
Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

author:Jiazi unwinded
Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times


"A generation of Tianjiao, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend the bow and shoot the eagle"

Such a famous person has a hobby that no one knows, and when a woman heard it, she was directly frightened. What kind of habit is it, why does it make countless women afraid, but now it is very common?

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

1. The special habits of the Prairie Emperor

Genghis Khan, as a recognized generation of the Mongolian and Chinese people, led the people to establish a strong dynasty with his bravery, he was born in a nomadic people, whether it was a southern conquest or a good way to govern the country, not only occupied the Central Plains, but also suffered overseas, and the Chinese territory was expanded to the Black Sea in Eastern Europe by him.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

With his outstanding military talent and fierce fighting style, he is also known as "a generation of Tianjiao" by later generations, but such a great person has a special habit, that is, lustful. That's all it takes, after all, the hero is sad to pass the beauty pass, and everyone will like beautiful things, but Genghis Khan just found another way, he didn't like a teenage girl, but a mature woman who had already been married.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

According to historical records, Genghis Khan's life had a total of forty or fifty wives and concubines, at first glance this number is not much, after all, which emperor is not the harem beauties three thousand, but this number is only recorded in the concubines, in the history of Genghis Khan compiled by the Persians, he has a total of hundreds of concubines, the most important thing is that many of them are already wives, enough to confirm his special habit.

Every time he came back from a campaign, he would bring back the gold, silver, jewelry, and beautiful women from the captives to enrich his harem, which was not recognized by the people on the grassland, but he insisted on doing it, and what was the reason why he did it?

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

2. The tragic childhood of the prairie eagle

In 1162 A.D., a new life was born to the Qiyan tribe in the Mongolian steppe, and the day he was born happened to be the day when his father captured the leaders of other tribes, and learned that he had a son, and the Mongol Khan was very happy, and he named his son "Temujin", which means "the best of iron".

His father should have been the leader of the grassland, and his mother was born in the noble Hongji tribe, the combination of excellent bloodlines and a wealthy family background made Temujin live very happily since he was a child, and his father had high hopes for him, often took him to hunt on horseback, and taught his son "Do you see the eagle in the sky, in the future, you will be like it, become the bravest and most powerful eagle on the grassland!" ”

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

In 1170, Temujin was nine years old. The people on the steppe are very early, Temujin's father also began to look for a wife for him, by chance met the leader of the Hongjira tribe, the two after the conversation felt that their children have reached the right age, you can consider marriage, his daughter is very beautiful, people are also very wise, the grassland tribe at that time to marry the Hongjirabu girl as proud, such a good family business so that the father should be very happy, go back with Temujin to the tribe to ask for marriage.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

According to the rules of the grassland, Temujin was to stay in Hongjirabu after the proposal, and only his father went home alone.

On the way back, the drunken man met the two leaders of the other tribes, who had long been unaccustomed to the brave and fierce, and had been looking for an opportunity to assassinate him, so in the name of blessing, handed him a glass of poisoned wine, and he was drunk and defenseless, and died of poison when he first arrived home.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

His mother hurriedly sent to inform Temujin that when he returned home, the tribesmen had begun to bully their orphans and widows because of their father's death, and had deliberately left them behind during a migration, and had disowned them from them. After losing the protection of their father and the tribe, the mother and son could only live a wandering life on the prairie.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

In order to feed several young children, Temujin's mother picked up some grass roots and wild fruits on the grassland and by the river every day, and when she was lucky, she could also pick up some shells.

One day, when he and his brother were picking wild fruits by the river, they drank the water from the river because they were thirsty, and when they held it in their hands, they accidentally brought a very small fish, and looking at the fish in the palm of his hand, Temujin had an idea.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

He called his younger brother, took the needle that his mother usually sewed clothes to make a hook, made his own fishing rod to go fishing in the river, and with his efforts, he had caught more than a dozen fish that day, and he happily took back the tent: "Mother, we have food, we have meat to eat!" His mother was also very happy, and from then on Temujin had her weave a fishing net from soft vines and cast it in the river every day to feed her mother and brother.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

3. The eagle finally spreads its wings and soars

Although his childhood was a little difficult, the strong Temujin carried it little by little, and his mother's care and education accompanied him throughout his childhood.

One day, Temujin was fishing in the river with his brother as usual, but luckily he caught a golden fish, and the excited brothers were about to take it back to their mother, but they were blocked by the children of the same tribe.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

Afterwards, the more Temujin thought about it, the more angry he became, and in order to take revenge, he even shot the child led by him with an arrow, which was also the first time he no longer tolerated it. However, when his mother found out about his actions, she reprimanded him, who thought that his actions were cannibalistic: "Temujin, did your mother tell you not to provoke our fellow tribesmen, but you are good, you actually did it to your own people, and you will be spurned by the whole tribe for such behavior!" ”

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

Temujin was not convinced, "Obviously, they bullied us first, our family was kicked out, and our food was also taken away by them, why can't I resist!" When the mother heard his words, she did not get angry anymore but said calmly, "I know that you are not willing to accept the humiliation we are suffering now, but children, you have to understand that revenge does not have to be like this, think about your father, only when you become strong, others will be afraid of you and respect you, and now you are doing this, just for a while, those who bully you will also spit on you behind your back." ”

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

His mother's words gave him an epiphany, and since then he has vowed to become stronger, to protect his mother and brother in the right way, and to make everyone on the grassland convinced of him.

In the blink of an eye, Temujin had grown to the age of nineteen, he became brave and resourceful, and gradually emerged in the steppe, and then married Polthe, through marriage, he got more help, and gradually expanded his sphere of influence, after many battles for the steppe, finally succeeded in unifying the Mongolian tribes, and became the overlord of the steppe.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

In 1206, Temujin officially became the Great Khan of the Great Mongolian State under the election of various tribes, called Genghis Khan, from the tribal leader to the Khan of a country, he finally realized his original dream, and began his journey to sweep the Central Plains. Every time they succeeded in recovering a place, they were indispensable for all kinds of captives and gold and silver treasures, and a strange phenomenon was also discovered, that is, their Great Khan was not moved when he saw the beauties, but was full of interest in those married women, and included them in his harem one by one.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

Fourth, the cause of special fetishes

Genghis Khan's behavior quickly aroused the confusion and dissatisfaction of the people, and in that society, such behavior was very immoral, and he should not be disobeyed as the king of a country. In the face of their accusations and controversies, the king of a country behaved very indifferently, not only did not change but insisted more, so what was the reason for his behavior?

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

According to the research of experts and scholars, the answer can be obtained from two aspects.

The first one has something to do with the environment in which he grew up. Temujin lost his father's protection when he was a child, and after that, his mother was busy coping with life and cared less for him, and the hardships of life brought a shadow on his soul, causing him to lack emotion. And this preference for mature women, in fact, is his attempt to make up for the painful experience of childhood, is a way for him to try to find back his mother's love, married women in addition to mature, there are many have given birth to children, with their own maternal brilliance, this is exactly what he needs, put it now is what we often call "mother-fetish".

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

The second reason is related to the social background of the time. In Mongolia and other nomadic peoples, attitudes towards married women are very different from those of traditional Han Chinese. In ancient times, if a married woman dies her husband or is separated from her home, she will be criticized, not to mention the family, they themselves will abide by the "Joan of Arc" and remarry is not allowed, pay attention to "marry to the husband, the husband to die from the son".

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

Therefore, when Genghis Khan entered the Central Plains, many of the harem concubines felt humiliated when they were included in the harem by him, and would rather be taken prisoner and enslaved than serve him. However, in the environment in which Genghis Khan lived, it was common to snatch the wives of other people or inherit the wives of deceased relatives.

The Great Khan of a tribe died, and in the absence of a son, the other brothers inherited the throne, so the concubine who was originally the wife of the original wife had to marry the new Great Khan, and a Gulun princess in the Qing Dynasty once married Dzungar, and as a result, after the death of the old Khan, he became the concubine of his brother-in-law, and it is not surprising that Genghis Khan, who grew up in such an environment, can do the act of snatching his wife.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times

Although Genghis Khan had this particular fetish for a reason, it was a catastrophe for those women who were robbed. Originally as captives, they are still facing the fate of being treated as playthings at any time in the new environment, at this time they are no longer people, but objects, in the face of unfamiliar environments and murderous enemy soldiers, they live in fear and pain every day, which has caused great damage to their physical and mental health.

Genghis Khan's greatest hobby in his life has driven countless women crazy, but it is not strange in modern times


Genghis Khan's quirks, while shocking, are also the result of personal experience, social context, and other factors, and teach us that we should respect the rights and dignity of women at all times and create an equal society.

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