
Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

author:Colorful cow science

Unlike other tea-loving grandfathers, Uncle Yang has a deep love for ginger, and there must be ginger shreds in the dishes he cooks every day.

Uncle Yang's wife doesn't like Jiang very much, and complains about Uncle Yang's habit of loving ginger.

One day, Aunt Yang came home and saw that there were all shredded ginger in the fried dishes, so she got angry: "I see others saying that middle-aged and elderly people can't eat ginger, eating too much ginger is not healthy for the body, don't eat it." ”

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

Uncle Yang didn't believe it, thinking that this was the reason why Aunt Yang hated him for eating ginger, but after thinking about it, he still asked his son, who was a doctor.

After hearing this, the son laughed: "You usually eat so much ginger, are you afraid now?" ”

Uncle Yang hurriedly interrupted him: "Don't laugh, tell me if it's harmful!" ”

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? Harmful to the body?

The son got serious: "Ginger is generally used as a seasoning to enhance the flavor of dishes, and it can also be boiled into ginger tea to ward off the cold, and people with colds can also drink ginger soup to dispel wind and cold, which has various uses." ”

"The "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentions that ginger has the effects of diaphoretic and anti-epiphysis, warm and stop vomiting, etc., which is very suitable for people who feel wind cold, cough and stomach cold.

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

Uncle Yang was a little angry: "Why can't I eat it?" Are you talking to your mother? ”

The son replied: "I don't, your physique belongs to yin deficiency and internal heat, usually dry mouth, and easy to sweat (night sweats) at night, flushed face, now in summer, this situation is more serious, it is better to eat some bitter gourd." ”

Uncle Yang was a little flustered: "Oops, then what do I eat if I don't eat ginger?" There are still some moldy peanuts at home, so I'll wash them as snacks. ”

The son said solemnly: "Don't be like this, our family can't afford peanuts, don't be frugal with me here." ”

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

The son said: "You two usually have good living habits, but there is only one problem, you are too frugal, tell you that there are 3 things not to eat, you have to remember, don't get sick again when the time comes." ”

1. Moldy peanuts

If the peanuts are not properly placed, they can easily become moldy and produce aflatoxins.

This toxin can cause liver damage, and may even cause serious diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Moreover, it can also affect the immune system, cause mutations in DNA, and make you more susceptible to illness.

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

Therefore, once the peanuts become moldy, do not be reluctant to throw them away, throw them away quickly, and clean up the storage place to avoid toxin residues.

2. Leftovers in the refrigerator

The vast majority of the elderly are accustomed to putting unfinished vegetables in the refrigerator, but in fact, leftover vegetables will lose nutrients.

And repeated heating can also make the taste worse, and leftovers don't taste as good as fresh meals.

If the leftovers are left for too long and the temperature of the refrigerator is not low enough, it is easy to be contaminated by bacteria, especially cold dishes, which are most likely to spoil, and such dishes cannot be eaten.

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

If you eat food contaminated with bacteria, you may get food poisoning.

3. Uncooked beans

Beans are a seasonal vegetable in summer, but be aware that they may be poisoned if they are not cooked.

Uncooked beans contain a lot of toxic alkaloids, which can tingle and numb the mouth, tongue, and throat when eaten, and can also cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Should middle-aged and elderly people stay away from ginger? The doctor warned: If you don't want to be admitted to the hospital, don't talk about these things easily

Older people have a fragile stomach and intestines, and it will take longer to recover from poisoning, which may also affect immune function. Therefore, the beans must be cooked before eating!

Uncle Yang said: "Okay, okay, I know, I listen to you nagging at home every day, and you are so verbose on the phone." ”

The son smiled and said, "It's all for your good, just remember it." ”

brief summary

Although ginger is good, Uncle Yang's yin deficiency and internal heat physique are not suitable for eating more ginger.

There are three common foods in life that you need to pay special attention to and not eat: moldy peanuts, leftovers from the fridge, and undercooked beans.

Remind the majority of middle-aged and elderly people that while enjoying food, they should pay more attention to food safety and health, and avoid unnecessary harm to the body due to thrift and negligence.


[1] "Can eating beans be poisoned? Actually, it's because the beans aren't fully cooked. People's Daily Online-Popular Science China.2017-01-12.

[2] Why Eat Ginger in Summer? It turns out that it has so many benefits. People's Daily Online-People's Health Network.2020-08-11.

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