
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors

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Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors

  (Adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on September 4, 1991; amended for the first time at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on December 29, 2006; in accordance with the > on Amending the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on October 26, 2012.) Amended for the first time at the 22nd Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on October 17, 2020 and amended <中华人民共和国农业技术推广法><中华人民共和国未成年人保护法><中华人民共和国生物安全法>for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amendments at the Ninth Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress on April 26, 2024)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter I: General Provisions

  Chapter II: Family Protections

  Chapter III: School Protections

  Chapter IV: Social Protections

  Chapter V: Network Protections

  Chapter VI: Government Protections

  Chapter VII: Judicial Protections

  Chapter VIII: Legal Responsibility

  Chapter IX: Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I: General Provisions

  Article 1: This Law is drafted on the basis of the Constitution, so as to protect minors' physical and psychological health, to safeguard minors' lawful rights and interests, to promote the all-round development of minors' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, to cultivate socialist builders and successors with ideals, morality, education, and discipline, and to cultivate newcomers of the era who are responsible for the great task of national rejuvenation.

  Article 2: "Minors" as used in this Law refers to citizens who are not yet 18 years old.

  Article 3: The state is to ensure minors' rights to survival, development, protection, participation, and other such rights.

  Minors enjoy all rights equally in accordance with law, and are not discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity, race, sex, household registration, occupation, religious belief, education level, family status, physical and mental health status, and so forth, of themselves and their parents or other guardians.

  Article 4: The protection of minors shall adhere to the principle of the best interests of minors. The handling of matters involving minors shall meet the following requirements:

  (1) Give minors special and priority protections;

  (2) Respect the personal dignity of minors;

  (3) Protecting minors' privacy and personal information;

  (4) Adapting to the laws and characteristics of minors' physical and psychological development;

  (5) Hear the opinions of minors;

  (6) Combining protection and education.

  Article 5: The state, society, schools, and families shall conduct education on ideals, morality, science, culture, rule of law, national security, health, and labor for minors, strengthen education on patriotism, collectivism, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, cultivate public virtues of love for the motherland, the people, labor, science, and socialism, resist the erosion of capitalism, feudalism, and other decadent ideas, and guide minors to establish and practice the Core Socialist Values.

  Article 6: The protection of minors is the joint responsibility of state organs, armed forces, political parties, people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, urban and rural basic-level mass autonomous organizations, minors' guardians, and other adults.

  The state, society, schools, and families shall educate and assist minors in preserving their own lawful rights and interests, and increase their awareness and ability to protect themselves.

  Article 7: Minors' parents or other guardians bear guardianship duties for minors in accordance with law.

  The State is to employ measures to guide, support, assist, and supervise minors' parents or other guardians in the performance of guardianship duties.

  Article 8: People's governments at the county level or above shall include efforts on the protection of minors in citizens' economic and social development plans, and the relevant expenses shall be included in the budget of that level of government.

  Article 9: All levels of people's government shall attach importance to and strengthen efforts on the protection of minors. The bodies of people's governments at the county level or above responsible for efforts on women and children are responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding, and supervising efforts on the protection of minors, and relevant departments are to do a good job of relevant work within the scope of their respective duties.

  Article 10: The Communist Youth League, women's federations, trade unions, disabled persons' federations, working committees for the care of the next generation, youth federations, student federations, young pioneers, and other people's organizations and relevant social organizations shall assist all levels of people's government and their relevant departments, people's procuratorates, and people's courts in completing efforts to protect minors, and preserve the lawful rights and interests of minors.

  Article 11: Any organization or individual discovering circumstances that are not conducive to minors' physical and psychological health, or that infringe upon minors' lawful rights and interests, has the right to dissuade or stop them, or to submit a report or accusation to relevant departments such as for public security, civil affairs, and education.

  Where state organs, residents' committees, villagers' committees, units with close contact with minors, and their staffs, discover in the course of their work that minors' physical or psychological health has been violated, is suspected to have been violated, or that they are facing other dangerous situations, they shall immediately report to the relevant departments such as for public security, civil affairs, and education.

  When relevant departments receive reports, accusations, or reports involving minors, they shall promptly accept and dispose of them in accordance with law, and inform the relevant units and personnel of the outcome of the disposition in an appropriate manner.

  Article 12: The state encourages and supports scientific research on the protection of minors, establishing relevant disciplines, setting up relevant majors, and strengthening the cultivation of talent.

  Article 13: The state is to establish and complete systems for statistical surveys of minors, carrying out statistics, investigations, and analysis of minors' health, education, and other such conditions, and publishing information related to the protection of minors.

  Article 14: The state is to give commendations and awards to organizations and individuals that have made notable achievements in the protection of minors.

Chapter II: Family Protections

  Article 15: Minors' parents or other guardians shall learn about family education, accept family education guidance, and create a positive, harmonious, and civilized family environment.

  Other adult family members living together shall assist the minors' parents or other guardians in raising, educating and protecting the minors.

  Article 16: Minors' parents or other guardians shall perform the following guardianship duties:

  (1) Provide safeguards for minors in areas such as their lives, health, and safety;

  (2) Pay attention to minors' physical and psychological conditions and emotional needs;

  (3) Educate and guide minors to abide by discipline and law, be diligent and thrifty, and develop positive ideological character and behavioral habits;

  (4) Conduct safety education for minors, increasing minors' awareness and ability to protect themselves;

  (5) Respect minors' right to education, and ensure that minors of appropriate age receive and complete compulsory education in accordance with law;

  (6) Ensuring minors' time for rest, recreation, and physical exercise, and guiding minors to engage in activities beneficial to their physical and mental health;

  (7) Properly manage and protect minors' assets;

  (8) Representing minors in carrying out civil juristic acts in accordance with law;

  (9) Prevent and stop minors' negative conduct and illegal and criminal conduct, and conduct reasonable discipline;

  (10) Other guardianship duties that shall be performed.

  Article 17: Minors' parents or other guardians must not carry out the following conduct:

  (1) Abuse, abandonment, or unlawful adoption of minors, or committing domestic violence against minors;

  (2) Permitting, instigating, or exploiting minors to carry out illegal or criminal conduct;

  (3) Allowing or instigating minors to participate in cults or superstitious activities, or to accept violations such as terrorism, separatism, or extremism;

  (4) Allowing or instigating minors to smoke (including e-cigarettes, the same below), drink, gamble, wander and beg, or bully others;

  (5) Allowing or forcing minors who should receive compulsory education to drop out of school or drop out of school;

  (6) Allowing minors to indulge in the internet, or exposing them to books, newspapers, periodicals, films, radio and television programs, audio-visual products, electronic publications, online information, and so forth, that endanger or might impact their physical and psychological health;

  (7) Allowing minors to enter for-profit entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other venues that are not suitable for minors' activities;

  (8) Permitting or compelling minors to engage in labor other than those provided for by the state;

  (9) Permitting or compelling minors to marry, or entering into marriage contracts for minors;

  (10) Unlawfully disposing of or embezzling minors' property or exploiting minors to seek improper benefits;

  (11) Other conduct that violates minors' physical and psychological health, property rights and interests, or failure to lawfully perform obligations to protect minors.

  Article 18: Minors' parents or other guardians shall provide minors with a safe home living environment, and promptly eliminate potential safety hazards that cause injuries such as electric shocks, burns, or falls; Adopt measures such as equipping minors with child safety seats and educating minors to obey traffic rules to prevent minors from being harmed by traffic accidents; Raise awareness of outdoor safety protection to avoid accidents such as drowning and animal injury among minors.

  Article 19: Based on the minors' age and intellectual development, minors' parents or other guardians shall hear the minors' opinions and fully consider their true wishes before making decisions related to the minors' rights and interests.

  Article 20: Where minors' parents or other guardians discover that minors' physical and psychological health has been violated, is suspected to have been violated, or other lawful rights and interests have been violated, they shall promptly learn about the situation and employ protective measures; Where the situation is serious, it shall be immediately reported to the departments for public security, civil affairs, education, and so forth.

  Article 21: Minors' parents or other guardians must not leave minors under the age of 8 or who need special care for physical or psychological reasons unsupervised, or place them in the temporary care of persons who lack or have limited capacity for civil conduct, suffer from serious infectious diseases, or are otherwise unsuitable.

  Minors' parents or other guardians must not allow minors under the age of 16 to live alone from their guardianship.

  Article 22: Where minors' parents or other guardians are unable to fully perform guardianship duties within a set period of time due to reasons such as going out to work, they shall retain a person with full capacity for civil conduct with the capacity to care for them to take care of them on their behalf; Where there is no legitimate reason, others must not be entrusted to take care of them on their behalf.

  When determining the person to be represented, the parents or other guardians of minors shall comprehensively consider circumstances such as their moral character, family status, physical and psychological health, and emotional ties to the minor's life, and hear the opinions of the minor who has the ability to express their wishes.

  In any of the following circumstances, they must not be the entrusted person:

  (1) Having committed sexual assault, abuse, abandonment, trafficking, violent harm, or other illegal or criminal conduct;

  (2) Have vices such as drug abuse, alcoholism, or gambling;

  (3) Having refused to perform or has been negligent in performing guardianship or care duties for a long time;

  (4) Other situations where it is not suitable to serve as the person retained.

  Article 23: Minors' parents or other guardians shall promptly inform the minors' schools or kindergartens and the residents' committees and villagers' committees for their actual residence in writing of the circumstances of the entrusted care, and strengthen communication with the minors' schools and kindergartens; Contact and communicate with minors and entrusted persons at least once a week to understand the minors' life, study, psychology, and other such circumstances, and give them family affection and care.

  After minors' parents or other guardians receive notice from the entrusted person, residents' committees, villagers' committees, schools, kindergartens, and so forth about minors' psychological or behavioral abnormalities, they shall promptly employ intervention measures.

  Article 24: When minors' parents divorce, they shall properly handle matters such as the minor child's upbringing, education, visitation, and property, and hear the opinions of minors who have the ability to express their wishes. Custody must not be fought for by means such as snatching or hiding minor children.

  After a minor's parents divorce, the party who does not directly raise the minor child shall follow the time and method determined by the agreement, the people's court's judgment, or mediation, and visit the minor child without impacting the minor's studies and life, and the party directly raising the minor shall cooperate, except where the people's court has suspended visitation rights in accordance with law.

Chapter III: School Protections

  Article 25: Schools shall fully implement the national education policy, persist in cultivating morality, carry out quality education, increase the quality of education, emphasize cultivating minor students' cognitive ability, ability to cooperate, ability to innovate, and practice ability, and promote the comprehensive development of minor students.

  Schools shall establish a system for the protection of minor students, complete norms of student conduct, and cultivate positive habits of minor students' compliance with discipline and law.

  26th kindergarten should do a good job of childcare, education, follow the law of children's physical and mental development, the implementation of enlightenment education, to promote the harmonious development of children in physique, intelligence, morality and other aspects.

  Article 27: Teachers and staff of schools and kindergartens shall respect the personal dignity of minors, and must not carry out corporal punishment, covert corporal punishment, or other acts that insult the personal dignity of minors.

  Article 28: Schools shall safeguard the right of minor students to receive an education, and must not violate state provisions by expelling or covertly expelling minor students.

  Schools shall register minor students who have dropped out of school and persuade them to return to school if they have not completed compulsory education; Where persuasion is ineffective, a written report shall be promptly made to the administrative departments for education.

  Article 29: Schools shall care for and care for minor students, and must not discriminate against students on the basis of family, physical, psychological, or academic ability. Care shall be provided for students with family difficulties or physical and mental disabilities; Students with abnormal behavior or learning difficulties should be patiently helped.

  Schools shall cooperate with relevant government departments to establish information archives for left-behind minor students and minor students in difficulty, and carry out care and support efforts.

  Article 30: Based on the characteristics of minor students' physical and psychological development, schools shall conduct social life guidance, mental health counseling, adolescent education, and life education.

  Article 31: Schools shall organize minor students to participate in daily living, production, and service labor appropriate to their age, and help them master necessary labor knowledge and skills, and develop good labor habits.

  Article 32: Schools and kindergartens shall carry out publicity and education activities such as diligence and thrift, opposing waste, cherishing food, and civilized diets, to help minors establish an awareness that waste is shameful and that thrift is proud, and develop civilized, healthy, green, and environmentally friendly living habits.

  Article 33: Schools shall cooperate with the parents or other guardians of minor students to reasonably arrange their study time and ensure their time for rest, recreation, and physical exercise.

  Schools must not occupy legally-prescribed national holidays, rest days, and winter and summer vacations to organize group make-up classes for minor students in the compulsory education stage, increasing their learning burden.

  Kindergartens and extracurricular training establishments must not conduct primary school curriculum education for preschool minors.

  Article 34: Schools and kindergartens shall provide necessary health care conditions, and assist the health departments in completing health care efforts for minors in schools and kindergartens.

  Article 35: Schools and kindergartens shall establish safety management systems, conduct safety education for minors, improve security facilities, and allocate security personnel, to ensure the safety of minors' persons and property during their time at school or in kindergartens.

  Schools and kindergartens must not carry out educational and teaching activities in school buildings or other facilities or venues that endanger minors' physical safety or physical and psychological health.

  Schools and kindergartens arranging for minors to participate in group activities such as cultural entertainment and social practice shall protect minors' physical and psychological health and prevent the occurrence of personal injury accidents.

  Article 36: Schools and kindergartens using school buses shall establish and complete school bus safety management systems, allocate safety management personnel, conduct regular safety inspections of school buses, conduct safety education for school bus drivers, and explain to minors the knowledge of safe riding on school buses, and cultivate emergency response skills for minors in school bus safety accidents.

  Article 37: Schools and kindergartens shall, as needed, formulate plans for responding to emergencies and accidental injuries such as natural disasters, accidents, and public health incidents, and equip them with appropriate facilities and conduct necessary drills on a regular basis.

  Where minors have personal injury accidents on campus or in kindergartens, or during off-campus or off-campus activities organized by the school or kindergarten, the school or kindergarten shall immediately provide first aid, properly handle it, promptly notify the minors' parents or other guardians, and report to the relevant departments.

  Article 38: Schools and kindergartens must not arrange for minors to participate in commercial activities, and must not market or require minors and their parents or other guardians to purchase designated goods and services.

  Schools and kindergartens must not cooperate with off-campus training establishments to provide paid course tutoring for minors.

  Article 39: Schools shall establish work systems for the prevention and control of student bullying, and carry out education and training on the prevention and control of student bullying for faculty, staff, students, and so forth.

  Schools shall immediately stop students' bullying conduct, and notify the parents or other guardians of the minor students who were bullied and the minor students who were bullied to participate in the designation and handling of the bullying conduct; Provide psychological counseling, education and guidance to relevant minor students in a timely manner; Give necessary family education guidance to the parents or other guardians of the relevant minor students.

  Schools shall strengthen discipline of minor students who carry out bullying in accordance with law based on the nature and extent of the bullying conduct. Schools must not conceal serious bullying conduct, and shall promptly report it to the public security organs and administrative departments for education, and cooperate with the relevant departments to handle it in accordance with law.

  Article 40: Schools and kindergartens shall establish work systems for the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment of minors. Schools and kindergartens must not conceal illegal and criminal conduct such as sexual assault or sexual harassment of minors, and shall promptly report it to the public security organs and administrative departments for education, and cooperate with the relevant departments to handle it in accordance with law.

  Schools and kindergartens shall carry out sex education appropriate to minors for their age, increasing minors' awareness and ability to protect themselves from sexual assault and harassment. Schools and kindergartens shall promptly employ relevant protective measures for minors who have suffered sexual assault or sexual harassment.

  Article 41: Infant and child care service establishments, early education service establishments, off-campus training establishments, off-campus childcare establishments, and so forth, shall refer to the relevant provisions of this chapter and do a good job of efforts on the protection of minors on the basis of the characteristics and laws of minors' growth at different ages.

Chapter IV: Social Protections

  Article 42: The entire society shall establish a positive practice of caring for and caring for minors.

  The state encourages, supports, and guides people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and other organizations and individuals to carry out social activities and services conducive to the healthy growth of minors.

  Article 43: Residents' committees and villagers' committees shall set up special personnel and posts responsible for efforts on the protection of minors, assist relevant government departments in publicizing laws and regulations on the protection of minors, guide, assist, and supervise minors' parents or other guardians in performing guardianship duties in accordance with law, establish information archives for left-behind minors and minors in difficulty, and give care and support.

  Residents' committees and villagers' committees shall assist relevant government departments in overseeing the entrusted care of minors, and where it is discovered that the entrusted person lacks the ability to care or is negligent in performing care duties, they shall promptly report it to the relevant government departments, and inform the minors' parents or other guardians, to help and urge the entrusted person to perform their care duties.

  Article 44: Patriotic education bases, libraries, youth palaces, children's activity centers, and children's homes shall be open to minors free of charge; Museums, memorial halls, science and technology museums, exhibition halls, art galleries, cultural centers, community public interest internet access service venues, as well as theaters, stadiums, zoos, botanical gardens, parks, and other such venues, shall be open to minors free of charge or on a preferential basis in accordance with relevant provisions.

  The State encourages patriotic education bases, museums, science and technology museums, art galleries, and other public venues to set up special sessions for minors, to provide targeted services for minors.

  The state encourages state organs, enterprises, public institutions, military units, and so forth to develop their own educational resources, and establish open days for minors, to provide support for minors in thematic education, social practice, professional experience, and so forth.

  The state encourages scientific research institutions and scientific and technological social organizations to carry out science popularization activities for minors.

  Article 45: Urban public transportation, as well as highways, railways, waterways, air passenger transport, and so forth, shall implement free or discounted fares for minors in accordance with relevant provisions.

  Article 46: The State encourages large public venues, public transportation, tourist attractions, and so forth to set up maternal and infant rooms, infant care tables, as well as toilets, handwashing stations, and other sanitary facilities that are convenient for young children to use, to provide convenience for minors.

  Article 47: Relevant provisions must not be violated by any organization or individual to restrict the care or preferential treatment that minors shall enjoy.

  Article 48: The State encourages the creation, publication, production, and dissemination of books, newspapers and periodicals, films, radio and television programs, stage arts, audiovisual products, electronic publications, and online information that are conducive to the healthy growth of minors.

  Article 49: The news media shall strengthen publicity on the protection of minors, and conduct public opinion oversight of conduct that violates the lawful rights and interests of minors. News media coverage and reporting of incidents involving minors shall be objective, prudent, and proportionate, and must not infringe upon minors' reputation, privacy, or other lawful rights and interests.

  Article 50: It is prohibited to produce, reproduce, publish, publish, or disseminate books, newspapers, periodicals, films, radio and television programs, stage art works, audio-visual products, electronic publications, online information, and so forth, that contain content that promotes obscenity, pornography, violence, cults, superstition, gambling, suicide, terrorism, separatism, extremism, or other content that endangers the physical and psychological health of minors.

  Article 51: Where books, newspapers and periodicals, films, radio and television programs, stage art works, audiovisual products, electronic publications, or online information published, published, or disseminated by any organization or individual contain content that might impact minors' physical and psychological health, a notice shall be made in a conspicuous manner.

  Article 52: It is prohibited to produce, reproduce, publish, disseminate, or possess pornographic materials and online information about minors.

  Article 53: Advertisements containing content that endangers minors' physical and psychological health must not be published, broadcast, posted, or distributed by any organization or individual; Commercial advertisements must not be broadcast, posted or distributed in schools and kindergartens; School uniforms, teaching materials, and so forth must not be used to publish or covertly publish commercial advertisements.

  Article 54: It is prohibited to abduct, kidnap, abuse, or illegally adopt minors, and it is prohibited to sexually assault or harass minors.

  It is prohibited to coerce, entice, or instigate minors to participate in underworld criminal organizations or engage in illegal or criminal activities.

  It is forbidden to coerce, deceive, or exploit minors to beg.

  Article 55: The production and sale of food, medicines, toys, utensils, game and amusement equipment, amusement facilities, and so forth for minors shall comply with national or industry standards, and must not endanger minors' physical safety or physical and psychological health. The producer of the above-mentioned products shall indicate the precautions in a conspicuous position, and those that do not indicate the precautions shall not be sold.

  Article 56: Public venues for minors' concentrated activities shall comply with national or industry safety standards, and employ corresponding security protection measures. Facilities that may have safety risks shall be maintained regularly, and safety warning signs shall be set up in conspicuous positions and the appropriate age range and precautions shall be indicated; When necessary, special personnel shall be arranged to supervise them.

  Large-scale shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals, libraries, museums, science and technology museums, amusement parks, stations, docks, airports, tourist attractions, and other such venues shall set up security alert systems for searching for lost minors. After receiving a request for help, the site operating unit shall immediately activate the security alarm system, organize personnel to conduct a search, and report to the public security organs.

  When emergencies occur in public places, priority shall be given to the rescue of minors.

  Article 57: When inns, guesthouses, hotels, and other lodging operators accept minors to stay at the hotel, or when they accept minors and adults to stay together, they shall inquire about the contact information of the parents or other guardians, the identity and relationship of the occupants, and other relevant circumstances; Where it is discovered that there is suspicion of violating the law or committing a crime, it shall be immediately reported to the public security organs, and the minors' parents or other guardians shall be promptly contacted.

  Article 58: For-profit entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other venues that are not suitable for minors' activities must not be set up in the vicinity of schools and kindergartens. Operators of for-profit singing and dancing entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other activity venues that are not suitable for minors must not allow minors to enter; Electronic game equipment set up by amusement and entertainment venues must not be provided to minors except on national statutory holidays. Business operators shall set up signs prohibiting or restricting minors from entering in conspicuous locations; Where it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

  Article 59: Tobacco, alcohol, and lottery sales outlets must not be set up in the vicinity of schools and kindergartens. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes, alcohol, lottery tickets to minors, or to redeem lottery prizes. Tobacco, alcohol, and lottery operators shall set up signs in conspicuous locations that do not sell tobacco, alcohol, or lottery tickets to minors; Where it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

  No one is allowed to smoke or drink alcohol in schools, kindergartens, and other public places where minors gather for activities.

  Article 60: It is prohibited to provide or sell controlled knives or other instruments or other items that might cause serious harm to minors. Where it is difficult for business operators to determine whether the purchaser is a minor, they shall be required to present their identity documents.

  Article 61: Minors under the age of 16 must not be recruited by any organization or individual, except as otherwise provided by the state.

  For-profit entertainment venues, bars, internet access service business sites, and other venues that are not suitable for minors must not recruit minors who are already 16 years old.

  Units and individuals employing minors who have reached the age of 16 shall implement state provisions on the type of work, working hours, labor intensity, and protective measures, and must not arrange for them to engage in excessively heavy, toxic, harmful, or other labor or dangerous work that endangers the minors' physical and psychological health.

  Minors must not be organized by any organization or individual to carry out performances or other activities that endanger their physical and psychological health. With the consent of minors' parents or other guardians, where minors participate in performances, program productions, and other such activities, the organizers of the activities shall protect the lawful rights and interests of minors in accordance with relevant state provisions.

  Article 62: When units with close contact with minors recruit staff, they shall inquire with the public security organs and people's procuratorates whether the applicants have a record of violations or crimes such as sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, or violent harm; Where it is discovered that they have a record of the conduct described above, they must not be hired.

  Units that have close contact with minors shall periodically conduct annual inquiries into whether staff members have the illegal or criminal records described above. Where it is discovered through inquiries or other means that their staff members have the conduct described above, they shall be promptly dismissed.

  Article 63: Minors' letters, diaries, e-mails, or other online communication content must not be concealed, destroyed, or illegally deleted by any organization or individual.

  Except in the following circumstances, minors' letters, diaries, e-mails, or other online communication content must not be opened or read by any organization or individual:

  (1) The parents or other guardians of minors who lack capacity for civil conduct open or inspect them on behalf of minors;

  (2) Conducting inspections in accordance with law for national security or the investigation of criminal offenses;

  (3) In emergency situations, in order to protect the minors' personal safety.

Chapter V: Network Protections

  Article 64: The state, society, schools, and families shall strengthen publicity and education on minors' online literacy, cultivating and increasing minors' online literacy, increasing minors' awareness and ability to use the internet in a scientific, civilized, safe, and reasonable manner, and safeguarding minors' lawful rights and interests in cyberspace.

  Article 65: The state encourages and supports the creation and dissemination of online content that is conducive to the healthy growth of minors, and encourages and supports the research and development, production, and use of online technologies, products, and services that specifically target minors and are suitable for minors' physical and psychological health.

  Article 66: Internet information departments and other relevant departments shall strengthen oversight and inspections of efforts to protect minors online, lawfully punish the use of networks to engage in activities that endanger minors' physical and psychological health, and provide minors with a safe and healthy online environment.

  Article 67: Internet information departments, in conjunction with departments such as for public security, culture and tourism, press and publication, film, and radio and television, are to determine the type, scope, and standards for judging online information that might impact minors' physical and psychological health, based on the needs of protecting minors of different ages.

  Article 68: Departments such as for press and publication, education, health, culture and tourism, and internet information shall periodically carry out publicity and education on preventing minors from becoming addicted to the internet, oversee the performance of obligations by providers of online products and services to prevent minors from becoming addicted to the internet, and guide families, schools, and social organizations to cooperate with each other and employ scientific and reasonable methods to prevent and intervene in minors' addiction to the internet.

  Minors' addiction to the internet must not be interfered with by any organization or individual in a manner that harms minors' physical and psychological health.

  Article 69: Internet access service facilities provided to minors by schools, communities, libraries, cultural centers, youth palaces, and other venues shall install software for the protection of minors or employ other technical measures for security protection.

  Manufacturers and sellers of smart terminal products shall install software for the protection of minors online on the products, or inform users in a conspicuous manner of the channels and methods for installing the software for the protection of minors.

  Article 70: Schools shall reasonably use the internet to carry out teaching activities. Without the permission of the school, minor students must not bring mobile phones and other smart terminal products into the classroom, and those brought into the school shall be uniformly managed.

  Where schools discover that minor students are addicted to the internet, they shall promptly inform their parents or other guardians, and jointly educate and guide the minor students, and help them return to normal study and life.

  Article 71: Minors' parents or other guardians shall increase their online literacy, regulate their own use of the internet, and strengthen guidance and oversight of minors' use of the internet.

  Minors' parents or other guardians shall avoid minors' exposure to online information that is harmful or might impact their physical and psychological health through methods such as installing software for the protection of minors' networks on smart terminal products, selecting service models and management functions suitable for minors, and reasonably arranging the time minors spend using the internet, to effectively prevent minors from becoming addicted to the internet.

  Article 72: Where information handlers handle minors' personal information online, they shall follow the principles of legality, propriety, and necessity. Where the personal information of minors under the age of 14 is handled, the consent of the minors' parents or other guardians shall be obtained, except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.

  Where minors, parents, or other guardians request that information handlers correct or delete minors' personal information, the information handlers shall promptly employ measures to correct or delete it, except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.

  Article 73: Where network service providers discover that minors have published private information online, they shall promptly give a reminder and employ necessary protective measures.

  Article 74: Providers of online products and services must not provide minors with products and services that induce them to become addicted.

  Online service providers such as online games, online livestreaming, online audio and video, and online social networking shall set up functions such as time management, authority management, and consumption management for minors' use of their services.

  Online education network products and services that target minors must not insert links to online games, and must not push advertisements or other information unrelated to teaching.

  Article 75: Online games may only be operated after approval in accordance with law.

  The state is to establish a uniform electronic identity authentication system for minors in online games. Online gaming service providers shall require minors to register and log in to online games with their real identity information.

  Online gaming service providers shall follow relevant state provisions and standards to categorize game products, make age-appropriate reminders, and employ technical measures, and must not allow minors to come into contact with inappropriate games or game functions.

  Online gaming service providers must not provide online gaming services to minors between 22 p.m. and 8 p.m. the next day.

  Article 76: Online livestreaming service providers must not provide minors under the age of 16 with services for registration of online livestreaming publisher accounts; When providing online livestreaming publisher account registration services to minors who are at least 16 years old, their identity information shall be verified, and the consent of their parents or other guardians shall be obtained.

  Article 77: Minors must not be insulted, defamed, threatened, or maliciously harmed by online cyberbullying through text, pictures, audio, video, or other such means as text, pictures, audio, or video.

  Minors who have been cyberbullied and their parents or other guardians have the right to notify the network service provider to take measures such as deleting, blocking, or disconnecting links. After receiving the notice, network service providers shall promptly employ necessary measures to stop cyberbullying and prevent the spread of information.

  Article 78: Network product and service providers shall establish convenient, reasonable, and effective channels for complaints and reports, disclose information such as the methods for complaints and reports, and promptly accept and handle complaints and reports involving minors.

  Article 79: Any organization or individual discovering that online products or services contain information that endangers minors' physical and psychological health, has the right to make a complaint or report to the network product or service provider, internet information, public security, and other such departments.

  Article 80: Where network service providers discover that users have published or disseminated information that might impact minors' physical and psychological health, and have not made a conspicuous reminder, they shall make a reminder or notify the user to give a reminder; Where no reminder is given, relevant information must not be transmitted.

  Where network service providers discover that users have published or disseminated information that contains content that endangers minors' physical and psychological health, they shall immediately stop transmitting the relevant information, employ measures to address it such as deleting, blocking, or disconnecting links, store relevant records, and report it to departments such as for internet information and public security.

  Where network service providers discover that users are using their network services to commit illegal or criminal conduct against minors, they shall immediately stop providing network services to the users, store relevant records, and report to the public security organs.

Chapter VI: Government Protections

  Article 81: The functional departments of people's governments at the county level or above undertaking specific work on coordination mechanisms for the protection of minors shall clarify the relevant internal bodies or specialized personnel responsible for undertaking efforts on the protection of minors.

  Township people's governments and neighborhood offices shall establish work stations for the protection of minors or designate specialized personnel to promptly handle matters related to minors; Support and guide residents' committees and villagers' committees in setting up special personnel and posts, and do a good job of efforts to protect minors.

  Article 82: All levels of people's government shall include family education guidance services in the urban and rural public service system, carry out publicity on family education knowledge, and encourage and support relevant people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations in carrying out family education guidance services.

  Article 83: All levels of people's government shall ensure minors' right to receive education, and employ measures to ensure that left-behind minors, minors in difficult circumstances, and minors with disabilities receive compulsory education.

  The administrative departments for education shall order their parents or other guardians to send minor students who have dropped out of school to receive compulsory education for minor students who have not yet completed compulsory education.

  Article 84: All levels of people's government shall develop childcare and pre-school education, run infant and child care service establishments and kindergartens, and support social forces in lawfully establishing maternal and infant rooms, infant and child care service establishments, and kindergartens.

  Local people's governments at the county level or above and their relevant departments shall cultivate and train the personnel of infant and child care service establishments and kindergartens, and increase their professional ethics and professional ability.

  Article 85: All levels of people's government shall develop vocational education, ensure that minors receive vocational education or vocational skills training, and encourage and support people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations in providing vocational skills training services to minors.

  Article 86: All levels of people's government shall ensure that minors with disabilities who have the ability to receive ordinary education and are able to adapt to campus life receive education in the nearest ordinary school or kindergarten; Ensure that minors with disabilities who do not have the ability to receive ordinary education receive pre-school, compulsory education, and vocational education in special education schools and kindergartens.

  All levels of people's government shall ensure the conditions for running and operating special education schools and kindergartens, and encourage and support social forces in establishing special education schools and kindergartens.

  Article 87: Local people's governments and their relevant departments shall ensure campus security, supervise and guide schools, kindergartens, and other such units in implementing campus security responsibilities, and establish mechanisms for reporting, handling, and coordinating emergencies.

  Article 88: Public security organs and other relevant departments shall lawfully preserve public security and traffic order around campuses, set up monitoring equipment and traffic safety facilities, and prevent and stop illegal and criminal conduct against minors.

  Article 89: Local people's governments shall establish and improve activity venues and facilities suitable for minors, support the establishment and operation of public interest activity venues and facilities for minors, encourage social forces to establish activity venues and facilities suitable for minors, and strengthen management.

  Local people's governments shall employ measures to encourage and support schools in opening cultural and sports facilities to minors free of charge or on a preferential basis during legally-prescribed national holidays, rest days, and winter and summer vacations.

  Local people's governments shall employ measures to prevent any organization or individual from encroaching upon or destroying the venues, houses, and facilities of schools, kindergartens, infant and child care service establishments, and other activity venues for minors.

  Article 90: All levels of people's government and their relevant departments shall conduct health care and nutrition guidance for minors, and provide health care services.

  Health departments shall regulate vaccine vaccination for minors in accordance with law, prevent and treat common and frequently occurring diseases among minors, strengthen the prevention and management of infectious diseases, do a good job of harm prevention and intervention, and guide and supervise schools, kindergartens, and infant and child care service establishments in carrying out health care work.

  The administrative departments for education shall strengthen mental health education for minors, establishing mechanisms for early discovery and prompt intervention of minors' psychological problems. Health departments shall do a good job of efforts such as psychological treatment for minors, psychological crisis intervention, and early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders.

  Article 91: All levels of people's government and their relevant departments are to carry out categorical safeguards for minors in difficulty, employing measures to meet their basic needs in areas such as life, education, safety, medical rehabilitation, and housing.

  Article 92: In any of the following circumstances, the civil affairs departments shall conduct temporary guardianship of minors in accordance with law:

  (1) Minors are vagranting and begging or their identities are unknown, and their parents or other guardians cannot be found for the time being;

  (2) The guardian's whereabouts are unknown and there is no other person who can serve as a guardian;

  (3) Guardians are unable to perform guardianship duties due to their own objective reasons or due to the occurrence of natural disasters, accidents, public health incidents, or other emergencies, resulting in a lack of guardianship of minors;

  (4) Guardians refuse or neglect to perform guardianship duties, causing minors to be left uncared for;

  (5) Where guardians instigate or exploit minors to carry out illegal or criminal conduct, and minors need to be taken out of their placement;

  (6) Minors who have suffered serious harm from their guardians or face threats to their physical safety, and need to be placed in an emergency placement;

  (7) Other circumstances provided for by law.

  Article 93: The civil affairs departments may employ methods such as entrusting relatives to raise minors or foster care for minors in temporary guardianship, and may also hand them over to children's aid and protection establishments or child welfare establishments to take them in and raise them.

  During the period of temporary guardianship, where, upon assessment by the civil affairs departments, the guardian regains the capacity to perform guardianship duties, the civil affairs departments may return the minor to the guardian for support.

  Article 94: In any of the following circumstances, the civil affairs departments shall conduct long-term guardianship of minors in accordance with law:

  (1) The minor's parents or other guardians cannot be found;

  (2) The guardian is dead or has been declared dead and there is no other person who can serve as the guardian;

  (3) The guardian has lost guardianship capacity and has no other person to serve as guardian;

  (4) The people's court makes a judgment to revoke guardianship qualifications and designates the civil affairs department to serve as guardian;

  (5) Other circumstances provided for by law.

  Article 95: After civil affairs departments conduct adoption assessments, they may lawfully hand over minors in their long-term guardianship to eligible applicants for adoption. After the adoption relationship is established, the guardianship relationship between the civil affairs department and the minor is terminated.

  Article 96: Where civil affairs departments undertake temporary guardianship or long-term guardianship duties, departments such as for finance, education, health, and public security shall cooperate on the basis of their respective duties.

  People's governments at the county level or above and their civil affairs departments shall, as needed, establish institutions for the aid and protection of minors and child welfare establishments, responsible for taking in and raising minors under the guardianship of the civil affairs departments.

  Article 97: People's governments at the county level or above shall open a unified national hotline for the protection of minors, promptly accepting and referring complaints and reports of violations of minors' lawful rights and interests; Encourage and support people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations to participate in the establishment of service platforms, service hotlines, and service sites for the protection of minors, and provide consultation and assistance on the protection of minors.

  Article 98: The state is to establish a system for inquiring into information on persons who have violated the law or committed crimes such as sexual violations, abuse, trafficking, or violent harm, and provide free inquiry services to units that have close contact with minors.

  Article 99: Local people's governments shall cultivate, guide, and regulate the participation of relevant social organizations and social workers in efforts to protect minors, carry out family education guidance services, and provide professional services such as psychological counseling, rehabilitation assistance, guardianship, and adoption assessments for minors.

Chapter VII: Judicial Protections

  Article 100: Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments shall perform their duties in accordance with law to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of minors.

  Article 101:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments shall designate specialized agencies or designate specialized personnel to be responsible for handling cases involving minors. Personnel handling cases involving minors shall undergo special training and be familiar with the physical and psychological characteristics of minors. Specialized agencies or specialized personnel shall have female staff.

  Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments shall carry out evaluation and evaluation standards for the above-mentioned institutions and personnel that are appropriate to efforts on the protection of minors.

  Article 102:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments handling cases involving minors shall consider the physical and psychological characteristics of minors and the needs of their healthy growth, use language and expressions that minors can understand, and hear the opinions of minors.

  Article 103:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, judicial administrative departments, and other organizations and individuals must not disclose the names, images, residences, schools, and other information that might identify minors in cases, except in situations such as searching for missing or trafficked minors.

  Article 104:Legal aid institutions or public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments shall provide assistance to minors in need of legal aid or judicial assistance, and provide them with legal aid or judicial aid in accordance with law.

  Legal aid institutions shall appoint lawyers familiar with the physical and psychological characteristics of minors to provide legal aid services to minors.

  Legal aid institutions and lawyers associations shall conduct guidance and training for lawyers handling juvenile legal aid cases.

  Article 105: The People's Procuratorate conducts supervision of litigation activities involving minors in accordance with law through the exercise of procuratorial powers.

  Article 106: Where minors' lawful rights and interests are violated, and relevant organizations and individuals do not initiate litigation on their behalf, the people's procuratorate may urge and support them in initiating litigation; Where the public interest is involved, the people's procuratorate has the right to initiate public interest litigation.

  Article 107:People's courts hearing inheritance cases shall protect minors' inheritance rights and bequest rights in accordance with law.

  Where people's courts hearing divorce cases involve the issue of raising minor children, they shall respect the true wishes of the minor children who have reached the age of 8, and handle them in accordance with law in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the minor children on the basis of the specific circumstances of both parties.

  Article 108:Where minors' parents or other guardians do not lawfully perform guardianship duties or seriously infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of minors under guardianship, the people's courts may, on the basis of an application by relevant persons or units, lawfully issue a personal safety protection order or revoke guardianship qualifications.

  Parents or other guardians whose guardianship qualifications have been revoked shall continue to bear the cost of child support in accordance with law.

  Article 109:Where people's courts hearing cases such as divorce, custody, adoption, guardianship, or visitation involve minors, they may conduct a social investigation of the minors' circumstances on their own or by retaining a social organization.

  Article 110:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, and people's courts interrogating juvenile criminal suspects or defendants, and questioning juvenile victims or witnesses, shall lawfully notify their legally-designated representatives, adult relatives, representatives of their schools, and other appropriate adults to appear, and employ appropriate methods and venues to ensure minors' rights to reputation, privacy, and other lawful rights and interests.

  People's courts hold in-court proceedings to hear cases involving minors, and minor victims and witnesses generally do not appear in court to testify; Where it is necessary to appear in court, protective measures such as technical means and psychological interventions to protect their privacy shall be employed.

  Article 111:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, and people's courts shall cooperate with other relevant government departments, people's organizations, and social organizations to carry out necessary protective measures such as psychological intervention, economic assistance, legal aid, and school transfer placements for minor victims of sexual offense or violence and their families.

  Article 112:When public security organs, people's procuratorates, and people's courts handling cases of minors suffering sexual offenses or violent harm, they shall employ measures such as simultaneous audio and video recordings, and try to complete them all at once; Where juvenile victims or witnesses are female, female staff shall conduct the conduct.

  Article 113:Implement the policy of education, reform, and rescue for juveniles who violate the law or commit crimes, and adhere to the principle of education first, punishment secondary.

  After juveniles who have violated the law or committed crimes are punished in accordance with law, they must not be discriminated against in areas such as advancement to higher education or employment.

  Article 114:Where public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments discover that relevant units have not performed their duties to protect minors, such as education, management, rescue, or care, they shall make a recommendation to that unit. The unit to be suggested shall make a written reply within one month.

  Article 115:Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, and judicial administrative departments shall carry out publicity and education efforts on the rule of law for minors in light of actual conditions and on the basis of the characteristics of cases involving minors.

  Article 116: The state encourages and supports social organizations and social workers to participate in efforts such as psychological intervention, legal aid, social investigation, social care, education and corrections, and community corrections for minors in cases involving minors.

Chapter VIII: Legal Responsibility

  Article 117: Where paragraph 2 of article 11 of this Law is violated by failing to perform reporting obligations and causing serious consequences, the competent department at the level above or the unit to which they belong is to give sanctions to the directly responsible managers and other directly responsible personnel in accordance with law.

  Article 118:Where minors' parents or other guardians do not perform guardianship duties in accordance with law or infringe upon minors' lawful rights and interests, the residents' committee or villagers' committee for their place of residence is to admonish and stop them; where the circumstances are serious, the residents' committees and villagers' committees shall promptly report to the public security organs.

  Where public security organs receive a report, or where the public security organs, people's procuratorates, or people's courts discover in the course of handling a case that minors' parents or other guardians have the circumstances described above, they shall give them a reprimand and may order them to accept family education guidance.

  Article 119: Where schools, kindergartens, infant and child care services, and their faculty and staff, violate the provisions of articles 27, 28, or 39 of this Law, departments such as for public security, education, health, and market oversight and management are to order corrections in accordance with their duties and division of labor; where corrections are refused or the circumstances are serious, the directly responsible managers and other directly responsible personnel are to be given sanctions in accordance with law.

  Article 120: Where articles 44, 45, or 47 of this Law are violated by not giving minors free or preferential treatment, the departments such as for market oversight and management, culture and tourism, and transportation are to order corrections to be made within a set period of time and give warnings in accordance with their duties and division of labor; and where corrections are refused, a fine of between 10,000 and 100,000 RMB is to be given.

  Article 121:Where the provisions of articles 50 and 51 of this Law are violated, the departments such as for press and publication, radio and television, film, and internet information are to follow their duties and division of labor to order corrections to be made within a set period of time, give warnings, confiscate unlawful gains, and may give a concurrent fine of up to 100,000 RMB; where corrections are refused or the circumstances are serious, order a suspension of relevant operations, suspension of production or business, or revocation of business licenses or permits, and where unlawful gains are more than 1 million RMB, a concurrent fine of between 1 and 10 times the amount of unlawful gains is given, and where there are no unlawful gains or the unlawful gains are less than 1 million RMB, a concurrent fine of between 100,000 and 1,000,000 RMB is to be given.

  Article 122: Where venue operators violate the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 56 of this Law, or lodging operators violate the provisions of article 57 of this Law, the departments for market regulation, emergency management, public security, and so forth are to follow their duties and division of labor to order corrections to be made within a set period of time and give warnings; where corrections are refused or serious consequences are caused, order a suspension of business for rectification or revoke business licenses or relevant permits, and give a concurrent fine of between 10,000 and 100,000 RMB.

  Article 123: Where relevant business operators violate the provisions of article 58, paragraph 1 of article 59, or article 60 of this Law, the departments for culture and tourism, market regulation, tobacco monopoly, public security, and so forth, in accordance with their duties and division of labor, are to order corrections to be made within a set period of time, give warnings, confiscate unlawful gains, and may give a concurrent fine of up to 50,000 RMB; where corrections are refused or the circumstances are serious, order a suspension of operations for rectification or revoke business licenses or relevant permits, and may give a concurrent fine of between 50,000 and 500,000 RMB.

  Article 124:Where paragraph 2 of article 59 of this Law is violated by smoking or drinking alcohol in schools, kindergartens, or other public places where minors are concentrated, the departments for health, education, and market regulation are to order corrections in accordance with their duties and division of labor, give warnings, and may give a concurrent fine of up to 500 RMB; Where venue managers fail to stop it in a timely manner, departments such as for health, education, and market regulation are to give warnings and give a fine of up to 10,000 yuan in accordance with their duties and division of labor.

  Article 125:Where the provisions of article 61 of this Law are violated, the departments for culture and tourism, human resources and social security, and market regulation are to follow their duties and division of labor to order corrections to be made within a set period of time, give warnings, confiscate unlawful gains, and may give a concurrent fine of up to 100,000 RMB; where corrections are refused or the circumstances are serious, order a suspension of production or business, or revoke business licenses or relevant permits, and give a concurrent fine of between 100,000 and 1,000,000 RMB.

  Article 126: Where units with close contact with minors violate the provisions of article 62 of this Law by failing to perform their obligation to make inquiries, or by recruiting or continuing to employ persons with relevant criminal records, the departments such as for education, human resources and social security, and market regulation are to follow their duties and division of labor to order corrections to be made within a set period of time, give warnings, and give a fine of up to 50,000 RMB; where corrections are refused or serious consequences are caused, they are to be ordered to suspend business for rectification or to revoke business licenses or relevant permits, and to give a concurrent fine of between 50,000 and 500,000 RMB, and the directly responsible managers and other directly responsible personnel are to be given sanctions in accordance with law.

  Article 127: Where information handlers violate the provisions of article 72 of this Law, or network product and service providers violate the provisions of articles 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, or 80 of this Law, the relevant departments such as for public security, internet information, telecommunications, press and publication, radio and television, culture and tourism, are to follow their duties and division of labor to order corrections, give warnings, confiscate unlawful gains, and give a concurrent fine of between 1 and 10 times the value of unlawful gains, and give a concurrent fine of between 1 and 10 times the value of unlawful gains. where there are no unlawful gains or the unlawful gains are less than 1,000,000 RMB, a concurrent fine of between 100,000 and 1,000,000 RMB is to be given, and the directly responsible managers and other responsible personnel are to be fined between 10,000 and 100,000 RMB; where corrections are refused or the circumstances are serious, they may be ordered to suspend operations, suspend operations for rectification, close down websites, revoke business licenses, or revoke relevant permits.

  Article 128:Where employees of state organs neglect their duties, abuse their authority, or twist the law for personal gain, harming the lawful rights and interests of minors, sanctions are to be given in accordance with law.

  Article 129:Where the provisions of this Law are violated by infringing on the lawful rights and interests of minors, causing harm to persons, property, or other harms, civil liability is to be borne in accordance with law.

  Where the provisions of this Law are violated and constitute a violation of the administration of public security, a public security administrative sanction shall be given in accordance with law; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

Chapter IX: Supplementary Provisions

  Article 130: The following terms used in this Law have the following meanings:

  (1) Units that have close contact with minors refers to schools, kindergartens, and other educational establishments; off-campus training institutions; Institutions for the aid and protection of minors, child welfare establishments, and other institutions for the placement and aid of minors; infant and child care service institutions, early education service institutions; off-campus custodial care and temporary care institutions; domestic service agencies; medical institutions that provide medical services to minors; Other enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and so forth that have duties such as education, training, guardianship, rescue, care, and medical treatment for minors.

  (2) "Schools" refers to ordinary primary and secondary schools, special education schools, secondary vocational schools, and specialized schools.

  (3) "Student bullying" refers to conduct that occurs between students, where one party deliberately or maliciously uses physical, verbal, or online means to bully or insult, causing physical injury, property damage, or mental harm to the other party.

  Article 131: Foreigners and stateless persons under the age of 18 within the territory of China are to be protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.

  Article 132: This Law takes effect on June 1, 2021.

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