
Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Really? I also have high blood pressure, so I need to pay attention! Wang Shanqiang sat up straight on a bench in the park, his eyes fixed on the two old men playing chess in front of him, but his ears wandered in the conversation next to him.

Wang Shanqiang is a well-known local fruit shop owner. His shop is always filled with seasonal fruits, from tender strawberries to sweet mangoes, fresh and inexpensive.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

He proudly considers his shop to be the most popular fruit supplier in the area, with many of his neighbors coming to him every day to buy a fruit or two. Today, when he was a little idle from business, he came to the park to relax, but he overheard a discussion about the relationship between high blood pressure and sleep.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

The panic in his heart made him decide to act immediately. He straightened his clothes and headed straight to a nearby hospital, hoping to get some answers from professionals. At the hospital, he met Dr. Tian, an experienced cardiologist.

"Dr. Tian, I overheard someone say today that high blood pressure may be related to sleep, is this true?" Wang Shanqiang asked eagerly.

Dr. Tian smiled slightly, motioned for him to sit down, and then began to explain: "Mr. Wang, high blood pressure does have a lot to do with the quality of our sleep. ”

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

"When we don't get enough sleep or poor quality, there are changes in the levels of some hormones in the body, such as cortisol – a stress hormone that increases when we feel stressed or sleep deprived, which can cause an increase in blood pressure."

"Poor sleep can also affect our nervous system, making it overexcited or nervous, which can likewise lead to an increase in blood pressure. Long-term sleep problems, such as insomnia, being woken up or not getting enough sleep, can increase the likelihood of heart disease and high blood pressure. ”

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

Wang Shanqiang listened carefully, and Dr. Tian's words made him feel that he had found a link that he had not understood before. "So what should we do?"

Dr. Tian continued, "Ensuring adequate sleep is critical, and the ideal sleep time for adults is 7 to 9 hours per night. Sleep quality is also key, to sleep in a quiet and comfortable environment, it is best not to do strenuous exercise, and do not drink too much caffeine or a lot of alcohol before bedtime, which can be detrimental to sleep quality. ”

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

"And then, it's also very important to maintain a regular sleep schedule and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This can help regulate the body's biological clock, make sleep more regular, reduce nighttime awakenings, and thus help stabilize blood pressure. ”

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

Wang Shanqiang nodded in confusion, and secretly made up his mind to adjust his living habits. He thanked Dr. Tian for his explanation, and after returning to his fruit shop, he began to plan how to change his sleep habits to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Through this visit to the hospital, Wang Shanqiang not only gained a deeper understanding of the relationship between high blood pressure and sleep, but also realized that he needed to make some adjustments in his daily life. From this day on, he decided to pay more attention to his sleep quality and lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy body and stable blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

For people with high blood pressure, sleep is not only a way to rest, but also a health management strategy that must be treated with caution. Among the many sleep habits, there are three that need to be avoided in particular, which can unknowingly exacerbate high blood pressure and even trigger other complications.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

Patients with high blood pressure should pay special attention to the choice of sleeping environment, which should be quiet, dark and at a suitable temperature. Constant noise not only interrupts sleep, but also causes the sympathetic nervous system to remain active, causing blood pressure to remain high for long periods of time.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

A room temperature that is too high or too low can affect the body's ability to go into deep sleep, which in turn affects heart health. Using comfortable mattresses and pillows, as well as ensuring that the room is well lit, can significantly improve sleep quality and have a non-negligible positive effect on the control of high blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

It is especially important for people with high blood pressure to establish a regular sleep pattern, the human biological clock is very sensitive to the light-dark cycle, and irregular sleep times can disrupt the biological clock, causing so-called "social jet lag", which can trigger blood pressure fluctuations and increase the risk of heart disease.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

Those who went to bed and woke up at different times each day had worse blood pressure control than those who slept regularly. Therefore, setting a fixed time to go to bed and wake up has become a healthy habit that people with high blood pressure must adhere to.

The content and timing of the diet before bed has a direct impact on the blood pressure control of patients with hypertension, and high-salt, high-fat and high-calorie foods should be avoided at dinner, which not only affects sleep quality, but also may cause an increase in blood pressure at night, and may increase the cardiovascular burden in the long term.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

People with high blood pressure should finish dinner two to three hours before bedtime and try to eat lightly, which can help ensure a smoother and more comfortable night's rest.

By avoiding these three common bedtime mistakes, people with high blood pressure can significantly improve their blood pressure control and potentially reduce other health problems caused by high blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

This is not only a small lifestyle adjustment, but also a positive change in attitude towards life, with the intention of improving one's health through every detail. These changes may be small, but they can have long-term benefits for people with high blood pressure.

For people with high blood pressure, waking up in the morning is especially critical because it is one of the most dramatic times of the day when blood pressure fluctuates.

Especially during the transition from a sleeping state to an awake state, a series of physiological changes occur in the body that can adversely affect patients with hypertension. Therefore, the behavior and habits of hypertensive patients after waking up need to be more cautious and conscious.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

People with high blood pressure should avoid jumping out of bed suddenly, as this rapid change in body position may cause a sharp rise or fall in blood pressure, leading to dizziness or other discomfort.

It is recommended that patients sit still in bed for a few minutes before waking up, take deep breaths, and slowly allow the body to transition from sleep to wakefulness, which not only helps the body gradually adapt to the changes in blood pressure, but also reduces the impact of morning blood pressure spikes.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

Through these specific actions and adjustments, people with high blood pressure can effectively manage their blood pressure and reduce the health risks caused by abnormal blood pressure. It may take some time and effort for these habits to develop, but they will have a profound positive impact on health in the long run.

(All names have been changed)

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Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping



[1] Zhang Yunju. Potential cross-sectional analysis and category influencing factors of self-health management behavior in elderly patients with hypertension, Jilin Medical , 2024-06-15

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctor's reminder: patients with high blood pressure, remember to "3 avoids" when sleeping

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