
It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a sunny spring morning, Zhang Weiwei felt as if she was overwhelmed by some invisible weight. She is a secondary school history teacher, and her work is not too intense, but recently she feels that her fatigue seems to be different from usual, she is always lacking energy, dizzy, and even starting to struggle with teaching on the podium.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

At the end of the day, she decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see if there was something wrong with her health. At the hospital, she met Dr. Lee, an experienced nutritionist. After listening to Zhang Weiwei's description, Dr. Li suggested that she have a routine blood test, especially an iron concentration test.

After the test results came out, Dr. Li said to Zhang Weiwei, "The results show that your hemoglobin and serum iron levels are lower than normal, which indicates that you may have iron deficiency anemia." ”

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Zhang Weiwei was a little surprised, because she usually doesn't pay much attention to diet and never thought that she would be malnourished.

Dr. Lee went on to explain, "Iron is a key component in the body's production of haemoglobin. The main function of hemoglobin is to help red blood cells transport oxygen to various parts of the body. If you don't have enough iron, your body won't be able to make hemoglobin efficiently, resulting in insufficient oxygen transport and you'll feel tired and weak. ”

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

After hearing this, Zhang Weiwei immediately understood why she felt so tired recently, which was caused by iron deficiency in her body. Dr Lee continued, "Not only does iron deficiency affect your energy and work efficiency, but long-term iron deficiency can also affect the function of your immune system, making you more susceptible to diseases. ”

The more Zhang Weiwei listened, the more she felt that the situation was serious, and she asked eagerly: "Then what should I do?" Is it okay to just take some iron supplements? Dr. Li shook his head and said seriously, "Medication is important, but it is more fundamental to adjust your eating habits. Eating the natural amount of iron through your diet not only improves absorption, but also avoids the possible side effects of medications. ”

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Zhang Weiwei realized the importance of diet to her health, and she was determined to change her eating habits to restore her body's iron balance. Dr. Li also encouraged her that by adjusting her diet and lifestyle, she can not only solve the current iron deficiency problem, but also maintain her health in the long run.

The doctor's words made Zhang Weiwei feel a burst of warmth and hope, she knew that she had a lot to do in the coming days, but at least for now, she found the root of the problem and knew the solution to it.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

From this day on, Zhang Weiwei decided to take good care of her body and make a healthy lifestyle a new beginning for her. After Vera Cheung became aware of her health issues and decided to take action, Dr. Li began to introduce her to some foods with natural high iron to help her replenish the iron in her body.

In particular, Dr. Lee recommends four foods that are readily available in daily life and are very effective in improving iron deficiency.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

First, Dr. Lee mentioned spinach. Spinach is one of the well-known sources of iron, and it's an excellent choice, especially for those looking to supplement with iron through plant-based foods. Spinach is not only high in iron, but also rich in vitamin C, which promotes iron absorption.

For people like Weiwei Zhang who need to increase iron absorption, eating spinach regularly can help raise hemoglobin levels, which can relieve symptoms of fatigue and weakness.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Then, red meat is also an important food source recommended by Dr. Lee. Lean beef, in particular, is not only high in iron, but also a source of "heme iron", a type of iron that can be used more directly by the body and absorbed much more than the "non-heme iron" in plants.

The iron in red meat can help improve iron deficiency quickly, especially for people who need a quick boost in their hemoglobin levels. However, considering the balance of a healthy diet, Dr. Li advises Vera Cheung to consume it in moderation to avoid other health risks due to excessive red meat intake.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

In addition, black beans are also a good source of iron. Not only are black beans high in iron, but they're also rich in protein and fiber, which can provide additional health benefits, such as improved digestion and reduced risk of heart disease. Black beans can be eaten as part of a dish or as a black bean soup, making them a very convenient and effective iron supplement.

Finally, Dr. Lee recommended pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are an extremely nutrient-dense food rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, and other minerals that can help improve many functions in the body.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Pumpkin seeds are particularly strong in iron, and regular consumption is an effective way to replenish the amount of iron needed in daily life, while their taste and portability make pumpkin seeds a popular snack or meal addition.

Through the introduction of these foods, Dr. Li not only helped Vera Zhang understand the various sources of iron, but also taught her how to incorporate these foods into her daily diet. For example, spinach can be added to salads or stir-fries, red meat can be eaten in moderation with vegetables, and black beans and pumpkin seeds can be eaten as a snack or part of a meal.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Such dietary adjustments not only help to improve iron levels, but also promote overall nutritional balance, thereby improving the quality of life and work efficiency of Zhang Weiwei.

Dr. Lee also emphasised that while iron supplementation through food is a natural and healthy approach, it is best to discuss with your doctor or dietitian before implementing any major dietary changes to ensure that the foods you choose not only meet your iron needs, but also fit into a well-rounded and balanced diet plan.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

In this way, Zhang can ensure that her dietary improvements are both safe and effective. After Zhang Weiwei began to adjust her diet to supplement her iron supplements, Dr. Li further emphasized the importance of nutritional balance, pointing out that health is not only about solving the current iron deficiency problem, but also about preventing future health problems through a comprehensive and balanced diet.

Dr. Lee explained that nutritional balance means a variety of foods, ensuring that the body can get essential macronutrients (such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) from food.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

In particular, he noted that although iron is an important micronutrient, the body also needs other minerals and vitamins, such as calcium, zinc, vitamin D and B vitamins, which are key factors in maintaining the body's normal function and health.

Dr. Li suggested that Vera Zhang should incorporate these nutrients into her diet in a balanced manner, which will not only help her address her iron deficiency but also improve her overall health.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

For example, she can include a rich diet of whole grains, a variety of vegetables and fruits, moderate protein sources such as lean meats and legumes, and healthy sources of fat such as olive oil and fish oil in her daily diet.

In this way, Zhang Weiwei can not only improve her iron levels, but also enhance her body's resistance and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases while improving her overall nutritional balance, so as to lead a healthier and more active life.

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

Dr. Lee emphasises that the key to maintaining a balanced diet is to maintain a varied and moderate diet, avoiding a single food source or over-reliance on supplements. This all-round nutritional strategy is not only applicable to Zhang Weiwei, but also the basic principle of everyone's pursuit of a healthy life.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Cui Yabin. Advances in the application of iron in the fight against biofilm infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Tianjin Fourth Central Hospital, 2023-11-13

It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy
It is recommended that after the age of 60, eat more 4 kinds of "natural high-iron vegetables" to supplement nutrition, good health, and more energy

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