
The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

author:It's not like a little swimming
The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Text | It's not like a little swimming

Edit | It's not like a little swimming

The host is generally an image of being smart in the minds of the audience.

A good host not only needs to be articulate, but also have the ability to adapt to various unexpected situations.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Most of the hosts we see on TV are suave.

Like Kang Hui, Shui Junyi and Sa Beining, etc., are all representatives of "poetry and calligraphy in the belly".

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

However, there is such a group of hosts, who are decent and glamorous on stage, but violate the boundaries of the law in private.

In the end, he was severely punished and could no longer stand in front of the stage.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Adult buds

Cheng Lei is a former host of CCTV Financial Channel.

On the surface, she is a knowledgeable financial expert, but in fact she is a spy who betrays the interests of the country.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

When Cheng Lei was young, the country was in the early stage of reform and opening up, and everyone felt that foreign things were very fresh.

So Cheng Lei's parents wanted to immigrate to Australia and live in a better environment.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

It is precisely because of her parents' actions that Cheng Lei has received Western education since she was a child.

Cheng Lei has no sense of identity with her own culture, and is even a little dissatisfied with her Chinese identity.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

After Cheng Lei grew up, by chance, she returned to China to work.

At this time, CCTV was recruiting hosts, and Cheng Lei felt that she was eligible, so she went to register.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Among the applicants, Cheng Lei's conditions are very outstanding, proficient in Chinese and English, and she also has a considerable understanding of finance and economics.

So I passed the interview smoothly and became a CCTV host.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

After working at CCTV for a year, Cheng Lei left her job to go to the American consumer news and business channel.

Because of his good performance, he also won the Australian assessment of education brand ambassadors.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2012, Cheng Lei returned to work at CCTV and became the host of Global Television Network, which was eight years.

In 2020, at the scene of an interview, Cheng Lei inadvertently said a reckless sentence:

"Now Australia and the United States have mastered China's economic situation."
The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the audience here was very surprised, and it also attracted the attention of the relevant departments.

The relevant departments immediately investigated Cheng Lei, and found clues layer by layer.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Cheng Lei's e-mail contains a large amount of economic and political information, a considerable part of which is relatively important.

Cheng Lei also has excessively close contact with many expatriates in private.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

At the end of 2020, Cheng Lei was arrested by state security agencies in accordance with the law and finally tried for espionage.

During her work, Cheng Lei used her identity to provide intelligence to Australia for a long time, causing all kinds of serious losses to the mainland.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared
In the end, Cheng Lei was sentenced to 2 years and 11 months in prison, and she was deported after completing her sentence.

Now Cheng Lei has been kicked out of China and returned to her real "home" Australia.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Shen Bing

Shen Bing, as a former CCTV host, is a typical representative of Xueba, and he has been excellent in character and learning since he was a child.

After graduating from high school, he was sent to Zhejiang University, and not long after, he was recommended to study abroad.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

After graduating from university, Shen Bing signed up for the host contest held by CCTV.

Because I participated in the debate tournament for a long time during college, I have exercised a good eloquence and logical thinking.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

It was his excellent performance in the host competition that Shen Bing successfully entered CCTV.

At the beginning, she played a leading role in the "Dialogue" program, and made interviews with celebrities from all over the world.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2002, it coincided with the first time that the Chinese men's football team entered the World Cup, which was exciting.

In order to better broadcast the World Cup to the audience, CCTV launched the program "Hello, World Cup", with Shen Bing as the host.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In the show, although Shen Bing is a woman, she has done her homework for all teams and players.

When hosting the show, he talked eloquently, which was not inferior to professional football commentary, and he also became famous with this show.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Shen Bing once again served as the chief host of the Chinese Olympic coverage.

At this critical moment, she is a well-deserved "goddess of sports".

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2009, Shen Bing was no longer just a simple host, but more began to give up art and enter politics.

With power in your hands, you will inevitably lose control of your selfish desires.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2014, Shen Bing was involved in a corruption case and was questioned and investigated by relevant departments.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Not only was he removed from the list again, but he even disappeared as if he had evaporated from the world.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Jun Rōnaga

In 2017, former CCTV host Lang Yongchun was drunk after a business dinner.

Maybe the alcohol was too high, paralyzing the nerves, and I drove home in a daze.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Unexpectedly, there was a traffic accident on the way, and although there was no personal injury, the police soon came.

After inspection, Lang Yongchun was undoubtedly drunk driving.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In the end, Lang Yongchun was sentenced to three months in prison.

What's more, his reputation has been ruined, and countless people have accused Lang Yongchun of not respecting traffic laws as a public figure.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Looking back on those years, Lang Yongchun was so high-spirited.

In 1995, 24-year-old Lang Yongchun was selected to CCTV as the host of "News Thirty" because of his excellent grades.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Just when Lang Yongchun's career and life were extremely nourishing, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Lang Yongchun worked hard to make money in order to prepare medical expenses for his wife.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2011, Lang Yongchun successfully served as the host of CCTV's ace program "News Network".

This is the most important program of CCTV, and Lang Yongchun's ability to host "News Network" is enough to prove his high level.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

But what I didn't expect was that Lang Yongchun had just hosted the "News Network" program for a period of time.

His wife's illness has worsened, which also means that Lang Yongchun's financial pressure is even greater.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2015, under pressure, Lang Yongchun left CCTV and began to seek opportunities in some companies.

Since you want to engage in business, it is inevitable that entertainment is indispensable, which also led to the tragedy of Lang Yongchun being imprisoned.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In January 2018, Lang Yongchun was released from prison, and he frankly admitted his mistakes and began to replan his life.

Now Lang Yongchun also discovered the popularity of online live broadcast and started a live broadcast career.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Zhou Libo

Zhou Libo has always been known for being "arrogant" in the circle, and once publicly called Guo Degang's cross talk very earthy on the stage of a talk show.

He also cited drinking coffee and eating garlic as examples, and the cross talk that satirized Guo Degang was only listened to by the laity.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

On the stage, Zhou Libo's hosting style is sharp and "poisonous", and he often asks the guests to open their mouths.

This hosting style has also brought Zhou Libo a lot of popularity.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

As the saying goes, "there are many people who are popular", after Zhou Libo's fire, netizens began to pick up his black history.

Only then did he find out that Zhou Libo had also been imprisoned.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

It was 1990, when Zhou Libo was 23 years old and fell in love with Zhang Jie, a single mother.

But this relationship was not fulfilled, especially the father-in-law's strong opposition.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Annoyed and angry, Zhou Libo didn't control his fists when he quarreled with Zhang Jie's father, and knocked down his future father-in-law with one punch.

Later, Zhou Libo was sentenced to 205 days in prison for intentional injury.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

After 2006, Zhou Libo's career development ushered in the spring.

His talk show is popular all over the country, and at this time, the arrogance in his bones is reflected again.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In the show, Zhou Libo often puts on a gesture of contempt for others.

In an interview, he also claimed that he had no teacher and forgot all about the mentor who once supported him.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared
In 2017, Zhou Libo was arrested in the United States for drug involvement and illegal possession of firearms.
The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

The elite image that Zhou Libo established in the past collapsed at this moment, and all his programs were cut and he became a street rat.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Wang Zi

Wang Zi used to be a famous host of Dragon TV, and was liked by the public because of his humorous and handsome hosting style.

It is known as the "pillar" of Dragon TV.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

When he was young, Wang Zi studied in the United States, and after returning to China, he worked in a radio station in Shanghai.

In 1997, Shanghai TV discovered this potential young man and invited him to join Dragon TV.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

So, the young Wang Zi hosted Dragon TV's popular program "Five Star Award".

On the stage, Wang Zi can not only control the field, but also sing, and he is so talented that he became an instant hit.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In 2005, Wang Zi was already a famous host in Shanghai at this time.

Accumulating a lot of wealth, he and a few friends co-founded his own company.

Wang Zi is indeed an excellent host, but he really has no talent in business, and the company was soon shut down.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

At this time, several other partners of the company took Wang Zi to court.

It turned out that Wang Zi had embezzled the company's property many times during the company's operation.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

In the end, Wang Zi was sentenced to two years in prison, completely ruining his future.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Qiu Qiming

Qiu Qiming is a former CCTV host who has worked on Dragon TV and Nanjing TV.

It can be said that he is an experienced veteran host, and he is also a philanthropist who is keen on public welfare.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

However, an encounter ten years ago made the accomplished host a prisoner.

In 2015, Qiu Qiming had a drink with actors Nie Yuan and Gao Feng, and after the banquet, the three were ready to take a taxi back to the hotel.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

The trio hailed a ride online, and while they were waiting, a taxi approached them and asked if they needed a car.

Qiu Qiming considered that he had already made a reservation, so he refused.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

But after waiting for a long time, the online car-hailing service had not yet come, so Qiu Qiming and the three canceled the appointment and stepped forward to communicate with the taxi driver.

Unexpectedly, the driver lost his temper and was reluctant to agree.

Qiu Qiming and the three of them were already drunk, and they were so bluntly rejected by the driver, and they were immediately furious.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

pulled the driver out and beat him fatly, and the matter quickly fermented.

Qiu Qiming was sentenced to eight months in prison for picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and all work was suspended.

The hosts who self-destructed their futures, some were deported, some were prisoners, and some disappeared

Because the impulse of the moment changed his life.

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