
Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

author:Yimai brand design

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1. Brand positioning system planning

Being a brand is like giving a person a loud name, wearing decent clothes, telling your own story, and making others remember you, like you, and trust you. The role of branding can be summarized as follows:

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

F&B brand design

Second, the brand visual symbol system

(1) Make people remember

A brand is like giving a loud name to a product or service so that people think of you as soon as they hear it.

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

3. Brand discourse system planning

(2) Build trust

When a brand is done well, it's like a person's good name, and people will trust you and be willing to buy your stuff.

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

Fourth, the brand discourse system planning

(3) Show your personality

Branding can showcase your personality and characteristics, just as you show who you are by dressing and speaking.

(4) Transmission of information

A brand can tell people who you are, what you do, and what makes your product or service special.

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

(5) Distinguish yourself

There are a lot of similar products and competitors in the market, and brands can make you stand out among the many competitors, like the one who wears the most special in the crowd.

(6) Attract customers

People are more willing to choose brands that they know and like, just like people like to go to restaurants they know and like.

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

(7) Enhance value

Branding can increase the value of a product, and sometimes the same product, because of the brand, can be sold more expensive.

(8) Word-of-mouth communication

A good brand can make people want to spread the word, just like a good story will be told over and over again.

(9) Long-term development

A brand is a long-term investment, and over time: the value of the brand will increase.

Nine reasons why you should be a brand, and the last one is crucial!

Everything is a brand, so you have to be conscious of branding from the beginning!

Some people often say that we haven't reached the time to make a brand, so we should survive first and then start to do a good brand after we have some money. This is a typical poor mentality. And you carefully taste the phrase "it's not time to make a brand", what does it mean? It's that he has a deep misunderstanding and perception of the brand in his head. In his concept, he thinks that branding is like buying a luxury outfit. I don't have any money yet, so I'll run naked for now. But he forgot that running naked would be part of his brand identity.

What am I trying to say?

In fact, I will tell you first, as long as you or the product is produced in a tangible way, it has already begun to imperceptibly make a brand, because when you walk on the road, your dress is all releasing information signals (that is, advertising) to the outside. It's not about when you start branding.

Let's go on to streaking. If you go out naked, others will not think that you are poor, they will only label you as mentally ill. And this label is the perception of your personal brand, that is, the public's definition of your personal brand, they will store your face and your behavior in his head, as long as they see your face next time, they will hide away, which feels a bit like being bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the meaning of the well rope. When you realize that you want to "be a brand" one day, it will be extremely difficult to tear off this psychopathic label. Because time is a medicine, it is impossible to waste it again. Once a deep perception of the brand is established, it is difficult to change.

So the best time to make a brand is always the moment when the product or idea is just created. Aside from this time, only the present remains.

Here is Yimai brand planning and design, to help you position and sort out the brand, so that your brand can easily explode!

We focus on brand planning and design Brand strategic positioning | Marketing promotion

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