
The monthly salary of the male nurse is 20,000 yuan, and the blind date was rejected by the female salesperson, and the chat content was exposed, and the reason is very realistic

author:Workplace Feike

After graduating from college, many people will face the first big choice in life - choosing a career and getting married. Many young people choose to start a business first and then start a family, hoping to consider marriage after their career is stable. However, when the career is stable, finding the right partner becomes another problem. Therefore, many people choose to solve their personal problems through blind dates.

The monthly salary of the male nurse is 20,000 yuan, and the blind date was rejected by the female salesperson, and the chat content was exposed, and the reason is very realistic

In the process of blind date, people with different occupations, different educational backgrounds, and different incomes sit together to discuss marriage, and there will inevitably be disagreements. Recently, a netizen complained on a social platform: The monthly salary is 20,000, but the female saleswoman with a monthly salary of less than 5,000 is rejected, what is the reason?

Judging from their chat records, the male nurse actively invited the other party to eat and watch movies after the blind date. However, the saleswoman has always refused, saying: You are not the ideal object in my heart, let's be friends. The male nurse, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly felt lost and asked why.

The saleswoman explained that although the male nurse was in good condition in all aspects, it was difficult for her to accept his profession. The male nurse retorted that she is very satisfied with her current job, not only has a stable income, but also can help patients with her skills, and she feels that it is a very meaningful career, just like she faces different customers every day as a salesperson and helps them solve problems.

The monthly salary of the male nurse is 20,000 yuan, and the blind date was rejected by the female salesperson, and the chat content was exposed, and the reason is very realistic

However, the saleswoman disagreed, believing that her partner should be a responsible and enterprising man, rather than a nurse who attends patients in the hospital. She felt that a man working as a nurse seemed unproductive. The male nurse was very helpless when he heard this, and explained: There is no shame in the profession of a nurse, and it is a very honorable thing to earn money with your own hands and help people in need.

After this chat record was exposed, it sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some people support the view of female salesmen, who believe that it is really unseemly for men to work as caregivers; There are also many netizens who believe that there is a great demand for male caregivers now, but female caregivers are no longer popular, as long as they can make money, no matter what profession they are, they are worthy of respect.

In this regard, the author has the following views:

The monthly salary of the male nurse is 20,000 yuan, and the blind date was rejected by the female salesperson, and the chat content was exposed, and the reason is very realistic

1. Occupational bias is deeply rooted

In many people's minds, the profession of nurse seems to belong to women by nature. Women are naturally delicate and patient, and they are indeed suitable for nursing work. However, with the development of society, the division of labor has become more and more detailed, and male nurses have come into being. In the process of caring for patients, it is inevitable that there will be physical work or nursing tasks that are inconvenient for women, and this is where the advantages of male caregivers come into view.

The monthly salary of the male nurse is 20,000 yuan, and the blind date was rejected by the female salesperson, and the chat content was exposed, and the reason is very realistic

2. There is no distinction between high and low professions

The nursing industry itself is a caring one. The fact that this male caregiver can truly love his profession shows that he is a caring and responsible person. Such qualities are to be cherished in any relationship. Female saleswomen reject such a good man, and can only say that they are "destined".

Ladies and gentlemen, a male caregiver with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan was rejected by a female salesman with a monthly salary of less than 5,000, what do you think of this problem? Everyone is welcome to share your views and experiences in the comment area!