
I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

author:Late life

The spring breeze blew through the streets of the town, and the catkins danced lightly and landed in front of the Li family. In the living room of the Li family, the joyful atmosphere almost made the air sweet. Li Ming and Sophie sat on the sofa, holding hands, with happy smiles on their faces that they were about to enter the palace of marriage.

"Mom, what do you think of the design of this invitation?" Li Ming picked up a beautiful sketch of a wedding invitation and handed it to his busy mother.

Granny Zhang put down the needlework in her hand and took the invitation, her eyes flashed with expectation: "Ming'er, Fei'er, your vision is always so good." This invitation is so exquisitely made, I love it when I look at it. ”

Sophie smiled softly and whispered, "Thank you Auntie for the compliment, I also hope to have a perfect wedding." ”

Granny Zhang nodded, full of joy: "Your happiness is the greatest comfort to me." By the way, I have prepared the bride price money, 60,000 yuan, not much, it is a little bit of our heart. ”

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

Li Ming clasped Sophie's hand and looked at his mother gratefully: "Mom, you really don't need so much, we have received your wishes." ”

"Silly boy, this is tradition, and it is also a little expression of my expression to Fei'er." Granny Zhang said firmly, and then she stood up, "I'll go make you a pot of tea, and you can talk slowly." ”

As Granny Zhang's footsteps faded away, Li Ming and Sophie looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of beautiful visions for the future. Unbeknownst to them, however, a storm over bride price was looming.

The spring sun shines through the curtains and sprinkles on the cozy living room, and everything seems so peaceful and harmonious. Sophie sat on the couch, playing with the delicate engagement ring in her hand, but with an imperceptible trace of worry on her face. She knows that the little life in her belly has begun to grow quietly, which is a surprise and a secret that requires courage to face.

"Ming, I have something to tell you." Sophie's voice shattered the silence of the afternoon, and there was a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

Li Ming put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at her with concern: "What's wrong Fei'er, if there is anything, you can just say something." ”

Sophie took a deep breath and said slowly, "I'm pregnant." ”

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile bloomed on his face: "Really? We're going to have a baby! He shook Sophie's hand excitedly, his eyes shining with fatherly love.

However, the news soon reached Granny Zhang's ears. Her hand chopping vegetables in the kitchen suddenly stopped, her brow furrowed, and the waves in her heart fluctuated. She knew that the arrival of the child could change many plans, including the 60,000 yuan bride price that had already been prepared.

At dinner, Granny Zhang didn't show anything unusual, but her mind had already flown to the clouds. After the meal, she sat alone in her room, thinking about it repeatedly. It was late at night, and the moonlight shone through the window on her face, reflecting a complicated expression. She knew that she had to make a decision that could affect the future of the entire family.

The next morning, the sun didn't bring the usual warmth. Granny Zhang announced her decision at breakfast, and her voice was not as gentle as before, but replaced by a trace of unquestionable firmness: "Ming'er, Fei'er, about the bride price, I think we need to reconsider. ”

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

Li Ming and Sophie glanced at each other, and they could read a trace of surprise in each other's eyes. Li Ming asked cautiously, "Mom, do you mean ......?"

Granny Zhang said bluntly: "Now that Fei'er is pregnant, you also know the situation of our family, 60,000 yuan is not a small amount for us. I think this money can be saved and used where it is needed more. ”

Sophie's face sank, she didn't expect Granny Zhang to change her mind because of this news. She tried to keep her composure, but her voice couldn't hide her disappointment: "Auntie, I understand the difficulties at home, but the bride price is not just a matter of money, it is a matter of respect and commitment. ”

Granny Zhang frowned, with a hint of reproach in her tone: "Fei'er, you are about to become a member of our family, and you should learn to think about the family." Wouldn't it be better if we could keep this money for our children later? ”

Li Ming saw that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, and hurriedly came out to play a round: "Mom, Fei'er, let's all calm down." We can discuss the bride price again, so as not to affect our relationship because of this matter. ”

However, Sophie's heart has been deeply touched. She stood up with tears in her eyes: "Li Ming, I think we need to talk." Auntie, I'm sorry, I need some time to think about our marriage. ”

After saying that, Sophie turned around and went upstairs, leaving Li Ming and Granny Zhang relatively silent in the dining room. The sky outside was getting darker, and a storm seemed to be brewing in what should have been a warm home.

Upstairs in the bedroom, Sophie leaned against the window, looking out at the gray sky, and the waves in her heart were more turbulent than the dark clouds in the sky. Li Ming knocked lightly on the door, pushed the door in, and saw Sophie's lost back, and his heart tingled.

"Fei'er, don't be too upset, my mother is ...... She may just be a whim. Li Ming tried to comfort Sophie, but his own voice also revealed uncertainty.

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

Sophie turned around, the tears in her eyes flashing with determination: "Li Ming, I'm not just because of the bride price. It's a matter of your mom's attitude towards our future. She can disagree with me, but at least she should respect me. ”

Li Ming walked up to Sophie and held her hand: "I know, I know." I'll talk to my mom and we'll figure it out. ”

At the same time, Granny Zhang was pacing back and forth in her room, and her heart was also mixed. She knew that her words might have hurt Sophie, but she always believed that as an elder, her decision was for the good of the whole family.

A few days have passed, and the impasse between Granny Zhang and Sophie has not been broken. Li Ming became a mediator caught in the middle, but his efforts seemed to be in vain. Every time you try to communicate, you end up with more misunderstandings and contradictions.

Until one day, after a heated conversation, Sophie made a decision. She packed her belongings and was determined to leave this oppressive home. Li Ming stopped her at the door, his eyes full of pleading: "Fei'er, do you really want to leave?" Our Marriage, Our Future ......"

Sophie stopped, tears welling up in her eyes again: "Li Ming, I love you, but I can't accept such a family." Let's get married, it's good for all of us. ”

After speaking, Sophie pushed open the door and walked out of the door of the Li family. Li Ming stood in place, watching Sophie's back fade away, the pain in his heart was indescribable. The wind outside began to howl, as if even the sky was crying over the soon-to-be-broken relationship.

Li Ming stood in the empty doorway, unable to move for a long time. His heart felt as if it had been hollowed out, and Sophie's words echoed in his ears. He knew that this was not just a conflict between Sophie and his mother, but also a test of his sense of responsibility as a man and a son.

Back in his room, Li Ming was confronted with the wedding photos he and Sophie had chosen together, and those once hopeful images seemed so ironic at the moment. He closed his eyes, and the bits and pieces of his acquaintance and love with Sophie came to his mind, and every happy moment pierced his heart like a needle.

Late at night, Li Ming walked out of the room and came to Granny Zhang's door. He took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door. The door opened, and Granny Zhang's face was full of exhaustion and worry.

"Mom, can I come in?" Li Ming's voice was low and hoarse.

Granny Zhang nodded and got out of the way. Li Ming walked into the room, sat on the edge of the bed, and was silent for a while before speaking: "Mom, Fei'er and I ...... It may be coming to an end. ”

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

Granny Zhang's hands were clenched tightly, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes: "Ming'er, is it because of the bride price?" I can ......."

Li Ming shook his head: "It's not just a bride price, Mom." It was the trust and respect between us that went wrong. I don't know what to do. ”

Granny Zhang sighed, with tears in her eyes: "I just want to do what's best for the family." I didn't think about it that much......"

"I know, Mom." Li Ming held Granny Zhang's hand, "I love you too, but I don't want to lose Fei'er." We need to find a solution to the problem. ”

That night, the mother and son talked a lot, about family, about love, about responsibility. When the first rays of morning light passed through the curtains, Li Ming had already made a decision in his heart. He needs to go to Sophie to redeem their love and mend the relationship that is about to be broken.

The morning dew still hangs on the cobwebs outside the window, and the sunlight reflects through them in a colorful light. Li Ming came to Sophie's rented apartment early. He stood downstairs, looking up at the familiar window, his heart filled with mixed emotions.

After taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell. The door slowly opened, and Sophie appeared in the doorway, her eyes tinged with surprise and defensiveness.

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

"Fei'er, I'm looking for you." Li Ming's voice trembled a little, but his gaze was firm.

Sophie was silent for a moment, then leaned sideways: "Come in." ”

The two sat in the small living room, and a subtle atmosphere permeated the air. Li Ming plucked up the courage to speak: "Fei'er, I know this time has been very sad for you. I'm not on your side, and I'm sorry. ”

Sophie lowered her head, her voice faint: "I don't want to do this either, Li Ming." I just think...... The issue between us is not just about the bride price. ”

"I know." Li Ming held Sophie's hand, "I've thought about it a lot, I can't lose you." I am willing to work with my mom to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties. ”

Sophie raised her head, a glimmer of hope flashing in her eyes: "Are you really willing to do this?" ”

"Yes." Li Ming nodded, "I will have a good talk with my mother so that she can understand our position." I hope we can start over. ”

Sophie's eyes finally showed a long-lost smile: "I'm willing to give us a chance." ”

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

That afternoon, Li Ming returned home and found Granny Zhang. They sat down and had a long conversation. Li Ming recounted his conversation with Sophie, expressing the importance he attached to the relationship. Granny Zhang listened to her son's words, and the frost in her eyes gradually melted.

A few days later, Granny Zhang came to Sophie's apartment in person. With a sincere attitude and an open heart, she said, "Fei'er, I think we can sit down and have a good talk." I apologize to you for making your previous actions uncomfortable. ”

Sophie was touched by Granny Zhang's change, and they began to exchange ideas and expectations for each other. After several in-depth dialogues, the two sides reached a new consensus. The bride price is no longer the heart of the matter, but has become the starting point for understanding and respect between the two families.

The pace of spring has become lighter, and in the season of recovery, the atmosphere of the Li family and Sophie's family has also taken on a new look. After a series of communication and understanding, the two families finally reached a settlement. Granny Zhang not only restored the bride price, but also prepared an extra heart as a respect and welcome to Sophie.

The day of the wedding finally arrived, and on a sunny day, the church in the town was decorated with white flowers and ribbons, which looked solemn and elegant. Friends and relatives dressed in festive costumes with happy smiles on their faces. Li Ming and Sophie stood at the entrance of the church, greeting every guest.

"You're so beautiful today." Li Ming whispered to Sophie, his eyes full of appreciation and admiration.

I heard that the prospective daughter-in-law was pregnant, and the mother-in-law immediately canceled the 60,000 yuan bride price, and the prospective daughter-in-law: Withdraw from the marriage

Sophie smiled shyly: "Thank you, it's all because of you by my side." ”

The ceremony began, and the priest's voice was solemn and warm, echoing in every corner of the church. The moment Li Ming and Sophie exchanged rings, all misunderstandings and pains disappeared. Their eyes are only the figures of each other, and their hearts are full of longing for the future.

At the banquet, Granny Zhang raised her glass and delivered a speech: "Dear family and friends, today we are here to witness the happy moment of Li Ming and Sophie. I would like to say that love is the cornerstone of family, and understanding and respect are the nutrients of love. Let's toast to the couple and wish their marriage as bright as the sun shines today. ”

The applause of the guests was thunderous, and the words of blessing and laughter were intertwined, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere. Li Ming and Sophie danced the first dance, spinning in the crowd of relatives and friends, and their happiness infected everyone present.

As night fell, the wedding reached its climax. Fireworks bloom in the night sky, and colorful lights reflect the happy faces of the newlyweds. At this moment, all the difficulties and challenges have turned into the best memories, and the story of Li Ming and Sophie will also open a new chapter.

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