
Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

author:Rice narration

Text | Gu Yuanshan

Edit | Gu Yuanshan

Everyone knows that Wei Shen Wei Dongyi has infinite scenery in the mathematical world, but few people know that behind this scenery, there is also unimaginable sadness in others.

Just like on June 27, 2024, Wei Dongyi's cousin took her two children to visit Wei Dongyi on this day because she hadn't seen her brother for a long time, and by the way, she shared with netizens the true appearance of her brother in life.

However, it was such a simple sharing, but after it was released, netizens rushed to comment and retweet, and within a day, its playback volume reached a terrifying level of millions.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

As for the reason, it's simple, Wei Dongyi in the video is so "real" that people feel distressed.

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Douyin account] [Baidu Encyclopedia] [Shangguan News] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Wei Shen is also just a "mortal"

In the past, netizens always praised Wei Dongyi highly, and even made him a god for a time, but after his cousin shared his real life, netizens suddenly realized that Wei Shen was actually just a special "ordinary person".

After Wei Shen's cousin came to visit Peking University, the cousin's family stayed at the Peking University Spoon Garden Hotel and invited his younger brother Wei Dongyi to dinner.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

After being invited, Wei Dongyi, who was already different from the past, did not dress up brightly, but wore plain and even some "old" clothes to the banquet.

What's even more convincing is that without a shortage of income, Wei Dongyi did not choose to take a taxi, but walked step by step, slowly walking to the hotel with his feet.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

But Wei Dongyi himself didn't think there was anything here, he felt that this distance was not too far, and even if he had money, it would have to be so wasteful.

However, when Wei Shen arrived at the dinner table, his performance was also a little embarrassing.

Obviously, the hotel has all kinds of delicacies, but Wei Dongyi, who arrived at the hotel, just ate vegetables and fruits, and weighed the sky, so he simply ordered an egg custard, and he was reluctant to eat even a bite of meat.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

Although his cousin persuaded him to eat a few bites, what about Wei Shen? But he just shook his head and ate the vegetarian food in front of him.

However, some careful netizens speculated that the reason why Wei Shen didn't eat meat was probably because he was worried about the waste of buns he brought.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

It is understood that his cousin's dinner arrangement was quite abrupt, so he had nothing to prepare, and even before hearing about dinner, he had already bought dinner in advance.

Although this dinner is only eight big buns, this is more or less a Wei Shen's heart.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

Thinking of this, Wei Shen's cousin ordered a few more delicacies, hoping that Wei Shen could have a good meal that night.

But it's a pity that Wei Shen himself doesn't like to taste these very much, especially those meat dishes, which are simply a fearful performance, as if he is a vegetarian in the mouth of netizens.

However, Wei Shen is not as extreme as some vegetarians, but can understand and tolerate other people who eat meat dishes, and his vegetarian requirements are only for himself.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

But when he finished eating, Wei Shen's performance was a little introverted, he only talked to his cousin who was familiar with him, and as for the two unfamiliar nieces and nieces, he didn't look at them much, he didn't talk much, just politely communicated, and didn't go too deep.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

It's just that seeing such an introverted Wei Shen, those netizens who like him can't help but feel a little worried, worried about whether he can take care of his life.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

In fact, not only netizens, but even Wei Shen's cousin is quite worried, according to the cousin, Wei Shen is still alone now, and he doesn't know when he will meet a suitable lover.

However, some netizens said that Wei Shen's cousin's worries were undoubtedly unnecessary, and netizens like themselves could introduce Wei Shen to a lover they felt suitable on the spot.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

Of course, there are certain difficulties in this matter, not to mention whether Wei Shen, a cousin, is willing to bridge the ideas of these netizens, at least some netizens feel that Wei Dongyi himself is not very happy.

After all, Wei Dongyi is a strange person, a strange person who almost only has mathematics in his eyes.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

There are only strange people in mathematics

Why is Wei Dongyi called Wei Shen? In addition to the reason why his mathematical talent is so strong that he "breaks through the sky", more importantly, it is because he is a little too obsessed with mathematics.

Perhaps because his parents are both university professors and his father is also a professor in the mathematics department, Wei Dongyi has shown a considerable love for mathematics since he was a child.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

Perhaps it is for this reason that Wei Dongyi did not like to go out to play much when he was young, but always stuffed in the room, wandering freely in the almost boundless world of mathematics.

What's even more impressive is that when other children are in pain after a few days of studying, the young Wei Dongyi becomes happier and happier the more he learns, the more excited he becomes, and even often learns to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

It's as if for him, mathematics is the essence of his life.

And the truth is that this is really the case, mathematics is really the true meaning of Wei Shen's life.

When studying other subjects, Wei Shen has had many times when he has no way to find a way, but when he is learning mathematics, Wei Dongyi seems to have been opened up to the second pulse of Ren Du, he can understand it at one point, and he will learn it as soon as he learns.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

How good is Wei Dongyi? However, at the age of 16, Wei Dongyi entered the national training team of the Mathematics Olympiad with his amazing talent that shocked the industry.

In 2008, when he was 17 years old, he won the 49th International Mathematical Olympiad with a perfect score, and even won another time in the 50th competition in 2009.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

This is not the end, in just becoming an adult, Wei Dongyi, a genius, won many top mathematics honors such as the Hua Luogeng Gold Medal and the Lin Jiaqiao Gold Medal - he completely shook the entire mathematical world with his excellent results.

"This is a genius, a mathematical genius like no other!"

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

It was also since then that the world-class universities began to scramble to grab Wei Dongyi, and the famous Peking University wanted to send him in, and even Harvard University, which is known as the world's top university, also made an exception for this genius later.

But fortunately, this seemingly unattractive genius has a very high perseverance that is far from what ordinary people can want.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

He just wanted to stay in the country, he just wanted to contribute to the development of his motherland, and he did not break his promise.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

In 2010, Wei Dongyi, a top mathematical genius, chose to study at Peking University, and gradually enriched himself in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

However, he felt that this was not enough, so in 2019, he began to work as a professor at Peking University to teach more students in Peking University his mathematical experience and even mathematical insights.

But it's a pity that because the genius's mind is a little too detached, a considerable number of students have difficulty understanding what Wei Shen is teaching, and can only vaguely understand part of it.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

But fortunately, it is this part that can also benefit these people a lot in mathematics learning.

However, when these beneficiary students wanted to be grateful to Wei Dongyi in their own way, they were surprised to find that they had no place to thank Wei Dongyi.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

In addition to the country, Wei Dongyi's eyes seemed to have only one mathematics left.

According to his cousin Wei Jingzhou, his cousin doesn't care much about life, even if he has a lot of money in his pocket, but his monthly living expenses do not exceed 300 yuan (under normal circumstances), you must know that in Beijing, where prices are extremely high, 300 yuan is not even enough for ordinary people to spend for a few days.

Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

This is not the most absolute, the most amazing thing is that Wei Dongyi doesn't like to enjoy it very much, in addition to liking information, he neither surfs the Internet nor listens to songs, he just watches mathematics for fun on weekdays, as if mathematics is everything in his life.


Wei Dongyi is a genius, a top genius who only has academics in his eyes.

Although it is a little different from ordinary people in terms of behavior, it is also a certain characteristic of genius, after all, genius is always unusual. #长文创作激励计划#

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Douyin account] [Baidu Encyclopedia] [Shangguan News]
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Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns
Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns
Wei Dongyi also understands the world, his cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen specially sent 8 big buns

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