
The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

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In the world of table tennis, Cao Yanhua's name is like a lightning bolt, piercing the sky of Chinese sports. When she was young, she single-handedly defeated strong opponents in the international arena and brought home 59 shining gold medals for the Chinese table tennis team. Time has passed, and this former fighter on the field has not faded out of people's sight with the years.

At the age of 62, she still maintains a good physical condition and an enviable appearance, standing in the table tennis school she founded herself, Cao Yanhua watched a group of young faces grow up under her guidance. Among these children is a teenager named Xu Xin, whose talent and determination seem to indicate that he will be the next legend in the table tennis world. With Xu Xin's continuous progress, can Cao Yanhua continue to write his legend through him again?

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Ping Pong initiation in the early years

Cao Yanhua's home is in an ordinary residential area, and the small living room is often temporarily converted into a table tennis training ground by her father. The furniture in the living room is pushed aside, and a standard-size table tennis table is placed in the middle, which is Cao Yanhua's daily training ground. Her father, an amateur player who loves table tennis, is passionate and strict about his daughter's training.

Training starts with a simple grip. Cao Yanhua's father would carefully instruct her on how to hold the racket correctly, with her fingers positioned precisely, with her thumb and forefinger gently fixed to one side of the handle, and the other three fingers naturally surrounding the handle. Every grip is made with precision, and any slight deviation is corrected immediately. In this repetitive practice, Cao Yanhua gradually mastered the technique of gripping the racket.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

This is followed by the basic play of the ball. Standing at the other end of the table, her father gently passed the ball to her over and over again, teaching her how to control the direction and force of the ball. At the beginning, Cao Yanhua often hit too hard, and the ball flew directly off the table. But after countless trials and adjustments, she learned how to land the ball exactly where it was on the opposite side of the table. Her progress is very fast, and after each day's training, even when she is sweating, she always leaves with a satisfied smile.

Cao Yanhua also showed her table tennis talent in the school's physical education class. Her PE teacher quickly noticed the little player and decided to let her represent her class in the school's table tennis competition. On the day of the competition, the students in the classroom came to the gymnasium to cheer her on. Facing her class rivals, Cao Yanhua showed the results of her day-to-day training. Her serve is fast and accurate, and her returns are solid and powerful, and opponents often struggle to catch her powerful balls. After the game, she was held high by her classmates and became a real campus star.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

The call-up and breakthrough of the national team

In 1977, Cao Yanhua's name caused a small shock in the domestic table tennis world. In one of the regional trials, her performance caught the attention of the national team coach. Soon one of the coaches of the national team came to her school in person, watched her training and had a brief conversation with her. After confirming her potential and willingness, the coach made her an official invitation to join the national team.

Back at home, Cao Yanhua discussed this momentous opportunity with her family. With the full support of her family, she began to prepare for the national team. She handpicked the necessary training gear, including several professional sportswear, sneakers, and essential daily necessities, as well as a few of her favorite table tennis rackets. When everything was ready, she stepped on the train to the national team with anticipation for the future.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

After arriving at the national team, Cao Yanhua found that the intensity and professionalism of the training far exceeded her previous experience. The national team's training base is well-equipped, with a number of dedicated table tennis training halls, each equipped with the latest table tennis tables and high-tech training equipment. It was here that she was first exposed to advanced training methods such as video analysis and biomechanical evaluation.

The daily training starts early in the morning and continues into the evening. The training content is meticulous and rigorous, from basic techniques to strategic layout. Cao Yanhua was assigned to a group led by a senior coach, which included several players who had already made their mark in international competitions. The coach has made detailed adjustments to her technical movements, especially her serving skills and pace movements, which have been systematically optimized.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

For a month, Cao Yanhua spent almost every day in sweat and the sound of waving rackets. Through competing with the team's top players, her skills have improved rapidly. Her fitness and stamina have also been significantly enhanced under the coach's special training. With an overall improvement in technique and physical fitness, she quickly stood out in the internal selection competition and was selected to participate in the international table tennis tournament in Scandinavia.

In Scandinavia, Cao Yanhua made her international debut as a new national player. During the competition, she relied on excellent technical and tactical arrangements to get through all the way. In the final, she faced an experienced European. The game was very intense, the two sides went back and forth, and the score was tight. In the end, in the deciding game, Cao Yanhua successfully won the game and won the championship in one fell swoop with his calm judgment and accurate return.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Technological innovation and brilliance on the field

By 1979, Cao Yanhua was already a member of the national team and had a certain popularity in the international arena. During the year, the head coach of the national team, Zhou Lansun, noticed some technical bottlenecks that Cao Yanhua encountered in the game, especially when playing against the top players in Europe and Japan. In order to help her further improve her game, Coach Zhou decided to adjust her style of play from the traditional fast attack to a more technical and strategic arc play.

Training to change the style of play begins in the spring. The daily training schedule is very tight, and Cao Yanhua needs to adapt to the new style of play in a short period of time. Coach Zhou has carefully designed a series of training plans, which not only include the practice of technical movements, but also the deployment of targeted strategies. On the training ground, Coach Zhou will personally go into battle, play against Cao Yanhua, and repeatedly practice the power point and landing point control of the curve ball. He also highlighted the importance of changing paces, which are essential for the implementation of the curling style.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

In the process of practicing the arc style of play, Cao Yanhua's serve and first three board skills are still at a high level, which has laid a solid foundation for her new style of play. Her serve became more disorienting, and her ability to quickly switch to the arc after receiving her serve grew. Coach Zhou often organizes simulation competitions, so that Cao Yanhua can adjust and improve his skills under conditions close to actual combat.

After months of hard training, Cao Yanhua's new style of play has gradually matured. She began to use this style of play in international competitions and quickly achieved remarkable results. In the next few matches, she defeated several of the world's top 10 players in a row, and these victories significantly boosted her international ranking and prestige. Her new style of play not only strengthens her ability to fight for the long term, but also makes her more technically well-rounded and able to deal with all types of opponents and match situations.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

By the 36th World Table Tennis Championships, Cao Yanhua had fully adapted to her new style of play. In the tournament, she played as the number one main player. From the group stage to the final, Cao Yanhua showed unprecedented competitive form, and almost every match she played ended with a landslide. In the team competition, her outstanding performance became a key factor in the success of the Chinese team in defending their title.

The path of education after retirement

Cao Yanhua has won countless honors in the international table tennis arena, winning a total of 59 gold medals in competitions, and after she decided to end her career, she chose to leave China and look for a different life experience overseas. There, she lived for ten years, and during this time, although away from the fierce confrontation of professional competition, her love for table tennis remained undiminished. In her overseas days, Cao Yanhua has more time to reflect on and summarize her table tennis career, and she is also more clear about the path she wants to take in the future.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

When she decided to leave her overseas life and return to China, she decided to devote herself to table tennis education with her passion and experience. In Shanghai, she founded a table tennis school, which is not only an emotional feedback to table tennis, but also a manifestation of her desire to pass on her knowledge and experience to the next generation.

In the process of establishing the school, Cao Yanhua personally participated in the design and planning of many details. She hopes that the school will not only develop students' skills, but also shape their personality and professionalism. As a result, she has developed a very strict training and living regime that aims to develop students' self-discipline and concentration in table tennis.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

The daily schedule of the school is compact and fulfilling. The students' day starts at 6 a.m. with a two-hour morning exercise, which is mainly used for physical training and basic skills. After that, students have a short break and breakfast period, and from 8 to 11:30 a.m. are scheduled for cultural classes, ensuring that students do not neglect general education while pursuing athletic success.

After lunch, students will have a period of free time to rest and review the morning training, and then go back to professional training from 2 to 5 pm, which is more focused on technical improvement and practical exercises. After dinner, the students will have their final training session, which is usually some game simulation or strategy study, which lasts until 8 p.m. After that, students are required to complete their homework and self-review, and go to bed at half past eight in the evening.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Cao Yanhua particularly emphasized school discipline, such as strictly prohibiting watching TV at night and going out without reason, and controlling the daily pocket money to less than three yuan. Although these rules are strict, they have effectively helped students develop good habits and self-control, laying a solid foundation for their future competitive careers.

Under Cao Yanhua's guidance and strict system, many students grew rapidly, the most famous of which was Xu Xin. He trained at Cao Yanhua's school for many years and gradually became one of the top players in Chinese table tennis.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Happiness in old age

With the passage of time, Cao Yanhua has entered another stage of her life. Despite her age, she still maintains her excellent physical condition and mental outlook. After the success of table tennis education, Cao Yanhua not only won wide respect in the sports world, but also enjoyed happiness and satisfaction in her personal life.

At the age of 62, Cao Yanhua's physical appearance and mental state are incredibly young. She is always dressed in simple and elegant sportswear, and is active in all kinds of sports and social activities, and it is difficult to tell her actual age from her actions and conversations. She has a unique approach to her maintenance, including regular exercise, a balanced diet and adequate rest, which helps her maintain good physical condition and clear thinking.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Cao Yanhua's second marriage was very happy. Her husband is a sports enthusiast, and they have a high degree of similarity in many lifestyle habits and interests. The two often go for morning jogs, play table tennis, or do other forms of exercise together, and these shared activities make their relationship stronger.

In addition, Cao Yanhua is also actively involved in various public welfare activities, especially those related to physical education. She is often invited to speak at schools or sports institutions to share her sports experience and outlook on life. On these occasions, she always patiently answers every question, whether it is specific guidance on table tennis skills or advice on the planning of an athlete's career. Her experiences and stories have inspired and benefited countless teenagers.

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

Through continuous efforts and dedication over the years, Cao Yanhua has become a banner in the Chinese sports industry. The success of her life and career has become a role model for many, especially female athletes.

References:[1]Xiao Pei. The establishment of training objectives and their psychological significance from the perspective of Cao Yanhua Chengcai[J].Sports Research,1983,4(8):24-2620

The first generation of table tennis kings: Xu Xin's mentor, won 59 championships, and is still beautiful at the age of 62

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