
In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

author:Interesting sesame sauce

In the hot summer, how can middle-aged and elderly people survive the dog days?

The summer is hot, as if the whole city is enveloped in a heat wave, as if even the air is burning. And in this hottest time of the year - "dog days" is approaching, many middle-aged and elderly friends began to worry: how to maintain good health in this long summer and survive this difficult time? Don't worry, don't worry, let's talk about this topic today, and see how middle-aged and elderly people should eat and recuperate in this summer, so that they can spend dog days comfortably.

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

1. Although watermelon is good, don't be greedy!

When it comes to summer, the first thing that comes to mind is watermelon. The sweet and juicy watermelon, when you bite into it, is so refreshing. But you know what? For middle-aged and elderly people, watermelon can be eaten leisurely. Why? Because watermelon is a cold fruit, eating too much is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. Especially for those middle-aged and elderly people whose spleen and stomach function is not very good, we must pay more attention. Moreover, the sugar content of watermelon is not low, and for those middle-aged and elderly people who have high blood sugar or are controlling their blood sugar, they have to be more leisurely. So, middle-aged and elderly friends, don't forget the appropriate amount when enjoying the coolness brought by watermelon!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

2. Although ginger is good, don't eat it at night!

Ginger, that's a good thing. It can also be sterilized and disinfected. But you know what? Ginger is not something to be eaten casually. Especially at night, middle-aged and elderly friends should pay attention. Why? Because ginger is a spicy food, eating too much can easily irritate the digestive tract and cause discomfort. Moreover, ginger also has a certain stimulant effect, and eating too much at night can easily affect sleep, leading to insomnia, irritability and other symptoms. So, middle-aged and elderly friends, it's okay to eat some ginger in moderation during the day, but you have to take it easy at night!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

3. So, what should middle-aged and elderly people eat more?

After talking about what middle-aged and elderly people should eat less in summer, let's talk about what they should eat more. First of all, I would like to recommend cabbage. It's a good thing. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that help to nourish the stomach and strengthen the body's resistance. For middle-aged and elderly people, this cabbage is simply a treasure! Not only is it delicious but also nutritious, it's like killing two birds with one stone!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

In addition to cabbage, I also recommend a good ingredient - pork heart. This pig's heart is a good thing. It is rich in protein and a variety of trace elements, and has the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. For those middle-aged and elderly friends who are prone to insomnia, anxiety and other symptoms in summer, this pig's heart is simply a savior! Eat it and you'll be able to sleep well at night!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

Finally, I would like to recommend a summer choice - loofah. This loofah is not only refreshing and delicious, but also nutritious! It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, and has the effect of strengthening the brain and clearing heat. And ah, this loofah can also moisten the intestines and laxative! For those middle-aged and elderly friends who are prone to constipation in summer, this loofah is simply a blessing! After eating it, your body will feel much more comfortable!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

Netizens are hotly discussed

On the topic of how middle-aged and elderly people should eat in summer, netizens are also discussing! Some netizens said: "How good this watermelon is!" Cooling and relieving heat can also diuretic and detoxify! Why can't middle-aged and elderly people eat it? Some netizens said: "How good ginger is!" It can also be sterilized and disinfected to keep the cold and warm the stomach! Middle-aged and elderly people should eat more! However, some netizens agreed with my point of view: "The physical function of middle-aged and elderly people has declined, so you still have to eat leisurely!" Watermelon and ginger are good, but you can't be greedy! It seems that netizens also have their own opinions on this topic!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?


The scorching summer is coming, middle-aged and elderly friends should pay attention! In this hottest time of the year, you must pay attention to your diet! Eat less foods that can be a burden on your body, and eat more foods that are good for your health! Only then will you be able to spend this summer comfortably! Of course, in addition to paying attention to diet and maintenance, middle-aged and elderly friends should also pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, drink more water and go out less to avoid heat stroke! Finally, I wish all middle-aged and elderly friends a healthy, comfortable and happy summer!

In the next 20 days, middle-aged and elderly people should eat less watermelon and ginger? What are the three things that can be comfortably eaten more?

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