
She and him went on a blind date, stayed overnight, and then completed all the certificates in just one day and one night

author:Sunshine sheets
She and him went on a blind date, stayed overnight, and then completed all the certificates in just one day and one night

The picture comes from the Internet

It all started with a blind date.

Last weekend, my mother frantically urged me to get married.

She was overwhelmed, went to the blind date park, picked up a mobile phone, and waited in place.

The owner is an aunt who came back to get her phone.

The aunt thought she was a good person, asked her for contact information, and recommended her son to her.

After work today, she made an appointment with her blind date to have dinner at a famous private restaurant.

In the evening, in the bustling city center, commuters come in and out.

Near the downstairs of the company, the famous Wangfu Street.

Exquisitely decorated private dishes, in a private room.

She was wearing a black professional suit, a waist-pinching suit wrapped around her slender waist, her long black hair was pulled up, she was cold and capable, and she walked in on a blind date with two straight and slender legs.

In the private room, exquisite tea is placed in front of the seat.

The man opposite arrived early, in a suit and leather shoes, with a serious face, a very tall figure, more than 1.85 meters by sight, a stable personality, taste, and a clean man.

The man was very surprised when he saw her, and said in a low voice: "Thank you, otherwise my mother's phone would have been lost that day"

"It's just a small thing, don't take it to heart"

Yan Qiong smiled slightly.

The man's name is Lu Jiangbei, a well-known diamond boss in the city, Wang Wu, and the legal representative of a listed company, which is very famous in Beijing and has assets of hundreds of millions.

His cold face was serious, looking at her, there seemed to be stars in his gentle eyes: "My name is Lu Jiangbei, 33 years old this year, single, I came on a blind date today, hoping to find a satisfactory lifelong partner." ”

"Hello! My name is Yan Qiong, 28 years old, single, urgent at home, and also on a blind date. ”

Yan Qiong was honest and didn't have much hope for this blind date.

The person on the other side is high, the aura is so strong that no one dares to mess with him, he is not married at the age of 33, he is very demanding at first glance, and he is a local household registration in the capital.

Such a man has a regional bias! She didn't have much hope for this blind date.

At this time, the waiter pushed the door and came in and served rice and vegetables.

Lu Jiangbei reached out and poured hot tea on Yan Qiong's cup, and used chopsticks to put some vegetables on her plate.

She took the bowl and ate silently, without looking at Lu Jiangbei the whole time.

The dishes are very delicate and delicious, but the portions are too small.

Lu Jiangbei asked her: "Miss Yan, what kind of man do you want to find on a blind date?" ”

Yan Qiong replied: "I just want to find an excellent man who can match me, he doesn't need to be a rich man, just like me, just be down-to-earth and work hard." ”

When Lu Jiangbei heard this, his eyes softened.

Usually other girls on blind dates see him, and they all hug their thighs, but she is the only one who is cold and cold, and she doesn't please him or alienate him......

He served her food: "Try the food here, if you like, I'll bring you to eat next time!" ”

"Thank you"

Yan Qiong ate quietly, and inadvertently gave a chopstick fish to Lu Jiangbei.

Lu Jiangbei's eyes are deep and bright.

The girl on this blind date was unexpectedly pure, clean and beautiful!

Every time she inadvertently made eye contact with the girl, she would make ripples in his heart lake, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Yan Qiong asked curiously, "Have you ever talked about a girlfriend before?" ”

Lu Jiangbei shook his head: "No, I used to be busy with work every day, so I couldn't think about falling in love." In the past two years, my classmates and friends around me have all gotten married, and I feel lonely and lonely! ”

"Coincidentally, me too" Yan Qiong picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and ate a few more bites of Longjing shrimp.

She said: "Actually, I don't want to give myself away just because I'm old, my concept of marriage is still based on feelings and sincerity." ”

"I'm the same as you think"

Lu Jiangbei's eyes moved, and he felt that he had met a confidant, and said softly.

They are both emotionally loyal and responsible people. When he thought that the person who would accompany him in the future was her, he actually had a sweet sense of anticipation deep in his heart.

"Miss Yan"

Lu Jiangbei's cold face turned red and became hot: "Today's blind date, what is your impression of me?" ”

"It's good," Yan Qiong said. Her face was as cold as usual, but there was surprise in her eyes, and she asked, "Then what is your impression of me?" ”

"Very satisfied" The man is tall, more than 1.87 meters, with cold facial features, and looks a little serious.

Yan Qiong replied: "I'm quite satisfied with you."

Lu Jiangbei's voice was a little magnetic and shy: "Miss Yan, I am not married, you are not married." If you have a good impression of me, we are dating for the purpose of marriage, would you like to be my girlfriend? ”

"Are you serious?" Yan Qiong's eyes widened.

Lu Jiangbei nodded: "Seriously." After all, we came out on a blind date on the premise of marriage, I have a good impression of you, you don't dislike me, we have room for further development of each other, today's blind date is a success. ”

That seems to make sense.

Yan Qiong has been dragging her single, but because she hasn't met someone who fits her eyes, she doesn't want to miss it since she met her. What's more, after being single for so many years, she has never even touched a man's hand, her hormones have been suppressed for a long time, and she wants to indulge once.

She thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Miss Yan, I'll add your mobile phone number and WeChat account to facilitate private contact."

Lu Jiangbei's cold face had a soft aura.

Yan Qiong gave him his mobile phone number and approved his friend application.

Is this a successful blind date? Since it's a blind date, let's give it a try! She's a bit of a fawn.

It's not early, it's getting dark and cold outside.

The man called the waiter to pay the bill, took his coat, and took her hand out of the restaurant.

He draped his coat over her, told him to wait in front of the restaurant, and drove himself to the parking lot in the snow.

Lu Jiangbei drove very steadily, and music was playing in the car.

The street lamp shines on the man's face, he is handsome and domineering.

The car slowly drove into the community.

He turned off the engine and stopped, kissed her lightly on the head, and said cheerfully, "Miss Yan, I have a good impression of you." ”

At his age, he has been forced to marry by his family, but he has never met the person he likes, so his love life has been empty, and today he finally got off the list......

Yan Qiong snorted and laughed, at first sight, she felt that he was serious and cold, unattainable, but slowly became familiar with him, but found that he was a caring man with fireworks.

She saw his clear eyes and stretched out her hand to him: "Mr. Lu, then let's give it a try!" ”

"Miss Yan, thank you for trusting me."

Lu Jiangbei looked at her with a smile like a flower, her tone was magnetic and sincere, and he stretched out his big hand to hold her.

The feeling of revolutionary cooperation...... Pretty good.

Yan Qiong thought to herself that after all, when someone sent her back once, it was very cold outside, so it was better to invite him to sit upstairs and drink a glass of water.

She asked him symbolically, "Mr. Lu, do you want to go up and drink a glass of water?" ”


Lu Jiangbei opened the car door, took care of her feelings, and held her hand tightly along the way.

Yan Qiong was also a little nervous and unfamiliar when she took a man home for the first time, she took out the door control card from her bag, walked to the elevator room, and pressed the tenth floor.

Ding Dong and went upstairs.

She pulled the man, went to 1003, opened the door with her fingerprint unlock, and turned on the light.

Yan Qiong said, "Mr. Lu, what do you want to drink?" ”

"Is there any wine?" Lu Jiangbei asked.


Yan Qiong turned on the air conditioner in the living room, and took out a bottle of red wine from the living room cabinet. The air conditioner was turned on in the room,

He drank half a glass of red wine, and the atmosphere was extremely ambiguous.

"Mr. Lu, this is the first time I've taken a man home, and I'm a little unused to it"

Yan Qiong said.

"It's also the first time I've gone home with a girl" Lu Jiangbei drank red wine, and his cold face was a little unnaturally flushed.

The two men and women are both adult men and women, and they are both a little emotional, and it happens......

Late at night, bedside.

Lu Jiangbei's phone rang suddenly.

He looked at the woman sleeping in his arms, and quietly took the phone to the toilet to answer it.

worried, called.

"Son, why didn't you come home tonight? You've always been strict and well-behaved, and you hardly spend the night outside! ”

"How was this blind date? That's a good girl, isn't it? You are not young anymore, you are 33 years old, you can't be busy with work all day, how many years have I been looking forward to your marriage with your father? ”

"For so many years, my mother has told you so many blind dates, but none of them have succeeded! You are also a big boss, don't be too picky, will this blind date be successful? Let's see how Mom cleans you up! ”

"Got it, Mom. Today's blind date went well and I am very happy with her. ”

Lu Jiangbei's voice was low.

The street lamp from the toilet window spilled in from the outside, and his grim face made him look a little serious.

He was serious.

After living for more than 30 years, it is the first time that I have taken a woman so seriously......

Mother Lu: "It's good to be satisfied, Bodhisattva bless, after so many years, I finally met a woman who suits your heart!"

Since you choose to be with others, you can't play hooligan, you have to treat others well, marry them back openly, and love them well, you know? ”


Lu Jiangbei said warmly.

He had a good upbringing, and he was single-minded towards his family and wife.

Tonight, too, is his first time!

Mother Lu: "Son, when will you bring the girl back to see me?" ”

"Mom, I need to ask her what she means first. However, I will definitely take her home at the end of this year."

Lu Jiangbei blushed and couldn't help but chuckle.

The mother and son exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Lu Jiangbei returned to the bedside, his eyes were gentle, he looked at the sleeping woman, stretched out his finger to the breeze and rubbed her hair.

Tonight was a pure accident.

He could feel that he was a girl from a good family, and that he was inexperienced in that area.

He has never been married at this age, and he has been urged by his family to go on blind dates many times, but he has never compromised, because marriage is a lifelong thing, and he needs to get along with a woman he likes every day.

He didn't want to find someone to live his life with.

If you can't meet someone you like, you'd rather be single all the time.

He chuckled, obviously he was a cold-faced and hard-hearted man, but he was the only one who was moved by her.

He could feel that this girl was different from the rich ladies and high-ranking officials he had come into contact with before, and she was unexpectedly beautiful and pure.

Lu Jiangbei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, lifted the quilt and went to bed again, his tall body hugged the woman tightly in his arms, his eyes were deep, and he chuckled: "Qiongqiong, from today onwards, we will have the reality of husband and wife, you are my wife."

I have not participated in your past, for the rest of your life, my husband spoils you! ”

In Yan Qiong's sleep, she felt that she had been secretly kissed, and she felt that her body was very sore and heavy, as if she had a very crazy dream, it was a spring dream.


When I woke up the next day, the morning sun shone gently into the room.

The room is full of beautiful spring.

Yan Qiong was held in the man's arms, only to feel like her heart was being pulled by something, beating very strongly, the rhythm was disordered, and her face was hot.

This man is, last night she brought back a blind date?

Lu Jiangbei is a man with outstanding appearance, tall and straight, personable, and talented.

Yesterday on a blind date, she dragged her tired body after work and rushed to the blind date address.

A delicately decorated high-end private restaurant, elegant Western-style old western-style house.

The dishes are exquisite, but the portion is too small, and I heard that any meal costs thousands of yuan.

The waitress took her to a private room on the second floor.

The blind date is named Lu Jiangbei, and he has come a long time ago.

He sat upright, reached out and poured a cup of hot tea, and handed it to the woman.

Yan Qiong felt very amazing when he saw him for the first time, the man's eyebrows and eyes were cold, his face was angular, and he was wearing a white shirt with a suit and leather shoes. Wearing a watch on his hand, he is not good at words, and it looks like the city is a little deep.

When she saw him for the first time, the other party had a cold and detached temperament, and he didn't look very easy to get along with.

And the other party's appearance conditions are too high-quality, this kind of man is hard to find in the blind date market.

They are all in their 30s, and they are still single, which shows that the other party is very picky.

She didn't have much hope for this blind date.

After she sat down, she briefly introduced herself.

Lu Jiangbei asked her if she had any taboos, and ordered the signature dishes in the store, which was very gentlemanly.

After eating, Lu Jiangbei proposed to send her back.

Yan Qiong didn't have much hope, and wanted to ask, "How much is today's meal?" I'll pass it on to you. ”

Who knew that the other party said: "Miss Yan, I am very satisfied with you, should we have a relationship for the purpose of marriage?" ”

She readily agreed.

Now that the blind date was successful.

And then it happened, the first crazy thing she brought a man home for the night.

I was going to invite this man to sit down, and after drinking, I found a substitute driver to send him away.

But both of them were a little drunk.

The late-night movie channel on TV is showing a seductive picture of the male protagonist kissing the female protagonist emotionally.

Lu Jiangbei's big white palms held the woman's small hands tightly, and the temperature of his fingertips gradually warmed up.

The eyes of the two were entangled, colliding with fiery sparks.

He said that he wanted to stay, pulled her to sit down on the sofa, and used his mobile phone to send her his ID card, academic certificate, social security, physical examination report, and even his salary card.

Yan Qiong was stunned. Turn in your payroll card early?

Seeing that he was so sincere, she nodded and agreed.

Seeing that he was so sincere, she nodded and agreed.

Lonely men and widows, living in the same room late at night, are all single, and they are rushing to get married.

Yan Qiong has never talked about objects, and her experience in that area is blank!

Lu Jiangbei looked at a man who was as cold as an iceberg on the surface, but he was passionate but passionate, kissing her frantically, and before he knew it, Yan Qiong gave his first time-

Yan Qiong recalled last night's episode in her mind, and felt that she was too impulsive and confused, but she was already a 28-year-old adult woman, not a little girl, so she could also be responsible for her own actions.

She raised her eyes and looked at the messy clothes and the man's sexy pecs.

Such a thought popped up in Yan Qiong's mind, did she get off the list?

The man was still sleeping beside her, his slender hands around her waist, his tall body clinging to her.

The man is in very good shape, and he made her scream yesterday.

There were more kiss marks on her skin, and her whole body was limp.

Yan Qiong remembered the scene last night, and felt that her face was burning.

She reached out and pushed the man's arm away, took out the mobile phone on the bedside and glanced at it, the time was 8:30 in the morning, and she was going to be late for work.

Gotta get up and go to work......

At this time, Lu Jiangbei also woke up.

He grabbed her shoulders with his long arms, pulled her back into the quilt, kissed her face, and said in a cold tone with a hint of imperceptible affection: "You're awake"

"Well, I'm going to go to work later"

Yan Qiong was wrapped in the man's arms, the heating in the quilt was still hot, and even the man's crazy heartbeat could be heard.

"Or, take a leave today, let's go get the certificate together"

Lu Jiangbei said suddenly.

After last night, he was more sure of his heart.

The feeling of physiological liking can't deceive people, he cares about her, likes her, loves her, and wants to go with her for the rest of his life.

"That's too fast, isn't it?"

Yan Qiong was shocked.

How could she and him complete the blind date, overnight, and obtaining the certificate in just one day and one night.

"No, I've been waiting for 33 years"

Lu Jiangbei's deep voice was like a breeze blowing, rubbing her hair, pulling her into his arms, and said seriously.

"I'll think about it"

Yan Qiong got up, closed the curtains, and turned on the light in the room.

She is fair-skinned, thin, wrapped in a white bath towel, half-naked back, and her casual demeanor is already extremely sexy.

Lu Jiangbei couldn't help but have a dry mouth when he saw it.

He stepped barefoot on the carpet of his bedroom, dressed one by one, wrapped himself tightly, and stood there as majestic as a statue.

Yan Qiong was in a hurry, and she was going to work at nine o'clock.

She rushed into the bathroom to wash up, and when she came out, she saw the silhouette of a serious man.

The light fell on the perfect side of his face, as well as on the bridge of his nose that was high and straight.

The man is very tall, wearing a white shirt, his body is hard and powerful, his legs are straight and slender, and his body is full of calm cultivation.

Yan Qiong didn't have time to appreciate this man's appearance, she took the key and grabbed the bag, hurriedly went to work, and said to the man: "Put the key on the table, I'll go first, you clean up slowly, and help me close the door of the room when I go out!" ”

After saying that, he changed into boots, put on a black woolen coat, and was about to leave, but was stopped by the man.

"Wait a minute"

Lu Jiangbei strode forward, reached out and hugged her waist, hugged the woman hard, kissed her forehead, and said, "I'll send you"

"No, it's too late"

Yan Qiong ran away with a smoke.

is really a woman who is in a hurry and regards work as her life.

His wife is really dedicated, she is the kind of woman who takes her work seriously and responsibly, has strength, courage, walks step by step, is sober-minded, and is very smart.

Lu Jiangbei appreciates it very much.

He walked into the bathroom slowly and methodically washed his face, and instructed his assistant Xiao Zhou to come over and send some clothes, shoes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, slippers and other men's daily necessities, and by the way, he found a cleaner aunt to clean up the apartment.

By the time Lu Jiangbei went out again, it was already past ten o'clock.

He was about to go to the company for a meeting, so he drove to a building more than 300 meters high, ranking fourth among the world's top 500 companies!

The Lu family's industries are all over the world.

As the ruler of a wealthy family, he belongs to the upper echelons of the circle, a top-level existence.

usually goes out for meetings and group photos, and they are the central figures admired by everyone.

Assistant Xiao Zhou quickly arranged everything, and when he came to the apartment, he was still stunned!

There are a lot of women's things in the house, when did their boss take off the order?

The boss who has been single for so many years actually lives with a woman? He also sent a lot of his own clothes and shoes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, slippers and other daily necessities.

But after thinking about it, he is just a part-time worker, and the boss's private affairs should not be inquired about.


Yan Qiong went out and took a taxi directly to the company.

The glittering office building, the entire office building park belongs to their company.

Yan Qiong's project 5 group is a program research and development department in the company.

She clocked in with her badge, returned to her office seat, made a cup of coffee, refreshed herself, and got to work.

I had a meeting in the morning, typed the code for a while, and suddenly received a call from my mother.

My mother's voice was very loud on the phone, and she was outdone: "Daughter, look at you, what's the use of having a high education?" What is the use of working in a big city? I don't even have a target yet!

Hurry up and quit your job and come back. Mato matchmaker introduced you to a person who works in the power supply bureau. People have a house and a car, they have bought a wedding house, and their parents have a pension, so come back quickly.

Don't have a tendon, you're as dead as a donkey, you're not married when you're so old, and you're really ready to die alone in a big city?

Do you know what people say outside? You said that you are stupid to read books if you don't get married at such an age! ”

"Mom, people are warm and cold, like people drinking water, life is for yourself, not for others, as long as you live well!"

Yan Qiong never disdains to compare with anyone, she only likes to compare with herself.

Finally, she added: "Besides, I already have a boyfriend"

"Okay, you don't have to lie to your mother, ask your boss for a leave, you have to go home tomorrow for a blind date!"

Mom said angrily over there.

"Forget it, but I do need to go back."

Yan Qiong thought about it, she wanted to get a marriage certificate with her blind date, and she also needed a household registration book.

She said hello to the leader, went to the personnel department to approve a two-day leave, and then wore a black coat and high-heeled boots, ready to buy a high-speed rail ticket to go back to her hometown...

At 12 o'clock at noon, the business on Lu Jiangbei's side had been dealt with.

He called the woman and came to pick her up from work: "Are you free at noon, let's eat together?" ”

Yan Qiong said: "I'm sorry, I have something to deal with"

"Need I help you?"

Lu Jiangbei paused for a moment and asked politely.

"Not required"

Yan Qiong said.

Lu Jiangbei frowned.

They are already husband and wife, and her attitude towards him is still so rusty, is it because he doesn't want to be responsible after sleeping?

"Miss Yan, I'm your husband"

Lu Jiangbei said: "Please don't see me outside"

Yan Qiong heard the displeasure in the man's voice, and explained: "Mr. Lu, the family is urging marriage again, I need to go home and get the household registration book."

"I'll send you back"

Lu Jiangbei said.

"No more"

Yan Qiong replied lightly.

"I'll send you back, and by the way, I will meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and ask for a name"

Lu Jiangbei's voice was low, calm but not refusal.

Yan Qiong's face turned red as soon as she brushed it.

She was not hypocritical, she said the address, and waited for Lu Jiangbei downstairs in the company.

Ten minutes later, a black Buick drove downstairs to the company.

Lu Jiangbei stepped out of the car and naturally took the bag from her hand.

He was tall, not particularly courteous, and occasionally a little detached, but particularly gentlemanly and gentle.

Under the daylight, the man became more and more cold and handsome.

Yan Qiong was overjoyed to see the inexplicable nervousness in the man's heart, she had a feeling of being held in the palm of her hand and in love.

She got into the car.

Lu Jiangbei put his bag on the co-pilot and drove to a restaurant: "You haven't eaten anything in the morning, let's go eat something before we leave"


Yan Qiong said.

The car drove through the city center, lined with skyscrapers, shopping plazas, skybridges and green belts.

Lu Jiangbei drove the car to a Sichuan restaurant with red lanterns and Chinese decoration.

This shop has a great reputation for fresh and authentic dishes.

He parked the car, took Yan Qiong's hand, and walked into the store, where guzheng music flowed.

He chose a quiet private room, separated by a long bamboo curtain on all sides, with tables, cutlery, and refreshments.

The waiter came to serve the food.

Lu Jiangbei gave her the menu.

Yan Qiong was not a picky eater, and handed the menu to the man and said, "You can order it"

Lu Jiangbei said lightly: "A sweet and sour fish, boiled shrimp, mapo tofu, spicy chicken, stir-fried pea sprouts, don't put green onions in these dishes, and then a pot of Longjing"

"Okay, sir, you wait a minute"

The waiter notes down the menu and arranges for the dish to be served quickly.

Yan Qiong glanced at the man.

He took off his black down jacket and wore a gray-blue shirt, with a hard sense of power, with a tie of just the right color, cold and mature.

Yan Qiong pretended to bow her head to drink water, but what she thought of in her head was all the crazy things last night.

She is obviously a blank sheet of paper that has never been in love, and the girl who looks so conservative and introverted on weekdays has been with this man all night last night, and the world is spinning and sweating profusely.

The man finally carried her to the bathroom, and she had forgotten how to take a shower......

"Miss Yan, I'm 33 years old this year, I haven't talked to anyone, I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't have bad habits. Last night I was ...... It's the first time in my life that I've been so crazy, and now that the person I love has appeared, I want to hold on to it. Can you give me a chance to marry you? ”

Lu Jiangbei asked.

What is in this man's words?

Yan Qiong blushed and stammered, "I ......"

"Promise me, marry me"

Lu Jiangbei said.

His voice was calm and magnetic, full of seduction.

It's all grown men and women.

She was also quite satisfied with this man's performance last night.

Yan Qiong was no longer hypocritical, and said: "Then you go home with me, get the household registration book, and get a license to get married."

After eating, the man called the waiter and paid the bill.

The per capita consumption of this Sichuan restaurant is quite expensive...

Yan Qiong transferred a thousand yuan red envelopes, and Lu Jiangbei confiscated them.

He dragged her to the pedestrian mall next door to buy something.

Yan Qiong followed him, the man's tall body suddenly set off her very petite, who was 1.6 meters tall.

She asked, "What are you doing at the mall?" ”

"Buying something"

Lu Jiangbei said.

The first time I went to my father-in-law's house, I needed to buy some greeting gifts.

Lu Jiangbei bought a box of cigarettes and a box of wine, all of which were of very high-end specifications, bought a box of Dahongpao tea, and prepared bird's nest, gold bracelets, and warm clothes for his mother-in-law.

He swiped his credit card to pay, instructed the waiter to move the things to the car, and took Yan Qiong's hand and asked her, "What fruit do you like to eat?" ”

"Mangoes, grapes, bananas, cherries"

Yan Qiong said.

Lu Jiangbei went to the supermarket in the mall and carried a box of imported mangoes, grapes, bananas and cherries.

Seeing this, Yan Qiong couldn't help but say, "Will you buy too much?" ”


Lu Jiangbei was wearing a black down jacket, tall, standing in the crowd, exceptionally cold, noble, and outstanding.

His voice was magnetic and calm: "It is the duty of a husband to spend money on his wife. ”

This sentence is so sweet in Yan Qiong's heart that the man who spends money on his wife is the most handsome.

Lu Jiangbei glanced at Yan Qiong, took her to the luxury store on the 7th floor of the square, and bought a big goose down jacket, LV bag, and Gucci shoes.

After Yan Qiong changed into a famous brand, she really looked very good.

This bag costs 10,000 or 20,000, a down jacket is 10,000 larger, and shoes are 5,000 or 6,000.

Yan Qiong remembered that she didn't have time to ask about a man's profession when they met for the first time, but she only felt that his eyes were gentle and his character was very good.

Afterwards, she asked the staff of the blind date corner in the park to help check, and found that Lu Jiangbei's blind date registration form said that he was just an ordinary middle school teacher with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, how could he have the money to buy these famous brands?

Yan Qiong rushed up to prepare for the checkout.

Lu Jiangbei stopped her, took out his bank card and gave it to the waiter, saying, "Swipe my card"

"Where do you have the money?"

"Where do you have the money?"

Yan Qiong said.

His monthly salary is 5,000, and he doesn't earn as much as her.

"I've worked so long, I can't spend any money, and I've saved up to marry a wife"

Lu Jiangbei said softly.

Yan Qiong glanced at the down jacket worn by the man, the customized blue shirt, the tie of an old brand in the United Kingdom, and a famous watch on his wrist, although he couldn't recognize the brand, it was worth a lot of money at a glance.

He didn't seem to be as poor as she thought he was.

After settling the account, Lu Jiangbei took her hand and went to the parking lot.

He opened the car door and let Yan Qiong sit on it, then he went around to the driver's seat, started the car, went to the gas station, filled the car with gas, and drove on the highway.

Yan Qiong is in her hometown, in a small county town in the south, and it takes five or six hours to arrive.

On the way, Yan Qiong received a WeChat message from a strange man.

He said, "Hello, Miss Yan, apply through the following friends."

"Who are you?"

Yan Qiong passed the other party's friend application and asked coldly.

The other party said: "I am a blind date introduced by Liu matchmaker, my name is Zhang Kai, 37 years old this year, I work in the power supply bureau, my family has a house with a loan of more than 1 million, and a full-money car."

The matchmaker gave me your phone number.

I saw the photos of your circle of friends, you look so beautiful, is it a beautiful P picture? I heard that you are quite old, almost 30 years old, and it will not be easy to get pregnant in two years, or we will make do with it, shall we? ”

"Are you kidding me?"

Yan Qiong was speechless.

She didn't know this man at all, who would give him the confidence to say such things?

The other party said: "By the way, I heard that your salary is very high, how much is your salary?" How much is CPF? ”

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

Yan Qiong replied by typing.

"Of course it has a relationship, now they all pay attention to equality between men and women, why are men tired and tired to make money to support their families, and you women are only responsible for being beautiful like flowers?

I'm not looking for the kind of woman who is lazy, unmotivated, and can't make money.

After we get married, we AA will not let you suffer, what do you think? ”

"A, you're big, my mother has a boyfriend, get out!"

Yan Qiong hung up the phone in a rage.

"Good scolding!"

Lu Jiangbei said while driving: "This kind of man is really the scum of men, don't get married if you can't afford to raise your wife and children, and lose the face of our men!" ”

On the highway, the car drove very fast, and the scenery on both sides passed away in a flash.

Lu Jiangbei drove the car, turned on a piano song, and the music flowed in the car.

Yan Qiong fell asleep when she listened, leaned back on her seat and fell asleep.

The man was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he took a coat and covered her.

Five or six hours later, it was dark.

The car got off the highway intersection and drove towards a beautiful small county town in the south.

He gently touched Yan Qiong's forehead and said, "It's here."

Yan Qiong slept for a few hours and was woken up.

She found that she was wearing a man's coat, and looked out the window again, and she was already on the street of the small county town.

Yan Qiong commanded Lu Jiangbei to drive to the family courtyard in the alley next to the old cotton weaving factory in the county.

There is a row of trees planted in the family yard, and the other trees are bare in winter, except for a tall and sturdy plum tree, with pale yellow flowers and a fragrant fragrance.

There are four rows of old-fashioned units in the family courtyard, and the warm lights are lit upstairs, and you can smell the aroma of radish stew in winter.

Yan Qiong said: "Our home is in 3 buildings and 3 units 401"

Her mother, who was previously assigned to work in the county textile factory as an accountant, later started her own fruit shop after being laid off, and raised her by selling fruit on the street.

This house was divided in the 90s, and in addition to that, their family also has an elevator room that they bought.

Lu Jiangbei followed the woman upstairs with the gift.

He was a little nervous, as a child who grew up in the capital, this was his first time in a small county, and it was a little novel.

Yan Qiong knocked on the door.

"You dead girl, I heard the matchmaker say that this time you messed up the blind date again, and the older man in the power supply bureau is not light, I think when you can bring a boyfriend back?"

Yan's mother came over to open the door, and when she saw that her daughter had no expression, and saw that her daughter was followed by a man who was very tall, she was immediately excited to jump up on the spot.

She has been urging marriage for a few years, and seeing that her daughter has not found a partner year by year, the big stone in her heart has never fallen to the ground.

This year, I finally saw her bring a marriage partner home.

Yan's mother smiled from ear to ear and asked, "Girl, who is this?"

"Mom, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Lu Jiangbei"

Yan Qiong took Lu Jiangbei's hand.

Lu Jiangbei greeted: "Hello Auntie"

"Good, good"

Yan's mother hurriedly got out of the way and invited someone in.

She happily washed the fruit and poured tea to entertain her future son-in-law.

"Young man, Auntie call you Xiao Lu"

Yan's mother smiled and said, "Come, Xiao Lu, eat fruit"

Lu Jiangbei said thank you, Auntie.

Yan Qiong pulled Lu Jiangbei to sit on the sofa, watch TV and eat fruit.

Yan's mother was kind and kind-eyed, holding a big fat orange and sitting next to her son-in-law and greeting: "Xiao Lu, how did you meet our daughter?" ”

"Blind date"

Lu Jiangbei said.

"Do you really like our girl?"

Yan's mother asked.

Lu Jiangbei nodded: "Yes"

Yan's mother said in an old-fashioned manner over there: "Xiao Lu Wow, I am such a girl, and my aunt doesn't want anything else, just want you to be good to her."

She has a bad temper, is lazy, doesn't like to do housework, and likes to eat fruit snacks, and you have to protect her more when she marries into your family in the future! ”

"I will"

Lu Jiangbei said.

"Mom, we young people will handle the affairs themselves, so you don't care"

Yan Qiong said.

It's not that she can't get married, so she grabbed a handful of sugar oranges and melon seeds on the table and ate them.

Yan's mother said: "Dead girl, my mother feels sorry for you, and if you don't change your way, you will suffer when you come to your mother-in-law's house in the future." ”

Yan Qiong said: "I won't change, after getting married, if their family really dislikes me for being lazy, it's a big deal to divorce, so as not to get tired of boredom." Anyway, I can support myself, what are I afraid of? ”

"You girl, I want to divorce before I say a few words about you"

Yan's mother looks like she hates iron but not steel.

She was afraid that this girl would not be able to cook and do housework after she got married, so she scared this son-in-law away.

Lu Jiangbei said: "Auntie, what I want is a lifelong partner, not a nanny." ”

In his understanding, as a man, he should take care of his wife.

As long as he got married, he never thought about divorce, he would treat Qiongqiong well and would not let anyone bully her.

"Xiao Lu, with your words, my mother can rest assured that I will entrust the girl to you"

Yan's mother's tears of joy fell, and she let her daughter and son-in-law play in the living room, she stood up herself, tied her apron, and went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes.

Lu Jiangbei glanced at the furnishings in the living room, got up from the sofa, walked to the TV cabinet, picked up the photo album placed on it and looked at it, which recorded the appearance of his wife from childhood to adulthood.

He couldn't help but hook his lips and smile, it turned out that his wife had been a beauty embryo since she was a child.

It's just a little strange to flip through it, there is only a photo of the mother-in-law and his wife, but I haven't seen the father-in-law.

He is low-key and introverted, although he has doubts in his heart, he will not ask rashly, after all, this is his wife's private matter.

Even if he is a husband, he must respect his wife and give her enough personal space.

After more than an hour, a large table of dishes was served.

Yan's mother cooked a dish of braised fish, braised pork ribs in sauce, mutton soup, shredded chicken, cucumber ham, glutinous rice crisp, and also made a bowl of her daughter's favorite spicy tang, which put a lot of shrimp, green vegetables, potatoes, and beef meatballs.

This girl doesn't eat well, so she likes to eat these numb and spicy foods.

After the dishes were served, Yan's mother wore an apron and beckoned everyone to eat.

At the dinner table, Yan's mother has been serving dishes to Lu Jiangbei.

Lu Jiangbei felt that this meal was quite warm.

Yan Qiong gave Lu Jiangbei a bowl of spicy hot. Lu Jiangbei tasted it, added milk to it, and the hot pot base was very delicious.

Mother Yan saw that their little couple was so tacitly affectionate, and her heart was also happy.

In the evening, Lu Jiangbei stayed at Yan's house.

Yan's mother was afraid that her son-in-law would be cold, so she boiled hot water in the bathroom, spread two layers of heated wool blankets on the bed, and took out the newly beaten cotton quilt to cover him.

When she was done with all this, she packed her bags and prepared to go to another new building.

It's just two streets away from here, in the middle of the park, next to a large supermarket, and there's a kindergarten downstairs.

That was a few years ago, when she spent more than half of her savings to buy it with her daughter.

580,000, paid in full at one time.

She also cleaned the window that was decorated there, and prepared to bring it as a dowry when her daughter got married.

No matter what, a girl lives in this world and must have a house that really belongs to her, so that even if she doesn't mix well outside, she will have a nest when she comes home.

This is the sense of security she gives her daughter.

It's just that it's empty, and she goes to clean it from time to time, and rarely lives there.

Yan Qiong was surprised: "Mom, it's night, it's so cold outside, why do you go there alone?" Wouldn't it be nice to stay with us."

"Girl, what do you know? We don't have a man in our family! Leave a strange man at home for the night, and the neighbor's eyes can be pointed."

Yan's mother was widowed and raised her daughter after the divorce, and she was used to staying in this small county, and her thinking was quite conservative, so she couldn't persuade her.

"Forget it, Mom, I'll go live over there."

Yan Qiong knew that she couldn't beat her mother, so she went back to the room to pack a few pieces of luggage.

Lu Jiangbei didn't worry about her, so he took her hand and went over with her.

The night in the town is cold.

He drove her to the new building, which was parked in the parking lot in the courtyard on the first floor.

With yesterday's experience, Yan Qiong got out of the car and took him to a nearby 24-hour convenience store to buy toothbrushes, slippers and other supplies for washing.

Lu Jiangbei brought a change of clothes.

The two returned to the community holding hands and holding their luggage, and happened to meet Yan Qiong's aunt.

My aunt went downstairs to take out the garbage, and saw Yan Qiong taking a handsome, handsome and cold man upstairs.

She was shocked, looked Lu Jiangbei up and down with her two eyes, pointed at him and asked, "Yan Qiong, who are you?" ”

"He's my future husband"

Yan Qiong said lightly.

She knew that this aunt had laughed at her many times behind her back.

Every time she came back from the city, she met this old woman picking vegetables in the yard with a few aunts downstairs, and when she saw her, she pointed her fingers, saying that she was a single-parent family, old, and couldn't get married, and when she got old, she would be a burden to her mother's family, unless she was willing to leave the inheritance to her grandson, otherwise she would not even have a pensioner in the future.

Yan Qiong sneered in her heart at that time, even if she couldn't get married, she wouldn't be a penny cheaper for this aunt.

Lu Jiangbei and Yan Qiong's ten fingers are tightly linked, tall, handsome, and calm and cold temperament.

He heard Yan Qiong say that he was her future husband, and glanced at the woman, with a deep smile on the corner of his lips.

When my aunt heard that Yan Qiong was going to get married, her face suddenly became unnatural, and her eyes were full of jealousy.

She smiled and said, "Yan Qiong, what does your boyfriend do?" How old is it? Where do you live? Do parents have a pension? How much bride price are you going to give you?"

Yan Qiong knew that there was nothing good about her opening, so she said lightly: "This is our private matter, don't worry about my aunt."

"How do you speak, kid?" My aunt said unhappily: "My aunt is also good for you!" You are old and a single-parent family, how can a man take a fancy to you! ”

Yan Qiong's face became colder and colder.

Lu Jiangbei frowned, this old woman is too unqualified.

He grabbed Yan Qiong's big hand and said coldly: "Wife, don't waste time explaining to these uneducated people, let's go." ”


Yan Qiong said.

Lu Jiangbei was very cold, holding his wife's hand, ignoring the angry aunt who jumped to her feet at all, and took his wife upstairs.

As a young and promising tycoon in the business community of Beijing, he knows very well that time is a valuable investment, and it is impossible to waste time on this kind of aunt who chews the root of his tongue, which is an insult to life for him.

The two held hands and got on the elevator very intimately.

My aunt was fainting.

The man actually said that she was not well educated, and he didn't respect her as an elder at all, which really her off.

Her son sells cars in a 4S shop, and her daughter-in-law plays mahjong at home every day, and the family's income is counting on her pension.

She was already eyeing Yan Qiong's money, the dead girl's salary in a big city is so high, as long as she doesn't get married and has no children, all the property in the future will not be left to her precious grandson.

This wish was disappointed, so angry that she called her relatives and friends overnight to tell her that Yan Qiong had raised a little white face, was not ashamed, and wanted to get married.

Yan Qiong took Lu Jiangbei upstairs.

Third floor, 302.

She took the key to open the door.

Two people changed their shoes and went in.

Yan Qiong sighed and said, "Thank you just now"

"It's okay"

Lu Jiangbei said.

Under the indoor light, Yan Qiong had a sense of coldness and brokenness.

She said, "You heard it, I'm a single parent. My dad divorced my mom when I was very young, and I wouldn't force you to marry me if you would. ”

Lu Jiangbei was very distressed when he saw this.

He pulled her into his arms and said softly: "Qiongqiong, what I like is your person, not your family, I am sure that you are the only woman I want to marry in my life!" ”

As he spoke, he kissed and hugged his wife back to the bedroom.

Yan Qiong's whole body stiffened, and before she could react, the man's kiss fell like a storm. The enthusiasm that had been stored for a long time erupted like a volcano.

Yan Qiong was so kissed that she couldn't breathe, and her desire gradually woke up...... She boldly kissed back.

The man's perfect silhouette was cold, his eyes were angry, and a gentle hand hugged her tightly and kissed her.

Afterwards, Lu Jiangbei was sweating profusely, got up gently, went to the bathroom to take a shower, took a towel again, wet it with hot water, and carefully wiped his wife's body......

After all this, he was satisfied and hugged his wife to sleep.

At dawn, Yan Qiong woke up and looked at the handsome face of the man lying beside her.

She smelled the cold and good smell on his body, and touched his straight nose with her fingers, thin lips, thick eyelashes, and fair cheeks...

This mature and stable man is her husband.

She knew that this man was serious about her.

After finishing last night, he has always been very considerate of her emotions, and he was very gentle with him throughout the whole process, almost holding it in the palm of his hand, which can make her feel strong love.

Inexplicably, she felt that she was not looking at the wrong person......

Lu Jiangbei also woke up.

He took the woman in his arms, leaned over and kissed her forehead, pulled her back into the warm bed, and said, "Qiongqiong, thank you"

"Thanks for what?"

Yan Qiong said.

"Thank you for believing in me and giving yourself to me"

Lu Jiangbei hugged her, like hugging the whole world, and his voice was magnetic and gentle.

The two got up like a newlywed couple.

In the bathroom, the fog was filled.

Yan Qiong took a shower.

Lu Jiangbei dressed neatly, went to the door of the bathroom, and handed over his clothes: "I'll wait for you to go downstairs to eat together"


Yan Qiong blushed when she thought of what happened last night.

Their cooperation in that aspect is particularly compatible, and every time it is very sweet, and it is crazier and crazier every time.

The two cleaned up and went downstairs to have breakfast hand in hand.

Yan Qiong took the man to a time-honored breakfast restaurant in the county seat.

She ordered a bowl of beef noodles with spicy beef.

Lu Jiangbei ordered a basket of steamed buns and soy milk.

During this period, the man wore a blue shirt and hand-customized a black slim down jacket, which set off his tall posture and extravagance.

This man's temperament is incompatible with this small county town.

After eating, Lu Jiangbei stretched out his slender fingers and slowly took out his mobile phone to pay the bill.

The owner of the breakfast shop said to Yan Qiong: "Beauty, your husband is so handsome!" ”

"Thank you"

Yan Qiong said.

After breakfast, Yan Qiong went home and got the household registration booklet, and drove back to Beijing with Lu Jiangbei.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Jiangbei's car got off the highway and drove directly to the gate of the Zhaohui District Civil Affairs Bureau.

Lu Jiangbei stopped the car and turned off the fire, kissed Yan Qiong's forehead, and said, "It's time to get the Civil Affairs Bureau, let's go down to get the certificate."

"Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Yan Qiong's brain went blank.

She said: "Do you think it's normal to get a certificate after only two days of getting along?" Do we need to look at each other for a while? ”

"No, the people and things I believe will not change."

Lu Jiangbei said.

His face was grim, and his voice was extremely light and shallow: "My first time is only reserved for my future wife." Woman, don't I want to be responsible for me after you sleep? ”

At the mention of this, Yan Qiong blushed.

She pinched the household registration book and ID card in her bag, and hesitated: "Is the flash marriage too hasty, if you are just a momentary passion for me, what if we have a bad relationship after we get married?" ”

"I'm not a spur of the moment, I'm the result of careful consideration"

Lu Jiangbei admitted that he was so fascinated by the woman in front of him that he was physically and mentally trapped.

But he's not the kind of casual man. is even more cautious about marriage, so it took until now to find the woman he liked.

He said with a straight face: "Miss Yan, I am sincere to you. Our parents really want us to get married sooner, and we have a good impression of each other, and after two days of getting along, I am more and more satisfied with you.

I'm 33 years old, and for the first time I've given myself to a woman, and I want to marry you.

I know it's a bit hasty to get the certificate, if you have any requirements, just ask, I will try my best to meet you! ”

"Then we agreed on a three-year deadline and tried marriage. Within these three years, once one party is not satisfied, they can file for divorce, what do you think? ”

Yan Qiong said.

Marriages are variable.

No matter how much a man loves you before marriage, the love and sweetness after marriage will be exhausted by firewood, rice, oil and salt.

She is a very rational woman, but she was tempted by the mature and stable man in front of her and lost her judgment.

In just two nights, she was captured by him.

The kind of pleasure between men and women, with strong lust and indulgence, fascinated her.

She wasn't sure if she liked the man in front of her only physically, or psychologically? So a three-year agreement was made.

"Okay, three-year period"

Lu Jiangbei agreed.

He looked at the woman and felt that she was like a fox, always cold and detached in the relationship, and the whole person exuded a faint temperament, if he pressed too hard, he would scare her into wandering and even running away.

He knew that he couldn't be too anxious, but after two nights of communication, he felt more and more that his previous life was pure and lonely.

He is an adult man, and after experiencing that incident, he naturally doesn't want to stay alone in the empty room every night, so he should quickly settle down the person, and he will be the one who has a wife in the future.

Lu Jiangbei was dressed in a well-cut black down jacket, with straight legs under dark trousers, and a noble and cold temperament, pulling Yan Qiong's hand to get out of the car and enter the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Yan Qiong's face was slightly red.

She gritted her teeth and was ruthless, and got the certificate.

Anyway, marriage is just a couple of days.

She has also reached the age when she should get married, and her classmates, girlfriends, and friends around her are all married and have children.

At the marriage registry office, the two changed into white shirts and went to the studio to take a photo with a red background, which was their wedding photo.

After taking the photo, the two went to the lobby to submit their identity documents.

The staff asked Yan Qiong: "Ms. Yan, no matter what, marriage is a big deal, you can't play with it, you can't go back if you have a seal, do you want to marry the man in front of you?" ”

"I will not go back on what I have believed"

Yan Qiong said.

She agreed to sign.

"Marry her, I will decide to love her, protect her, love her for the rest of my life, and I will not regret it"

The same is true for Lu Jiangbei.

Both are determined.

The staff registered the marriage according to the process and handed each of them a marriage certificate.

Yan Qiong took the marriage certificate and looked at it, which showed her and Lu Jiangbei's names written on it.

She breathed a sigh of relief, over the years, she stubbornly dragged herself into an older leftover girl, and finally got married.

This is fate.



Picking up a mobile phone on a blind date, I became the mother of a wealthy family

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