
In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

author:Scholar of literature and history
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Since China and the Philippines were caught in a standoff over the Ren'ai Jiao dispute, the United States has come to get involved again, and now the US is not only deploying military forces on the Philippine side, but also sending aircraft carriers to provide support.

According to the consistent practice of the US side, it is to continue to provoke the contradictions between the two sides and make them even bigger, just like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and further support the Philippine side in a high-profile manner amid the ongoing disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

With the blessing of the United States, a big country, the Philippines has obviously become more rampant, repeatedly wanting to go to the islands and reefs, and even pointing guns at Chinese ships, not only Ren'ai Jiao, but also Xianbin Jiao is also one of its targets.

Recently, a US submarine aircraft P-8 appeared in the South China Sea and dropped a sonar-like buoy there, which was later intercepted by the Chinese side, and at the same time, our coast guard successfully drove away the Philippine boat on the surface.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

The United States deploys sonar buoys in the South China Sea to monitor Chinese nuclear submarine activity

The recovery of the AN/SSQ-53G sonar buoy dropped by the US military was also confirmed by the Ministry of Defense afterwards, and this is not the first time that the US military has carried out such operations in the South China Sea, and the purpose of the US military is obviously to create a threat in the South China Sea.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

By lowering such sonar buoys, the situation in the South China Sea can be monitored, and the ships and warships that pass through it are within its range, and even nuclear submarines cannot escape.

In the South China Sea, the actual water depth is only 5,500 meters, and the average water depth is usually 1,200 meters, which is an ideal area for nuclear submarines to lurk, and it will be more concealed than the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea.

In addition to the strategic aspect, there are also transportation, economy and trade, which is an important channel for the transportation of energy and consumer goods, and it is precisely for this reason that this route is also targeted by the United States in the context of sanctions against China and Russia.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

In the past, fishermen in the South China Sea salvaged relevant US military equipment, and there were clear signs on it, that is, the words "sonar without copper", probably to prevent it from being salvaged.

In addition to these, the U.S. military has actually sent submarines for real-time surveillance, which can dive to a certain depth, although it is not enough compared to large ones, but the advantage of small size is difficult to detect at sea.

The reason why the United States has gone to such great lengths is not only to spend on the Philippines, but also to weaken China's deterrence, through surveillance, to grasp the direction of China's nuclear submarines, and to learn more about materials and information.

In addition to China, similar surveillance equipment has been deployed in the North Atlantic, and Russian activities have been closely monitored, to which the United States has not responded.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

The operation of the US P-8 anti-submarine aircraft and the network of sonar buoys in the South China Sea have increased regional tensions

The P-8 anti-submarine aircraft dispatched by the United States this time are also unusual; the previous anti-submarine planes were more only for underwater detection, and the current anti-submarine planes not only include underwater, but also surface and airspace are within its reconnaissance range.

The number of sonar buoys dropped by the P-8 anti-submarine aircraft has reached hundreds, and its function is a small sonar detection, but it has a certain fixed force, as long as it is placed in the sea, it can detect the perimeter.

Most sonar buoys are more powerful, interactive, and can be detected in large areas of the ocean, mainly to listen to the situation of underwater ships, and then transmit data back to US military bases.

The U.S. military's throwing sonar equipment is small, but most of them can form a detection network, and the concealment is also very good, even if it is only a simple device, although it is not enough compared with the large sonar base array.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

However, the main thing is that the operation is flexible, and it can also be thrown at will, if there is a large number of sonar hovering in a certain water, then it is very likely that there is some kind of target driving underwater.

In this regard, the Chinese side did not let it be released at will, and on the way, our coast guard also salvaged some of them, and even brought them back to the research institute for analysis.

Perhaps later, a counter-mission could be carried out by throwing sonar buoys that transmit false signals, so that the US side receives false messages, or the sonar around it loses the ability to listen and monitor.

At present, the situation in the South China Sea is still dominated by China, and even if the US side intervenes, it is more of a behind-the-scenes operation, so it is generally China and the Philippines that cause conflicts, while the US side pays more attention to interests and considerations, so it will not rashly confront China.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

The US MQ-9 was deployed in the Philippines, and the provocation was refuted by China

At present, the US MQ-9 is deployed in the US military base in the Philippines, and as long as there is action on the Chinese side, it will assist the Philippines in building momentum near the South China Sea and provide it with a large amount of underwater and air intelligence.

It is also with these data that the Philippines has more confidence to provoke China all the time, and when the conflict between China and the Philippines broke out, President Marcos Jr. also claimed internationally that China was the first to provoke it.

Judging from the photos and videos released by our side, the facts are obviously diametrically opposed: first the Philippine side provoked first, and then China sent the coast guard to drive them away, and during this period, the Philippines threatened them with guns.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

Not only in the South China Sea, but now the United States continues to purchase similar sonar buoy equipment in the international arena in order to monitor the oceans around the world, obtain more hydrological data, and then better implement its hegemonic behavior.

Recently, in the waters of the South China Sea, it is more like a "public performance", and the sonar buoys that have been dropped have not been put into use, just to attract the attention of more countries under the watchful eyes of China.

In particular, it sends a signal to the Philippines that the United States is clearly standing on the Philippine side's position and thus maintaining tensions in the region.

In the South China Sea, China has gained the upper hand again, US fighter jets have broken in, China has seized sonar, and the analysis of disintegration has emerged

Tactics have broken the US reconnaissance network, and the situation in the South China Sea will change in the future

In the South China Sea, China has conducted many military exercises here, including the dispatch of ships such as the 055 drive and the 052D destroyer, which are valuable data from the perspective of the United States.

That's why we pay so much attention to the launch of such sonar buoys, but this also reminds us that when they are put in, they will be salvaged again, and then study the follow-up tasks.

In the past, most of the sonar equipment was acquired by fishermen by accident, but now the Chinese side has begun to make it one of the tasks, as long as the Chinese side monitors it, it will be salvaged first.

This has a certain effect on the follow-up counter-investigation, although the situation in the South China Sea has not stopped, but it is feasible to let the other side obtain false information or detect less data.

At that time, neither the US nor the Philippines will be able to truly detect China's real intelligence, and the US intelligence network will be further weakened.

Reference materials "What is the detector that the US military has dropped in the South China Sea, monitoring nuclear submarines, and it is intended to be a sharp weapon in China's oceans" "What is the purpose of the U.S. military's probes in the South China Sea, revealing the intent of underwater surveillance and jamming" "U.S. military aircraft dropped an unidentified object in the South China Sea, there is a suspicious detail"