
Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

author:Little Pudding reads all kinds of books

ISTANBUL, June 30 (Sputnik) -- Ozgul Özgül, leader of Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party, said he hopes to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Russia.

For Erdogan, it is certainly not good news, this man is his biggest opponent! Even if he doesn't run for president in 2028, it's definitely not good news for his party!

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

In an interview with Turkish journalist Arteli, Özel said: "Next week, I plan to attend the Congress of Leaders of the European Socialist Party in Bucharest. Meetings with European leaders are planned, but we will also travel to Russia and China. We will meet with Putin and have received an invitation to travel to China and Brazil, where we will meet President Lula. ”

Earlier, the Turkish Post newspaper quoted Ozel as saying: "I think Turkey's balanced position on relations between Ukraine and Russia is correct." Turkey has taken a position in support of Ukraine's territorial integrity and assumed the obligation of a mediator in lieu of sanctions against Russia. Turkey did not accept the sanctions imposed by the United States. I believe that the application of the Montreux Convention (a convention that does not allow warships to enter the Turkish Straits) and other measures is the right thing to do. ”

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

For Erdogan, it is certainly not happy to see the opposition in such a big way! When visiting China and Russia, he has to meet Putin, which is like his meeting with Zelensky, which has an impact on Putin!

I can only say that the political scene in Turkey has changed a lot, and Erdogan is very difficult!

The Turkish opposition won the place, and the ruling party was unstable

In the national local elections held in Turkey on March 31, local time, the main opposition Republican People's Party won a major victory, and the ruling party was a bit miserable!

Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has won unprecedented victories over the ruling party led by Erdogan in 36 cities, including 14 major cities including the capital Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya.

Erdogan's Justice and Development Party won 24, a fiasco in almost 20 years.

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

According to Turkish media, this is indeed an unexpected and surprising result. In his defeat speech, President Erdogan admitted that this was not the outcome his party hoped for, and promised to engage in "self-criticism" and correct mistakes.

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

This result is somewhat difficult for Erdogan to accept. The decline in the ruling party's support rate is actually an indisputable fact, just look at last year's election, Erdogan almost capsized in the gutter, which frightened the ruling party.

The big victory in this local election is a surprise for the opposition Republican People's Party of Turkey! Everyone is looking ahead to a future presidential election in which his party will regain its rule over the country.

For the Middle Eastern sultan, Liu Bang's song describes him very much.

The bird flies high, and it flies thousands of miles in one fell swoop. Yu Xi has been completed, across the four seas. Across the four seas, when there is nothing to do, although there is a forgiveness, Shang An is done.

My time of belonging to me is over, and now he has to admit that he is not as strong as he used to be

The opposition coming to power is not good for Russia, and China's attitude is to see

This opposition party, their thinking may be a bit pro-Western, and just because he went to Russia to meet with Putin this time does not mean that they will take a neutral line.

To some extent, it may be that Erdogan is more favorable to Russia, and he does not easily take sides between Russia and the United States.

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

For China, whoever comes to power in Turkey will not have much impact on China.

Erdogan has always described him as a chameleon, and there is no stable direction in foreign policy.

And with the help of the game between the great powers, he constantly reaped the benefits for Turkey and himself, which is his goal.

Like when NATO recruited Finland and Sweden to join the alliance, Erdogan did not cut off the money, and this time Dutch Prime Minister Rutte ran for NATO secretary general, and he also took a cut from it.

Our China's impression of Turkey should not be very good, and many people should be impressed by what the Liaoning aircraft carrier experienced when it came over before.

There is also a certain province on the border of China, I like to point fingers, originally this matter has nothing to do with Turkey, but I didn't expect him to like to interfere at every turn.

He thinks he is a descendant of the Turks, but he doesn't know that he may be an impostor.

Comment, what does this place have to do with Turkey, is it too long.

He has always wanted to engage in some kind of Turkism, so he has reached out to us, which is also very disgusting.

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

Like he has fought against Kurdish workers' armed forces many times before, he has even broken into other countries to do things, occupied the territory of other countries, and dictated to Sweden as he wants.

Don't do to others, why don't you reflect on yourself? Now Turkey has been in the midst of a currency crisis, the economic inflation rate is so high, the price is expensive to death, and there is still the mood to care about the affairs of other countries.

Turkey has offered to détente relations with Syria in the hope of winning a game

The defeat in the local elections also led to a change in Turkey's foreign policy, which proposed to ease relations with Syria.

Syria and Turkey already share the border, and Turkey now occupies about 5% of Syria's territory. When the Syrian civil war was in place before, this product did not make a lot of war money.

vigorously supported the opposition, and also shouted that Assad must step down, but he didn't expect Assad to step down, he was about to step down.

Now his support in Turkey is declining, which also makes him have to make changes, and détente with Syria should be a policy and strategy.

We all know that Erdogan has a great power dream, and wants to restore the former "Ottoman Empire", a multi-ethnic empire established by the Turks.

Look at the territory, the area is really big enough.

In Europe, it includes 11 countries, including Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Greece and Montenegro.

The Asian part includes 14 countries and regions, including Turkey (across the Eurasian continent), Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait.

In Africa, it includes five countries, including Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Putin has not yet visited Turkey, and the opposition is going to visit! No wonder Tuti reconciled with Syria, for fear that the backyard would be copied

But I forgot one thing, even in the scenery, it is the past. Now Turkey, with only one-seventh of the territory of the Ottomans back then, how can it be compared.

Sometimes your strength is not worthy of being ambitious enough, and it is easy to become a big joke.

brief summary

A word should be said about the strength of the opposition in connection with the current situation facing Turkey. Compared to the past, it has grown a lot, and the opposition leader is relatively young, which should also give many voters hope.

The only thing that may be interesting is how it will take its foreign policy, which is worth watching.

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