
2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

author:Cheerful pencil Da

The 2024 national college admission score line has been announced, and a new chapter in education has begun

As the dust settles on the results of the 2024 college entrance examination, the college admission score lines across the country have also been announced, and this news has quickly become the focus of heated discussions among candidates and parents. This year's cut-off score shows some new changes compared to previous years, providing more choices and opportunities for many candidates. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the story behind the 2024 college admission score line, and present a selected list of public colleges to help candidates and parents plan their future education path.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

1. The story behind the college admission score line

In the college entrance examination, the delineation of the score line is undoubtedly the most concerned part of the candidates. It is not only related to whether candidates can enter the university of their choice, but also reflects the orientation of national education policy and the distribution of regional educational resources to a certain extent. This year, the changes in the cut-off scores for college admissions are particularly eye-catching.

In Ningxia, Yunnan, Hebei, Hunan and other places, the college admission score is set at 200 points. This cut-off score is slightly higher than in previous years, indicating the importance and pursuit of higher education quality in these regions. In Sichuan, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other places, the college admission score line has been adjusted to 150 points, providing more candidates with the opportunity to enter universities. This adjustment is undoubtedly a powerful practice of educational fairness, and it also provides candidates with more choices.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

2. List of selected public colleges

Among many colleges and universities, public colleges have become the first choice for many candidates with their high-quality educational resources and relatively low tuition fees. The following is the admission score line and institution introduction of some public colleges in 2024, hoping to provide reference for candidates and parents.

1. Ningxia Vocational and Technical College

As a well-known public college in Ningxia, Ningxia Vocational and Technical College has attracted the attention of candidates for its excellent teachers and advanced teaching facilities. This year, the school's admission score is 200 points, providing Ningxia candidates with the opportunity to enter a high-quality junior college.

2. Yunnan University for Nationalities

As a key public college in Yunnan Province, Yunnan University for Nationalities has a long history of running a school and rich cultural heritage. This year, the school's admission cut-off score is also 200 points, providing Yunnan candidates with the opportunity to enter this prestigious university.

3. Hebei University of Engineering

Hebei University of Engineering, located in Handan City, Hebei Province, is a full-time undergraduate college with coordinated development of engineering, science, management, economics, literature, law and art. The school's junior college admission score is 200 points, which provides a pathway for Hebei candidates to enter this comprehensive university.

4. Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Architecture

Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Architecture is a well-known public college in Sichuan Province, featuring architecture majors. This year, the school's admission score is 150 points, providing Sichuan candidates with the opportunity to enter this college with distinctive professional characteristics.

5. Shaanxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College

Shaanxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College is a key public college in Shaanxi Province, mainly focusing on engineering majors. This year, the school's admission cut-off score is 150 points, providing Shaanxi candidates with the opportunity to enter this strong engineering college.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

3. Interpretation of the admission score line of colleges and universities in various places

In addition to the above public colleges, there are many excellent colleges and universities across the country waiting for candidates to choose. Below, we will interpret the college admission score lines in some provinces to help candidates and parents better understand the local educational resources and enrollment situation.

In Inner Mongolia, the cut-off score for college admission this year is 160 points. This cut-off score is more lenient than in other provinces, but candidates have not been deterred by this. They know that the college entrance examination is just a stop on the road of life, and there is still a long way to go. Therefore, they will continue to study hard and build a solid foundation for future development.

In the Hunan region, the college admission score is relatively high, reaching 200 points. This reflects the excellent performance of candidates in Hunan in the college entrance examination and the relatively fierce competition. However, it also provides Hunan candidates with the opportunity to enter a quality tertiary college, making them more confident and competitive in their future studies and life.

In Hebei, the cut-off score for college admission is also 200 points. This score line shows that Hebei candidates also have good strength and competitiveness. They will continue to study hard and be fully prepared for future developments.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

In Fujian, the college admission score reached a new high, reaching 220 points. This high standard setting undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for candidates in Fujian. However, it will also motivate Fujian candidates to study harder and strive for better results in future college entrance examinations.

In Liaoning, the college admission score is relatively moderate, at 150 points. Such a score setting not only takes into account the actual situation of candidates, but also ensures the quality of enrollment of colleges and universities. Candidates from Liaoning will cherish this opportunity, study hard, and lay a solid foundation for future development.

In addition, Qinghai, Henan, Jilin, Beijing, Gansu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places also have their own characteristics. Candidates and parents can choose the appropriate colleges and majors according to their actual situation and interests to apply for the examination.

In short, the announcement of the 2024 national college admission score provides candidates with more choices and opportunities. I hope that the majority of candidates can cherish this opportunity, study hard, and lay a solid foundation for future development. At the same time, I also hope that parents can give more support and encouragement to their children and accompany them through this important stage of life. Hubei's college entrance examination score line is on par with Hunan, Hebei, Anhui and other provinces, and both history and physics are set at the threshold of 200 points. This score line undoubtedly demonstrates the outstanding performance of Hubei candidates in the college entrance examination, and they have won the same competitive opportunities as candidates from many provinces with their solid knowledge and stable performance.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

And in the far northwest, ##则根据自身实际情况和考生的整体水平, a cut-off score of 140 is set for liberal arts and science candidates. This humanized setting not only takes care of ##考生的实际能力, but also ensures the quality of college admissions, which is ##的莘莘学子提供了更多的求学机会.

Heilongjiang's score line coincides with Jilin's, with 160 points for both history and physics. This score line not only reflects the general level of Heilongjiang candidates, but also meets the requirements of local colleges and universities for the quality of new students. Through unremitting efforts, the candidates in Heilongjiang have repaid the expectations of the people in their hometown with excellent results.

Next, let's set our eyes on the mysterious snowy plateau - ##. Here, the cut-off score for both Category A and Category B candidates in Literature and History is 238 points, while the cut-off score for Category A and Category B candidates in Science and Engineering is 214 points. This score line may be set #独特的教育资源和招生政策有关 with #, but it is undoubtedly a ##的考生们提供了更多的求学机会, so that they can move towards a higher stage of life with their own efforts.

Next, let's focus on public colleges in Sichuan Province. In the 2023 college entrance examination admission, for candidates with a score of around 200 points, choosing a suitable public college has become an important issue for them. These candidates and parents look for the best value for money school within a limited score range in order to build a strong foundation for their child's future.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

In the liberal arts admission, candidates with a score of about 200 points can choose from 4 public junior colleges. Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College is famous for its excellent metallurgical profession and provides a professional learning platform for candidates; Shandong Vocational College of Fashion has a deep foundation in the fields of clothing design and production, providing candidates with the integration of fashion and art; Yantai Engineering Vocational and Technical College has strong strength in the fields of engineering technology and machinery manufacturing, providing candidates with practical skills training; Zaozhuang Vocational College (Sino-foreign cooperation) provides candidates with an international educational vision through cooperation with foreign schools. Each of these schools has its own unique characteristics and offers a variety of options for liberal arts candidates.

In the admission of science courses, there are more choices of public junior colleges with a score of less than 200 points. Among them, Heilongjiang Forestry Vocational and Technical College, Liaoning Petrochemical Vocational and Technical College, and Hotan Vocational and Technical College attracted many candidates with a score of 164 points. These three schools have significant advantages in forestry, petrochemical, agriculture, and other fields, providing candidates with a broad space for learning and development. In addition, Liaoning Vocational College of Finance, as a key junior college, has attracted many candidates with its excellent reputation in the fields of finance and economics. Although the school has an admission cut-off score of only 158, it is highly recognized for the quality of its teaching and its employment prospects.

2024 Public College Admission Score Line! 200 points can go to a public college

In short, whether it is Hubei, ##, Heilongjiang or ##的考生, they have all shown their strength and potential on their respective score lines. The public colleges in Sichuan Province provide these candidates with more opportunities for study and development. It is hoped that every candidate can make an informed choice according to their interests and career plans, and lay a solid foundation for their future.

List of public colleges that can be entered with a score of 200 in science:

School Name fraction Position
Jizhong Vocational College 173 294745
Shanxi Vocational College of Physical Education 174 294702
Chifeng Industrial Vocational and Technical College 153 295209
Zhangjiakou Vocational and Technical College 154 295196
Langfang Vocational and Technical College 181 294426
Shanxi Vocational College of Finance 183 294340
Liaoyang Vocational and Technical College 188 294084
Liaoning Vocational College of Finance 158 295132
Liaoning Urban Construction Vocational and Technical College 158 295132
Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College 170 294851
Liaoning Ecological Engineering Vocational College 161 295067
Daqing Vocational College 194 293726
Heilongjiang Energy Vocational College 178 294554
Heilongjiang Forestry Vocational and Technical College 164 295001
Heilongjiang Ecological Engineering Vocational College 167 294918
Liaoning Petrochemical Vocational and Technical College 164 295001
Hefei General Vocational and Technical College 152 295221
Northern Fujian Vocational and Technical College 179 294523
Shandong Vocational College of Clothing 177 294589
Dongying Vocational College 162 295049
Zaozhuang Vocational College of Science and Technology 155 295185
Weifang Engineering Vocational College 193 293788
Zaozhuang Vocational College (Sino-foreign cooperation) 155 295185
Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Water Conservancy and Electric Power 187 294148
Bortala Vocational and Technical College 178 294554
Tumshuk Vocational and Technical College 190 293974
Tiemenguan Vocational and Technical College 198 293450
Altay Polytechnic 195 293659
Hotan Vocational and Technical College 164 295001
Shihezi Engineering Vocational and Technical College 192 293849
Bayingolin Vocational and Technical College 156 295164