
Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

author:Moxibustion Daifu

"Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and Mr. Don't Lao prescribe medicine." It is a widely circulated proverb, the method of ginger diet therapy and health care has a long history, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, the "Analects of the Township Party" has a saying of "do not withdraw ginger food", which records that Confucius must have ginger diet and health habits at every meal.

It is summer, and many people begin to "eat ginger", but most people are not clear about the specific use of ginger, how to eat it? What time to eat? Ginger or dried ginger? I'll make it clear to you today.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Why should you eat ginger in summer?

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Ginger is hot and radish is sweet and cold, which seems to contradict the perception that you need to relieve the heat in summer and keep warm in winter, but it is not. Eating radish in winter and ginger in summer is a way of health preservation. This coincides with the medical theories advocated by traditional Chinese medicine, such as "winter disease and summer treatment", "spring and summer yang cultivation, autumn and winter yin cultivation".


In summer, the yang energy is on the surface, and the inside is cold

"Treatise on Typhoid Fever" records: "In May, the yang energy is on the surface, and the stomach is cold. In November, the yang energy is in the inside, the stomach is hot, and the yin energy is weak inside, and it cannot overcome the heat, so he wants to be naked. ”

This passage shows that in the summer represented by May, yang energy tends to be on the surface of the body on the outside, and the body, especially in the stomach, is relatively cold, at this time our body surface is hot, and the inside of the body is cold. This is also the reason why it is easy to be upset and thirsty due to the heat in summer, but it is also not cold tolerant and prone to diarrhea.


Summer is greedy for cold and cold, and cold evil continues to accumulate

Don't underestimate the cold of summer. The weather is hot, the blood vessels are in a state of dilation, and the intestines are vented, and the cold evil is more likely to take the opportunity to invade. Most people don't realize this, they only know how to prevent heatstroke but don't know how to prevent cold, and they like to eat raw and cold things in summer, and stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time to escape the heat.

In this way, the cold evil enters our body and accumulates continuously. Gradually, the spleen and stomach yang qi became more and more deficient, and symptoms such as bad wind and cold, fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, sticky mouth, abdominal pain and diarrhea came to the door.

Therefore, as early as the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", it was proposed that "Yang is raised in spring and summer, and Yin is raised in autumn and winter", to protect the Yang Qi in our body.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Ginger and dried ginger, how to choose?

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy


Dried ginger ≠ sun-dried ginger

Many friends think that dried ginger is to dry ginger, but in fact, it is not so simple, and the two are not the difference between "fresh" and "dried".

Regarding ginger and dried ginger, Li Shizhen believes that "dried ginger is made of mother ginger"; Zhang Xichun recorded in the "Records of Medicine in the West": "Fresh ginger is planted in the ground, cut out after autumn, peeled and dried into dried ginger; The sprouts born on the ginger are planted in the ground, and the ginger born in the year is cut out after autumn. It is based on dry ginger with mother ginger, ginger as the child ginger, dry ginger is old and ginger is tender. ”

It can be seen that dried ginger is not made from ordinary ginger, but from the drying of mother ginger. That is to say, dried ginger is derived from mother ginger, and ginger is child ginger.

However, it is rare to see authentic dried ginger on the market nowadays, and many of them are made by drying ginger while fresh slices or at low temperatures.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy


What is the difference between dried ginger and ginger?

Ginger: spicy, lukewarm. Return to the lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians. Dispel the cold, stop vomiting in warmth, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough. Its sex is scattered, and it is mostly used for wind chill cold, stomach cold vomiting, cold phlegm cough.

Dried ginger: spicy, hot. Return to the spleen, stomach, kidneys, heart, and lungs. The temperature dissipates the cold, returns to the yang and clears the pulse, and the dampness eliminates phlegm. It is mostly used for cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, cold limbs and slight pulse, phlegm and wheezing and coughing.

Comparing the sexual taste and efficacy of the two gingers, it can be deduced that the commercially available ginger jujube tea, if the dried ginger is used, the average person may be more likely to get angry after drinking it.

Ginger walks without guarding, while dissipating the cold in the warmth, it can also go away to solve the table, which is more suitable for the summer when dampness is prevalent.

Dried ginger is guarded but not gone, with jujubes that are also guarded, after taking it, it is more like putting a small stove in the middle of the coke. If you are a person with obvious deficiency and cold, you may not have much discomfort after drinking this ginger jujube tea.

However, in the south, many people have a hot and cold physique, and drinking dried ginger and red date tea is estimated to be more likely to catch fire, but it cannot achieve the effect of health preservation. In addition, the temperature is high in summer, the human body sweats a lot, and long-term drinking of hot dried ginger to regulate the body will also deplete the yin fluid in the body.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

When is the right time to eat ginger?

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy


It is better to eat ginger in the morning

During the day, it is recommended to eat ginger in the morning, at this time, the body's yang energy is distributed on the surface of the body, and the inside is cold, and the ginger can be warmed, and at the same time can help raise yang energy. At night, when the yang energy enters the yin, it is not recommended to eat more ginger diet. Eating ginger at night is easy to make the yang too strong, which may lead to stomach discomfort, heartburn and other conditions, and it is easy to affect sleep if the yang does not enter the yin.

In this regard, there is a folk saying that "eating ginger at night poisons arsenic", to be honest, this should be a pretending to be an astonishing statement, which is intended to remind everyone to try to avoid this improper time to eat ginger. Eating ginger at night only does more harm than good, and is far from "poisoning arsenic".

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy


Before the beginning of the summer solstice:

The best time to drink ginger jujube tea

Ginger jujube tea pays attention to drinking from the beginning of summer to the first day of ambush, so that the effect is the best, can nourish yang and drain turbidity. But when dog days come, it is not advisable to drink like this anymore.

"Heat in the dog days", dog days are the hottest time of the year, the human body sweats a lot, if you drink ginger jujube tea at this time, the ginger diverges and dissolves the table, you will sweat more, "Qi with the Jin" is not good for health.

Dog Schedule 2024:

First incubation time: July 15 - July 24, a total of 10 days.

Medium time: July 25 - August 13, a total of 20 days.

Last abstinence time: August 14 - August 23, a total of 10 days.

In the hot summer, the body's organs are open, and the yang energy in the body is empty. At this time, drinking a cup of ginger jujube tea can not only replenish the deficiency of yang qi in the body to warm it, but also help yang qi diverge to dispel cold, which is in line with the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer".

In addition, drinking ginger jujube tea is also good for gastrointestinal health.

Many people will find that their stomach is much better after drinking ginger jujube tea for a period of time. This is because ginger has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying effects, which can protect the stomach and intestines well.

"Ji Xian Fang" said, "Ginger tea is a simple prescription for treating dysentery, cut the ginger finely, boil tea and drink, one or two will be cured." "Ginger jujube tea can not only stop diarrhea, but also warm and dispel cold, eliminate discomfort, and make the spleen and stomach more comfortable.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Simple recipe for ginger jujube tea

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Ingredients: 3~6 pieces of ginger, 3~5 pieces of ginger.


1. Add an appropriate amount of water and boil to light red.

If you are afraid of cold, you can add a few peppercorns and boil them into pepper ginger jujube tea, which has a better effect of dispelling cold and dampness.

You can also add some honey to ginger jujube tea, which has a good effect on moisturizing the lungs, but you should wait until the ginger jujube tea is warm before adding honey.

2. Pay attention to the ginger should not be peeled, the amount of ginger should not be small, and the boiled water should be a little spicy and spicy;

3. Jujube should be used in the selection of materials, because only jujube has the effect of warming the body and driving away cold.



Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy
Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy


Dog days to the beginning of autumn:

Replace with vinegar and ginger

After the ambush, it is recommended that you can change the way to eat ginger, which is to soak ginger in vinegar.

The taste of vinegar is sour and astringent, and it has the effect of astringent, which can conform to the autumn nature, and can neutralize the divergence of ginger, and can gently warm the yang, strengthen the spleen, and disperse cold and dampness. The acidity of vinegar is astringent, and it can also replenish the liquid, so vinegar soaked ginger can produce jin and replenish yang, and there is no need to worry about the problem of getting hot after eating.

Method: Use 2 catties of fresh and tender ginger, add half a bottle of aged vinegar, you can put rock sugar to taste, place it in a sealed jar to marinate, avoid light, moisture and ventilation and marinate for 1 week before eating.

Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy
Ginger is very different from dried ginger! Choose the right ginger before the dog days to eat healthy

Special reminder

Ginger diet therapy is especially suitable for people with cold constitution. However, yin deficiency and internal heat such as red lips, dry mouth, and five heart irritability, or unpleasant stool, smelly stool and other manifestations of dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach are not applicable. Patients with liver disease, diabetes, and acute inflammation should also not consume it.

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