
Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

author:Eagles who love camouflage

Lai Qingde has only been in power for a month, and cross-strait relations have regressed by at least 10 years. At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is already on the verge of breaking out, and the two sides of the strait have lost their basic trust, and only military and political hostility remains. The mainland is also extremely proficient in military simulation operations against Taiwan.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

A few days ago, the mainland coast guard ships once again exerted their might, and four large warships of the 3,000-ton class directly entered the 5 nautical miles of Liaoluo Bay, the largest wharf in Kinmen, for inspection. This position had already crossed the so-called "prohibition and restriction line" unilaterally drawn by Taiwan, and in the end, the Kinmen Taiwan Coast Patrol had to dispatch three patrol boats of several tens of tons to conduct a two-hour "polite, begging" style of "shouting and driving away."

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

After the incident, Taiwan's "Coast Guard" also brazenly claimed that "it has successfully completed the 'forced expulsion' of the mainland coast guard vessel." Do you believe that a Taiwan Strait patrol boat of several tens of tons can 'forcibly drive away' the four 3,000-ton warships of our coast guard? We certainly don't believe it, but the majority of the people on the island do, and this is the result of the DPP's brainwashing of the people on the island day and night over the years.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

Now that the mainland coast guard has taken action, the PLA will definitely not be idle. According to data released by the Taiwan military on 29 July, in the 24 hours before 6 a.m., 23 sorties of Continental Army planes, including fighters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters, were discovered one after another, and 20 sorties crossed the "center line of the strait" and entered the airspace on all sides of Taiwan Island in the northern, central, southwestern, and eastern parts of the island.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

On the 27th, Liang Wenjie, vice chairman and spokesman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, announced that after an overall assessment, the island's travel alert to the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao will be raised to "orange" from now on, and the people on the island are advised to avoid unnecessary travel to the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. The Taiwan military is even more vigilant and has announced that the "Han Kuang-40" large-scale military exercise will be conducted on the whole island to comprehensively simulate the scenario of the People's Liberation Army attacking Taiwan by force.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

According to Taiwan media reports, the Taiwan military conducted anti-three-dimensional landing exercises against the PLA in eight places, including the Guandu Plain, Tainan Airport, Taichung Jianan Beach, Taoyuan Airport, Taoyuan Xiahu Xiying Area, Haihu Beach, Hualien Beipu, and Taitung Zhiben Beach. On 25 May alone, at least seven counties and cities and more than 10 key areas on the island simultaneously conducted air defense and anti-airplane landing drills.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

Obviously, now the Lai Qingde authorities are really scared. In order to ease the pressure of confrontation, according to high-level Taiwan military officials, a batch of new warships of the Taiwan military will be put into service ahead of schedule next week to join the ranks of warships fighting the PLA. At that time, the Taiwan Navy will have seven Tuojiang-class warships, which can be fully loaded with Hsiung-2 and Hsiung-3 anti-ship missiles, which can deter PLA warships from approaching the waters of Taiwan Island.

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

In order to solve the long-standing problem of the Taiwan military "not knowing who to fight for, and not knowing why". Winning the hearts of the army has also become Lai Qingde's top priority. Lai Qingde's appointment of Gu Lixiong, a dark green "military layman," as "defense minister," is only the first step. Recently, according to Taiwan media, Lai Qingde has approved the sudden promotion of 17 people to lieutenant general or major general, and these people are basically the backbone of the Taiwan military who support "Taiwan independence."

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

Judging from Lai Qingde's recent series of actions, his willpower and executive power to engage in "Taiwan independence" have far surpassed Tsai Ing-wen's. In the face of the mainland's countermeasures, Lai Qingde chose to be-for-tat and tough to the end. It seems that with the tacit approval of the United States, the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island headed by Lai Ching-te are actively preparing for war and preparing for a war with the PLA.

However, there is a huge disparity in military strength between the two sides of the strait, and once a war starts, it is necessary to see if the Taiwan army can hold out for 24 hours, and in the face of the "beheading" of the PLA, Lai Ching-te will see if it can escape from the "presidential palace."

Our coast guard ships are approaching Kinmen for the first time in history, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has escalated its siege of Taiwan, and Lai Qingde has made another mixed move

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