
There is no sense of care

author:Honest Love Ambassador
There is no sense of care

Now, no matter what the season, flowers and plants are indispensable

I have to say that when you go out now, no matter what season it is, flowers and plants are indispensable. Seeing the beauty and diversity of flowers and plants, I can't help but appreciate the eyes, and feel that life is still beautiful. But, do we know? Nowadays, the growth of flowers and plants is mostly artificial. The florists will trim the flowers and plants into a variety of beautiful and ingenious workmanship. What's even more bizarre is that florists will make flowers and plants grow out of season through artificial grafting and cultivation. Spring has passed, and there are still strange flowers and plants everywhere, which are eye-catching.

When people are bored, they go outside to admire the beautiful flowers that few people can name. Although spring orchid and summer lotus, autumn chrysanthemum and winter plum are still the queen of Kao flowers in each season, people feel that the flowers are full of flowers all year round, as if spring has become eternal.

At first, people will feel fresh, after all, with flowers and plants in life, they will no longer feel boring. When people appreciate the wonderful flowers and plants, they will also silently thank the florists who have put in their sweat and hard work.

There is no sense of care

With flowers and plants in life, you won't feel bored

However, after a long time, people have become accustomed to it. Whether the flowers bloom or the grass grows, they all think that it should be like this, but those wild grasses and idle flowers are not used to being looked at.

Walking in the flower path, strolling on the lawn, watching the flower branches smile in the sun, and the green grass shaking its head with the breeze, I feel that this time has passed a lot gentlerly. People have long neglected the care of flowers and plants by florists, as if flowers and plants are so naturally beautiful and lovely.

Our lives, like flowers and plants, also need to be taken care of, and if we don't take care of them well, it will become a mess. People who can take care of their lives are always orderly, even if it is a small button or a thin silk thread, it will be placed very appropriately. There is an ancient adage that "if you don't sweep a house, you can sweep the world", which means that if you don't even bother to clean and tidy up your own nest, how can you do anything big?

Today's flowers and plants do not feel like they are being taken care of because of the ingenuity of the florists. Walking into a family with bright windows, even if it is a chai door, it also gives people a feeling of open-mindedness. This is because people are diligent and have developed a good habit of loving cleanliness. Such a person from another family, even if he is a nanny for others, will be very popular.

There is no sense of care

The flowers and plants that have been cared for by the florist are beautiful

Whether it is clean or not, it is a matter of habit; Whether it is neat or not, it is a matter of habit; Elegant or not, it is a matter of habit. Accustomed to nature, at a glance, there is no sense of insistence on taking care of, but natural and handy.

Our lives also need to be taken care of. There is no plan, no goal, no specific implementation steps, take one step at a time, just like a blind man riding a blind horse, approaching a deep pool in the middle of the night. The reason why many people can't live a satisfactory life is not because they can't do it, but because they don't take care of it properly. However, taking care is not a deliberate or deliberate purpose, but adapting measures to the time and local conditions, so that things can be done naturally and naturally.

The best care in life is to look like it doesn't feel like it's taken care of, otherwise how can it be said to be natural? People who can gauge the situation tend to have a head start and have the best chance of success.

There is no feeling of taking care of it, but it is taking care of it all the time. You are in charge of your own life, and no one will take care of it for you if you don't take care of it. Some people are born lazy, and they don't know how to lift up the oil bottle at home when it is poured; There are also people who are easily discouraged and resentful when things don't work out. As everyone knows, such a person, after a long time, will become numb, will gradually decadent, and do not know how to find a way out. Everyone wants to live a good life, but the savior can't give it to you, and you can only rely on yourself to fight for what you want.

There is no sense of care

People take care of themselves all the time

We may be very envious of successful people, but we may not be able to walk the road that others take, and we can enjoy the scenery created by others, which does not belong to us after all. What we need to do is take care of our landscape.

The best thing to do to take care of your own scenery is to look like it doesn't feel like it's being taken care of, and everything is going on imperceptibly. The more babbling people are, the more unreliable they are; The more calm and low-key people are, maybe they have won at the starting line. But, how do people do it, do you see?

People who fail like to make excuses for themselves, that is, they don't always look for reasons in themselves. Of course, in many cases, objective factors cannot be ignored. However, we should not seriously doubt life because of one or two failures. You know, if our hearts are full of sunshine, the world will not be completely dark; If our hearts were filled with hope, the world would not be hopeless forever; If we always work hard with confidence, the world will one day embrace us with a smile.

There is no sense of care

Full of faith and hope, the world will embrace us one day

Everyone has their own story, envy is okay, don't be jealous, because other people's success is not achieved overnight; It's okay to learn, don't follow suit, because everyone's life journey is not equal. After all, other people's affairs have nothing to do with us. Brilliant in our own story, we are the real winners.

It suddenly occurred to me that I might not have taken care of it for a long time, and everything was just going to take its course. Whether it's bitter, sweet, love, hate, gain or loss, the lights are dim, the mind is in a trance, and it's another summer night. In the dead of night, the flowers and plants that were hand-tended by the florists exuded a fragrance, and the soft smell soaked into my heart, and I smiled heartily in my dreams.

There is no sense of care

The fragrance of flowers refreshes my heart and accompanies me into dreams