
Notice on doing a good job in the enrollment and admission of counterpart students in 2024

author:Shuozhou release

In order to do a good job in the enrollment and admission of secondary vocational school graduates in Shanxi Province in 2024, and ensure that the admission is fair, just, standardized and orderly, in accordance with the spirit of the "Notice of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Counterpart Advancement of Secondary Vocational School Graduates in 2024" (Jin Jiao Zhicheng [2023] No. 21), the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows, please follow them.

1. Admission organization and responsibilities

This year, Shanxi Province's counterpart enrollment and admission work is organized and implemented by the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center. During the admission period, an admission leadership group will be set up to be fully responsible for the organization and management of the admission work, regulate and control the admission progress, approve the adjustment plan of the institution, determine the principle of submission, issue submission instructions, and deal with major problems and emergencies in the admission process.

The admission leadership group consists of a comprehensive management group, a system management group, a plan management group, an admission review group, a consultation and reception group, and a supervision group.

(1) The comprehensive management team is responsible for the comprehensive coordination and safety and security work during the admission period; Responsible for the publicity of admissions policies and admission-related information, organizing meetings, processing documents, and stamping admission seals; Responsible for the collection of enrollment fees and other matters; Responsible for the logistics support during the admission period.

(2) The system management team is responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of the on-site computer system and the Shanxi Enrollment Examination Network, as well as the security and confidentiality work, and provides technical services for the admission staff; Responsible for collecting candidates' volunteer information; Responsible for the implementation of the leadership group's submission instructions, the release of candidates' electronic files, and the printing of the admission roster; Responsible for information statistics during the admission period; Manage the query system of Shanxi Enrollment Examination Network and update data in a timely manner; Responsible for publishing the solicitation of volunteer information on the Shanxi Admissions Examination Network; Responsible for reporting admission data to the Ministry of Education on time; Responsible for explaining and replying to the work involving information and other aspects in the work of letters and visits.

(3) The plan management team is responsible for reviewing and adjusting the enrollment plan of the institution, implementing the instructions of the adjustment plan, and counting the completion of the plan by the institution.

(4) The admission review team is responsible for supervising the completion of the enrollment plan of the institutions, and supervising and inspecting and reviewing whether the colleges and universities enroll students in accordance with the policies and regulations of Shanxi Province on enrollment and admission; Review cut-offs; Responsible for the contact and communication with the enrollment institutions, and coordinate the admission progress of each institution, as well as the reading and withdrawal of files; Approve and record the admission roster of colleges and universities, and go through the admission approval procedures.

(5) The consultation and reception team is responsible for receiving and replying to visits, letters, and phone calls from candidates and parents.

(6) The supervision group is responsible for supervising and inspecting the implementation of enrollment policies, regulations and work discipline by the admission staff, and preventing all kinds of violations.

II. Principles and Methods of Admission

(1) Strictly implement the enrollment plan issued by the Provincial Department of Education, and adhere to the principles of comprehensive assessment of morality, intelligence and physical fitness, merit-based admission, and fairness, justice, openness and transparency.

(2) Implement the admission system of "the school is responsible for the recruitment and supervision". For candidates who have passed the ideological and moral assessment and physical examination, and whose admission scores have reached the submission line, the institution shall decide whether to admit them, and shall be responsible for the explanation of the candidates who have not been admitted and the handling of other remaining problems. The Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center shall supervise and inspect the implementation of Shanxi Provincial Enrollment Policies and the completion of enrollment plans by enrollment institutions, and correct violations of national enrollment policies and regulations.

(3) The admission is divided into three batches: the first batch of ordinary undergraduate colleges, the second batch of private undergraduate colleges and junior college (higher vocational) colleges. When admitting undergraduate colleges, the minimum control line for admission shall be delineated for each major category according to the ratio of 1:1 to the planned number of enrollments, and the admission institutions will select the best candidates according to their grades and preferences on the minimum control score line for admission to each major category. After the undergraduate admission is completed, the admission to the junior college (higher vocational) college will be carried out. When admitting junior college (higher vocational) colleges, exempt students and retired soldier candidates will be given priority in the announced enrollment plan, and then the minimum control line for the admission of junior college (higher vocational) colleges and universities in each professional category will be delineated, and the candidates will be selected by the recruiting institutions according to their grades and wishes. For majors with insufficient students, the enrollment plan can be adjusted.

(4) Implement the parallel voluntary application and admission mode for counterpart admission. According to the "among candidates, scores are preferred; Candidates volunteer, follow the principle of "order", first divide the professional category to sort the candidates according to the score from high to low, and then on the minimum control line of admission to each professional category, the candidates will be submitted one by one in order; When a candidate is filed, the computer retrieves a plurality of parallel volunteers filled in by the candidate in turn, and when a certain volunteer filled in by the candidate is retrieved and there is a vacancy, the candidate's file is put into the volunteer college.

The ranking rules for the results of candidates in each professional category are as follows:

Candidates who have passed the vocational skills examinations of information technology, processing and manufacturing, civil engineering and water conservancy, transportation, resources and environment, petrochemical industry, planting and horticulture, aquaculture, medicine-related, nursing, finance and commerce, judicial services, tourism services, culture and media, and education shall be ranked according to the total score of the candidates' cultural quality from high to low; If the total score of cultural quality is the same, the order of the individual subject score is from high to low, and the order of the individual subject score is Chinese, mathematics, and English.

Candidates who pass the foreign language oral test will be ranked according to the total score of the candidate's cultural quality from high to low; If the total score of the candidate's cultural quality is the same, the results of the individual subjects will be sorted from high to low, and the order of the individual subject scores is English, Chinese, and mathematics.

Fine arts, music, dance, and performance are ranked from high to low according to the candidates' professional test scores on the minimum control line of the total score of cultural quality; If the professional test scores are the same, they will be sorted from high to low according to the total score of cultural quality and the score of individual subjects, and the order of ranking is the total score of cultural quality, Chinese, mathematics, and English.

(5) In order to strictly implement the relevant national admission regulations and effectively maintain the normal order of enrollment, the admissions department shall not apply for withdrawal or transcribe to other colleges and universities after the candidates have submitted their files according to their wishes.

(6) When admitting students, the recruiting institutions shall strictly implement the "Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment in Ordinary Colleges and Universities" issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation.

3. Admission procedures and job requirements

(1) The counterpart uses the WebST secure client software and the software of "National Online Admission System for College Enrollment - College Subsystem (2012 Edition)" for remote admission. The information required for the institution to log in to the server will be sent separately.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Key Project", all enrollment institutions must use the institution key to admit students. All colleges and universities should conduct online login tests with the server of the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center in a timely manner to check whether the network is unblocked; whether the hardware equipment meets the requirements; Whether the security client software and the college admission subsystem are installed correctly. If you have any problems logging in, please contact the Provincial Admissions and Examination Management Center.

(2) The first batch of undergraduate colleges and universities will start to admit students on July 16, and the enrollment institutions will download the admission information of new students and conduct admission review. The admission time of the second batch of undergraduate colleges and junior colleges (higher vocational) colleges will be notified separately.

(3) After downloading the data, the enrollment institutions should carefully check the enrollment plan, and if there is any error, contact the provincial enrollment examination management center in time.

(4) Reading, defiling and review. Enrollment institutions must download the candidates' electronic files within the specified time for reading, determine the list of pre-admitted candidates and pre-withdrawn candidates, and then submit them to the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center for review. Institutions that fail to complete the relevant links within the specified time requirements shall contact and communicate with the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center in a timely manner; For colleges and universities that do not communicate in a timely manner, refuse to contact them without reason, or deliberately delay time, the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center will end the admission according to the number of enrollment plans and admission rules of the relevant colleges and universities according to the electronic files of the candidates issued.

(5) Voluntary reporting. In the admission process of each batch of colleges, due to the imbalance of candidates' filling in their volunteers, as well as the vacancies caused by individual candidates giving up the opportunity to admit, they will be publicly recruited in the "Shanxi Admissions Examination Network" in a timely manner, and according to the results and volunteers, from high to low.

(6) Admission review. The enrollment institutions will submit the list of candidates to be admitted to the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center, and form a database of admitted candidates after review and confirmation, and print the admission roster accordingly, and stamp the "Shanxi Provincial Admissions and Examination Committee Counterpart Admission Special Seal". Institutions issue admission letters based on the admission roster.

(7) Candidates' files are electronic files and paperless media files. Institutions shall download and print the electronic files of candidates in accordance with the relevant procedures, and affix the seal of the recruiting institution.

(8) The enrollment fee for counterpart admission to higher education shall be implemented by the Provincial Price Bureau and the Provincial Department of Finance (Jin Price Xingzi [2004] No. 191) documents, and the enrollment fee standard is 30 yuan per student. Before August 30, each enrollment institution shall remit the enrollment fee directly to the Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center according to the regulations (indicate the "name of the remittance institution" and the "counterpart enrollment fee" in the remarks column of the remittance form).

Bank: Taiyuan Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Dayingpan Branch

Account number: 0502121809026309973

Line number: 102161000210

Beneficiary unit: Shanxi Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center

Fourth, the policy of reward and care

Candidates who have won the first, second and third prizes in each competition of vocational college skills competition (secondary vocational group) will be given 40 points, 30 points and 20 points respectively in the total score of cultural quality; Candidates who won the first, second and third prizes in the province will be given 20 points, 15 points and 10 points respectively in the total score of cultural quality.

Candidates who have won the national grade award and the first prize of the province in the vocational college skills competition (secondary vocational group) can apply for exemption from the examination to study in the corresponding professional college (higher vocational) college; If you are not admitted to an undergraduate college, you can apply for exemption from the examination to study in a junior college (higher vocational) college of the corresponding major, which is chosen by the candidate.

The above policies are valid for awards won from July 2021 to May 2024.

Retired soldiers who are self-employed are given 10 points to their overall score of cultural literacy. Children of martyrs and retired servicemen who have been awarded second-class meritorious service (inclusive) or above during their service or who have been awarded honorary titles by units at or above the military region (inclusive) will have 20 points added to the total score of cultural quality.

Retired soldier candidates who have passed the vocational skills examination can enjoy extra points to participate in the admission of undergraduate colleges, and can also be admitted to the junior college (higher vocational) college they fill in without the cultural quality test.

If the same candidate meets multiple conditions for extra points, only the highest one can be used for extra points, and no accumulation will be made. All candidates who have obtained the qualification for extra points and exemption from examination shall be subject to the competition documents announced by the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education, and the list of qualified candidates with extra points shall be reviewed and publicized on the "Shanxi Admissions Examination Network".

5. Enrollment discipline

All enrollment colleges and universities should vigorously implement the "Sunshine Project", strictly enforce the discipline of enrollment work, prevent all kinds of violations, and maintain the fairness and justice of enrollment. All enrollment staff must strictly implement the policies and regulations of Shanxi Province for enrollment and admission, strictly implement the enrollment plan, strictly implement the work system and procedures, strictly implement the Ministry of Education's "30 prohibitions" enrollment ban, and earnestly implement the "ten disclosures" of enrollment information, disclose relevant information in a timely manner, and accept the supervision of candidates, schools and society. At the same time, strict management of candidates' information, through strict work authority, regular verification and other measures, to prevent information leakage and tampering. Those who violate the discipline of enrollment and admission work shall be severely dealt with in accordance with the "Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations" and the "Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities".

Source: Shanxi Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center


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