaohua will not speculate too much here. The seat is still Nissan's signature large sofa, and the comfort of the Patrol is still obvious to all in its class.

Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

The powertrain has been officially finalized, and the new car officially abandons the large V8 engine that has been used for many years, and replaces it with a 3.5-liter V6 twin-turbo engine with a maximum power of 336 kilowatts and a maximum torque of 699 Nm, and the transmission system is a new 9-speed automatic transmission. Looking at it this way, this Patrol is exactly the same as the upcoming Infiniti QX80, but there are slight differences in parameter tuning! The new car is expected to officially meet everyone before the end of the year, and interested partners will wait for a while.

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  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!
  • Cancel the V8 engine! Nissan's new "Touro" will be launched at the end of the year, and its aura far exceeds that of the Land Patrol!

Personal opinion, for reference only

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